I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 40


"If you insist on doing that, I can tell you everything I know, but this is not a place to stay for a long time, so go out as soon as possible."

The young man looked at Luya calmly and said.

When Luya and Luodin left the energy plant, Luya kept thinking about what the young man told her.

The young man's name was Luke Aldie, the son of a steward who had served Earl Derek's family for generations.

Count Albert Derek's wife is Davaronio, the eldest daughter of the Duke's family. It is said that the two were married out of true love. Because the wife's health is not very good, Earl Derek only had one daughter with her, and after losing his daughter, he did not have another child.

Earl Derek loves his wife deeply, does not have any lovers, never hangs out at night, and is indifferent to fame and fortune. It is precisely these reasons that Lianna has an opportunity to take advantage of.

Now Liana took away the name of Derek's daughter and changed her name to Luna Derek. The name Luna also means the goddess of the moon. Earl Derek named his daughter Luna in the hope that she would receive the best blessing in the world.

In short, that bitch is not worthy.

Luya decided to take revenge on Liana for herself, for those orphanage children who had been stolen by her and failed to go to the imperial capital, and Luke. Expose this bitch's identity and clear Luke's name.

In order to protect the family, the loyal housekeeper was framed and imprisoned by a vicious woman. In just three years, a young man was on the verge of death. Even if he was acquitted, it would not be able to offset the damage caused by radiation, but Lianna had to pay for it .

As for how to do it, Luya still has to think about it.

The most important thing right now is to escape. The energy plant was built in a remote place. After coming out of it, it entered the water conservancy system under Luke's guidance, moved through the sewer, and finally crawled out of the water outlet in the slums.

"It took a long time to wash it before, but now it stinks again."

Luya couldn't help complaining. This sewer seems to be seldom maintained. She even encountered a few slimes and mud monsters in it. , bank cards, mobile phones, even bicycles, microwave ovens...

... It seems that careless guys are not small, and everything that falls into the gutter is eventually swallowed by these monsters.

A trip to the sewer was very rewarding. She just killed a few mud monsters and became rich inexplicably. She carefully avoided the biggest mud king. She felt that the bigger the mud monster, the more things were in its stomach. The mud king probably swallowed up all the lost property of the people of the entire imperial capital...

Lodin's old friend's restaurant is located in Midtown, and there are several streets to go there. Although the poor street is chaotic, there are still many imperial soldiers stationed there. The news of the prisoner's escape has probably spread by now, and the entire imperial capital will be under martial law, so we must act with extreme caution.

"You wait here for me first, I'll go buy some clothes and come back to you."

Luya said to Luoding and the others who were hiding at the exit of the sewer, especially the piglets, once it was discovered that the pigmen appeared in the imperial capital, it would not be a simple accident.

"No problem, we will still wait for you here, you must be careful."

Lodin looked at her trustingly and said.

Luya put her hair up, put it into the military cap of the imperial soldier uniform, and adjusted her clothes to make herself look a little more decent. Then, she suddenly thought of something again, so she turned to look at Lodin and asked .

"By the way, Uncle Lodin, is the money we got enough to get a green card?"

A green card is what that green card means, and it's the same in this world.

In order to prevent people from smuggling, the empire will regularly check whether ordinary people walking on the road have an ID or a green card. If they happen to be checked and found to be neither a local resident of the imperial capital nor a green card, they will be deported and join the criminals. was exiled.

... It's really amazing to be able to combine the medieval and cyberpunk styles.

The imperialist people are really living in dire straits. Luya thinks that maybe they should get a green card just in case, but because the imperial system is actually quite corrupt. I heard that there are places in the black street that help people get green cards for a fee.

The price is high, but regardless of identity, comers are not rejected, and mutual privacy is also reserved. Luya's current money can be used as a false testimony, so that they can more easily mix in the imperial capital.

"Ah...it is indeed possible." Luo Ding said in a daze, "but don't rush now, go find my old friend first, now the whole city must be full of people looking for us."

"Did you take photos of your imprisonment for registration when you were arrested?" Lu Ya asked.

"No, it was just thrown in."

Lodin shook his head, "Although that is a basic procedure, I don't know why it wasn't implemented. The management is very chaotic."

"Then they are really not rigorous..."

Lu Ya breathed a sigh of relief, that's right, after thinking about it carefully, most of these criminals are going to be exiled, and it doesn't make sense to take prison photos. How troublesome it is for everyone to take pictures and file files. Most likely the administrators started to be lazy, and they probably never thought that someone could escape from the prison of the empire. In any case, after this accident, it will definitely be rectified, and it is guessed that all the personnel involved will be transferred from their posts.

But having said that, who was the person who rescued her at that time

Who can walk freely in the prison of the empire? Lu Ya had a guess that the other party even transferred a lot of people away, otherwise they would not be able to escape so smoothly. Is it a powerful person? But it doesn't make sense, why would the other party do that

Lu Ya was very puzzled, she couldn't think of the reason no matter how hard she thought about it, but it's better to focus on running away now, they are not safe yet.

Unexpectedly, she really escaped from the imperial prison with everyone. This is a good start, and she is going to save the red dragon next.

After leaving the sewer wearing the imperial soldier's costume, Luya clearly felt the evasive and evasive eyes around her.

Perhaps under the atmosphere of the empire's high-handed management, the atmosphere on the street was very tense, and the poor people they met in the slums would subconsciously walk around her, and they didn't realize that something was wrong with her at all.

Luya was not flustered at all, and looked around like an imperial soldier patrolling the streets. She was a little thankful that she hid her hair in the hat, otherwise, if she was found to be black-haired and black-eyed, she would not be so easily deceived.

Fortunately, there are hair dye creams in the market. If she wants to hide her identity, she can dye her hair and wear colored contact lenses. No one will be able to find out that she is the subject of a prison escape experiment.

There is nothing to visit in the slums. The houses are many and narrow. There are many people living in a small dwelling of a few square meters, most of whom are refugees from other places. Because the policy restricts the jobs they can do, decent jobs have long been saturated, and they are all local resources. The refugees from outside can only do some low-level jobs. Men with strong physiques can choose to join the army, with food and housing included. The remaining group of ordinary people who have been screened out are very difficult.

It would be nice to be able to find a job as a cleaner. It is against the law to be a female branch girl in the imperial capital. Although those nobles and lords have raised many slaves of that kind, it is illegal for a female branch girl on the surface.

It feels like pulling a fig leaf and saying it's all ages in a world where the grading system is rated 20! Not at all!

Therefore, in order to survive, some refugees who cannot find a job will also take the initiative to apply to work in factories with severe radiation. The salary of this kind of work is very high, but basically you will get sick within a few years. Cancer is not an incurable disease in the empire. Their technology and medical skill points are very high. Surgical robots can destroy all cancers with incomparable precision. cells, but those treatment costs are beyond the reach of the refugees. People without health insurance must not be sick, once sick, it means waiting to die.

Luya always feels that there are countless slots to vomit, the world has become like this, and human beings are still not united. The uneven distribution of resources is outrageous, and privileges are given at any time. The nobles are drunk and dreamy, while the poor are struggling to survive, suffering unspeakably.

Even she was disappointed, don't they care that sooner or later everyone will die together? Or do you not feel the crisis under boiling the frog in warm water

I heard that the current crown prince is also not good at governing the country. His political strategy is not as good as his third emperor's younger brother. He is ruthless towards people and is a natural killing machine. Only military personnel can make a big statement.

She also often heard people mention the crown prince's military exploits during her escape, such as what monsters she killed, and which city's monster army was defeated. However, these news are meaningless to the refugees. The major cities are already overloaded and cannot accommodate more people.

The mountain city of Haiwendit accepted the last batch of refugees three years ago. At that time, she was almost there, but she still failed to catch up with the number plate and was turned away. The crown prince's military achievements have nothing to do with them except envy and hatred.

But for such a crown prince, it's okay to let him go to the battlefield, but it's not good to be an emperor, he doesn't look like a person who is good at governing the country...

Although it has been a long time since I heard the rumors of the Crown Prince, Luya is still not optimistic about him. Human beings still need a thorough reform, otherwise there will be no chance to continue civilization.

Forget it, it's not something she should worry about. It's useless even if she worries, she just needs to take care of herself and the red dragon.

After she rescues Farus, leave the Empire with him. Lodin and the others can live in the human living area, and she will wander the world with Farus, maybe she can also go to the opposite Grandi continent to see...

I don't know what kind of scene it is like in a country under the blessing of the gods.

Luya walked through the slums in a dream, planning to go to Midtown to buy some decent clothes.

The patrol soldiers in the imperial capital also watch people order food. The more advanced the clothes, the less likely they will be stopped to check their household registration. The money they get from the sewer mud monster should be enough. If it's not enough, she will hit a little more.

The midtown area was completely different from the slums. It immediately had the feeling of a bustling metropolis, and the architectural style had completely changed. For a moment, she almost thought she had come to Times Square in New York. The suffocating sense of oppression dropped a lot in an instant, but at this moment, a row of imperial soldiers suddenly ran out not far behind her. The pace was uniform, and the sound of footsteps stepped on the road, and people hid to avoid it.

Lu Ya quickly lowered her head, trying to hide quickly, but those people had already spotted her.

"Hey! What are you doing there alone?!"

The author has something to say: Red Dragon will have two chapters.

I won’t spoil the details, let’s escape from the predicament first, this is really a standard Japanese RPG…

Tweet: "The Holy Monk Can't Ask Me" Author: Send Bing

This is the novel of the Queen of Ghosts and the Great Monk.

The author plans to write the next book Interstellar Monk, Domineering Interstellar Monk Falls in Love with Me, and Cosmic Religious Wars. I am looking forward to it.

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