I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 65


friend? ?

After Zelos said the word friend, Luya almost doubted her ears for a moment.

... Normally speaking, it should be a partner, right? Is it because he is not good at Chinese...

Lu Ya thought to herself that she had never met him twice, so how could she become his friend? And is it so easy to become a friend of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Empire? She doesn't believe it!

If he could make friends like this, he would not be alone by his side now. The emperor did not trust him, the prime minister colluded with his younger brother, and the younger brothers wanted to kill him in order to seize the throne, and even the military power was confiscated... It is really miserable.

But now is not the time to worry about these things, she waved her hands pretending to be flattered by the conditions given by the crown prince.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but I have no intention of staying, and I will leave voluntarily."

Only fools will really stay! Who doesn't know that the crown prince just gave a seemingly generous condition, and it is impossible for Farus to want to stay in human society. And to be honest, the crown prince is a bit crazy. As an insider who knows so many secrets, what if he suddenly changes his mind and decides to kill her one day

"Whatever you like," Zelos said.

After reaching an agreement with Zelos, in order to show her sincerity, Luya told him all the detailed information she knew without reservation.

"I see."

Hearing that the emperor would be assassinated and Liana would be resurrected, Zelos didn't react much, and seemed a little too calm. He raised his chin and meditated, and at this moment, someone knocked on the door of the room.

"Your Highness, are you in there?"

Prime Minister Darov's voice came from outside. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince dragged a waiter girl into the room and did not show up for a long time, which has already aroused discussions among the noble ladies. Although the more stupid actions the crown prince made, the better, but as the prime minister, he still pretended to come to remind him.

"The lady of the Duke of Barondefa is waiting to dance with you for the first time. If you are fine now, please return to the ball as soon as possible."

"Then just wait."

Zelos responded to the prime minister coldly, and there was a pretended sigh from outside. But Zelos ignored it. He came to the bookshelf and took down a thick dictionary.

"Is it really okay if you don't go back?" Lu Ya looked at him from the side and couldn't help reminding, "Although I don't want to be nosy, the prime minister is obviously targeting you and may make a big fuss about it. My suggestion is It’s better not to leave more handles.”

"It doesn't matter, just kill him when the time comes."


Lua couldn't help but fall silent when Zelos said the creepy words with a smile on his face.

Brother, is what you said true? Can the prime minister be killed casually

Could this Highness really be a good emperor? She doesn't really believe it... But she can't control these things, she just wants to save Farus.

After he took out the dictionary, the bookshelf suddenly seemed to be touched by some mechanism, and after slowly separating, a dark tunnel was revealed.

"Is this the exit from the palace?" Luya looked at him in surprise and said, "Don't worry, I can just go out the window, or I can go back to the kitchen and continue to help make desserts for your dance."

"Don't you want to meet that dragon?"

Just when Luya was about to say goodbye and leave very wisely, Zelos suddenly threw out a sentence like a bomb, which made her stop.

"… what?"

Zelos bent his lips, "If you want to see it, follow me."

After he finished speaking, he didn't intend to wait for Luya, turned around and walked into the tunnel directly.

"wait wait wait-"

It was only then that Lu Ya realized that she didn't have time to think. Seeing that the bookshelf was beginning to close, she immediately rushed up without hesitation.

Before the trap door was completely closed, she finally got into the tunnel and chased after the crown prince who had never turned back.

Do you still need to ask? ! Of course!

"I'm going! Go slowly!"

The crown prince's height is close to 190. She has short legs and shorter legs than others, so she has to trot to catch up with her. Luya couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart, her eyes were shining, she looked up at Zelos who was walking beside her in disbelief and asked, "Why did you take me to see the red dragon? Although I really want to see him, But doesn’t that mean he’s quarantined now? Will it alert those people?”

The most important thing is that she may not be able to control herself after seeing Farus, and find a way to rescue him immediately. She's also not sure if it's a good idea to meet Farus now, she doesn't have that part in her precognitive dreams, but she doesn't want to miss every opportunity, maybe the future is slowly changing.

"In your prophetic dream, the evil eye of the world will descend six days later, and the curse of the evil dragon will break out in the city. Half of the people will die at that time."

Zeros didn't answer Luya's question, and stated to her as he walked, "For now, there are a total of 9 people infected by the curse, all of them are researchers who participated in this project. Before they were infected with the curse, the only thing they did The same thing is that the blood of the red dragon was drawn and analyzed."

"But Farus is now isolated, and the curse of the large-scale outbreak must have been manipulated by someone."

Luya frowned, and asked Zelos about her initial guess, "I've thought about this before. Someone got the pollution source and put it in the city's circulation system, right?"

"Maybe." Zelos didn't seem to care about these things, he said lightly, "I'm not sure if the red dragon is still conscious, but you can try to wake it up."


Zelos' words gave Luya a bad premonition. She still remembered the scene she saw in her dream, and she became stressed again, thinking in her heart whether she should advance the things she had to do.

After she predicted the future, she also had a dream. Or it's not just a dream, Gudis somehow entered her dream and had a conversation with her.

With a icy smile on his face, the devil grandpa told her some unknown things.

To save a dying dragon, there is another way besides the power of super spells.

That is to make a contract with the dragon.

No matter how serious the injury is, when the dragon contract is signed, the supernatural power will give the dragon and the contractor a new life, the contractor will be able to gain extraordinary power, and any evil curse will be dispelled. It's just that from now on, the life of the dragon and the contractor will be inseparable from now on. If the dragon dies, the contractor will die, and the contractor will die. The dragon will also die. Even under the circumstances of being coerced and tortured, a dragon would rather die than agree to make a contract with humans. Require.

She didn't know what Gudis' purpose was for telling her about it.

If it really came to that point, would Farus be willing to make a contract with her? If she doesn't want to do it until the moment of last resort, she will become Farus' weakness, but...

Lu Ya followed Zelos to the entrance of the institute with a lot of worries. The imperial soldiers who wanted to stop them were a little surprised when they saw that the person was the crown prince, but they didn't dare to stop them and opened the gate of the institute for them.

"They will go to inform the prime minister immediately, no matter what you plan to do, you should hurry up."

When Luya followed Zeros into the research institute, Zeros quickened his pace and warned her. Lu Ya couldn't help observing for four weeks, remembering the path she had passed.

"Is it okay for us to come in now? Will it be a little alarming?"

"It's okay, they can't do much until the research ship from the closed Academy City arrives. I'm also waiting for them to show their feet... Hurry up."

Zelos took her through heavily guarded checkpoints, and finally in the deep underground of the research institute, Luya finally saw Farus trapped by black chains.

The red giant dragon was soaked in the huge yellow solution, with its eyes closed, as if it had completely fallen into a deep sleep.


Luya rushed to the container and knocked hard on the glass. However, the dragon inside couldn't hear anything, and the thick glass and solution cut off her voice.

"It can't hear it. It contains a solution of topaz, which has a strong anesthetic and sedative effect. In order to prevent the dragon from struggling to escape, only this dose can calm it down."

That's why it became more and more difficult for her to see Farus' consciousness, and his last trace of consciousness was completely asleep. Thinking of him trying to keep herself awake and reminding her of the danger she encountered, Luya couldn't control the redness of her eye circles, she wiped her eyes, looked up and said to Zelos, "I can do it, thank you for bringing me here. "

"Is that all right? Aren't you going to do something?"

"Yes, but it's not yet time. I must hold my breath."

Luya pulled her lips and smiled with difficulty, "After all, you said before that you brought me to see him, and now even if you destroy the container, you can't take the red dragon away. I might as well wait until the barrier is opened." Do it."

Zelos looked at Luya, he seemed to be thinking, and then he also made a decision.

"Then, come here tomorrow night by yourself."


"The curse on the red dragon is the source of the plague that is about to break out in the empire. It is not bad for me to eliminate the source in advance. It seems that you have already figured out what to do. I will help you close Gradia at that time The enchantment, you only have fifteen minutes, you can take it away."

"...Are you serious?"

Lu Ya looked at the crown prince in astonishment, almost unable to believe what he said to her.

"Without that dragon, there would be no need for the airships that closed Academy City to come to Gradia, and the plague brought by the curse would not spread in Gradia. Without the Demon Eye of the World, my troubles would be much less .”

"But if you do this, there is no turning back. It is treason. The second prince, the prime minister, and even the emperor will not let you go. They are just waiting for this opportunity, and you will lose the support of all the nobles. into a true loner—”

"It doesn't matter, the obstacles in front of you, as long as you eliminate them one by one."

Zelos interrupted Luya, and he laughed happily, "The good days of their privileges have passed too long, and those people have wasted too many resources, including today's ball, which is meaningless, all People are disgusting to me... If it continues like this, the empire will eventually perish, and human beings will never have a future... Actually, I have no interest in inheriting the throne, but I will not become a prop for a god, whether it is a god Or something else, if you want to hinder me, then knock it down together, and it doesn't matter if you become a godslayer."

Lu Ya was quite surprised when she heard these words in a daze.

… Unexpectedly, the crown prince, who was evaluated as a mad dog, was far more sober than the rest of the empire.

He can see what the country really needs, and he's not just an idealist.

I don't know what he went through to come up with such an idea, but he made Luya see hope again. If it was him, maybe he could really change the empire.

"Then it's an agreement, so be it. I also believe that you can solve the problem of the imperial capital by yourself."

Luya nodded, looked at Zelos very sincerely and said, "I hope you can save this country, the future of mankind should only be in your own hands."

From this point of view, the future may really deviate from the prophecy. Maybe her prophetic dream will also change, Luya looked at the red dragon in the container again, and felt that hope was getting closer to them.

"I'll take you away tomorrow, Farus." Luya stood in front of the special glass and swore to him in a low voice.

You are also an irreplaceable part of my life.

But at this moment, a deep sigh suddenly sounded in the isolation room of the research institute that was originally empty.

"Oh, but if you do this, it will make it difficult for me."

! !

Luya was taken aback for a moment, and she and Zelos turned their heads at the same time. At the same time as the lazy voice appeared, a person slowly emerged from the shadow of the wall of the isolation room.

That divinely favored person who was supposed to be at the crown prince's ball, unexpectedly appeared here at some point.

He still had that carefree look, but the way he looked at Luya and the others became sharper now.

"If you completely deviate from the prophecy now, God will be very angry... Why does it have to be like this? Eve Lambda, if your father knows that you have become like this, he will be very disappointed."

The author has something to say: Longlong is about to be rescued! The dog prince falls off the horse in the next chapter

An interesting article today!

You Are Pregnant With A Miserable Child Author: Under God

second person! Very exciting and tasty!

Babies who have read my article "This Is Not an RPG" will like it! The second-person Wendu always has a cheap feeling.

In the last chapter, some people said that the crown prince is a bit like Sephiroth after being blackened. When I think about it carefully, it is really a bit...