I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 62


... Luya never thought that she would one day carry a dead body.

This feeling is like playing Hideo Kojima’s masterpiece Death Stranding, and it’s really not burned in time, and a dead body will happen...

Cerebral pain.

Fortunately, she is much stronger than Brother Nu, for the current Luya, the weight of this corpse is nothing. After stealing Bichi's body, she folded it and put it in a backpack, and then she was going to find a place with few people and smoke, set a fire or do something else.

But I always feel that if it is only fire, it may not burn cleanly, and God will still have a chance to restore her. She didn't know where to cremate the corpse in the imperial capital, or she could simply be less virtuous. She could learn from Lao Bai in Breaking Bad and throw it directly into the sulfuric acid pool of the factory or seal it in cement...

Luya almost admired herself now. After traveling to another world, she has upgraded from an incompetent design dog who dare not even kill a chicken to a ruthless person who can destroy corpses and wipe out traces.

But why couldn't the person who hanged Liana be more thorough and cremate her? That way she wouldn't have to work so hard.

But to be honest, now Luya can't figure out who actually killed Liana. If she thinks about it carefully, both the crown prince and another divinely favored person may kill her.

Needless to say, the crown prince, Lu Ya thinks that he might be on the same side as her, and he has his own plans. As the future emperor of the Astra Empire, he certainly doesn't like being led by the nose, so he will definitely eliminate all hidden dangers before the gods disturb the imperial capital.

And that divinely favored one would also kill Lianna, possibly for the purpose of bringing her back from the dead. Now that people are suspicious of her and the Crown Prince is after her, she has nowhere to run. It's better to relax everyone's vigilance and let everyone think that woman is dead.

The specific truth can only be known by meeting any of them. Two days later, the emperor held a ball for the crown prince. Although Liana had no chance to attend, Luya still wanted to tell the crown prince that she was going to sneak into the ball as a waiter in the restaurant. The crown prince is currently the only one with whom she has the same interests and can cooperate.

Lu Ya came to the outskirts of the city with the corpse on her back. After she was sure that her location was sufficiently concealed, she tried to set fire to the corpse.

The moment the flame burned, thick smoke billowed out, and the pungent smoke made Luya burst into tears, and the corpse soaked in medicine gave off an unpleasant stench. She quickly put out the fire with buried soil, and looked around guiltily.

Fortunately, the fire was extinguished quickly enough that no one else noticed...

But if it continues like this, people will definitely be attracted. And even if gasoline is poured in, the temperature of the cremation furnace will not burn it cleanly, so we should give up this plan.

So Luya hid Liana first, and then went to the slums to buy strong acid and a plastic bathtub.

I don't want to talk about the details. In short, the scene was like a horror movie. Lu Ya felt that she was strong enough to bear it, but she still couldn't vomit.

She obeyed Lao Bai's teaching that strong acid would melt everything except plastic, and the curious smell made her not want to eat for a week. In the end, Luya didn't have the courage to continue watching. She found a cover to cover the plastic basin. Anyway, after two days, Liana's body would disappear completely.

Luya couldn't believe that it was all like this, that dog was more capable of resurrecting her than a god.

Come on, let's see who is more ruthless than the other, she will never succumb to fate!

After Lu Ya finished all this, she looked around again, and after making sure she didn't feel anyone, she hid the plastic bucket under the corner of the wall and left here quickly.

Not long after, a figure quietly walked out from the corner of the shadows.

The man wearing a Japanese-style jacket and looking a little careless scratched his head in a little distress. He followed Luya all the way, but what this girl did was completely beyond his imagination. Why is she doing these things to other people's little girl's corpse

Although he learned about the festivities between the two little girls from the news brought by another divine person, but...

... It's amazing, is this really something a little girl came up with? In a sense, both of them are quite ruthless.

The man frowned, he seemed to have done mental construction for a long time, and finally opened the lid to look at the contents of the plastic basin, and then he also vomited.

No, let him be spared, he cannot be saved.

God of light, he has worked hard, really...

The man shook his head and sighed helplessly. Didn't he say that the girl was also part of the Great God's plan

How do you feel that the development of things has been a little bit off track

In fact, he knew that everything up to now was a game played by God.

Everyone is a pawn, and everyone has their own division of labor and positioning.

This girl's real name is Eve Lambda, and she is not from the Astra Empire.

She was born in Grandi Continent, the first daughter of the great priest Lambda who is the most devout to the God of Light.

She has excellent aptitude and innate talent, and is most suitable to be trained as the next prophet and inherit the position of great priest. But in order to prove his loyalty, Lambda offered his first daughter to God. The God of Light, who had not yet come, was moved by the loyalty of the great priest, so he gave the girl a great mission.

So the girl was sent to the continent of Asdra. Priest Lambda said that this was her destiny, and it was her honor to dedicate herself to the great god Darius.

The divinely favored person who passed through the dense forest and sea of fire threw her on the snow at the entrance of the orphanage. The kind mother found and took her in. Her seal of the divinely favored person was hidden, and she was like an ordinary girl. An ordinary girl grew up like an ordinary girl, until the day when the evil eye of the world appeared, she failed to go to the imperial capital, and the divinely favored person gave a hint to another ambitious ordinary girl beside her, causing them to embark on a completely different life trajectory.

All the suffering that Eve Lambda has experienced is for the coming of that day, her sacrifice will not be in vain, and God will eventually come to the whole world to save those wandering souls.

The sacrifice and devotion of the great priest Landam also allowed him to quickly get his second daughter, Estee Lambda. Although the talent is not as good as the eldest daughter Eve Lambda, she is still an excellent seedling, and she will become the next great priest.

The gods have arranged everything, and although there may be deviations in the details, there is only one final result.

The eldest daughter of Priest Landam will encounter danger and experience betrayal. She will hate the world and believe that only the coming of God can change everything.

She met a dragon, and the crown prince of the empire was turned into a dog, all of which were scripts arranged by the gods.

Dragons are curious about humans, but the red dragon Farus loves humans too much. It is also destined that it will meet the girl at the right time, adopt her, and be taken to the capital of the empire with her.

The only thing that was unexpected was that the personality of the eldest daughter of Priest Lambda suddenly changed drastically.

Eve Lambda gets a little too close to dragons. This is different from the original judgment. Not only is she not afraid of dragons, but she even has a special relationship with them.

And the dragon was willing to share his blood with her.

Is something wrong? The completely unexpected situation made the divinely favored one who observed her have a bad feeling. This may derail the great prophecy, but they have no right to question God's judgment until the God of Light intervenes.

"It's a little tricky..."

The man stared at the blond girl who was constantly melting in the strong acid, and couldn't help scratching his head.

Does she hate Liana too much, or has she completely out of script control

Another divinely favored person who was still in the Astra Continent reminded him that it was not time to tell the girl the truth, but he always felt that going on like this might affect the original plan of the Great God.

"Forget it, let them get in touch first, let them decide for themselves."

The man sighed helplessly, it was not his task to monitor her anyway. He has been lurking in the imperial capital as a spy and providing help to the pawns of the gods. But it now appears that this chess piece has been destroyed by another chess piece.

Did God still not express anything

The man couldn't act rashly for the time being, he had to close the lid of the plastic basin, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Countdown, eight days.

The crown prince's actions were almost thunderous, and the earl's daughter was charged with subverting the empire and colluding with the theocracy. After the hanged body disappeared in the square, the crown prince ordered the investigation of Earl Derek's mansion.

In order to disassociate himself from the relationship, Earl Derek admitted that he was deceived. He claimed that the girl controlled them with sorcery. Her sorcery tricked the family coat of arms and even modified their memories so that she pretended to be the Earl's family. A daughter who has passed away.

To prove what he said, Earl Derek took out the urn from the garden and declared that his real daughter had long since died. The countess was still unwilling to accept the reality, and went crazy during the interrogation, crying and laughing as if she was unconscious, insisting that her daughter was not dead, which completely contradicted the testimony of Earl Derek.

In the end, the soldiers of the empire took both of them away for investigation and sealed up the earl's mansion.

Countdown, seven days.

After taking the medicine, Matthew began to improve. He can already answer simple words and sentences, and gradually has a tendency to remember people. In addition, Lu Ya activated her bank account and finally took out the serial manuscript fee.

She felt people's enthusiasm for color comics, and she didn't expect that the serialization in the harem of another world would unexpectedly explode. A sum of money pushed her to the top of the tipping list in one go.

As a result, many people questioned whether Lu Ya had bought tickets, and protested wanting to see what kind of work it was. The newcomer dared to be so arrogant after only three chapters. As a result, everyone came out on their knees after clicking in.

"Poison! Dewei! The master has learned!"

A once-in-a-century genius who engages in color! To be able to come up with such a brilliant idea! Why didn't they ever think about having a hee hee hee with Long Long...

So Lu Ya received another batch of rewards. She wanted to see who her biggest local tycoon was, but she found out that it was a newly registered account with a very casual name called "big yellow".

rhubarb? The name is a bit sad to think of, and it reminds her of her missing pet dog.

Forget it, people have to look forward.

She used part of the manuscript fee to pay for Matthew's medicine, and the rest was transferred to the account of a man named Luke Aldi.

If nothing else happens, Earl Derek's butler will be released from prison in the near future, and the money will hopefully be enough for his radiation sickness treatment.

Luya did everything she could do one by one as if she was dealing with the funeral.

Next, she's going to put all her eggs in one basket to save her beloved dragon.

She saw Farus in a dream. He was trapped by special black chains, immobilized, in great pain, and those fatal wounds made him dying, so it was difficult for him to disperse his consciousness and appear in front of Luya.

The empire failed to take the dragon's life, and the so-called god of light, in order to hide the true face of this doom, will eventually take it.

The truth about the magic eye of the world is far from being as simple as what people see.

And in her dream, Luya also found the only way to save Farus.

The author has something to say: the good son gave Mommy a lot of money, and it is Rhubarb's repayment! Mommy didn't keep you dog for nothing (no)

The heroine was forced out by life! From an incompetent social animal who dared not kill a chicken at the beginning, he became a Breaking Bad (not to mention)

The □□ words in this chapter are disclosed for the first time, and the amount of information is huge!