I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 15



After hearing Luya's request, the red dragon stared at Luya with round eyes in shock, as if he was completely sleepy. novel

After being silent for a long time, it finally spoke out with uncertainty, as if defending itself, a little guilty.

[Why do you make this request? I will go into the lava and cleanse this body.]

It turns out that the red dragon will go to bathe in the magma

Lu Ya was a little surprised, this was an unexpected discovery. Speaking of it, the lava is indeed a high-temperature sterilization, and even if there are parasites on the body, it will die, and it can also dissolve the dirt in the crevices... But even so, there is still a lot of ash on it, and it doesn't look like it takes a bath often!

"The air quality outside is too bad now, and it will be covered with dust after flying around every day. I think I can take a shower before returning to the nest."

Luya raised the brush in her hand without giving up, "Let me help you brush your back!"


The red dragon fell into a long silence. I don't know if it felt embarrassed. Suddenly, it raised its dragon wings and flew away from the dragon's nest.


How did you run away!

Lu Ya waited on the spot for a long time, but she didn't see the red dragon coming back. She felt a little displeased, but she couldn't wait stupidly, so after drinking a bucket of hot spring water, she prepared to clean the dragon's nest with the live broom. Improve the living environment.

When I was about to go back to the den, I saw that the half-dead dog had rushed out of it, and the originally beautiful coat color turned gray.

Lu Ya looked at the dog suspiciously, and found that it was frantically shaking off the dust on its body. She wanted to go into the nest to have a look, but found that the hole was full of dust that had been swept out, piled there like sand.

The live broom had already started working, and it was so smoky inside that Luya had to find an empty pot and pour the dust down the cliff. Anyway, the different world doesn't use garbage sorting, she can dump it casually and no one has a problem.

The dog is still shaking the dust off his body and looks like he wants to take a bath. But Lu Ya doesn't care about the dog now, she herself is also dirty, so let's wash it together later.

After pouring the dust back and forth several times, I finally swept out part of the ash in the dragon's nest. At this time, the red dragon that flew away for no reason finally came back.

It looks radiant and radiates fiery energy. The dust covering its body had completely disappeared, and the scales on its back shone brightly reflecting the blazing sun's rays. The whole dragon looked extremely dazzling, and it looked like a very powerful dragon that was not easy to mess with.

It just went to take a bath, Luya suddenly realized.

It seems that the red dragon seems to care about other people's opinions...


Forget it, just take a shower.

"Very handsome now." Lu Ya praised the red dragon.

The red dragon glanced at Lu Ya, then slowly returned to the original position and lay down on the ground. It continued to doze off as if nothing had happened.

Lu Ya couldn't figure out what the red dragon was thinking, and she always felt that she couldn't understand it even after she had a dragon language translator.

In short, let's continue cleaning first, there are too many things to do today.

I don't know how long the red dragon has lived here. Maybe the size of the dragon restricts it from cleaning its living place. The dust inside seems to be endless. While mopping the floor, Lu Ya had the urge to "move out" several times, but it was really unsafe outside, and she could only feel at ease by staying next to the dragon.

She and the live broom were busy until the sun was about to set, and finally tidied up the nest in a barely decent manner. But that pile of golden treasures is not easy to clean. In fact, Luya hasn't finished digging through it, so I don't know what good things are there. Let's tidy them up another day.

She was dizzy after finishing her work, but luckily the slime kway teow made a lot of weight, when she was about to eat the next bowl of kway teow, she found that the dog had disappeared again.

What's going on? Where did you go

"Rhubarb! Rhubarb!"

"Lu Rhubarb! Where is it? Let's eat!"

While looking for it, Lu Ya shouted the name she had just given the dog, but she was the only voice near the dragon's nest. The red dragon slightly opened its eyelids to look at her, but it didn't seem to be interested in the dog, and closed it again. Close your eyes and continue to rest.

Lu Ya shouted for a long time but did not see the shadow of the dog, so she couldn't help but get angry.

What kind of broken dog, it treats it so well, why does it want to run all day

But having said that, what is it going to do when it wakes up? Shouldn't it be normal to thank the owner who saved it

I always feel that this dog seems to have some goals, and it is a dog with a lot of ideas.

But Luya is still a little lucky, thanks to the fact that she had already put a collar on the stinky dog before it ran away.

She remembered that Old Berg said that it was not an ordinary collar, as long as she put it on, no matter where the target escaped, she could find the other party through the chain.

Time to test it out!

Luya took out the chain and was about to study how to use it, but the chain suddenly seemed to be attracted by some force, and suddenly flew out in one direction with Luya who was holding the chain.

! ? !


wait wait wait! stop now!

Lu Ya felt as if she was being sucked by something, her body was dragged forward and flew a long way, the chain seemed to be stuck to her hand, and she couldn't lose it. She had to call for help from the red dragon, but the red dragon suddenly opened its eyes when it heard her business, and then spread its wings to chase her.

The magical dog leash flew at an extremely fast speed, probably to bring Luya to the side of the target wearing the collar.

The dog seemed to be running down the hill again, and the surrounding trees flew past her side, and she had to be careful not to be dragged flying and bump into the trees at the same time. And even if the red dragon followed closely behind, it couldn't stop Luya, and had to fly parallel with her.

Damn, smelly dog!

After you catch it, you must beat it hard this time!

Luya couldn't help questioning the rationality of this set of equipment when she was in a daze. Why shouldn't the dog fly towards her, but she was pulled to the side of the dog instead

Figure out the master-slave relationship!

But because it is something created by demons, without the supervision of the product manager and the testing of the program, it is not surprising that there are defects in the design that have not been corrected. Luya was dragged away for about ten minutes, and found that she had gradually entered the goblin's habitat.

This is a place similar to a village, not too far from where the dragon lives. When the red dragon appeared, those goblins who were on alert with bows and arrows on their backs immediately scattered and hid in places where they could hide. stand up.

Lu Ya was startled, and couldn't help wondering why the dog ran here

In her memory, even if it was an organized mercenary team, they would not dare to attack the goblin's territory rashly. These creatures are born robbers and like to live in groups. Although the IQ is not high and the fighting ability is low, but the temperament is very fierce, and the nature of the bully will obey the strong, so it is suitable for use as a labor force in death squads or civil engineering projects.

But because they can't get on the table, the high-level demons are more inclined to choose goblins as their labor force, so most of them are scattered in the wild, robbing everywhere like bandits.

Fortunately, I appeared with the red dragon, otherwise, if human women were caught by goblins, they would end badly.

They quickly hid under the instinctive fear of the dragon, and even the goblins in the leader's tent rolled and crawled out together, not even picking up the staff when they dropped it.

And at this time, Lu Ya finally found her dog.

"Lu Rhubarb! What are you doing!"

That cheating Shiba Inu was digging something in a hidden grass at the moment, and the fact that it was not discovered by the goblins and turned into a dog meat hot pot also shocked Luya. When Luya's chain flew to the side of the Shiba Inu and snapped it on, Lu Dahuang finally turned into a leash dog. It stopped digging the soil in a bewildered face, and slowly turned its head to stare at the dog. Looking at Luya, he looked at the dog leash in her hand.

The Shiba Inu with something in its mouth couldn't help being stunned.

"Walking the dog without a leash is equivalent to walking the dog with the dog. From today onwards, I will raise the dog in a civilized way. You just wait for me."

After the red dragon landed on the ground, Luya finally gained confidence and began to ramble about the dog.

"Lu Dahuang, reflect on yourself, why are you so uneasy? Why are you running to goblin's chassis?"

"If I hadn't come to you, you would have become a pot of dog meat by now. This has happened several times, and you haven't learned any lessons."

"Next time I won't care about you, I really don't care."

The Shiba Inu didn't know if it understood Luya's anger. After it reacted from being chained by the dog, its eyes became a little dark, and it was hard to understand what it was thinking.

"Forget it, let me give you a chance. Please explain why you came here."

Luya felt a little tired, no matter how familiar she was with the dog, she didn't respond at all, and didn't even bark.

It opened the monster translator and wanted to test whether it is also effective for dog language. Unfortunately, the Shiba Inu didn't speak, but suddenly, it spit out a golden badge from its mouth, "Kangdang" and put it on the one in front of Luya. on the ground.

"Huh? Do you want to offer treasures to beg for mercy at this time? It's a pity that gold has no effect in this kind of place. You should think carefully about how to repay me."

Lu Ya raised her chin, very satisfied with Lu Dahuang's signs of softening. She really doesn't ask too much, she just wants an obedient and sensible dog to accompany her!

Thinking that she would settle accounts with the dog later, Luya bent down and picked up the badge that the dog threw to her.

However, after seeing the badge clearly, she couldn't help being stunned.

This is not an ordinary badge... It is a high-level pass that can freely enter and exit all cities in the Astra Empire. Only the military rank above the centurion and the nobles have a certificate of permission.

She stared at the badge in her hand, and when she realized it, she looked in amazement at the Shiba Inu who had sat obediently on the ground and was watching her very calmly.

Why... would a dog find this thing