I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 68



The emperor stared at Noyce's face, his hands were trembling, as if he did not expect to hear such words from the mouth of the second prince.

When Neuss was full of confidence and felt that he could convince his father, the emperor suddenly slapped him down to the ground and scolded him with wide eyes.

"You stupid bastard! Do you know what you're talking about!"

"Father, father..."

Neuss didn't seem to have expected the emperor's reaction to be so great. He quickly covered his beaten face and explained to the emperor, "This is the best way to reduce casualties at present. If God is willing to come and bless the empire People, it is only a good thing for us, father! The rest of the cities that are struggling to hold on will be safe... "

"What do you know?! Have you forgotten the history before the establishment of the Astra Empire?"

"Well, that is the history left by the predecessors, and it may not be true!"

Noyce tried to argue, "If God really destroyed the world once, how did humans successfully rebuild their homeland?"

"How dare you talk nonsense!"

The emperor was furious, wishing to cut the son in front of him into pieces.

The empire has not disclosed the real history, and the main reason why the empire does not promote religious beliefs is the same. The world in the past was a top secret that only the royal family knew.

The original world was actually a complete disc.

At that time, it had not been divided into two plates. The Creator created the world. After the birth of human beings, they died of exhaustion and became a part of this world. The original world was balanced, humans and monsters coexisted, just like the most common food chain cycle, people eat monsters, and monsters also eat people. Until later, humans evolved wisdom and began to expel monsters and build their own homes.

The speed of human development is very fast, they have formed order and state. In 1107 of the old calendar, the Republic of Lausanne Vedder was established, technology reached its peak, and human beings became stronger than ever. But even if the disease is overcome, the lifespan of human beings is always limited. Even in the case of no disease, no pain and good health, death is still inevitable.

At that time, in order to break through the upper limit of human life, scientists began to study the truth of the birth of the world, and then found traces of the existence of the Creator.

They found the heart of the Creator in a mountain valley.

The head and limbs of the dead Creator have been integrated into the earth, and the mountain range is the backbone of the Creator, which has weathered and turned into rock just like the heart. But human beings have collected some cells that haven't died on the huge heart.

The ancient humans were completely unaware of how dangerous this would be, and they began to try to resurrect and awaken the consciousness of the Creator.

But in human experiments, after the recovery of the Creator's cells, another will seems to be born.

A male will.

In the beginning, this was a very gentle, non-aggressive consciousness. He told mankind that he is the new will of the Creator, not the original Creator. The ancient humans became very interested in this discovery, called him the son of the Creator, named him "Daris", and tried to cultivate him so that he could regain the memory of his mother, revive and become the ancient god again.

Darius learned quickly, and he quickly created a body for himself—a boy with long hair like golden threads and blue eyes like jewels, pure and inaccessible. He responded to human prayers, prevented natural disasters, and calmed down earthquakes, wildfires and tsunamis. This young god repeatedly created miracles, grew rapidly in the Lausanne Vedder Republic, and gradually possessed temples, believers, and teachings.

Believers called him the "God of Light", and the original ancient humans didn't think it was a bad thing. But in just a few decades, the believers of the God of Light have developed rapidly, reaching almost half of the population of the entire continent.

Darius has gradually grown from a harmless boy to a young man. The young god still has a beauty beyond the reach of human beings, and he is no longer as responsive as he was at first. Today Darius sits alone in the center of the temple, accepting the worship of the believers.

Natural disasters still happen, but the gods no longer interfere. Believers believe that disasters happen because they are not pious enough, because there are too many people who do not believe in gods and blasphemers, and they do not deserve to be redeemed by the great god. Only when the great unification is realized, will human beings truly be happy.

People have become more and more fanatical, taking the words of gods as truth, attacking those who do not believe in gods, and affecting their lives. More and more ordinary people join the religion to prevent being harassed, technology has also stagnated, and society has begun to degenerate at an extremely fast speed.

At first, some people dared to tell the truth. Some scholars in the Republic believed that this was not conducive to the development of mankind, and ordinary people also began to worry that the development of the god religion had gotten out of control. They proposed religious restrictions, but this aroused strong opposition from the believers of the God of Light, accusing this of being a great disrespect for the gods.

There are also many believers of the God of Light in the Senate. They rejected this proposal and decided to increase the construction of temples and increase the number of temples. A temple must be ensured in every neighborhood, and every child must go to a seminary for education. This has caused resistance from many people. Scientists have calculated the simulation results. If this continues, the Republic will cease to exist in the future and become a complete theocracy. Human beings will completely lose their freedom and the right to choose.

People who blaspheme God now will be threatened with death. At that time, human beings will live under the land completely controlled by gods. That is not the future that human beings want.

This will born from the cells of the Creator did not allow human beings to understand the truth of the world, but instead made the world go backwards.

Then at this time, a man named Buckhouse stood up and united those who did not want to be enslaved by God to launch a war. Buckhouse used to be a genetic scientist. He invented a powerful serum. After injection, he could gain strength several times stronger than ordinary humans. This man was also the founding emperor of the Astra Empire. situation.

Anyone who has seen that period of history will not be sober enough to want to descend on this land again. In the year 1169 of the old calendar, Buckhouse and a group of warriors, who gained the support of more and more people, killed Darius and all the favored ones with high-performance magic weapons. After the defeat, the great priests led some pious believers to flee to another continent. The last power of God created a dense forest of fire for them in front of the pursuers, where the believers re-established their theocratic country and prayed One day their gods will rise to unify and save this sinful continent.

After the victory of Buckhouse, he established himself as king in this land, and the Republic of Lausanne Vedder also became an empire. The empire began to vigorously promote science. Those soldiers were rewarded according to their military achievements and became the original nobles. The hereditary system has survived to this day.

From then on, people were afraid that Darius' will would wake up again, religious belief was banned on the land of the empire, and the church became a place for weddings. The emperor ordered that period of history to be sealed, people were not allowed to discuss it, and spreading it was a crime. Gradually, the people of the empire forgot all that, but there are also many believers who could not follow the priests to flee to the Grandi continent at the beginning, and have been quietly conveying the will of the gods to their children and grandchildren.

It wasn't until 1739 in the new calendar that the magic eye of the world appeared. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the fanatics in Grandi finally awakened the god who was defeated by Buckhouse, and Darius came to this land again.

"But Father! If this continues, our city will be destroyed by monsters! The Holy Empire will be destroyed! Is this really the result we want?! And... and..."

Noyce struggled a bit, and told the emperor the promise made to him by the people on the opposite continent, "The god-favored person over there promised me! Even if the god descends on the continent of Astra, the god will respect us and let us The people of our holy empire choose to keep the existing system and life, just need a little change, to recognize the existence of God... I think this is a win-win situation, for the future of the empire, let history continue to exist, we must make some sacrifices and compromises ...!"

Noyce didn't know where the surge came from, his emotions became more and more agitated, and he believed that he could use the results to convince the emperor. However, the emperor looked at him without saying a word. After a while, the emperor drew a long sword from the statue of the soldier behind him, and walked towards Neuss gloomyly.

"I always thought that guy Zelos was crazy, but I didn't expect you to be a hopeless idiot!"

"Father, father... why do you say that!"

Noyce looked at the sword in the emperor's hand and took two steps back with a blue face. He shook his head, stared at the emperor and said, "I am also thinking about the future of the empire...don't force me like this, please..."

"Absurd guy! It turned out that you colluded with those demons! I thought you were a smart person, but who would have guessed that I was wrong! Even if the Astra Empire is destroyed, those guys will never get involved!"

The emperor glared fiercely at Noyce, who was full of fear, and said mercilessly, "You are such a disgrace to our family! Even if I die, you will not be able to sit on that throne! Your ancestors must have seen you like this!" I will peel your skin and hang it on the city wall! Even if the Asdra Empire fights monsters to the last moment, it will not beg for mercy from that kind of god!"


When the emperor raised the sword in his hand, Noyce's face turned pale. He hugged his head tremblingly and almost screamed until the emperor's sword slashed at his side. He glanced at Noyce with eyes like looking at garbage, turned around and dropped a "get out".

The emperor left without looking back, and Neuss was so frightened by the emperor's aura just now that he almost lost control. An indescribable hatred surged in his heart.

Why? Why do you look down on me? Why am I not as good as Zelos, have you treated me fairly

He stared coldly at the emperor's back, moved his pale lips, and the patience in his heart finally reached its limit.

"...you forced me, father."

Noyce slowly stood up from the ground, and he staggered to keep up with the emperor. Suddenly he pulled out a short knife from his pocket, rushed up and stabbed the emperor's defenseless back.

"You forced me to do this... Go to hell!!!"

The author has something to say: The Empire chapter is coming to an end. In fact, the progress of many games written here is close to the end. I will give you a few more mazes to delay the time.

I hope everyone supports the original version, so that I can write it down QAQ

There will be Dark City and Theocracy next, as long as everyone is willing to read it, I will continue to write.

It's really a story of a dog at the beginning, and a god-killing story at the end...