I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 89


"Why trust me?"

Zhu Jia stared at Luya complicatedly, he didn't think she was a stupid woman, a stupid woman couldn't survive. But as a human being, she didn't feel any tension in the legendary dark city, and even made such a suggestion to him, what was she thinking

"...I'm a betrayer, aren't you afraid that I'll betray you to Gutis like I betrayed Zelos?"

Lu Ya looked at him and said, "You're mistaken. It's not me, but you who are the key to killing Julius. As the former prince of the empire, if you haven't given up your honor, do something truly correct. thing."


Zhu Jia was taken aback by Lu Ya's words. He had never expected that the other party would say such a thing, so he couldn't help being stunned.

The real right thing to do...

After his body turned into the current monster, he never expected to hear such words.

"You can also tell him what I think. But this only proves that you will always be a hopeless coward and coward. You will never be as good as his root, not to mention surpassing Zelos. finger."

Luya and Zhu Jia looked at each other, she was full of determination, and said without fear, "What's more, I think this may have been deliberately arranged by Gudis."

That's right, she suspected that this was a trick set up by that old and cunning guy.

Things that had been piled up for more than fifty years suddenly asked her to help organize them. It is impossible for him not to think that Luya might peek at these files out of curiosity. If there is any secret in it, is it okay to let her know

No, he just wanted her to see these things. So I specially prepared a potion of knowledge for him to let her know the truth behind it.

The ancestor of the vampire dispersed a lot of power that belonged to the Grand Duke of Demons. Just like the infighting of the human empire, some races of monsters belonged to which faction the ancestor Julius belonged to. They were not very obedient to Gudis. Julius's power is constantly strengthening. When they jointly forced Gusdi to build a human ranch, Gudis was very unhappy. He never liked others coercing him, especially when the vampire faction began to show their ambitions.

Gudis's investigation documents didn't mention what the vampires' ambitions were, but Luya could guess it—in all likelihood, it was to seize power.

The document only said that those races with high demand for human flesh were all attracted by the ancestors. Gudis himself was a balanced faction, which dissatisfied many demons who admired "human extinction" extremely, thinking that he was obviously capable but Cities that haven't completely destroyed human beings, if they can't do it, might as well step down and give this place to someone who can. Julius has a very high reputation among this group of demons.

Lu Ya suspects that Gudis actually wants to kill people with a knife, and use her hands to get rid of her enemies.

It is obviously not convenient for him to do it himself, and so is the red dragon, so he invited the red dragon to deal with the overgrowth of parasitic flowers in the Zehara Plain with him, and they have absolute alibi.

And once Lu Ya saw the contents of those documents, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

As long as the forces behind the human ranch can be eliminated, without the overall planning of the vampires, the industrial chain will be broken. Necromancers can only trade with vampires and demons. Only the pigmen can't make a fortune. As long as Julius can be killed, it is equivalent to removing one of their marshals, which will play a key role in reversing the war situation after the empire. effect.

She is a little human girl, weak and pitiful, and it is impossible for humans to kill the ancestor of the vampire, so he specially let the necromancer reincarnate a death knight of the prince of the empire and sent it to her as a subordinate, and gave him back as a human. The self-awareness at the time was not for work, but for Luya's hand to let her take over the ancestor of the vampire...

So Gudis also gave her two bottles of very precious potions of changing dragons, and that was not to make her pornographic...

... What a good move! It also makes people willing to be used to achieve a win-win situation.

Lu Ya couldn't help admiring him. He is indeed a thoughtful devil. Even if he didn't have the prophecy of the gods, he still counted every step in place. What a horrible guy, I really don't want to be enemies with him if I can. He had fooled Farus, but he knew that Luya would be willing to do it.


At this time, Zhu Jia was silent for a long time, and when Luya was thinking, his brain also turned rapidly. He guessed most of it, he is very smart, it is impossible not to think of these.

…but is he going to do it

Although his body has become like this, Zhu Jia still has a human heart after regaining the consciousness of his life.

He always wanted to prove to his father that even without Zelos, he could be the savior of the empire.

After Zhu Jia was silent, he stared at Luya and asked, "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

"I know that if I fail, I may lose everything. Although it seems that I have been calculated, I am a little unwilling, but this is indeed what I want to do. This is a difficult problem of choosing myself or saving more people."

"..." Zhu Jia clenched his teeth. Despicable and cowardly, he once chose to be a coward. He played tricks and plotted against his brother, but he was completely used and lost his life because of it.

Lu Ya looked at her and continued, "Do you think that my life is going well now, and I don't have to worry about survival issues, right? Why bother with those shitty things? It's actually very simple to be a selfish bystander, blindfold yourself, Just pretend you don't know what to do. If no one is willing to come forward, we will never be able to change the world. Maybe the demons will unite and kill me. Why do I do stupid things? It's very simple, I really Not a great guy, but I believe if anyone else had the opportunity to do something like this, they would have made the same choice as I did."

Lu Ya subconsciously touched the crystal fragment of red lotus that she picked up in her pocket. Red Lotus actually touched her a lot, and changed Luya's view of the world.

Even the gods did not fully obey the gods, Guren made her own choice. The spirit of rebellion even appeared in a deeply brainwashed person. Such a person was willing to sacrifice for righteousness, chose his own conscience, and found the truly correct path.

Lu Ya made up her mind and said, "I used to be weak and incompetent, and I didn't think about anything other than survival, but now, I want to do something that I can do to change something."

"... What kind of pure idiot are you?"

Zhu Jia looked at Luya with a complicated expression, but he felt that he was also somewhat infected by her emotions.

That's right, so far, what else can he not lose? He wanted to surpass Zelos, he wanted the big brother who never saw him in his eyes to admit that he could do better than him, this was his last obsession.

Yes, then do the one really right thing...

Zhu Jia couldn't help laughing at himself as an idiot in his heart, but he also made a decision, "Tell me about your plan first? I have to remind you, even if I reincarnate as a death knight, I have the same dark attribute as a vampire. It is impossible for one person to kill an ancestor, even if his head is cut off, as long as the ancestor can recover his body, he will not die."

Luya continued talking to herself indifferently. "The plan is for us to assassinate Julius during the day."

"...It's that simple? Didn't you understand what I said?"

Zhu Jia stared at Luya dumbfounded, shocked by her thoughts.

"Even if I am willing to do that, but assassinate a vampire ancestor? Do you know how many retainers will be around the ancestor? People who are sucked to death by the ancestor will become ghouls controlled only by them, and there are transformed vampires around him Subordinate, do you want to kill an ancestor among so many vampires?"

Zhu Jia looked at her seriously and warned that he thought she should give up those unrealistic ideas. Some things don't have determination and willpower, and you can do it by shouting slogans, otherwise human beings would not be forced to this point...

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

Luya looked at him and continued, "It's really not easy to kill an ancestor. It's not the same as killing ordinary vampires. Ordinary vampires only need to behead them or put them in the sun to tan. Their place of birth can weaken them... Forget it, they will die after cutting them up anyway. If not, they will be soaked in strong acid, after all, they are carbon-based organisms, and their regeneration speed must not be as fast as their dissolution speed."


No matter how bad it is, I will use the potion that Gudis gave her to become a dragon, and then spray the vampire to death with a mouthful of dragon flames to see if it can regenerate. I don't know what kind of dragon she will become? I am so innocent and cute, I must be a little white dragon.

"Now that the evil eye of the world has disappeared, the sun has shrouded the earth again, most of the vampires have been weakened, they have to hide underground, now is the best time for us to fight back, although Duinbrook is surrounded by purple miasma, The sun does not shine into the city, but the vampires still sleep during the day, and only the ghoul retainers guard their coffins, so we just need to sneak into Julius' manor during the day, open his coffin, and cut him Chop up his head and throw it into strong acid, and it's done."

The first time was born and the second time was familiar. When Luya was in the empire, she had already disposed of the body of the chess piece that the gods planned to use, which completely destroyed the plan of the gods. This time I plan to continue to kill the boss behind the human ranch.

God must be mad again. After all, the world has become like this is God's conspiracy. Once the human pastures that scare mankind the most are destroyed, hope will sprout again in the hearts of mankind. What the gods are most afraid of is that human beings will have hope, because only desperate people will pin everything on the gods.

If it wasn't for the fear of human beings generating hope, how could the demonic eye of the world actively attack the place where hope exists

It's time to start fighting back!

Luya began to gear up, preparing to break down the mountains that God used to suppress mankind one by one!

"... I join."

Zhu Jia suddenly made a sound. At this time, he who was hesitant finally made a decision.

"When will the action begin?"


Luya and Zhu Jia quickly reached an agreement, so she said hello to the old dryad butler to go out once, and under the escort of the death knight, she walked through several blocks and came to the old Berg's shop.

"Huh? You are a distinguished guest who came with the red dragon Farus last time. I didn't expect to see you again..."

Old Berg was a little surprised by Luya's appearance, as if he hadn't expected her to survive, so he couldn't help but look her up and down.

"Well, it's really you... It seems that you have become a dragon pawn, which is really surprising..."

Becoming a dragon's contractor means sharing life with the dragon. If the dragon dies, the contractor will die, and vice versa, but the contractor will gain unprecedented power to break through. This is also the confidence that Luya dares to compete with the ancestor of the vampire.

"The things you sold me last time were really good. I want to come to Taotao again to find something good."

Luya greeted the old Berg politely, and then put forward her needs pretendingly, "Recently, the place where I live has been harassed by undead creatures. I want to ask if there is anything that can restrain them. By the way, I want to buy some strong acid Back home, the house is really dirty and needs a good cleaning to dissolve the dirt accumulated on the walls for decades."

"Oh, I see, I think I have what you need here."

The old Berg glanced at the death knight next to Luya, but he was a businessman. Although Luya's words sounded like nonsense, he didn't expose her. He signaled Luya to wait for a while, then turned and walked into the warehouse , brought what she wanted.

"The saliva of golden thread spiders should be able to meet your needs. It is very rare. Golden thread spiders secrete this liquid to attack others in order to prevent others from snatching their golden threads. This is the saliva of 1L golden thread spiders Concentrated strong acid. Remember to dilute it with 15:1 water, otherwise it will dissolve everything other than the glass, don’t blame me for not reminding.”

"Yes, this is what I want, how much?"

"15 magic stone fragments, very fair."


Lu Ya quickly paid the money and accepted the bottle of strong acid. Then I saw the old Berg slowly picking from the drawer, took out a few liquids sealed in the reagents, and put them in front of Luya.

"This is a special explosive bomb put on consignment by the alchemist here. Just throwing it on the ground can produce a light explosion effect that lasts for 15 seconds. Because it is more difficult to refine, but it is currently a promotional event, and the price is only 50 A magic stone is broken."

"What? This is a bit expensive." Luya was shocked by the price of this thing.

"That's natural, because in the dark city, this is a prohibited product, and you can't find a second one that can sell you such a good product." Old Berg said.

"Sounds very powerful, will it be effective for necromancers?"

I feel that if I throw it in the vampire's castle, it might be effective...

"That's right, for example, the death knight behind you, these bombs will cause him a considerable amount of damage, about three shots can completely kill him. If you are confused about this, you can use him to test the effect first, Then decide how much to buy."

Old Berg suggested while covering his hands with a smile on his face.


Zhu Jia silently took a step back, looking quite nervous.

The author has something to say: I found that if I updated two chapters in a row, I would be skipped. . . There may not be a second update today, but I still try my best.

I've been too busy recently, and I've been working as a volunteer for epidemic prevention. I'm in Shanghai, and I have to start working again after returning to work, alas. Hope the epidemic can be brought under control soon.

Every night, I am trying to write the manuscript, working hard.

============================ Thank you for your support during 2020-02-04 21:00:00~2020-02-11 21:00:00 I vote for the overlord or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Raven, 1 Firework Love;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 6 of pure white; 2 of Junwu, why I have so many books in my collection; 楽楽, Noble Dad, Wuliu, Ou's Papi, sun, Sanguiqian, Mathematics The only ones are the deadly people, PIPKO, lunapapa4, and Mu Junyan;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 69 bottles of amoxicillin; 63 bottles of Whale 7joy; 49 bottles of Riju; 45 bottles of Yuan Heying; 35 bottles of Big Baby; 34 bottles of September Bailu; 32 bottles of John * Shuhuang; 30 bottles of Lin, Jiujiu~, Xiaofa, YuKoMa, Wanyi, Svitaji, Tang Yuling; 27 bottles of Zhi, Y Sang, missKing; K, 25 bottles of weiqianmoran; 23 bottles of Beibei; 22 bottles of Monica; 21 bottles of being stolen; I take a nap, 850661, Mathematics is killing people, AAAAAche, it is the sound of dust, not the sound of dust, crowned polar bear, 4180025, worm meow, this nickname has been taken, 19898946, dead house who wants to raise a cat, uncle meow , Zhougong, dyeing and weaving, Qianbaidu, how to have a holiday without school, 20 bottles of bearbear; 17 bottles of A Xiubai; 12 bottles; Blueberry Cherry Orange Orange, ?.(*?▽`*)?., Green Wine, Beauty, Old Youth Heart, Ye Luo, ?. Frsen, Muxi, Qihai Township, Duchen, Mountain and Sea Fumeng, Mu Junyan, A Fat Sea, Saki, Xia Jiu, Ye Zi, Noble Papa, Kagome, WF Xiami, Qianhui, Sweet Wen Lovers, Lost Essence Walks the World, Bubbling Baking Soda, Mr. Rabbit, Rain Chasing Evil, Ginger Too Spicy, Coffey, The Tentacles of Sprouts, Miss Seal's Boat Harbor, Heartbeat #, Travel Vortex Cat, uni96, 楽楽, Uh Uh Uh, 10 bottles of Wuyu; 9 bottles of Keychain and Nannan; 7 bottles of Wuliu and Feilin; 6 bottles of Rourou, Renshen, Longshali; Feifei, 30386175, Scholar Zhao, Jia~, Hehehehe, Qinse , Oatmeal is not nutritious, the author cries and sticks out his tongue to lick it, lunapapa4, Mo Xiaoyou. , Renjue Weijun, Rice Cake Biscuit, 23042620, 5 bottles of Lianka 244, which said I was handsome; 4 bottles of Junwu; Waterhouse, Xiaoshuang who loves reading, 24 Shiyu, 3 bottles of Xiaobayu; Weirong , want to sleep, Li Suyi, 38030654, 2 bottles of light chaser; byhan0727, 22737830, sunny meow, Xiao Xixi, 25331939, Huahua's little meow, Thankslove, OK stretch, Ah Qi, Dan Danfan, Yao * 1 bottle of Han, Yunling, Qianqiuyi, Neptune, Water Flowing Beings, Aradia, Whatever You Want, Cat Master, Belle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!