I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 70


"Damn, damn, damn, damn..."

Neuss was in a very unstable mood at the moment. He took the crown from the emperor's body and wore it to the forbidden area of the imperial city.

No one is allowed to enter this forbidden area. The enchantment of the imperial capital is inside. Only the blood of the royal family can be recognized by the coat of arms, and only those who hold the crown can open the door.

Noyce killed the four gatekeepers guarding the barrier. He wore the emperor's crown on his head and approached the forbidden area covered in blood. He saw the core energy furnace of the triple barrier in the imperial capital.

As long as you turn this thing off...

Noyce stretched out his hand towards the energy stove, but at this moment his forehead was stabbed suddenly, and Noyce couldn't help being taken aback. At this moment, a row of strange flames suddenly lit up around him, and a row of people appeared beside him. The ghostly blue figure stared at him solemnly and silently.

"What the hell?!"

Noyce was so frightened that he almost couldn't stand up, and almost hit the energy furnace—he recognized those people almost instantly, he had seen them in the portraits in the chronicle, the history of the Astra empire Emperors!

It's just that each of them looked at him with extremely cold eyes, including his father. Not long ago, the father he personally killed was standing among all the emperors, staring at him like a ghost.

The souls of Asdra's emperors are immortalized in the empire. Noyce heard his teacher mention this legend when he was a child, but he didn't understand what it was until now.

They were left here forever, became part of the empire, witnessed the history, and guarded the country—

"You shouldn't be doing that."

"Stop, my boy."

"Traitor! Traitor!"


The voices of the emperors seemed to penetrate directly into Noyce's brain, and he couldn't block those voices even if he covered his ears. He took a step back in fear and yelled at them, "Shut up! You are all dead! Get out of my sight!"

"What can you do?! You can't do anything!"

"This country is exhausted! Only the power of God can keep mankind going! I am doing this for the people of the empire!"

"Disappear! Disappear for me!!"

The emperors of all dynasties just stayed where they were, staring at him coldly one by one. Noyce rushed to the front of the energy furnace in a frenzy, and began to close Gradia's barrier without hesitation.

"Warning, the first barrier will be closed after a 360-second countdown."

"Plus, as long as you kill Zelos, everything will be over..."

Noyce stared anxiously at the countdown, his body trembling constantly. The ancestors around him stood silently around him, and none of them could do anything.

Imperial Sky.

Red Lotus, who had released the power of God, did not attack Luya. After provocatively shooting a few ice cones at Luya, he began to move at high speed in the air to avoid the dragon flame, mediating with the red dragon.

Even Luya could see that he was delaying time, but the air battle was not good for her, and Luya didn't want to expand the battlefield to the ground and affect ordinary people, especially since Dougs and Lodin were still inside the imperial city. She lay on the dragon's back and chased that divinely favored one, but the other party would distance herself from her in time.

"What's wrong! Is the so-called God of Light such a coward! Come on! Confront me head-on!"

Luya kept calm and shouted at him. This kind of opponent's kite-flying style of play is what she hates the most! Unless she also uses the power of the gods, she can't use magic as this man wants to do.

"I've let you down, Miss. God just lent me his power. If you want the God of Light to truly descend on this continent, you need everyone's efforts."

The foolish man answered Luya with a smile, probably sensing her mood swings, Farus reminded her in a low voice, "This man is just delaying time, he gained power by summoning a god on himself, but even if If God didn't directly possess him, his body would soon be unable to bear the power of God and disintegrate."

"The prophecy has been completely changed, even so, are you still not giving up?"

Luya shouted to him, "I completely destroyed Liana's body, your original plan is useless! It's time to admit defeat! Even the gods can't dominate everything! And is it meaningful to sacrifice yourself for the gods? Put the cart before the horse Come on!"

"You still don't understand, Miss Eve, everything is for righteousness, and this is also my mission. The prophecy will not change. Everything you do now is still destined to lead to the same result, a single part It is broken, and other parts will be replaced soon. Now you and the red dragon Farus have replaced the girl named Liana, and have become the most critical pawn in the prophecy."

While the man answered Luya with a smile, there was a sudden change in the sky above the imperial capital, the sky turned a fiery color, and then the brilliance of the first barrier went out.

The nobles in the imperial city couldn't help screaming in fear when they saw this situation, and the people who were crowded on the street because of the commotion also looked at the sky in amazement.

"what happened?!"

"what happened!"

People looked at the enchanted circle in disbelief. The red dragon that suddenly appeared over the empire and the closed barrier seemed to confirm the previous rumor on the empire's communication network. At first they thought it was just the same rumor as usual, and they didn't take it too seriously. Now that everything has come true, will it really be like that prophecy

In the eyes of ordinary people in the imperial capital of Gradia, even if the gods really came to this continent, it would not be a bad thing.

Except that the nobles were not affected by the doomsday at all, and lived a life of extravagance and privilege as before. The life of ordinary people is miserable. People in the upper city are under great pressure, their jobs have been laid off, and they are always careful not to be exiled for minor crimes. The people in the slums are even more miserable. More than a dozen people are forced to squeeze into a very small space. They are precarious, and supplies are rationed. Once they get sick, they face bankruptcy and death.

When they found out that the gods would come to this continent, they cheered happily.

Even though the empire officially advertises that the theocracy is a very evil place, the gods will brainwash believers, making them lose their thoughts and ego, and become like walking dead. However, as time went by, the people of the empire still yearned for that theocratic continent more and more.

It is said that God will treat every believer equally and fairly, and accept all those who are willing to believe in God.

The people at the bottom of the imperial capital feel that their lives will not be worse than they are now. At least the people in the theocracy feel that they are very happy. Under the blessing of God, they no longer need to fear monsters and resources, and no longer need to live like they are now. Days of fear.

The emperor has been fighting and fighting, trying to get back his territory from those monsters, but as time goes by, they lose more and more cities, more and more people are exiled, and the rest are poor and dying Struggling online. They have long lost the concept of subjugation. If God is willing to come to this land to protect them and give them equality, there is nothing wrong with it. At least all people are the same.

At this time, Luya roughly understood what the opponent was planning. While she was chasing the opponent, reinforcement warships appeared beside her and began to shoot at the red dragon. Farus had to dodge the shelling sideways, and Luya grabbed the demon knife in her hand and split a missile flying behind them to track them.

It's like being attacked from both sides, and now it's a meaningless civil war. These people don't know what's going to happen. She knows that negotiating with them is a waste of words. No one will listen to her, and her only companion, Zelos, can't protect herself.

"Is he stalling for time to let something in after the barrier is fully opened?"

Lu Ya glanced at the second barrier that was about to be extinguished, and the bad premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger. The appearance of dragons above the empire will cause people to panic, but it is not enough to collapse the empire's combat power. If all the warships are dispatched, they may be able to encircle them. If the purpose is to destroy her, there is no need for that divinely favored person to do such troublesome things. Could that thing also appear

The prophesied Demonic Eye of the World appeared over the empire three days later, but she clearly changed the content of the prophecy... If the Demonic Eye of the World also appeared earlier, it might prove one thing.

The monster, though nowhere to be found, was probably manageable.

She remembered that Farus said that the magic eye of the world has the scent of the creator, and it may really be a conspiracy of the gods.

When the second barrier disappeared, the people in the city screamed again, and a huge eyeball-shaped shadow gradually appeared in the originally burning sky.

As Luya expected, that monster really appeared.

It did not appear according to the time in the prophecy, but only at a specific time.

"It's the magic eye of the world! Is that the magic eye of the world—"

"Why did it show up in Gradia?! It's never been the case—"

"No—I don't want to die!"


Compared with the calm reaction when the red dragon flew over the city, they were completely panicked now.

Perhaps it was because the imperial capital once had a triple barrier, that monster seemed to be intelligent, and it almost never appeared to drop monsters over the city of Gradia. Therefore, the local people of Gradia have not personally experienced that kind of horror. The only knowledge of the monster is in the video. Amnesia therapy, forcing themselves to forget the memory that caused their PTSD.

Therefore, when the prophecy mentioned that the demon eye of the world would appear in the sky above the imperial capital, most people only felt disdain for it, and they didn't think it would be true. But now that the Demon Eye of the World has really appeared in the imperial capital, does it mean that Gradia is about to be destroyed

No... How could such a thing be possible...

People started running around, trying to flood uptown, why was the barrier closed? Did the emperor betray them

People's desperation reached its peak when the third barrier was about to be extinguished, and at this moment, among the screaming and panic-stricken crowd, someone suddenly shouted and broke the commotion.

"God of Light, please save us!! I am willing to entrust everything to God!!"

For a moment, the people on the street fell silent, and then roared one after another, as if they were all echoing in unison.

"Ask the gods to save us!!"

The author has something to say: I want to write an epic!

Luya's continuous struggle to change the future still promotes the same result in a sense.

but! It's too early to draw conclusions! It's not over yet!

Don't worry, it's still too early to finish. As long as everyone supports the genuine version so that I can sustain the number of subscriptions, I can continue to write. In fact, the whole story is just halfway through. After the imperial capital is the dark city, and finally the theocratic land.

I beg you to give me the nutrient solution, 1000 will be added today! Or bookmark my new articles in the column!


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