I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 61: Big insomnia


"Miao Miao is not good..."

This small voice made Teacher Li's heart break. He patted her head and said, "It's okay, mom will be back soon."

Miao Miao hummed, "Mom said there are still a few days."

Teacher Li thought in his heart that if this is the case, the problem should not be too big.

At this time, the class bell rang, and Teacher Li returned to the blackboard.

Zhou Yuan felt a little strange, feeling that Teacher Li and Miao Miao were not talking about the same thing, but just working overtime. Why did Teacher Li have such a complicated expression.

When school was over in the afternoon, Miao Miao still sat in her seat, waiting for her grandma to pick her up.

Because my mother has to work overtime, my grandma must be here to pick me up.

But the classmates left one by one, and grandma hadn't come yet.

Miao Miao stood on the stool and looked out to see when grandma would come.

Zhou's father was waiting at the door. His son hadn't come out yet. What were he doing today? Why didn't he come out

Zhou Yuan looked at Miao Miao next to her, and comforted her, "Grandma is getting older and walks a bit slower, so don't worry Miao Miao."

Miao Miao hummed, got off the stool again, and wiped the stool.

After a while, grandma came here panting. In the afternoon, she went to the hospital early when she saw the time, but when she came back, she was stuck in a traffic jam.

When I came over, I saw Miao Miao and a child coming out holding hands.

Miao Miao also saw her grandma, "Grandma, walk slowly... Miao Miao is not in a hurry." Occasionally she likes to call herself Miao Miao when she speaks by herself.

Grandma looked at her, "Grandma is late."

When they reached the school gate, Zhou's father, Zhou Yuan, separated from Miao Miao and Miao Miao's grandmother.

As soon as they separated, Zhou's father couldn't help but said, "Boss, I began to think that what your mother said was right, you still have to play with children of the same age to have friendship."

Zhou Yuan: "..."

Father Zhou continued, "I'm serious. By the way, we're making money again."

Zhou Yuan: "..."

Father Zhou: "I heard that the University of Political Science and Law in our city accepts students with double majors."

Zhou Yuan finally spoke, "You decided to send me to the University of Political Science and Law?" Zhou Yuan did not plan to study Fa.

Father Zhou: "I want to say that their minor courses are two days in the evening and on weekends."

Zhou Yuan said, "But I am not ready to study the Fa."

"Have you ever seen a seven or eight-year-old kid who decides what he wants to learn?" Zhou's father smiled, "Go study the Fa first, and make sure what things you can't touch." Zhou Yuan is helping him with stock trading recently. , All the way up, he feels that education needs to be strengthened.

Zhou Yuan: "...do you think my mother will be willing?"

Father Zhou smiled, "It's okay, didn't she say that you will be allowed to go to college next semester? Then you can minor in a double degree."

Zhou Yuan: "..."

Miao Miao is also thinking about going to college at this time, because Zhou Zhou said that she has to go to college to go to work with her mother and work overtime together.

Miao Miao just wanted to stay by her mother's side.

Grandma is telling Miao Miao about Hua's mother's college entrance examination.

After listening, Miao Miao realized that it would take many, many years.

Grandma said that Miao Miao can go to university in only 11 years.

Miao Miao thought about it, she is now seven years old, which means seven years, that is to say, 11 years is longer than her entire life.

Miao Miao thought it was too long.

Because Mama Hua "worked overtime", she didn't go out to dance in the square at night. After all, grandma had to take care of grandma and Miao Miao alone, which was a bit troublesome.

So after Miao Miao finished her homework, she was stuffed into the bed.

Grandma originally wanted to let Miao Miao sleep with her, but Miao Miao slept in her own room because her mother was coming back.

In Miao Miao's view, working overtime is the same kind of overtime that her father used to do. She came back very late every night and left very early in the morning.

She still has to come back to sleep on the way, so Miao Miao has to sleep in her own room. When her mother comes back, she can see Miao Miao and sleep with Miao Miao.

Grandma had no choice but to let her go. She just paid special attention, locked the door from the inside, and closed all the windows on the window sill.

Immediately afterwards, she sent a text message to Hua's mother, "Miao Miao is very good, she is not making trouble, she is already sleeping."

When Mother Hua saw the text message, she was not surprised. Miao Miao has always been a good child and never caused trouble to adults. It is precisely because of this that she is very distressed.

Miao Miao lay on the bed, and sat up after her grandma left. She didn't want to sleep, but waited for her mother to come back.

I miss my mother, I miss my mother.

A small night light was turned on in the room, and the pale yellow light made people drowsy.

Miao Miao sat on the head of the bed and dozed off.

After hitting, her body fell sideways, which woke Miao Miao up suddenly. There was a thick carpet under Miao Miao's bed, so she didn't fall down.

When Miao Miao realized this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then found that her mother hadn't come back yet.

Already very sleepy, Miao Miao wants to sleep, but she still wants to separate the upper eyelid from the lower eyelid with her little finger, don't sleep, don't sleep, because she fell asleep last night, so she didn't know when her mother came back...

Miaomiao felt hazy about everything, but she slowly heard the sound of cocks crowing in the community, oh oh oh, dogs barking, woof woof...

I don't know how long it took, but someone came to open the door of her room. Miao Miao sat up, and shouted in surprise, "Mom!"

"It's grandma. Miao Miao got up to have breakfast. We are going to school. Mom came back for a while last night and went to work again this morning. Do you want to call mom?"

Because I didn't sleep all night last night, my little head was already a mess. Now that I heard this sentence, I was full of tears and said in a crying voice, "No... no..."

Grandma was frightened, so she hurried over and hugged Miaomiao, "What's wrong? Nothing?"

Miao Miao's eyes were wide open, bloodshot eyes were already present, and big drops of tears fell down, "Mom... didn't come back..."

Grandma just saw her eyes, combined with what she said, "Miao Miao... didn't you sleep all night last night?"

For a child who sleeps 12 hours a day, it is unbelievable to go without sleep all night.

Grandma can't do anything now, of course the most urgent task is to let her sleep.

Grandma hugged Miao Miao, "Miao Miao has to sleep."

Miao Miao was crying, her eyes hurt a little, "Miao Miao can't sleep..."

"I'll call your mother." Grandma didn't want to tell Mother Hua at first, for fear that she would be worried, but now she has to tell her. Otherwise, if she doesn't sleep for a day or two, how can her body survive.

When Mother Hua heard it, her heart ached and she wanted to rush back, "Give the phone to Miao Miao."

Grandma called and said that Miao Miao hadn't slept all night and was waiting for Hua's mother to come back. When she said this, Miao Miao was beside her.

She felt as if she had done something wrong, and when she took the phone, she felt aggrieved and sad, and cried, "Mom... I didn't stay awake on purpose..."