I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 22


A few thunderstorms fell, and the ants on the ground were blown up by Luya's thunder magic.

The ants were frightened and ran around, but no matter how fast they climbed, they couldn't escape the speed of thunder and lightning. The red dragon took her back and forth a few times, and she cleaned up the ants outside.

A steady stream of ants crawled out of the house again. After a while, the charred corpses of ants near the abandoned mansion piled up into a mountain of corpses, exuding a pungent and unpleasant smell like plastic and burnt rubber.

When she killed about dozens of them, the soil in front of the abandoned mansion loosened. Immediately afterwards, the cannibal ant queen crawled out from the ground dragging her huge body.

Lu Ya's eyes suddenly brightened.

After clearing the mobs, the BOSS is finally spawned!

The body of the queen ant looks much larger than that of ordinary soldier ants. The outer layer is covered with a thick and hard shell, dragging a long and full white egg sac. mad drop.

The queen ant suddenly raised her head and stared at Luya on the dragon's back. It flapped its wings on its back and suddenly flew into the air.

Luya knew how to deal with this thing.

The lightning strike alone was not enough to completely make this thing disappear, and the egg sac behind her did not know how many ants could be produced.

When the queen rushed over, the Shiba Inu suddenly became extremely nervous, and its hair stood on end.

The ant queen was enraged by Luya's previous behavior, and the corpses of her people all over the ground made her lose her mind completely, causing her to choose to kill herself, and launched a revenge attack on the red dragon.

Facing the killer ant queen, the red dragon opened its huge mouth as if torn apart.

"Dragon Flame—" Luya finally waited until this moment, and stepped on the spot to call out accurately.

Hot flames spewed out from the red dragon's mouth, and the flames surrounded the queen ant's body in the blink of an eye, and then the giant in front of her eyes melted rapidly in the flames, turning into a pile of ashes.

The air was filled with the smell of burning, Lu Ya rode the red dragon and flew around the abandoned mansion, and then returned to the dragon's nest.

"You guys, go and dispose of those ant corpses."

Luya unceremoniously issued an order to the goblins, "Go to the nest to see if there are any unhatched ant eggs, and if there are any, burn them together, don't give them a chance to resurface."

"Cuckoo -"

It may be that the man-eating ants themselves threatened the survival of the goblins in this mountain. After hearing that the ant queen had been wiped out, they were very excited and immediately took active actions.

Luya felt that it would be no problem to leave it to these goblins to deal with. They have low IQs but they are not without IQs. At least they are much smarter than dogs and can obey commands.

So she continued to get busy with her farm work.

The holy grass seed that was sunken from the goblin's hand grew extremely fast, and after only one night, it had already sprouted.

From the appearance, it looks like the most common plant seedling, and it is impossible to tell what it is.

She remembered that the goblin leader seemed to attach great importance to this, which made Luya look forward to what she would finally grow.

Could it be some kind of elixir? whee.

Although we know that it is impossible, it is always good to have expectations. Who stipulates that people cannot dream

Luya happily watered the seedlings, and then began to prepare today's food.

Recipe of the day: Salmon Dried Radish and Cabbage Soup.

Originally, she wanted to cook pumpkin porridge, but because Luya couldn't shell the wheat herself, she had to go to the area where humans lived to find tools, so she couldn't eat wheat for the time being.

During these times, she was severely nutritionally unbalanced, so she decided to be a vegetarian.

The salmon that Red Dragon had brought back before hadn't been eaten yet. In order to prevent the food from spoiling, she dried all the rest for preservation. The radish and cabbage alone are too bland, and fresh soup is needed to make the soup base.

Because the Red Dragon hasn't gone out to hunt for the past two days, Luya can only store food as much as possible. Although she doesn't like radishes or cabbages, she must not be a picky eater if she wants to survive in this kind of world.

Under Shiba Inu's disgusted eyes, she set up a pot and started boiling water, and washed radishes and cabbages. After the water was boiled, she broke the dried fish into pieces and threw it into the soup to cook the soup. When the umami taste was almost out, she poured the chopped radish and cabbage into it together.

When the soup started to boil, Luya couldn't help thinking that it would be great if there were ribs.

The radish pork rib soup is quite delicious. If it wasn't for the lack of ingredients at hand, she would never want to try this combination in her life.

It's not that there is no wild boar in this world. It's not that she didn't eat wild boar when she was with the mercenary group.

It's just that she didn't need to handle the ingredients at that time, even if she was given a wild boar and asked her to slaughter and divide it herself, she couldn't do it.

Alas... But I still want to eat pork belly.

The salt is always added last as the dog is going to eat with her.

Today, there can no longer be a dog snatching the bowl of food with salt, so she decided to feed the dog alone first.

After the radish and cabbage were almost ripe, she made a soup first, and deliberately put a few extra pieces of radish in it, which she hated.

"Dinner is ready, Lu Dahuang!"

She banged the pots and pans.

The Shiba Inu ran over and sniffed it, then the dog didn't touch it, turned around, turned its buttocks and walked away.

Why are you so shameless

Lu Ya stared helplessly at the dog who was pointing her ass at her. No matter what she said, the dog refused to show her face and taste her bowl of soup, which was bland in both appearance and taste.

"Isn't it? Don't you eat without meat?"

The dog's ears moved with their backs to her.

Luya came to her senses immediately, and suddenly realized: "Oh, you don't like meat-free food, so you still want to eat some protein, right?"

This sentence finally succeeded in making the dog stop, and it turned to look at Luya, as if it was satisfied with her understanding.

"There is protein in the soup, and if you look carefully, you will find that the fish inside is broken." Luya reminded kindly.

The dog immediately left without looking back.


How can this dog be so picky, he doesn't even like fish in soup, does he have to eat pure protein

It's infuriating, I really don't know how it survived before, she is too curious about where the red dragon found this dog.

But where to get meat for it? She still wants to eat meat herself... Ah, yes.

Lu Ya thought for a while, and suddenly had an idea, she picked out the cabbage caterpillar she caught from the cabbage from the vegetable leaves, held it to Shiba Inu's mouth and shook it.

"Otherwise you should try this, boil it in high-protein water, it tastes like chicken."

At this moment, the expression on the Shiba Inu's face became very exciting, as if he smelled feces, he even grinned and showed his teeth, making a threatening sound of whining.

Luya swore it was the first time she saw a dog that could show so many expressions.

However, facing the fierce-looking Shiba Inu, she was completely unmoved.

If you don't eat her radish soup, go eat the worms.

Seeing the dog baring its teeth, she tried to open the dog's mouth and throw the worms in, but the dog was so powerful that it quickly broke away from Luya's grip, and backed away desperately to blow the sand, and "biu" bounced a piece of mud onto the road. Looking at Ya's face, he ran away quickly.

Luya wiped off the lump of mud on her face tremblingly, and a group of mud horses galloped past in her heart.

… Grass!

Lu Ya was furious and wiped her face while chasing the dog, but the dog was so agile that it couldn't catch it at all, and it disappeared in a flash.

Luya had to run to the hot spring to wash her face, and yelled at the dog, "You don't have any food today!".

Of course the dog ignored her, so Luya had to pour the bowl of radish and cabbage soup back into the pot, refilled herself with a bowl of soup with a lot of minced fish, and added pink mineral salt.

It's not too difficult to eat... It's good to eat something in this world, I really don't know why this dog is so picky.

After Luya watered the crops again, she returned to the bed in the dragon's nest and went to sleep in the morning.

Probably from using too much magic, she felt very tired physically. In fact, she didn't know what it would consume to attract thunder and lightning with the emblem of thunder. In short, she felt a little exhausted now, so she decided to go to bed first, and talk about other things tomorrow.

the next day.

Goblins need a few days to dispose of the carcasses of man-eating ants and unhatched eggs in the ant nest, and the construction of houses will be suspended for three days.

Lu Ya was not in a hurry, she felt refreshed after waking up. After getting the Thunder Emblem, she suddenly felt that even encountering monsters in the wild is not so scary. She plans to explore nearby cities where humans have lived in the past few days to see if there are any good things Can be recycled.

But what is concerning is that the growth rate of that "sacred grass" is a bit abnormal, completely beyond her imagination.

In just one night, the ten holy grasses that were seedlings yesterday have grown stems and leaves today.

The leaves look more and more like pineapple, they grow so fast, Luya can't help but wonder if they are really precious things

It grows faster than weeds! And she didn't bother at all except watering, not even fertilizing. Such an easy thing to grow, why didn't the goblin grow it himself? Still hiding it like a baby, it's a crime...

Luya's expectations for this so-called holy grass were greatly reduced. She no longer expected to grow something rare, so let's plant it first.

After checking the condition of the farmland, Luya started to heat up the leftover radish soup from last night, preparing it for breakfast.

Extending the shelf life of food has become so much easier since the advent of snowmen that don't melt, it's a big step up from primitive life to just store leftovers next to the snowman.

While heating the radish soup, the Shiba Inu seemed to be taking a walk, and suddenly ran to her side.

Lu Ya had been starving for a whole day, so she couldn't help feeling a little soft-hearted at this moment. I thought that smelly dog should be hungry to eat at this time, right

She had fed stray dogs before, and she would eat anything when she was hungry, even the candied haws she bought on the way. It's not that dogs can't eat vegetables, it must be because they are not hungry enough.

"Don't worry, don't worry, dinner is ready."

As Lu Ya said, she was going to get the dog bowl, but the dog saw her move to get the soup, turned around and left without hesitation.

What the hell

Why still don't want to eat! It's been a day! isn't it hungry

Did this dog secretly eat shit? !

Luya couldn't help but have an ominous premonition, maybe she really ate shit, right? ! She thought this dog was very good before, and she never messed around in the nest, at least she never found a dog's excrement and urine within her sight.

... Is it really eaten? ?

If you think about it carefully, it is not impossible.

Well, it's normal for a dog to eat poop... maybe it survives in the wild by eating poop.

The way Luya looked at the Shiba Inu suddenly changed. Fortunately, she still thinks that this is a different and good dog. It seems that she thinks too much...

"Forget it, you can eat whatever you want."

No one can stop a dog from eating shit. Luya shook her head looking at the Shiba Inu with her back turned away, looking very tired in the sun.

It seems that it can no longer drink water with itself in the future!

The Shiba Inu who didn't understand what Luya was thinking went all the way down the mountain road. Pass through the forest overgrown with monsters, escape from the pursuit of strange birds, and finally come to a clear stream.

Like a very patient hunter, it lay down beside the stream, adjusted its breathing rhythm, and slowly adapted to the flow of water.

Then all of a sudden, it swung its front paws sharply, and a fat crucian carp was suddenly shot out of the water. The Shiba Inu immediately jumped up at a lightning speed, and bit the fish with incomparable precision.

The Shiba Inu took the fish in its mouth and shook off the moisture from its hair, then turned and left the creek unhurriedly.

Luya, who was still struggling with whether the dog could keep up with the nutrition of eating feces alone, felt a little anxious, but during this time, she found that the plants she had planted seemed to have grown a bit.

I don't know how to be mature. Lu Ya tried to break off the leaves, but found that they were a bit old, not edible, and guessed that they might be root crops.

radish? Can't it? Or yam? lettuce

Logically speaking, it is impossible for these things to grow so fast, but the crops in other worlds are not easy to talk about. After thinking about it, she decided to find out what she was planting.

Anyway, there are ten in total, so it shouldn't matter if you pull out one to have a look, right? Even if it is immature, it can continue to be planted back, it is not a big problem.

Luya didn't think much about it, she loosened the soil, then grabbed a grass leaf and pulled it out by the root.

However, what was unexpected was that what was pulled out was a strange root plant resembling a human. There was a human face growing on its rhizome, and the moment it left the soil, the human face suddenly opened its eyes, followed by a deafening scream.

"Ah ah ah ah ah-"

Luya didn't understand what was going on yet, blood suddenly flowed from her eyes and nostrils, and the horrible scream almost made her deaf, her eyes became pitch black, just for a moment, Luya completely lost Consciousness, fell to the ground and passed out.

What she doesn't know is that the so-called "sacred grass" that the goblins planted by herself is actually a mandrake.

And the scream that the mandrake makes when it is pulled out of the soil is fatal.

Zelos Aguiros Gaias, the crown prince of the empire who became a Shiba Inu, ate the fish he caught in the stream, and walked through the dangers of the mountains and forests like a walk, preparing to return to the dragon's lair.

He didn't bring back food for the girl, just because he didn't think it was necessary.

The red dragon took good care of her.

In fact, Zelos did not understand why the legendary red dragon Farus would be so patient with a human girl.

No matter where you look at it, she is an ordinary and ordinary human girl. Aside from the gifts she carries as a trait human, that doesn't mean much to a dragon.

The most powerful fleet of the empire once had a fight with the evil dragon Nidhogg. The final result is that the human side has suffered heavy losses. Dragons are extremely dangerous and elusive existences. They existed when the world was first born, and have been sleeping under the World Tree. Even those demons will fear them.

From Zelos' point of view, that girl doesn't have the qualities to attract monsters. Those who can communicate with monsters are very few talented people, and the girl's talent is not here. Maybe she has other special reasons to attract the red dragon.

With the help of dragons, perhaps the viability of destroying the Mortal Eye would no longer be a hypothesis.

In order to find out why the red dragon loves her, Zelos chose to observe. He wasn't in a hurry to leave the dragon's nest, in fact, he didn't have the ability to return to the empire now.

He still doesn't know how to change back to his original body. The animal body limits his strength and thinking, but he will never forget who he is.

In order to humiliate him, the demon priest didn't kill him, but turned him into a dog. They thought it would humiliate him, but Zelos didn't care.

As long as he is still alive, sooner or later he will remove the heads of those demons.

Of course, when the girl helped him with her special gift of self-sacrifice, Zelos had a slightly unexpected feeling for her. He doesn't like kindness, the kindness of the weak is meaningless, but unexpectedly, the girl survived and became the first human to come back alive from the dark city of monsters, Duinbrook.

Maybe she could surprise him with something... Zelos thought so.

However, when Zelos returned to the dragon's lair, he saw Luya lying on the ground.

He couldn't help being taken aback, and hurried forward, and when he saw the humanoid rhizome next to the girl, he immediately understood what was going on.

The plants she planted turned out to be mandrakes.

The rhizome of the mandrake is hidden under the ordinary stems and leaves, and is often mistaken for the leaves of plants such as mandrakes. Unless it is an experienced pharmacist, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the difference.

Zelos admits he made a mistake. When he saw the plant seedlings yesterday, he didn't think about what was going to grow.

In the past, the mandrake planting cycle was a very long process, but after the appearance of the magic eye in the world, superfluous magic power appeared in all parts of the world. The era of low magic is over, and magic has begun to recover. Those magic plants have grown rapidly. Mandrakes that can grow and mature overnight are not special.

And the girl pulled out the leaves without knowing it...

Zelos is a very good fighter, but he has never been good at saving people. He tried to wake the girl up, but found that her breath was very weak.

The moment the mandrake is pulled out of the soil, it will emit a deadly scream. The sound is like a curse. Whether it is a person or a monster, the brain and nerves will be destroyed when it is heard, and even if it survives by chance, it will fall into madness.

The little girl was so weak that Zelos didn't think she would survive. In fact, she was extremely close to death, and her breathing was so weak that it almost disappeared.

The brain capacity of a dog is relatively limited, and it is difficult for Zelos to think of a solution. He hesitated for a while, and finally decided to put all his eggs in one basket. He quickly rushed back to the dragon's lair and woke up the sleeping red dragon.

When the red dragon discovered all this, the roots of the mandrake on the ground had stopped screaming, and the girl who fell on the ground also began to lose temperature slowly.

She is dying.

It stared at Luya silently, as if it was weighing something.

No doubt he liked the little girl, perhaps even more than his own brothers.

It can save the girl, just give her dragon blood.

Dragon's blood can completely transform a human being, even if it is a dying person, drinking dragon's blood will regain the immortal life force and become like a dragon. So Gudisi hinted that the girl asked him for dragon blood in his jokes, because Gudisi knew that no dragon would give his blood to humans.

That is not a secret that humans should know, human greed will destroy everything.

The red dragon is unwilling to lose the girl, so how much consequence is it willing to bear for this girl

The red dragon hesitated for a long time, and finally, it chose to keep its little girl.


Luya felt that her body was sinking, and a burning sensation like fire burned her body and soul.

Her consciousness is very vague, and her own and non-her own memory fragments appear in her brain from time to time. She felt very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that she was about to die, but her soul seemed inseparable from this body.

She couldn't feel the change of time, as if everything had stopped, and there was only endless emptiness and hunger in her body. This feeling lasted for a long time, almost reaching the edge of her collapse, until a cold feeling stuck to her skin, traveled across her face, and penetrated into her lips.

Like a deep kiss.

She felt a little out of breath, as the burning blood flowed into her throat, penetrating from top to bottom, driving away her cold and hunger.

She felt her stomach burning too, the scalding heat carrying her through the darkness.

"come back."

A low but warm voice whispered softly in her ear.