I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 131


"So, did you win the battle later?"

The little red dragon cub held in Luya's arms looked up at Luya, as if he had heard the most important part of the story, and asked attentively.

"Nonsense, if we lose, can we still have you, Lu Xiaofa?"

Lu Ya poked Xiaolong Cub's forehead angrily, then shook her head helplessly and said, "Why didn't you inherit your father's wisdom at all? You are so stupid."

The dragon cub was poked to the ground, and its fat short body rolled on the ground, let out a "wow", looking very aggrieved, then got up and continued to ask in a childlike voice.

"Then what happened then, how did you win?"

"It's a long story. After all, I was not on the battlefield at the time, so I didn't see the most important process. Your godfathers only briefly described the situation at that time."

Lu Ya sighed, and every time she recalled that battle, she felt a thrilling sense of unreality.

What kind of god transformed into the final boss twice, and almost revived her... It all happened!

"The summary is that Darius absorbed all the believers and turned into an unprecedented monster, almost possessing the power to destroy the entire world. But your Gudis godfather is not a vegetarian, he has already arrived at the Darius Society The believers who abandoned him took this step into consideration, so they made a countermeasure. He used all his magic power to temporarily restrain Darius' actions, and then the human hero chosen by the sword became a godslayer, beheaded the gods, and became A godslayer as prophesied."

In the end, Gudis also extracted the soul of Darius who wanted to escape to her to be resurrected from her body, and used enough energy to blow him to pieces, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

She did not witness what kind of fierce battle it was. After all, she was not the real protagonist, and the hero who saved the world was never her. But she also chose her own way to save the world.

"What happened after the death of Darius? I heard that Gudis's godfather was seriously injured in that battle and hibernated for a long, long time. Is this the reason?"

The dragon cub listened with relish, and asked excitedly, "By the way, there is also grandpa, that bad guy, has he also become a part of Darius?"

"Oh, no, we didn't give him this chance. Farus burned him to death with a mouthful of dragon flame."

Luya shook her head and said, "After Darius died, all the souls swallowed by him dissipated, and entered another world together with those undead wandering around the world without return."

Today's world no longer needs to be afraid of the night, and there will no longer be those dead spirits that haunt the living in the dark, and people can finally turn off the lights and sleep peacefully. But the empire still kept their tradition of the city that never sleeps, and people couldn't get used to turning off the lights at night in a short period of time, and the lights were always brightly lit no matter day or night.

And I heard that Zelos also canceled the privileges of the nobles, carried out a series of reforms, and transferred some rights to the people. And in order to alleviate the problems of overcrowded living and uneven distribution, the upper city, which originally belonged to the nobles, was directly opened, and many jobs were added. After the empire began to rebuild the destroyed cities and promulgated some favorable policies, many refugees regained hope and confidence in this country, expressing their willingness to return to their hometowns and revitalize the empire.

As for the human ranch, after the power of the ancestor vampire group was destroyed, the human emperor, under the witness of the third-party red dragon, personally negotiated with the demon archduke Gudis. Mutual trust was gained during the cooperation and an armistice agreement was reached. So the pigmen released all the humans in the pasture and transformed the pasture into a plantation. In particular, a young pigman named "Zhu Er Chong", after inheriting his father's ranch, started raising poultry, and the fried chicken chain business is booming.

In addition, the empire also recognized other orc races other than humans. After communicating with the missions of various races, the human emperor and the leaders of all races reached an agreement. On the premise of fairness, justice and mutual respect, Trade with other races has been launched, the trading market for Warcraft has been cancelled, and some special faces can already be seen in the imperial towns today, and people have become accustomed to them.

"Sounds incredible." The dragon cub continued to climb onto Luya, found a comfortable position and lay down.

"By the way, I've always had a question, mom, aren't you a human being? How did I come here? Am I really your and dad's own cub?"

The cub of the red dragon stared at Luya with big round eyes and asked curiously.

"Of course, why do you think so? Don't you play well with the son of the old nun next door, Xiao Ni? Isn't his mother also a human being?"

Lu Ya took a sip of chrysanthemum tea, and Xianyu collapsed on the ergonomic chair. Since the empire and the demons allocated the territory, the mountain where the dragon's nest was located was also assigned to Luya. Gudis also lent her a dwarf construction team to build the unfinished house. Now she has a group of The goblin subordinates are responsible for helping her raise chickens and farm. In addition, she also achieved her long-cherished wish to raise a cat and a real Shiba Inu. Of course, the character of this Shiba Inu is much better than that of the original Dog Prince.

Speaking of which, the human emperor recently agreed to help her launch a satellite to connect to the dragon's nest.

She plans to restart her manga serialization after the Internet is restored, and she must have a beginning and an end when she engages in color, and she can't just be a eunuch. The people of the empire like her works so much, she needs to update more to meet everyone's expectations, and to carry forward her talents in a different world.

"But I always feel that something is wrong! A few days ago, brother Zhu Jia came to deliver the goods for my godfather. He told me how life reproduces, and only the same race can reproduce. There is reproductive isolation between different races."

"...how can he teach little kids these things, it's just so disrespectful."

Luya twitched the corner of her mouth immediately, and began to scold Zhu Jia angrily in her heart, what are you doing talking to the child? What's wrong with him!

"Ah, mom, don't blame him, because I asked Brother Zhu Jia why our cats and dogs have never had children. I really want kittens."

Lu Xiaofa looked at the giant red dragon lying on the carpet suspiciously again, and said with a puzzled face, "Brother Zhu Jia said that male OO and female OO are needed to reproduce, you are so different, how do you do it?" Arrived?"


The red dragon Farus, who was resting on the carpet with his eyes closed, opened his eyes in embarrassment. He fell into a long silence, and he didn't know how to answer this question.

In the end, he thought about it for a long time before he answered rigorously, "Lu Xiaofa, you are indeed the crystallization of the love between me and your mother, you are our son, there is no doubt about it, including your name, it is also yours." Mother made it for you with love."

Although I don't want to question Lu Ya's naming ability, compared to the names given to the two crown princes of the empire, Lu Xiaofa is already considered nice...

"That's not what I asked! What I want to know is, Dad, did you do that to Mom??? It's unimaginable, how did you do it!"


Farus, who tried to change the subject, failed, and fell silent again until the cub of the red dragon was punched by Luya, "Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, you know, why don't you care about learning? Next year I'm going to send you to the demon academy run by your godfather, Grand Duke Gudis, you can improve me a bit, and don't embarrass your father outside."

"Whoa whoa whoa—mother hit me—"

After being reprimanded, the cub wailed loudly, rolling its fat body on the ground, spouting flames from its mouth from time to time, and making a sound.

"I'm just worried! Woohoo... The little girl next door said that we were all picked up from the garbage dump. I don't know how it came from the cubs hatched from dragon eggs! Humans are viviparous, but I came out of the eggshell Yes, am I really Mama's cub?"

Farus became more and more helpless, and when he was considering whether he should answer his son's question, Luya lifted the cub up again.

"Yes, no matter how unbelievable you think, I will always be your mother, and you will have younger brothers and sisters in the future. When you grow up, if you also have a human being you like, I will tell you How did it come here?"

"Hmm, is it true?"

As soon as he heard that he might have a younger brother and younger sister, Lu Xiaofa became energetic all of a sudden, he stopped crying immediately, stared at Luya very excitedly and said, "Then I want someone like Xiaoni Black brother, the black dragon will look very cool!"

"...Then you should ask Zhu Jia about genetics again. If it's a black brother, your father's head will turn green."

Lu Ya sighed helplessly, only Lu Xiaofa still didn't understand what she said, "What does it mean to turn green? Is it the same color as the dragon that a human godfather turned into?"

"... You will understand when you grow up, good boy, go and play by yourself, if you are still curious about that battle, then ask your godfathers."

One-year-old Lu Xiaofa was kicked out of the house because he didn't understand anything, but he soon found new fun and started chasing the flame lizard that appeared in the dragon's nest.

After being unable to hear his movement, Luya lay down on the ground as if collapsed.


Whether it is a human cub or a dragon cub, they are equally annoying.

What she didn't tell the cub was that when being intimate with the dragon clan, the human body will also be affected by the dragon's magic power and start to transform into a dragon, and eventually it will become suitable. Only after the magic power is exhausted will it return to its original state.

Of course, Farus can also use dragon magic to turn into a human being. When they went to the human city together, they were like a pair of loving couples that can be seen everywhere. And the relationship between them has also been blessed by all people and non-human beings.

The birth of this little dragon cub was actually a complete accident.

But in the long enough time in the future, there may be more accidents, who knows

The author has something to say: It's over! It's a very sweet HE!

I've been too tired recently to take a break. I want to write about death and demons in the next book. What do you want to read more

I found that I really want to write supernatural, see you in two months.

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