I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 87: little hug


Originally thought it was because she was naive and clingy that good friends hated her. No one would not mind being hated by good friends.

Miao Miao did not expect that Zhou Yuan would tell her this matter directly.

With tears in her eyes, she wrote two words, "Thank you."

Thank you for taking care of me when I was young, and thank you for saying this sentence when I grow up.

The head teacher didn't come back until the evening self-study was over.

After the evening self-study get out of class was over, when Miao Miao went out, Zhou Yuan walked over beside him, "Do you want to go to the playground?"

Miao Miao originally wanted to go for a walk by herself and relax, but after hearing what Zhou Yuan said, she immediately agreed.

So the two walked side by side on the playground, because it was already evening self-study and get out of class, so there was no one on the playground, even the lights were turned off, but they could still see the road clearly.

"Thank you so much for what you said about your childhood today." Miao Miao spoke first.

"You don't need to thank me." Zhou Yuan said.

Miao Miao remembered what her mother said, "There are many things I need to say thank you to you. My mother said that when I was young, I cheated you of a phone watch and a flat screen."

"I bought it for you." Zhou Yuan suddenly smiled, the corners of his lips curled up, very pampering.

At that time, she was a little child who needed protection very much.

Now she no longer needs protection, and even started to protect others, but he found that... He had a stronger desire to stay than at that time.

Miao Miao was attracted by this smile, she had never seen anyone smile so... Su

Jingjing often says who is so good to Su! Good Sue!

At that time, she couldn't feel it at all, but at this moment, she felt the word unexpectedly.

Miao Miao couldn't help but said, "You smile so well, smile more in the future!"

Zhou Yuan didn't understand Su, but combined with the whole tone and her context, he knew it must be a good word.

Zhou Yuan said, "Then let me smile again, would you tell me what happened today?"

Zhou Yuan pulled his cheeks with his hands while talking, "Smile very sincerely."

It was the first time for Miao Miao to see him do such a naive thing, to see him pull such a Su's face so that he didn't look handsome, so Miao Miao pulled his hand off, "Okay, let me tell you."

Miao Miao pretended not to care and said, "I was told by the teacher in charge that I was too pretentious, making trouble for no reason, not knowing how to behave, being annoying..."

Zhou Yuan's face changed suddenly, Miao Miao didn't notice, but said, "Actually, I also feel uncomfortable, I know they shouldn't do this, but I still feel very uncomfortable."

Miao Miao trusts Zhou Yuan very much, she didn't want to say it at first, but now the atmosphere between the two of them is too relaxed, and she really wants to ask someone, she wants to know that she is right.

Zhou Yuan is smart, precocious, and not easy to spread the matter, so he is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"This matter started from last year's poverty subsidy..." Miao Miao said the whole thing, and finally concluded, "I actually know that I should be right, but I still feel very uncomfortable when I hear her say that. .”

Zhou Yuan held her hand, "You are right, don't take her words to heart."

Miao Miao hummed, and pulled Zhou Yuan to sit beside her. When she sat down, she realized that the two of them were holding hands, and Miao Miao blushed inexplicably.

Then she realized that for herself, they had grown up, but for Zhou Yuan, the relationship between the two of them was still at that time, the children holding hands in the first grade of elementary school.

Miao Miao also wanted someone nearby who could listen to what she said. She didn't want to tell her parents because she didn't want them to worry.

"I just feel sad. I don't think I'm sorry to anyone..." When Miao Miao said this, she glanced at Zhou Yuan and added guiltily, "Except you."

Zhou Yuan was a little strange, "Why are you sorry for me?"

"I'm sorry, there are quite a lot..." He was wronged, and he was forgotten.

"Then have you thought about making up for it?" Zhou Yuan looked at Miao Miao with interest, and when he spoke, his four eyes met.

Miao Miao was quite surprised that Zhou Yuan would still want compensation.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will try my best."

Considering Zhou Yuan's character, it is impossible to make things difficult for her.

Zhou Yuan thought for a while and said, "First, if you encounter something that makes you unhappy, you must solve her."

"This can't be counted as something I did for you, it's my own thing." Miao Miao said, feeling very touched at the same time, "Are there any other life principles that you find useful?"

"I only think of this now, let's talk about this first, by the way, you... Has your friend acted?"

When Miao Miao heard this, "Did you take any action?"

As soon as she said it, she remembered what it was, Deng Feng's secret love for Jingjing.

"I haven't acted yet. I will act again when we go to the hot spring together. By the way, you can give me some more useful methods to increase the chance of success." In fact, Miao Miao felt that after Jingjing and Deng Feng were together, she must also worry about it. .

"You... your friend really likes that person." Zhou Yuan's tone was a little low.

"Actually, I don't understand much. We grew up together, shouldn't we have more family affection?" Just like the three of them, each other's black history is clear.

Anyway, Miao Miao felt that it was impossible for her to like Deng Feng in her whole life. The way he cried when she was a child left a deep impression on her.

Zhou Yuan: "..." I also want to ask this question.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to the dormitory." Zhou Yuan looked at the time and said to Miao Miao.

Miao Miao also looked at the time, it was indeed time to go back.

She got up, but she didn't notice that the next step was the steps. She lost her center of gravity and leaned forward. She felt Zhou Yuan behind her grab her arm, and then put on a warm In the warm embrace.

"There are steps."

When the other party spoke, let her go.