I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 21


"What?! Now? No, no, that's too fast..."

Lu Ya felt a little out of breath, she just had this idea, she hadn't made any preparations and plans yet, and planned to discuss with the Red Dragon whether it was feasible, but the Red Dragon directly agreed and decided to implement it immediately?

... Although it is right to spoil her very much, give her some time to prepare mentally!

Having an idea and deciding to do it are two different things. She is really not ready to face the monster so soon...

"I plan to finish the construction here before going."

Looking at the red dragon with a puzzled expression, Luya had to explain to it with a guilty conscience that no matter what, she had to finish exploring the mountain first before she could go further afield.

She is still a rookie now, and she needs to accurately calculate every step in her leapfrog exploration.

[I see.]

The red dragon stared at Luya and said, [Then let's go after you are ready.]

"Thank you Farus, you are the best!"

Lu Ya cheered happily, she couldn't help wanting to rub the red dragon, but she still restrained her impulse.

With the guarantee from the red dragon, Luya went on to oversee the goblins with confidence.

Although they are wild goblins, the talent for labor seems to be engraved in their genes. It took less than half a day to finally build the house structure. After Luya watered the "Holy Grass" seeds in the field, she moved out the chair again, and then sat down slowly under the fruit tree, watching the goblins work while eating apples.

Today is really the most leisurely day she has lived since she came to this world, and she even ate fruit.

In order to live a decent life, you have to keep working hard.

Under the warm sunshine, Luya relaxed and dozed off.

When the sun was about to set, the goblins who had been enslaved for a whole day were finally about to call it a day.

Even monsters are afraid of the undead that appear at night, so before it is completely dark, the goblins have to return to their habitat and light their torches.

I don't know if it's Luya's illusion, but after she took a nap in the afternoon, the number of goblins seems to have decreased.

But they carried materials back and forth from the mountains, and she couldn't count them, so she felt that the total number seemed wrong.

Could it be that a few of them left work early and went back

This is not very good, not even say hello, very rude.

Lu Ya finally understood how the boss feels, no wonder everyone dislikes employees who arrive late and leave early. Being lazy is very bad and will affect work efficiency. It seems that we have to set some rules for them when we gather tomorrow morning.

Luya lay under the tree and thought about it. At this time, the two goblins she sent to find wild vegetables finally returned with a basket of wild vegetables on their backs.

They had a good harvest, and the types of wild vegetables they collected far exceeded expectations.

There are radishes, cabbages, pumpkins, mountain grapes ripe to purple...and wheat.

There was actually wheat, she didn't miss it!

Although Luya has never planted land, she has the impression that wheat is not such a good crop and has high requirements for the growing environment. Although the number of goblins brought back is not large, but it can grow such a full-grained variety that has been carefully cultivated.

Luya remembered that she saw the wheat near the abandoned mansion... Maybe the previous owner planted a farm here

I don't know where the owner of the mountain mansion who lived here before went.

Thinking about the dragon coming to this mountain, he probably ran away a long time ago, or he might have been killed by the goblins.

In the post-apocalyptic world, there is no safe place except human cities with enchantments.

I feel a little bit sad, but seeing the sky getting late, Lu Ya will be better today, and I will come to find out the distribution area of these crops tomorrow.

So she said to the goblins, "Thanks for your hard work, you can go back, come over at the usual time tomorrow, don't be late."


After getting the permission to leave work, the goblins disappeared in a flash, faster than the Hong Kong reporter.

Then Luya began to check these wild vegetables.

She really hated carrots! But now even the white radish is very amiable, the cabbage can be boiled and eaten directly, the pumpkin can be boiled or roasted together with the wheat, and the seeds can be collected and planted, and there will be no worries about food afterwards.

As for the grapes…

Lu Ya glanced at the overripe mountain grapes exuding a charming aroma, and swallowed involuntarily, trying to overcome the greed in her heart.

If grapes can be found, there should be a grape shed in this mountain, and the fruit yield is very abundant. Luya felt that she had discovered a bunch of treasures.

But grapes can only satisfy hunger at best, and you must not eat too much.

Once dysentery occurs, it is fatal in this place where there are no antibiotics. She didn't want to waste the remaining half of the potion because of a bad stomach, it was to save lives in a last resort.

Rather than eating grapes, turning them into raisins, or turning them into wine, seems like a better option.

But brewing wine is a bit difficult, and it is easy to deteriorate or be poisoned if it is not handled well. In fact, there are many fine wines collected by Red Dragon in the dragon's nest, so she doesn't need to mess around by herself.

After deliberation, Luya decided to sun-dry these grapes into raisins, so that she would have some to eat even in winter.

The temperature now feels like autumn. Before winter, we need to stock up on more food.

Lu Ya sighed, she felt that she was about to become Robinson Crusoe in another world.

However, she was still an ordinary social animal with extremely poor hands-on ability before. What drove her to this point

is life!

the next day.

Early in the morning, the goblins who were intimidated by the red dragon, although very reluctant but because they were afraid of death, all came to report on time.

Luya is quite satisfied with the current situation, and is going to hold a morning meeting for them to set some rules.

The situation yesterday was too chaotic and undisciplined to continue like this.

She plans to promote an obedient goblin as a small leader, and supervise them layer by layer.

But when she counted the number of goblins, she was a little puzzled to find that the number of goblins who came to report today seemed to be two less than yesterday.

"Has any of you escaped?"

Her face was a little gloomy, and she attributed the missing goblin to running away. Thinking about it, this low-level monster doesn't have much loyalty, and its intelligence is not high. It's not surprising if it runs away because it doesn't want to work or because it is overly afraid of dragons.

But Luya was not happy about it. Before her house is built, there will be fewer workers, which will slow down progress and mean she won't be able to own her own house until winter arrives.


Seeing this, the goblins quickly explained to Luya.

Instead of escaping, I was attacked by giant killer ants that nested in the house yesterday while carrying materials from the abandoned house.

As usual, Killer Ants are no match for Goblins, and killing these low-level monsters with Goblins' fighting power is not a problem. But because that house had become a nest of killer ants, the queen dug a nest in the ground and bred a large number of ants. After the fight, the goblins were outnumbered, and two of their companions were bitten to death by ants and dragged away.

This all happened yesterday, but Luya has been thinking about the winter plan so she didn't notice it at all. She didn't realize it until today when she counted the number of goblins.


Lu Ya opened her mouth wide in surprise, there is such a thing? !

That is to say, there are countless ants in that house now, and it is just a whimsical idea to rely on this group of goblins to defeat them. It is really fortunate that they picked up so many materials for her...

Luya suddenly remembered her fear of being dominated by ants in the hunter manga. If the goblins continue to steal materials from the mansion that has become an ant nest, it is likely that the number of staff will continue to be reduced.

Now there are only nine goblins left to use.

Every loss of a goblin means that she loses a tool man, and these wild goblins have not been trained in combat, and they all fight with instinct. The only goblin leader who can use fireball to restrain those ants has been killed. She chopped off her head with one blow.

... Do you want to ask the red dragon for help

Lu Ya couldn't help but look at the red dragon resting on a high place, but wouldn't it be too much of a fuss to let the dragon kill the killer ants? Moreover, the red dragon sprayed down the dragon flame, and the house was almost burned down. Can she still find good things to recycle

Moreover, it is not so easy to extinguish the dragon flame, and if it causes a mountain fire, it will be over.

"Forget it, let's stop working today."

She rested her forehead with some headaches. It seemed that the house affairs could not be rushed. Until she found a solution to these ants, she could not reduce the number of staff.

After thinking about it, Luya ran to the Red Dragon, explained the matter to it, and asked the Red Dragon for advice carefully.

"Killer ants have occupied my resources. I want to get some pesticides. Do I have to go to Duinbrook again, or entrust a pest control expert to deal with it?"

If the ants multiply, they will eventually become more and more difficult to remove. Thinking that they not only eat crops but also encroach on resources, sooner or later they will have to be solved.

All the resources in the mountain belong to her and the Red Dragon!

The red dragon squinted his eyes inexplicably, as if he didn't understand why some killer ants were worth the trouble. After thinking for a while, it turned around and crawled back to its lair. When it came out again, it threw a stone with a strange crest engraved on it to Luya.

This is…

Luya picked up the stone the size of her palm, and looked at the red dragon with some doubts.

[This is the coat of arms of thunder. With this, you can use thunder attribute magic.]


Wait, is that how magic works

She always thought that it was an advanced knowledge, and magicians had to study hard to release spells. Ever since she couldn't feel any recovery of magic power while holding the goblin's staff, she gave up her plan to become a magician.

She thought it was because she had no talent for magic power, but the red dragon gave her a piece of thunder crest, saying that she could cast magic with it

Lu Ya is dubious about this, is it really okay? She squeezed the coat of arms in her hands, then took down the staff of flames from the drying rack, and pointed at a random place.

The coat of arms in her hand suddenly glowed brilliantly, and suddenly, a thunderbolt descended from the sky, and high-intensity energy exploded at the place she was pointing at with a "crack".

The Shiba Inu that was napping under the tree was awakened instantly, and jumped up on the spot with a "whoosh", and the nervous goblins all ran away in fright. The boulder has been blasted to pieces.


Is that how magic really works? !


"I decided to hunt down the killer ants! You all wait here for me. I want to see that the foundation has been laid before the sun sets today."

Lu Ya immediately made a decision—she was going to use the copy of Killer Ant alone.

It wasn't that she was dazzled, but that she thought of a very nasty way of playing - taking advantage of the poor terrain!

That's right, as long as she stays on the dragon's back, those giant ants that can only crawl on the ground will certainly not be able to hit her. As long as she is patient enough and comes to kill a few every day, it won't be a problem at all to wipe out the ant nests here.

So she set a target for the goblins and was ready to go, but when she was about to climb the dragon's back, she remembered another important thing.

"By the way, I have to bring rhubarb on the road."

She rushed straight to the side of the Shiba Inu, picked up the dazed dog, and took the dog on the dragon's back together.

"Those wild goblins are very vicious. If there is no red dragon watching them, maybe they will secretly do something to my dog." Luya murmured.

This dog is so straight, if the goblins fuck him, it might commit suicide.

Luya absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to happen, and she wants to put an end to all threats.

The dog that I finally got back and raised now has grown a little bit of flesh, so I can't let goblins ruin it for nothing.

I don't know if the Shiba Inu understood what Luya meant, but after she assumed the possibility of "goblins and dogs", it completely froze and didn't move, it seems that it is a dog that loves itself very much.

Luya put it on the dragon's back without too much effort, and then she herself took the goblin leader's Sun Staff and rode on the dragon.

She has a good understanding with the red dragon now, the red dragon flapped its dragon wings and rushed into the sky, and soon they came to the top of the abandoned mansion that had been turned into an ant's nest.

I didn't look carefully when I came here last time, and sure enough there is a field behind the house.

Because of the raging man-eating ants, all the crops in the field were gnawed and withered. Now it is barren. There is a large pond in the backyard, and the water is covered with duckweed.

Luya couldn't help feeling a little regretful, what a wonderful vacation spot this place should be before the end.

But at this time, she had already discovered her goal.

It might be because the goblins came here yesterday, the man-eating ants were very vigilant, almost like they were out in force, there were more than a dozen scattered around the abandoned mansion to patrol.

The red dragon began to lower its flying height, and a kind smile slowly appeared on Luya's face.

She clenched the Thunder Emblem with her left hand and the Goblin Staff with her right hand, like a king of thunder and lightning, she released a thunderstorm to the biggest man-eating ant on the ground.