I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 16


"How did you find this..."

Could it be that the dog didn't want to escape, but just to repay her, so he found this thing for her

When Luya saw the golden empire pass, Luya's heart, which had already accepted her fate, stirred up a wave of waves. 21GGD 21

The capital of the empire had stopped accepting refugees a long time ago, the population of the lower city had already exploded, the living space of the poor was compressed to the limit, and the prison could no longer hold people. Any criminal who stole even a loaf of bread was exiled.

But even then, the imperial capital is still out of reach of countless refugees living outside. There are also countless people trying to cross the end of the Astra plate to the continent where the God of Light is located, in an attempt to get the blessing of God, but it is still unknown whether anyone can pass through the sea of fire and reach the other shore.

Does she want to go to the imperial capital? Of course, who doesn't want to go back to the place where human beings live? No matter how hard you live, as long as you work hard, you can still achieve food and clothing. Isn't the purpose of her 996 hard work every day

But now this is a dream.

The red dragon may have raised her as a pet, how could he persuade the red dragon to send her away? She didn't dare to imagine the consequences of betraying the dragon.

Escape while the dragon is out hunting? That was even more unrealistic. The mountain was full of all kinds of monsters, each of which was more dangerous. It was impossible for her to leave the mountain alive. So what if you escape? Does she know which direction the capital is in? The wilderness is also full of dangers, how lucky is it to return to the imperial capital alive.

Forget it... that question will be considered later.

Lu Ya secretly sighed, now that the red dragon is behind her, she must not show any thought of running away.

For example, when Lu Dahuang ran away this time, she was about to explode.

In fact, she has a good temper, at least she is very tolerant. Thinking of how kind I was to it, giving it food, bathing it, and even taking risks to buy medicine for it to save its life, but this heartless smelly dog disappeared, I couldn't bear it. If she didn't like small animals very much, she would definitely leave it alone.

Similarly, if he ran away, the red dragon would probably be even more angry. The consequences of causing Dragon's Wrath are probably immeasurable. She can live a decent life now, so don't provoke the Red Dragon.

By the way, the Red Dragon shouldn't know what this is, right? Better not let it know...

So Luya put the badge in her pocket, patted Shiba Inu's head pretendingly, and said righteously, "I know what you mean, but don't run around next time, there are too many monsters here, and I don't need it." These, only the Red Dragon can guarantee our safety."

The dog looked at Luya complicatedly, wondering if he understood what Luya meant. In short, after handing the badge to Luya, it settled down and followed Luya actively.

"Forget it, let's go back, don't do this next time."

Luya sighed while leading the dog, and then she began to examine the things left by the goblins who had fled from their nests.

A piece of meat from an unknown animal was roasting on the bonfire in front of the leader's tent, which seemed to be the goblin's dinner. The skin has been turned golden and is lightly sprinkled with spices, giving the meat a mouth-watering aroma.

Luya swallowed.

"Now that we're all here, let's see if there are any good things we can take away, Lu Dahuang, you haven't eaten all day today, come here, don't be too polite."

She directly took the piece of meat off the grill, impatiently blew on it, took a bite, and chewed carefully.

I don't know what kind of animal meat it is, the spices cover up the fishy smell of the ingredients themselves, except that the meat is relatively old, it can be regarded as the best food she has eaten since coming to this different world.

The point is, this roast is salty! Finally eat food with salt!

"There's salt in the meat! If you can't eat it, I'll eat it for you."

Luya quickly changed her words, and ate the barbecue in front of the Shiba Inu, while flatteringly asking Red Dragon if she would also like some.

[No, you are too thin, eat more yourself.]

... I rely on it!

Listen, what kind of fairy warm man's answer is this? Lu Ya looked at the red dragon with some emotion, it was really different from some stinky dog that only worried people.

When the Shiba Inu stared at her angrily and began to make a "wow" sound, she very naturally comforted it and said, "Don't worry, you still have your share of slime kway teow."


Pretending not to see Shiba Inu's angry eyes, he finished the barbecue by himself, and then began to search for things here.

She first went to pick up the goblin leader's staff. Since this is a world with magic power, Luya thought that as a time traveler, she also has special talents, and she is not a simple ordinary person.

So she tried to test whether she had magical talent, and waved it a few times. However, she didn't feel any signs of magical recovery or a miracle, and she didn't release anything for a long time.

... I don't know whether it's her or the staff itself. As weapons, the bows and arrows left by goblins seem to be more useful than this, so let's use them to dry clothes.

Luya confiscated the bow, arrow and quiver that the goblin dropped here. Although she can't shoot anything, she can start practicing from today. Maybe one day she can become Link in another world

In the leader's tent, she rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and found herbs, fruits, seeds of unknown plants, and salt blocks one after another.

Although she didn't have any good things because she was just a goblin, she still put everything she could take into the snakeskin bag, not even the pots and pans.

She is more like a robber than the goblins, but fortunately, Luya still has a conscience, and she didn't let the dragon set the place on fire. The main reason is that Lu Ya thinks this is a renewable resource, and she will come back after a while to see if there are any new good things that she can take away.

"It's really a bumper harvest. Lu Dahuang, you found a good place, and it can be regarded as atonement. I will forgive you this time."

Lu Ya completely forgot how angry she was with the dog before, and happily stroked its back.

The Shiba Inu finally realized that "Lu Rhubarb" was calling it, and it looked back at Luya in surprise, as if it couldn't believe it.

"How is it? Do you like this name? My name is Luya, and you will have my surname from today on."

Lu Ya was even more unconscious. After fastening the snakeskin bag tightly, she hugged the dog staring at her unhappily on the back of the dragon, and triumphantly rode the dragon with the spoils.

When we returned to the Dragon's Nest, it just happened to be completely dark.

This dog is very uncooperative, and its strength is so great that it can't pull it. It took Luya a lot of effort to pull the dog back to the nest, so she gave up and let it go, but at this moment, she found that the water in the clean pot she had placed before was already full.

Oh, hurry up and try it!

She tried to take a sip of it, the water was refreshing and sweet, very good.

Great, now it's guaranteed.

Luya breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately the old devil didn't sell her fake products, otherwise she would have asked Red Dragon to accompany her back to defend her rights.

So she brought the dog's water bowl, poured water into it, and called the dog to drink. Then he started the fire again and cooked a bowl of slime kway teow for the dog.

I don't know if the Shiba Inu is angry at Luya for not sharing the meat with Luya. It drank all the water, but kicked over the bowl containing slime kway teow, then broke free from the dog chain in Luya's hand, and rushed into the dragon's nest.

Lu Ya was extremely distressed. As a 996 office worker who spends most of her time ordering takeout and not cooking, wasting the food she cooks is the most unforgivable thing.

But what can she do? She is also very desperate!

So she took the goblin leader's staff and rushed into the dragon's lair, chasing the dog for a long time, but the dog ran so fast and extremely agile that people could understand how it survived in the apocalypse down. In the end, Luya collapsed out of breath, and the dog still had enough strength to keep a certain distance from her, sitting on the ground provocatively, and looked at her with contempt.

Heh... count you as cruel! Stinky dog!

In the end, Lu Ya threw away the staff, looked at Shiba Inu who lay down to rest after she surrendered, and fell asleep leaning against the red dragon.

She had had a rather frightening day, and she was exhausted.

That night, Luya had a dream again.

It's just that what I saw this time was different. It wasn't the memory of this body, but something that had never happened before. The protagonist in the dream also became herself.

She didn't know what was going on with this weird dream. In the dream, she was in the center of a pure white temple, and a group of humans dressed in priest costumes pressed her to kneel in front of the altar, accusing her of being the prophesied murderer. The god, the witch who had an affair with the evil dragon, is the sinner who will destroy the Grandi continent.

Lu Ya didn't know what was going on at all, she kept yelling and explained that it wasn't her. But no one paid attention to her, no one listened to her voice, they kept kneeling and chanting spells, praying for the great God of Light to bring divine punishment, and execution would bring about the destruction of the Witch.

Luya struggled to resist, she raised her head with difficulty, but what she saw was a beautiful man whose beauty could not be described in words. That person's flowing golden hair was as warm as the sun, and his pale blue eyes were clear and holy. He sat calmly in front of the statue, looking at Luya with pity and compassion.

"Maybe we should give sinners a chance."

His voice is also very pure, like the sound of nature, directly hitting the depths of people's souls, making people feel slightly itchy and warm in their hearts. When he spoke, the believers fell silent, and everyone prostrated themselves on the ground devoutly. At the same time, Lu Ya suddenly noticed a creepy faint smile on the corner of the man's mouth.

No, this is not right...

"As long as you choose to dedicate your soul to the light, you will be able to be saved after being wiped away... Are you right, the fallen god-favored one, the witch of the evil dragon..."