I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 22: 0 soldiers make dangerous moves



Most people would not dare to approach ordinary corpses, let alone these ferocious and twisted monsters.

Shao Yaya suppressed the fear and fear in her heart. She glanced at the pack of beef jerky at Gu Fan's feet and walked towards the stairs with a sudden heart.

The girl's skinny body doesn't have much strength.

Shao Yaya used all her strength to suck the milk. She lifted the arms of the corpse with trembling hands and dragged them back to the room on the other side of the corridor of the apartment.

"One end."

"There are still twenty corpses waiting for you to move, so move faster."

Gu Fan didn't show any pity for her, but instead urged her like a slave master.

Shao Yaya was ruthlessly exploited, but she could only endure it for the sake of the pack of beef jerky.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked down at the dirty blood-stained clothes, held back her tears and continued to carry away the remains of the rotting corpses.

Shao Yaya was almost so tired that her hands convulsed.

Until she moved the last corpse into a nearby room, Shao Yaya was completely exhausted and collapsed on the ground, feebly breathing in the air full of the stench of rotting corpses.

Such a little beauty.

I'm afraid only a killing machine like Gu Fan would use her as a coolie.


"Saved me a lot of energy."

Gu Fan walked to the half-dead little beauty and threw the pack of beef jerky on the ground: "This is your reward."

Shao Yaya was so moved that she cried.

For the first time, she felt that living in this world was not easy.

"Dark Scourge."

"In the end of the world, this is the easiest life."

Gu Fan sneered. He had experienced the darkest moments. He could earn food by doing some physical work. This kind of good thing would make people rush to do it in the future.

"Shao Yaya, right?"

"Would you like a second helping of food? I have another job for you."

Gu Fan dropped another piece of food to Shao Yaya. The little beauty's worth was so humble at this moment.

She forced a smile.

Shao Yaya struggled to get up from the ground with trembling hands, and carefully picked up the food that was thrown on the ground.

"I do."

"As long as I can have food, I'm willing to do anything."

Although Shao Yaya was exhausted, she didn't care so much in order to survive.

Gu Fan couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Many people still don't understand the horror of the end of the world. Only those who are willing to make every effort to survive can become the final winners.

Gu Fan held out a large bucket of gasoline.

At the same time, he took out a pack of colorful balloons, which made Shao Yaya very confused.

What are you doing?

"Go and put this gasoline into the balloon."

"Not too little, not too full, like this."

As Gu Fan spoke, he opened the opening of the balloon and tilted it slightly toward the gasoline barrel.

Soon the balloon turned into a water balloon, filled with a little shaking liquid, which looked like a child's toy.

Shao Yaya looked surprised and blurted out: "Is this what you want to do?"

This job is obviously much simpler than before. Just put gasoline into the balloon and you can get another piece of food.

This is too simple in comparison.

Gu Fan said coldly: "If you don't want to do it, you can return the beef jerky to me."

Shao Yaya quickly waved her hand, naturally she would not refuse such a small thing.

Gu Fan walked to the stairs with a "water balloon" filled with gasoline in his hand and tied the "water balloon" in his hand to the railing of the stair handrail.

One would be tied at regular intervals, and soon the handrails of the stairs on the second floor were covered with these colorful balloons.

If it were normal times.

When ordinary people saw it, they probably thought there was some kind of celebration or some kind of festive holiday.

Shao Yaya's face was full of doubts.

While handing the "water balloon" filled with gasoline into Gu Fan's hand, she asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Gu Fan was silent.

In fact, this is another trap set by Gu Fan.


With a crisp sound, the water polo in Gu Fan's hand accidentally fell to the ground.

This was originally an ordinary mistake, but in Gu Fan's eyes it was very serious, even fatal.

At that moment, Gu Fan's hand tendons twitched slightly, his fingers loosened uncontrollably, and then the water balloon filled with gasoline fell to the ground.

Muscle fiber tension has reached its limit.

Sometimes the hand tendons and hamstrings also twitch slightly, which is a sign of overexertion and indicates that the body has entered a state of severe overdraft.

"This body is too weak after all."

"I've just killed dozens of rotting corpses, and I've already reached my limit."

Gu Fan sighed secretly to himself, mortal bodies are too weak after all.

Draw the bow every full moon.

Swing the dagger with full force every time.

Kill those carrion monsters every time.

Gu Fan was relying on his steely consciousness to forcibly support himself, and his body was already exhausted.

The desire to kill is intertwined with each other. Although the fatigue of the body can be temporarily forgotten during the battle, it does not mean that the damage to the muscles also disappears.

If Gu Fan really exceeds the endurance limit of his body...

Muscle fibers are torn, ligaments cannot withstand the pressure and rupture, or other more serious injuries can cause the body to lose control instantly.

Therefore, Gu Fan is preparing for a dangerous move!

Fire attack! !

That's right, Gu Fan is preparing to use fire attack.

This place is close to Gu Fan's safe house. A fire attack is very dangerous. It is very likely to attract an endless stream of rotting corpses, and it is even more likely to set fire to self-immolation and burn down Gu Fan's lair.

But he must take risks and use the least labor-intensive method possible to kill as many rotten corpses as possible.

"Try to get more abyss seeds and complete evolution before the body collapses."

All this is to obtain enough Abyss Seeds and then complete the super evolution.

Gu Fan muttered to himself that once he had a matching powerful body, he would be able to carry out ultra-high-intensity hunting without relying on these props and traps.


"It has nothing to do with you here. Go back to your room. It's best not to come out again today."

"Otherwise... you will die."

Gu Fan took care of these things, looked at the colorful balloons hanging on the armrest, and waved his hand for Shao Yaya to leave.

Shao Yaya held the two portions of beef jerky with an indescribably complicated look in her eyes.

"Thank you."

Thousands of words gathered into this sentence, she bowed slightly to Gu Fan and trotted away upstairs.

Gu Fan didn't care.

He continued to uncover the traps along the way.

This time he was going to do something big, so he had to be careful in everything.

the other side.

Shao Yaya returned to the door of the room where she lived.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally took out her key, turned the door lock and walked into the room.

The house was filled with smoke.

A man with a slender face was smoking a cigarette. When he saw Shao Yaya coming back, he rushed over impatiently.

"Damn it, I asked you to go out to find something to eat, why are you so slow?"

The man said his catchphrase and scolded impatiently.

He walked up to him and took a closer look, only to realize that Shao Yaya's entire body was soaked in blood.

"Do you want to die!"

"I'm so dirty."

"There's something to eat, hurry up and bring it over."

The man was sharp-eyed and saw the two packages of beef jerky in Shao Yaya's arms.

His eyes lit up, he grabbed the beef jerky, tore open the package and stuffed a large handful into his mouth.

Shao Yaya was even more aggrieved.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she dared not speak out in anger, simply because the person in front of her made her dare not resist.

(End of chapter)