I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 106


For Zhu Jia, this is the most exciting and glorious moment in his life.

Is there anything more remarkable than killing that well-known God-favored Jean Rachel

In this way, even Zelos must not admit his ability. By the way, his knife is really handy.

"Don't let him get away."

Luya and Zhu Jia surrounded Jean Rachel together. She held the opponent's ice sword in her hand, looked at the other's sinister eyes, and couldn't help laughing provocatively, "This is a weapon bestowed by God, only God's will It can only be used by the person who owns it, so you don’t have to worry about being taken away by others, but unfortunately, I am also a person favored by God.”

"You are a fallen woman! You are ashamed of the gift of the great god!"

Letting Leiqie's weapon be taken away, he suddenly flew into a rage, ignoring his blood-losing arm, staring at Luya with blood-red eyes, "You had the opportunity to go back and become a pious priest like your sister, but I didn't expect you to Committing such heinous crimes and having sex with the evil dragon is really ashamed of the kindness of God!"

"How dare you say, when has God been merciful to me? Have you used me as a pawn since birth and thrown it to the opposite continent, waiting for the right time to pave the way for you?"

Lu Ya sneered, "It was never my choice to be the God's Blessed One, but I have to thank you for allowing me to meet Farus. The former Eve Lambda is dead, and now I am Niu Colu Luya."

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Unable to free his powers, Jean Rachel will now have to buy time until the mages of the Order of the Eyes dispel the purple mist that surrounds Duinbrook.

He weighed Zhu Jia's strength. Although the third prince of the empire was still far inferior to his eldest brother after being resurrected as a death knight, but in his current state, the two of them cooperated to kill him more than enough. As long as he casts another light spell, he can kill one of them, but the price also means that he will be decapitated by the other one. No matter what, he has no chance of winning.

How careless... He originally had premonitions. Being able to predict the opponent's actions while fighting can help oneself avoid fatal injuries. In the battle with the evil dragon, he used the battle prediction many times, but he gave up the prediction in the originally sure battle! That cunning woman used such a despicable means to deal with the layout of the gods!

Jean Rachel looked at Zhu Jia who was close to him, gritted his teeth and said,

"Why don't I tell you another secret?"

"I know you want to procrastinate, but tell me first, let me see if this secret is worth giving you more time to finish it."

Luya and Zhujia cornered him, and Jean Rachel realized he was running out of chance. Only when the purple mist that isolated the power of the gods was dispelled, would he have a chance to fight back.

He didn't allow himself to fail, and if he wanted to delay time successfully, he had to pay a corresponding price. He decided to hand over the secret that could interest that woman. He was not afraid that she would know that when he was able to liberate his strength, he would just kill that woman.

"Your sister Estee Lambda will be baptized in a month's time to be the pregnant mother of the Son of the great god Darius. It is a pity that the woman who would have been the womb of the Son will be Lamb Da Da Priest's eldest daughter with better qualifications, but that woman chose to betray."

"… what?"

After hearing the news, Luya couldn't help being taken aback, and frowned speechlessly, "What are you kidding, becoming the fetus that gave birth to the Son of God?? Giving birth to that god's child? What good thing do you think this is?" ?"

I always feel that this trend is very romantic and curious. What's going on? Why can he say it in such a complacent tone

"Isn't it? This is the only chance for human beings to get close to the great God!"

Jean Rachel was very emotional, as if Luya had missed some great opportunity.

"Is this the secret you want to tell me? I'm not interested, I'm going to kill you." Luya said indifferently.

"It's more than that." Jean Rachel said through gritted teeth.

In the original prophecy, Eve Lambda, who had completed her mission, would be brought back to Grandi Continent by Crimson Lotus.

He is an important hero who transformed the Astra empire into a theocracy and merged the two divided continents into one, and will receive the highest reward from the god Darius.

After being baptized by Darius himself, Eve Lambda will be canonized as a prophet, become the eye of the gods, and conceive a son.

The Son's raison d'être is to be a backup vessel for God. Even if it is a god, its lifespan is still limited. Fearing that he would die like the creator, Darius created a clone for himself, that is, his own child born by the most talented saintess as a pregnant mother. At the moment when Darius' body is about to collapse, he will take the body of the Son and realize eternal life.

"Grass! This is the plot of the book!"

That is to say, she will be pregnant by God! Riding on a horse!

Lu Ya couldn't help but uttered a dirty word, it had an inside taste! This god is so despicable!

The most important thing is that the original Eve Lambda grew up with low self-esteem and lacked love. According to the original prophecy of the gods, she was cautious when getting along with the red dragon. Even though the red dragon cherished her and took good care of her, she was still afraid of the red dragon. After being captured to the empire with Red Dragon, and after hearing Honglian tell her the truth about her life experience, Eve almost did not hesitate to turn to the gods, and chose her father who used her as a pawn since she was born , and her younger sister, Estee, who was hostile to her return.

Estee feels that Eve's return will affect her status as the next great priest, and more importantly, she loves the gods. She was raised as a saint from an early age and grew up under the lap of the gods. She prayed devoutly day and night, became God's agent, judged sinners for God, and her love for God reached the point of fanaticism.

The god chose Eve to conceive the son, which made Isti feel extremely jealous, but she did not dare to disobey the god's decision, while overtly and secretly targeting her sister who she thought had taken away the love of the god, and the god Darius Knowing that Isti loves her, she still treats Eve like a lover. After she gave birth to her son, Isti could no longer tolerate her jealousy. She tried to kill Eve, but forgot Eve Has the ability to see. Then the sisters fought, there was no winner, and the two ended up dying together, and God felt no pity about it, getting what he really and only wanted—to be the Son of God in his spare body.

It's a pity that the red dragon became a victim and died for Eve, but never really entered Eve's heart.

ah! Sorry Farus! ! !

Although she knew that the original Eve had nothing to do with her, Luya felt a little broken when she thought that Farus might die. She couldn't bear this kind of future. Fortunately, she came here, thanks to 996.

"Okay, are you done talking? I'll continue to kill you after I finish talking."

This information made her feel even worse. Lu Ya gave Zhu Jia a wink, and the two drew their swords together.

"... wait a minute!"

Jean Rachel also didn't understand what stimulated her. He thought that this woman would regret and waver, but unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect. It will take a little time, he looked at the purple mist in the sky that was gradually thinning, and while using healing magic to stop the bleeding, he continued with a livid face, "One more thing, you want to know why I sniped the evil dragon , collect dragon eyes?"

"I'm interested in this, you say, I can give you a little more time."

Luya knew that Jean Rachel was delaying time, but she decided to continue listening. Now that there is no prophecy book of the gods, it is difficult to know the truth by herself. Fortunately, the god believers in Grandi Continent have a basic rule, which is to restrain them and not lie to their compatriots. He can deceive the heretics, but Luya is still a favored one, so he can't lie to her.

But it would be great if Gutis could be here, he could see through all the secrets of this person in an instant, so there would be no need to waste time.

Jean Rachel looked at Luya bitterly, gritted his teeth and said, "Because your betrayal disrupted God's prophecy, so after the death of the Demon Eye, the gods need to create a new existence that makes you humans fear. That existence must be completely obedient to God, so God will let your sister Isti fuse the eyes of evil dragons to give birth to a holy son, and that holy son will become a brand new demon king, helping God to merge the two continents into one One. Now that Nidhogg's eyes have been sent to the Continent of Gods, it will be the other dragon's turn soon."

They want to create an unprecedented monster.

Luya didn't dare to imagine what kind of monster Isti would give birth to after being conceived by the gods after being conceived by the god. Just thinking about it makes the future of human beings hopeless. This is not just a matter of the destruction of the whole world, I am afraid that even the demons will not be spared. At that time, I am afraid that if you don't play it off, the whole planet will be GG.

"Didn't it mean that Isti's aptitude is not enough? If she is allowed to fuse with longan to give birth to a monster, what will happen to Darius' spare tire body? There is no suitable spare tire?"

Lu Ya felt heavy, she really needed to discuss countermeasures with Gutis.

"This is not something you need to consider. There will always be someone with suitable qualifications. The saint Isti is very willing to get such a reward and become the first fetal organ to conceive a holy son for the great god. Unfortunately, you have no chance , What an honor that would be!"

No, what kind of curiosity is it, right

She really didn't want to listen to the plot of the book anymore, she found that Jean Rachel had been staring at the sky from time to time, probably waiting for something. So she didn't plan to wait any longer, and gave Jean Rachel an ultimatum, "Do you have anything else to say, if not, I will kill you."

just a little bit...

I am afraid there is nothing that can interest her. Jean Rachel was about to delay the last time. When he was about to continue to say something, a ghost hand suddenly fell from the sky. Before Jean Rachel had time to make a sound , The ghost hand directly dragged him into the ground.

Then Luya saw Gutis appearing in the sky above her in a teleportation, he lowered his head and frowned at Luya and Zhu Jia who were full of astonishment, with a slightly displeased look on their faces.

"It's been too long." He said coldly.

The author has something to say: Gudis can't listen to this kind of plot anymore!

In fact, I can write very well, but the last book was on the verge of death, and I was afraid of being locked, and someone reported me ==

Is Guttis attractive? Do you like him? If you like him, bookmark the new article "Dedicating Social Animals to the Devil"!

The world view and story may be slightly modified.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-16 20:00:00~2020-02-22 22:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 raven;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: the one who gave the popsicles, ?, koi pansy, a kappa, aliod, 2 of the five-degree law of mutual generation; Ginger is too spicy, xin 苘, vera 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Silly Meow is also lost today 183 bottles; my super sleepy y 109 bottles; Amanda 100 bottles; 19898946 94 bottles; Xianxiao Mengdi 90 bottles; 77 bottles of Jue; 40 bottles of raven, Xishi; 30 bottles of Mirror, Shiluo, 27222559; 29 bottles of YuKoMa; , Yuan Heying, Hanxing 20 bottles; Ameow, Feng Mingyu 19 bottles; Super Ugly Demon King 18 bottles; 24 Shiyu 16 bottles; 21532338, Linlin 14 bottles; 26229975 12 bottles; the most handsome crow in the world, Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, little genius, fen entropy, Nana, a sweet chestnut, Ah Qi, looking down from the top of the tower, Hu Tudan, Luo Luo Luo Zi, a fat sea, wooden willow in the wind, grass festival, condensed jade jade do not wake up , Guibabababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababa,aliod andJunguiweigui10 bottles;9 bottles of Bushu and Renshen Shencan; Batteries, 7 bottles of one; 6 bottles of pure white; 5 bottles of Ye Miaomiao, Wei Wei, Coffey, 心拍#, Jun Xingcan, 25331939, zyn's summoner; Ye Shenyue, Yunhu Buxi, sizuo, 4 bottles of Amomo and Dongguage; 3 bottles of Hehehehe, Meow~, and Vera; rename it to Dog, Jingjiang, Light Snow, Interstellar Moments, Wuqi, missKing, Yunling, and Yingsui Dongyu; 2 bottles of Tangyuan Sauce, 38030654, Yao*han, Yue Banhu, Cattail Fan, Dean_skyu, Leisurely Knocking Chess, Ye Chuanjing, ss, Silhouette, Big Tail Fox and Sanhua Meow, Baimosheng, 1 bottle of Nanke;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!