I Was Adopted By A Dragon In Another World

Chapter 97


Today is another day of crying for someone else's love.

What kind of awesome fairy CP is this? It just hit her cute spot... Lu Ya was so moved that she was about to cry, if the evil dragon remained indifferent, then he deserved it!

Nid Hogg was silent for a long time, facing the extremely resolute girl in front of him, finally let out a sigh from the throat of the deep black dragon.

"... let's make a contract."


When Nidhogg stood up again, all the scars on its body had recovered, but the longan that had been dug out did not grow back, and its eyelids were tightly closed. The little girl cried and laughed and hugged Xielong and acted like a baby. As soon as Xielong showed disgust, he had a gentle expression.

But remembering when Farus was still here, it quickly straightened its face again, and said to Farus coldly, "Watched a farce, are you satisfied? You can go now."

"Do you think that Farus is as narrow-minded as you! He heard that you were in trouble, so he came here from the dark city to help you. Even if you treated him like that and almost killed him, he would I don't care about it, I still treat you as a brother!"

Luya didn't mind Nidhogg's bad face, but she couldn't stand Farus being scolded.

She immediately came to protect the dragon angrily, and now she is the envoy of the dragon guardian. Farus never swears, and he doesn't even talk back when he is scolded. He can't let Honest Dragon be wronged or bullied.

"I advised him to leave you alone. Guess what he said? He said that even if there was a big conflict between you, he would not watch you die like this. Farus is different from you! He is a sentient being. Good Dragon of Righteousness!"

She accused Ned Hogg angrily, and Farus on the side couldn't help being stunned by her reaction, and then the red dragon also shook his head.

"Luya, you don't need to tell him this."

"No! I'm going to tell you! He doesn't even know what you have paid for!"

Lu Ya's face was full of anger, and she decided to fight with reason and stay with her to the end. But what was surprising was that Nid Hogg didn't attack Luya either. He said to Luya indifferently, "I didn't ask him to meddle in his own business, and I don't want me to thank him for it."

"No one expects you to thank me, I just hope you speak normally, at least apologize for what hurt Farus."

Lu Ya glanced at the little girl, he obviously still cared about the little girl, now at least this guy should understand the same feeling.

"... Are you trying to piss me off?"

The evil dragon seemed to be hurt by something, and let out a threatening growl in a low voice, but about this, the little girl hurriedly blocked Luya, and hurriedly coaxed the evil dragon, "Don't be angry, Ned! Big sister and Brother is here to help us! Thanks to them, Ned can recover! Are you hungry, Ned, do you want to eat me first!"

"... You can't even plug my teeth enough."

"Understood! Then I will work hard to gain weight! Give it to Ned!"

The girl giggled silly, and the evil dragon turned his head in disgust, as if he didn't want to talk to the fool. For some reason, Luya was relieved to see such an evil dragon, and the evil dragon was not as scary as imagined. Fortunately, he met such a silly little girl, otherwise, no one would be able to conquer this guy...

"What's your name?"

Luya glanced at the girl and asked.

"My name is Laila! How about you, sister?" Laila looked at Luya happily and asked.

"Luia. Hello, Laila."

Luya rubbed the girl's fluffy blond hair like a lion cub. The little girl seemed to be starving, and her stomach kept making rumbling sounds.

So Luya gave the little girl a piece of dry food that she brought along for the journey.

"Wow! Thank you sister!"

When the little girl was wolfing down the dry food, Luya looked at the evil dragon seriously and asked, "Can you tell us what happened before? Why did that god-favored one attack you?"

When the god-favored person was mentioned, the evil dragon suddenly showed uncontrollable anger. It closed its eyes that lost its eyeballs, and said viciously, "After that ridiculous demon eye in the world was eliminated, the human being created Unwilling to end this, the False God sent his servants here, won by vile means, and took my eyes. They will continue to take their parts from other dragons, and use them To create the ultimate incarnation that is purer than the magic eye of the world, and exists only for destruction."

"The ultimate incarnation? What kind of monster is that? Can it be destroyed?"

Although there were three transformations in the Demonic Eye of Earth, Lu Ya and the others fought very hard at that time. I don't know how difficult it will be if they create the ultimate monster. But Luya is sure that the monster must not be stronger than God, since God intends to create this thing, he will not let it go beyond his control.

"It's not that simple. Our several dragons were born together by the Creator, which is equivalent to the root of the world. Once a part of us is taken away, the things that will be born in the end will be extremely terrifying. Close connection. It doesn’t have any weaknesses, if you want to eliminate it, you must destroy the source of magic power, let the world tree wither, and the magic power will completely disappear from this world.”

It was rare for Nid Hogg to explain to Luya what might happen very seriously, which made Luya speechless in shock. If the magic power disappears from the world, it means that the world will also die. This trick is really too dark! It's like trying to make you humans helpless, what a sinister god!

"This is not acceptable! Take your eyes back!"

Luya clenched her fists angrily. After her original plan went bankrupt, the god finally showed his true colors. He was afraid of thieves stealing or worrying about them. Sooner or later, he would come to attack her and Farus.

"Hmph, that's natural, I will kill that bastard god-favored person who plotted against me, and make him pay a hundred times the price!"

Nid Hogg roared angrily.

"Then... otherwise, let's form an alliance."

Luya glanced at Farus, asked for his permission, and invited Nid Hogg.

"What?" Nid Hogg was also stunned, as if he felt that Luya's words were incredible.

"Let's cooperate! Defeat the god and his lackeys, liberate this world, and let people and monsters be free! No longer be used by people

Props! Luya said emotionally, "We must never let him hurt anyone again!" "


The evil dragon was silent for a moment.

"I, Ned Hogg, will never cooperate with anyone. I will solve my problems by myself."

"It's time like this, there's no need to be so stubborn!"

"It's okay, don't worry about us, we all know what we should do," Farus said.

The evil dragon snorted, the nature of dragons is independent, even Farus would not be willing to rely on anyone, but at this time, they still reached an agreement on some things.

"But I will tell Tiamat, that nosy guy, I will definitely pass the news to all the dragons, and then I will go to the mainland of the false gods to get my eyes back from those guys!"

"Then let us help you!"

Lu Ya said smoothly, "I don't want to continue to be passive like this anymore! Thinking that that bastard will come to us sooner or later and hurt Farus, I can't stand it disgustingly. I've decided! First help you get back your eyes, and then put Everyone is freed from the prison of the gods!"

"Oh? You are very courageous. Do you want to kill God?"

The evil dragon finally became interested in Lu Ya's words, "The false god was once eliminated, but he was reawakened by those fools, but do you know what the false god fears the most?"

"It was the sea of fire in the dense forest at the end of the plate that went out."

Farus replied instead of Luya, "Once the army of the Human Empire crosses that line, they will lose everything under the power of magical weapons."

"It's no wonder they spent so much time planning the situation. From the beginning, they completely attacked the empire, let them consume each other with monsters, and did so many things to completely destroy the threat of the empire..."

Lu Ya thought about it, but everything actually made sense. And the layout of the gods was finally destroyed in her hands, the gods must hate her to death...

"Then how can we extinguish that sea of flames? I heard that it is the flame of God, which will burn to death all those who do not believe in God. It seems that it is not an ordinary flame."

Luya suddenly had a great plan in her heart. She originally only wanted to be a small person who could survive in the world, but now, maybe she can really change the pattern of the world.

In the world where everyone can coexist peacefully, the greedy gods insist on plundering all of this...

"The fuel of those flames is the crystallization that the god-favored person becomes after death."

The evil dragon growled and said, "That is naturally inexhaustible and inexhaustible."

… Grass!

What kind of goddamn god is this!

Completely recycle human beings until they die to squeeze out the last value, but those favored by the gods think that it is their lifelong glory to be turned into crystals and enshrined in the temple. It is really pitiful and pathetic!

She felt worthless for Hongren...

"Gudis is also making preparations. The information he found out is that those crystals are enshrined in the Great Church of St. Dulustrand, and the priests transport them to the border of the plate for replenishment every cycle. People think that the gods The favored ones are becoming the fuel of the flames of the gods, and after burning, their souls will enter the paradise created by the gods, and they are happy that they can play all their values for Grandi Continent from life to death."

Farus continued to speak calmly, "The end result of the favored one is a very stable energy body, but it will evaporate in the dragon flame, which is also something that the gods are afraid of."

"I understand!"

In other words, cut off their fuel supply!

God's favored ones can naturally be created by God as he pleases, but if the stock of offerings in the temple is cleared in one go, God will not be able to get so much to replenish at once! Then that wall of fire will be extinguished, the warships of the empire will be able to pass, and then the pattern of Grandi Continent will be completely broken!

If Zelos could take that sword and head to the other side of the continent... he could kill the gods!

Luya's mood suddenly became excited. She seemed to see the dawn of hope, and the victory of mankind seemed no longer out of reach.

"So the question now is, how do we get through the sea of fire in the dense forest at the end of the continent?"

Lu Ya frowned, looking at the two giant dragons in front of her and asked. They dared to put the fuel in the cathedral so arrogantly. They must know that the people who have been brainwashed in their country are very pious, and it is impossible to do anything that betrays the gods. There is no need to worry about what will happen.

"The body of a mortal will be buried in the fire of the gods, but for us dragons, the flames cannot harm us, and humans who have obtained the blood of the dragon can safely pass through the wall of fire. Especially those who have the seal of the gods who will gain power from the flames."

Farus said to Luya deeply, "Dragon and Darius used to have no influence on each other, and they have always lived together in peace. After the evil eye of the world was eliminated, Darius began to reconsider the threat of dragons to him."

God thinks that dragons have a good impression of humans, which is a bad sign. If more humans get dragon blood and let the threat enter the Grandi continent, it is likely to overthrow God's rule from now on. Therefore, the evil dragon Nidhogg, who also took in human beings and was arrogant and underestimated the enemy, became the primary target of the gods to kill.

"Daris thinks that dragons and humans are too close." Lu Ya frowned.

Although at first he made use of the Red Dragon's favor towards humans to allow Farus to take her in as a god's script, but in the end Luya's constant struggle and resistance caused his script to get out of control.

"In a sense, it was also the result of me, which completely ruined his original plan."

"It was caused by that false god himself. Now he wants to use our dragon clan, and he will pay the price for it!" Ned Hogg growled in disapproval.

... Sure enough, after raising humans, he started to double standard. Yes, evil dragon.

But what it means now is that Luya can pass through the sea of flames. Because she is favored by the gods, maybe she can successfully infiltrate that continent, directly blow up their temple, and then extinguish that wall of fire...

"Then it's time to make a plan. I'm going to discuss it with Gudis. He should be happy to provide support."

At present, the empire is still in chaos, and the combat power has not recovered, and it will take some time. She has now lost control from the prophecy of the gods, and she has to continue to keep losing control.

"Whatever you want! I'm going to find Tiamat now. If I meet that divinely favored one again, he will regret coming to this world! Come here, brat! Let's go!"

The violent evil dragon called the girl, and the girl immediately swallowed the last mouthful of dry food, chewed like a hamster, and hurriedly ran to the side of the evil dragon with short legs and climbed onto its back. Seeing that she almost slipped, Xielong had to squat down a little bit to let the girl stabilize her body.

After the girl sat safely on the dragon's back, she happily waved to Lu Ya and the others to say goodbye, "Thank you, sister Lu Ya, and the red dragon!"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Farus asked, looking at Ned Hogg, who had lost his eyes, "I can help take you to Tiamat."

"Go away! Mind your own business! And your brat!"

The evil dragon let out a cold snort in disdain, and he put down the meaningless cruel words. Then he roared and opened his dragon wings, jumped down from the mountain, and flew away from its dragon nest with the little girl.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-11 21:00:00~2020-02-16 20:00:00~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 3 for a kappa; 2 for Jinyan Pure White, 2 for _piuma; Lu Goudan, Jingyan, Rebaivts, Helvia, Wu Changxi, Amoxiline, Jun None;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of a fat sea; 50 bottles of raven and ruoru; 48 bottles of pure; 36 bottles of triangular; 25 bottles of Su Qingzhi; 24 bottles of 4180025; , 1. 20 bottles of Susu, YuKoMa; 18 bottles of blueberry cherry orange; 16 bottles of Helviya; 15 bottles of Rebaivts; 11 bottles of Huamurou; Miss Seal's Shipport, lulu, ten steps and thousands of miles, let's play with eggs, Kakanan~, glutinous rice ball sauce, Ningliu Fei Wuxing, lunapapa4, ninth sound, summer green chestnut, L-gulose, worm meow , 10 bottles of Fumeng of Mountains and Seas; 9 bottles of uh uh uh, heart beat number #; 8 bottles of sokaun, Luo Yiyi, meow Li Tingxia; 7 bottles of Red and Black Funeral; Tricksters want to harm me 6 bottles; a salted fish, Xia Jiu, Yunling 5 bottles; missKing, a certain C, all dyed pure white, no period, Raphael, the entrance exam that said I was handsome 244, Dudu 3 bottles; hehe Hey, 2 bottles of Mengwei; Ah Ji, Bang Hard Wo, Ya Xi L, Ye Miao Miao, Ah Qi Ah, Yu, Li Su Yi, Yama Uroti Lone Wolf Citizen, Ren Shen Shen, Han Chen Little Cutie 1 bottle of Hellfire_666;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!