I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 71: Big things


Papa Hua put the fruit he bought aside, and Papa Zhou and Mama Zhou chatted with Papa Hua.

Miao Miao held the flower and handed it to Zhou Zhou.

Usually when I go to the hospital to see a patient, I bring some fruits and flowers. I only bought fruits, but there is a flower shop next to it, so Papa Hua bought some flowers for Miao Miao to hold.

There was a very bad smell in the hospital. When she came last time, she had her mother by her side, and her thoughts were all on her, so Miao Miao didn't feel it much, but now she felt that the smell was very uncomfortable.

Zhou Yuan couldn't help coughing again, Miao Miao took off his shoes, climbed onto the hospital bed, and rubbed his back.

Then asked him in a low voice, "Did you cough because the smell here is not good?"

Miao Miao felt like coughing when she smelled the hospital.

Zhou Yuan originally wanted to say that it was because of a cold, but after thinking about it, he had to explain why he coughed when he caught a cold, so he simply nodded, because he coughed because of the smell of the hospital.

Zhou Yuan also knew that he probably caught a cold because of the cold wind blowing when he woke up last night, and because he didn't sleep in the second half of the night.

This is because he didn't sleep in the second half of the night last night. He is now in a state of wanting to sleep but unable to sleep, but extremely sleepy.

Zhou Yuan refused to admit that his state came from what he heard in the legal history class yesterday.

If you admit it, wouldn't you be admitting that you are really just a child? Like other children, even things in this kind of books can be frightened.

Miao Miao heard him say that she coughed because she smelled bad from the hospital, so she rolled up her sleeves, revealing a section of her arm. Her arm was a little fleshy now, with scars on it. It's still there, but Zhou Yuan, who is at the same table, has long been used to these things.

Miao Miao passed her hand to Zhou Yuan, "It's delicious."

She has to wipe off the scar cream every morning and night. The scar cream smells very good, it is fruity, and today it is strawberry.

Miao Miao withdrew her hand, smelled it herself, and felt that she was delicious, and said to Zhou Yuan, "Smell, do I look like a little strawberry?"

As she spoke, she moved her hand to Zhou Yuan's nose again.

The faint strawberry sweetness is indeed like a small strawberry.

The adults did not participate in the entertainment of the two children, so they were allowed to talk by themselves.

Here, Papa Hua mentioned yesterday's house hunting.

Father Zhou said, "There is a house in our community that seems to be selling a house, which is quite in line with your requirements. But it is some distance from the school."

Zhou's mother looked at the two children talking together with small heads over there, and said, "It doesn't matter, the two of us will discuss it at that time, and we can just go there when we pick up and drop off the children. If we really live in the same community It’s pretty good, but you still have to go and have a look first to see if the house meets your requirements.”

Papa Hua thought about it for a while, and it was indeed convenient, so he agreed, asked for the phone number of the family, and planned to go and have a look.

Miaomiao and Zhou Zhou were also looking for a house yesterday, because this was the most interesting thing during the time when they didn't meet each other.

"That aunt is very nice and brought me candies."

"A bit sour."

"Our first house had a big yard, but my dad said their floor was too low and it was a bit damp..."

As Miao Miao was talking, Zhou Zhou who was next to her had already smelled the smell of strawberries and fell asleep.

Miao Miao was stunned for a moment, then stopped talking, feeling a little pity in her heart, she still had a lot of things that she didn't tell Zhou Zhou.

Miao Miao had to leave before Zhou Zhou woke up, and her mother was waiting for her to go back to eat at home.

Zhou Yuan dreamed of many, many strawberries in his dream, but this time he did not have a nightmare.

When she woke up, she found that Miao Miao had left, and Zhou's mother sat over, "Isn't it better to play with your peers?"

People say that the older you get, the more lonely you become. This sentence is not unreasonable. The older a person is, the more things he cares about himself, and the more things he needs to carry. Friendship.

What's more, Zhou Yuan's appearance is still just a child, and it's really not likely to meet good friends who come to play together among a group of college students.

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment, then said, "I think college life is pretty good."

Zhou's mother said, "Then if you really go to college, you won't be able to play with that kid just now, and you won't have a common language by then."

"It's as if there is a common language now." Zhou Yuan said.

Mother Zhou: "..." The two little heads were so close just now, weren't they chatting

Miao Miao has already heard from her father that she can live in the same community as Zhou Zhou.

"The Steamed Bun Thief No. 222!" Miao Miao still remembered the address of Zhou Yuan's house.

Father Hua also remembered that Miao Miao had actually been to Zhou Yuan's community back then, and thought that he could discuss it with his wife when he went back. If the conditions were really met there, he could move there.

Although Miao Miao hadn't visited the house yet, she was very happy. Early the next morning, she told Zhou Yuan who came to school about it.

"Zhou Zhou, we can be in the same community in the future."

Zhou Yuan hummed.

Miao Miao continued, "We can go dancing together then."

Zhou Yuan: "..." Originally, they are not too far away now, after all, they go to the same elementary school, and he can come here for a walk after dinner for a while.

Miao Miao is so happy, she has always liked Zhou Yuan very much, so it is also very happy to be able to come to school with Zhou Yuan in the same community every day, and go home after school together in the afternoon.

Just like Jingjing and Deng Feng, they come to school and go home together every day.

But Jingjing and Deng Feng often quarrel, Miao Miao is not prepared to quarrel with Zhou Yuan.

They want to have a good relationship, always good.

Miao Miao is really very happy, the more she thinks about it, the happier she becomes.

But she also remembered that Zhou Zhou was sick, so she brought a pot of hot water from home specially for Zhou Zhou to drink, because he had a cold, so he had to drink more hot water.

Zhou Zhou looked at Hua Miaomiao's pink kettle with cat ears, and saw her looking at him expectantly, as if drinking two more sips of hot water would heal her cold.

Because of a cold, he came to school wearing a mask. He often wears a mask, so everyone is used to it.

Zhou Yuan took off his mask, but still took a sip of the hot water Miao Miao brought.

"My father said that you will get better soon." Miao Miao said.

In fact, it was also like this, Zhou Yuan recovered from his cold the next day, and he didn't have any nightmares anymore, but he didn't tell anyone about it from the beginning to the end.

He also discovered a problem, that is, strawberries are really good fruits.

On the other hand, Dad Hua went to see the house that Dad Zhou mentioned, and it indeed met all his requirements. Not only that, but also a sun room and a sky garden, where the previous owner said that flowers and vegetables could be grown there.

And the reason why the owner sold the house was because his son went to other places to develop well, and he took the old couple in, so he sold the house here.

Papa Hua is really satisfied with this house. After discussing it with Mama Hua, he decided to buy it.

But various procedures and other jobs take time to move over.

When Miao Miao came home, she heard the adults say that she was going to move in a while.

And it was moved to Zhou Zhou's community, that is to say, in the future, he could really go to school with Zhou Zhou and go home after school.

Miao Miao was so happy that she ate an extra bowl for dinner, and then she could go to Zhou Zhou's house to do her homework! You can also let Zhou Zhou come to their house to play together.

Miao Miao called Zhou Yuan to share the good news. Zhou Yuan saw Miao Miao's caller ID and didn't answer it.

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother fought outside because Zhou's mother flipped through the law books that Zhou Yuan brought back, and happened to find Zhou Yuan's notes on the history of the legal system.

Zhou's mother was very frightened. How could she not be angry when she told him about these punishments for such a young child!

Father Zhou feels that the history of the legal system is not available for the time being, so he can go and listen to civil law and commercial law.

Zhou Yuan asked, "Why can't I go to the courses I like?"

Zhou Yuan felt that he had always had a good temper these years, really good, completely different from those children who didn't understand their parents' feelings and cried and asked for things.

But now that he had tasted the sweetness of knowledge, he was sure that that kind of life was the life he wanted, and he liked the strangeness, entering a new world, learning something that he didn't know at all.

Instead of spending time in elementary school like now, there is only so long in a lifetime, and he doesn't want to waste it.

Zhou's mother froze for a moment, squatted down, and looked at his stubborn look, maybe she was wrong, Zhou Zhou might be different from her.

She regrets not having a childhood, not having friends who have played with her since childhood like other children, and having good childhood memories.

But Zhou Zhou might really not care about these things.

Zhou Zhou didn't answer the phone, Miao Miao was a bit strange, why didn't she answer the phone

But Miao Miao thought about it, it doesn't matter, anyway, we will meet tomorrow.

Sure enough, when he arrived at school early the next morning, he saw Zhou Yuan sitting in his own seat.

"Zhou Zhou, Zhou Zhou, Dad said that we will live in the same community in the future, and we can go to school together and leave school together!" Miao Miao said happily to Zhou Yuan.

She is now completely different from the little girl at the beginning.

When I first saw her, she would hide behind her mother, not daring to look up at him.

When I greeted him, I didn't dare to look him in the eyes, because I was always out of breath.

It's full of energy now, and I can't remember when it started to change.

Zhou Yuan felt a little sad, but was quickly suppressed by him.

Zhou Yuan said to Miao Miao, "I will change schools next week."

Miao Miao blinked, not quite understanding what it meant.

Zhou Yuan repeated it again, this time Miao Miao finally understood, she thought for a while, and said, "From then on, you don't have to play with us childish children, right?"

Miao Miao still remembered that Zhou Yuan said that he was so smart that he didn't come to elementary school.

Hearing what Miao Miao said, Zhou Yuan said, "You are not a childish child, you are a cute child."

"But you don't like children." Miao Miao wasn't complaining either, she didn't have any negative emotions when she said this, her expression was telling the truth.

Miao Miao thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Then how about it, when I grow up and I am no longer a child, you can play with me and we will go to college together."

Miao Miao still doesn't understand, Zhou Zhou is in college now, so he won't have to go to college in the future.

Zhou Yuan didn't know what to say, but he felt very uncomfortable. This uncomfortable feeling was very similar to when he had a cold.

However, the discomfort of a cold can be solved by taking medicine, but this kind of discomfort cannot.

Jingjing soon found out about this, and Zhou Zhou was leaving, so when get out of class was over, Jingjing took Miao Miao and Deng Feng outside the classroom to discuss important matters.

Zhou Yuan who was asked not to follow: "..." He is not very interested in what the children are discussing, although this matter must have something to do with him.

Zhou Yuan guessed correctly, of course it has something to do with it.

Jingjing said outside, "If Zhou Zhou is leaving, we still have to give him a gift as a souvenir."

Miao Miao nodded, "Then what?"

Jingjing said, "Is there anything he particularly likes?"

"No... I don't know." Deng Feng stammered.

Miao Miao doesn't know what Zhou Yuan likes, but Jingjing still entrusts Miao Miao with this great and glorious task, asking her to find out what kind of gifts Zhou Yuan likes, because Miao Miao and Zhou Yuan have a good relationship, and It is not yet possible to let Zhou Yuan know that they want to buy him a gift, because if he knows, there will be no surprises.

Miao Miao: "..." I couldn't turn my head around.