I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 31


This mountain is bigger than Luya imagined. She has flown here a few times on the back of the red dragon, but she can't fly too far. As a result, she still doesn't know what the scene in this mountain is like.

And there seems to be a relic, which feels incredible.

Now that her physical strength has been strengthened by dragon blood, it is not a big problem to cross mountains and mountains. The physical strength of goblins is much better than that of ordinary humans, so it is not a big problem to run with her all the way. It's just that when encountering monsters, those goblins hid in a group, completely relying on Luya to open the way in front.

... How did she become such a soft girl? Why didn't the goblins carry her down the mountain? angry.

But we can't blame the goblins. The original monsters in the mountains basically hide from people. Occasionally, we see some colossus soldiers, but they have a fixed range of movement and will not chase people.

Luya encountered some monsters that fell from the demonic eyes of the world. They were aggressive and would actively attack the perceived life. When Luya saw these monsters, she just chopped them without saying a word. If she moved slower, they might chase the goblins. Now the goblins are her property, and there are not many of them. She needs the goblins to work for her, and there is no need to reduce the number of staff.

Because I encountered some monsters on the road, it was almost afternoon when we reached the foot of the mountain.

The goods that Luya requested were piled up like a hill, but it may be because she came too late, and she didn't see any pigmen nearby. After making sure there were no threats around, she ordered the goblin to move things with her.

"Do it well, hurry up, and I will give you 10% of the food when you move back."

After all, she is not a devil. There is no reason to let the horse run without feeding the horse. Goblins also need to eat, otherwise if they blindly enslave without paying, they will rebel sooner or later.

After hearing that Luya would distribute food to them, the goblins' eyes lit up. They looked lifeless at first, but now they immediately picked up the food as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and began to carry it up the mountain. .

When going down the mountain, the road was cleared, and when the goods were carried back, it went smoothly. Except for some wild beasts that jumped out of the mountain, they ran away immediately after seeing a group of goblins with a large number of people. They used up a lot of energy to transport the food back to the mountain, and then distributed some of it to the goblins who worked as coolies. Forest.

After the goblins got the food, they left happily.

"Why do you share the food with the goblins? We don't have enough food for ourselves."

After watching the goblin go away, the piglet jumped out again, looking at Luya with some dissatisfaction.

"This is the food that this young master traded for himself! Goblins just need to catch slimes and eat them!"

"This is called win-win. Do you understand? Do I look like that kind of inhuman devil? You are too greedy."

Lu Ya corrected him, and began to scold him, "And you didn't trade yourself for this, your family doesn't want you anymore, it's because they want to avoid the trouble of the red dragon looking for them, so the protection fee you sent knows Is it? Farus’ things are mine, and my things are still mine, I hope you can understand this concept, if you don’t understand, I will teach you the rules today.”

No, the point is what is Lu Fat Tiger? !


Lodin was a little ashamed, and the dog was also silent.

Piggy stared at Luya speechlessly for a while, and then burst into tears with a "wow".

"Don't cry, it's very noisy, if you cry again, I'll beat you."

Lu Ya glanced at the piglet, thinking that the cubs of any creature are the same. Having said that, the cubs of the pig people are cute, just like little pigs, but once they grow up, they will look hideous. The main reason why she is still willing to keep this piglet is that it looks a little cute. When it becomes like those pig-headed people outside, she will drive him away immediately and let the red dragon throw him down the mountain!

Piggy ran away angrily under the threat of Luya, and Luya didn't plan to pay attention to him, she helped Lodin move the wheat flour and rice back to the Dragon's Nest one by one.

Although the white sugar was given, it was not refined, it was some rough sugar lumps. But in this environment, there is no way. You can't count on the production level of the orcs. It would be nice to have candy. In addition, the pig people also gave some seeds of unknown crops.

With the lessons learned from planting mandrakes by mistake, Luya asked Lodin to identify the seeds, and preliminarily confirmed that they might be cabbage and radishes. Anyway, let's plant it first, and if it is found that it is not a good thing, it will be scalded to death with hot water.

He was sweating profusely after finishing the work, but Lodin was very happy. He said that he would make bread today. He obtained live yeast from the skins of grapes. This time, he should be able to make something more decent. Luya was very happy, so while Lodin was cooking, she planned to take the dog to take a bath together.

Over the past few days, she finally successfully dug a hot spring pool, paved the bottom and walls with stones, and drained the hot spring water. This finally has the feeling of "soaking" and the pool is available for everyone to use together.

Because it was very cooperative when bathing the dog a few times ago, and enjoyed the hot spring comfortably, as long as Luya didn't scrub its chrysanthemum, it would basically not resist, so Luya planned to wash it with the dog this time.

She had imagined the scene of having sex with her pet dog a long time ago, and now she finally has a day when she can realize it.

But it's weird to say.

I don't know what happened to the dog this time, when Lu Ya took off her clothes and planned to take it into the pool, it was unwilling again.

"What's the matter with you? Avoid taking a bath?"

Luya pulled it twice, and the dog kept its back to her, unwilling to turn back. This baffles Lu Ya, she is not shy, why is a dog ashamed? Does it still have such a thing as shame

... It doesn't exist, if the dog had a sense of shame, it wouldn't be such a virtue. Other dogs have long been grateful to Dade for being warm to her under her careful care, but this dog just ignores her as if it depends on his mood, which is really poor quality.

"Don't run away, I won't squeeze your gate glands, what are you afraid of?"

After hearing Luya's words, the dog broke free from the rope and ran away.

Luya looked annoyed at the running back of the dog. However, this Shiba Inu can't do anything, eating and escaping are the first. She deeply doubts that all the attributes of this dog have been agility, and it can't be caught at all.

So Lu Ya had no choice but to wash her own. Anyway, this dog doesn't sleep with her, and it doesn't smell much like ordinary dogs, so I just let it go.

As for Matthew.

At this moment, the young man who was always in good spirits was sitting sluggishly on the chair, as if his entire personality had been cut off. He was not aggressive, nor had any temper. He didn't remember anyone. Lodin of bread.

Luya was soaking in the pool, looking at Matthew through the screen from a distance, her mood was calm.

After taking a shower, Luya changed into clean clothes. I fetched another bucket of water and went back to the dragon's nest to see the red dragon.

The condition of the red dragon was not much better than yesterday, and the scales were covered with unknown black marks. When it heard someone coming in, the red dragon opened its eyes weakly, and after realizing that it was Luya carrying the bucket, it closed its eyes again, and warned in a low voice.

"Ned Hogg's curse is contagious, don't come near me."

"I just wanted to brush your scales, you look miserable, Farus."

Luya looked at Farus sadly, "Is there anything I can do? You have helped me so much, but I can't do anything for you. I hope you get better soon."

"..." Red Dragon closed his eyes and sighed dully.

"Then sing to me."

"You want to hear me sing?"

Luya's eyes lit up immediately, and she felt very happy.

Little did they know that she had won the titles of Death Singer and Fat Tiger during the team building in the company, and no one was willing to give her the microphone when singing KTV.

Although she is cute and has a sweet voice, she is a tone idiot and loses her tune when she opens her voice.

When she was in college, she confidently posted the songs she recorded on the batch website, and then she got a lot of ridicule. Some people put coins in her and asked her to sing a few more songs, because they planned to use her songs to scare the couples who applaud for love every night in the cubicle.

It is said that the effect is outstanding. After the cycle started, the sound next door quickly disappeared. Annoyed, Luya logged out of her account and never logged in again.

"Really, really, my singing is terrible."

She was a little flattered, and shyly grabbed the hem of the skirt and asked.

"Hmm." Red Dragon Yun said.

"Okay, then I will sing a soothing song."

Luya recalled the songs she could sing, then cleared her throat.

"Ah, spring in the northern country~~"

When a song with a strange tone of "Northern Spring" came out of the cave, Luoding, who was meeting with him, trembled with fright.

The Shiba Inu sleeping under the tree suddenly opened its eyes vigilantly, and the piglets started running around covering their ears. Even Matthew, who had been dehumanized, showed a distressed look, holding his head in a very painful look.

Lodin glanced at the entrance of the cave behind with a complicated expression. After hesitating for a long time, he finally didn't go in to stop Luya.

He couldn't help but think of when he was a sailor when he was young.

Alas, this is the song that can defeat the siren siren...

After the dog barked wildly outside the cave for a while, Luya finally finished singing intoxicated.

She felt that she had improved a lot compared to before. Although Lu Dahuang's ignorant barking was a bit disappointing, it didn't affect her performance anyway.

She looked expectantly at the red dragon, waiting for its evaluation.

"Very cute singing voice, I like it very much."

Farus closed his eyes slightly and said.

"Really? Even if you lie to me, I'm so happy!"

Lu Ya had never received such an evaluation before, her face was flushed, and her eyes became bright.

"Faros never lies."

As if afraid of scaring her, the red dragon lowered its voice as much as possible under the heavy breath, it struggled to open its eyes, its vertical pupils stared at Luya and said, "It's much more beautiful than the siren's song .”

"Hey, hey, it's too much of an award."

Lu Ya, who was praised by the red dragon, was completely embarrassed, and couldn't help but giggle non-stop.

In fact, she knew in her heart that her singing was rubbish, either because Farus's ears were broken or there was a filter for her. But whatever! She also thinks that Farus is the best dragon in the whole world!

After watching the red dragon fall asleep, Luya happily left the cave.

As soon as she was out the door, she saw Lodin and Piggy looking at her with fear. Especially Piggy, he stared at Luya with a strange expression, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Didn't that dragon swallow you in one bite and tell you to shut up? Hush."

As soon as Piggy started to act strangely, he was punched by Luya.

"Shut up, you don't know how to appreciate, the Red Dragon thinks my singing is more beautiful than the sea monster." Lu Ya was proud.

"If it's more lethal than the siren, I think it's a real snort." Piggy said honestly.

"You are already dead."

Luya beat him up.

After the piglet ran away crying, Luya faced Lodin with complicated eyes and Shiba Inu with a constipated expression.

"Uncle Lodin, when can we have dinner?"

"It will take another 2 hours, the dough still needs to ferment..." Lodin said hastily.

What to do, his mind is full of that terrible singing now! Maybe Eve's power is not her weapon, but her song!

He was worried about whether she would anger the red dragon, but it seems that he was worrying too much...

Although he couldn't understand dragon language, after hearing Luya's self-questioning conversation, he only felt that no matter what happened, the dragon would not hurt the little girl.

"You can try adding some raisins to the bread." Luya thought for a while and said, "I want to make a portion for the red dragon, he also needs to eat."

"That's natural, don't worry, I will do my part."

Lodin naturally understood that all of them survived because of this red dragon who had a wonderful affection for human beings, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect. However, he felt that the dragon might need more protein-rich meat, so he mentioned this matter to Luya.

"You're right, I also think dragons are carnivorous."

Lu Ya thought for a moment, indeed, dragons also need to eat, and eating only carbohydrates is not enough. Moreover, the Red Dragon must have to eat meat after suffering such a serious injury.

So here comes the problem...

Should she go hunting and take on the responsibility of supporting the family until Farus recovers

That's right, this is what it should be, the red dragon has taken care of her for so long, and it's her turn to take care of the red dragon! What's more, if there is only bread and no meat every day, she can't stand it. The resources in this mountain are relatively rich. You can find suitable monsters, get some meat or catch some fish, and improve your food.

Lu Ya made up her mind and made a plan for herself, and her blood boiled all over her body.

That's it!

But her procrastination attack, let's start hunting again tomorrow.

After dinner, after lighting the bonfire at the entrance of the Dragon's Nest, Luya lay happily on the bed, ready to have a good sleep, and wake up tomorrow to explore the mountain.

Night soon fell over this hopeless continent, and the threats hiding in the darkness began to show their fangs, gradually reaching the most dangerous time of day.

When Lu Ya was in a drowsy sleep, she suddenly felt someone pulling her skirt.

She had to get up from the bed and saw Lu Dahuang biting her skirt, trying to wake her up.

"What's the matter?" she asked, looking at the dog with a headache.

Her sleep has always been very light, whether in the previous world or here, most of it is related to her anxiety.

After realizing that she was awake, Shiba Inu immediately let go of his mouth, turned around and walked a few steps forward, then stopped, as if signaling her to follow him.

The author has something to say: It’s probably like my own cat is barking strangely

Red Dragon: so cute


I changed the copywriting of the received document, if you are interested, you can bookmark it.

By the way, I haven't finalized the name of the article yet. I've transmigrated as a follower of a bad female partner, or the special skills of Raiding the God of Death. Which name would you like to click on when you see it? Or if you have any suggestions for the name of the article, please let me know.

The male protagonist is the god in charge of death and wealth


Luna traveled to the story of a villainous female partner and the apostle of light that she read before going to bed.

After being reborn, the vicious female supporting role who had done all kinds of bad things began to curry favor with the male protagonist who had been bullied by her in every possible way.

After waking up, she became the servant No. 4 next to the vicious female supporting role.

Luna decided to stay away from the heroine and supporting actress, and watched them do their best while eating melons.

The new classmates who transferred in always liked to stare at Luna, and Luna suddenly realized that the melon seeds and fruits were stuffed into his hands.

"You want to watch a play too? Then come together!"

The Grim Reaper, who was attracted by souls escaping reincarnation and foreign souls and incarnated into the world: "... good."