I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 25: 0 kind revenge



A good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others.

Shao Yaya was originally very kind.

She was ignorant of worldly affairs and was later coaxed and threatened by Laizo.

Shao Yaya, who is cowardly by nature, doesn't know how to resist.

After working hard for so many years and being bullied by Lai San every day, it seems that this is how a kind person should be.


Kind people will explode if they are bullied for a long time.

A ferocious smile flashed on Shao Yaya's face. Lai San had been bullying her for so many years, and now she finally had a chance to take revenge.

"Kill my whole family?"

"Every time I can't bear it and want to break up with you, you threaten me and kill my whole family."

Shao Yaya was indignant. She grabbed Lai San's arm where the tendons were cut, and dragged her towards the stairs.

"Raizo, you have today too."

"I've tolerated you for too long. It's okay if you beat me and scold me normally, but why do you still harass my parents!!"

There was a cry in Shao Yaya's voice, and she seemed to have thought of many unbearable experiences.

It's not that she hasn't resisted for so many years, but every time she resists, Laisan will use vicious methods to threaten her.

One time, Lai San and her friends went to the workplace where her parents worked to cause trouble. As a result, the couple were fired from the workplace, and even their pensions disappeared with them.

Shao Yaya held back her tears and grievances and dared not speak out in anger.

Today, she was finally able to vent.

Lai San no longer has the ability to yell at Shao Yaya, and he can finally take revenge! !

Shao Yaya's smile was a little scary.

Kind people have been bullied for a long time, and the outpouring of malice is truly terrifying.

Shao Yaya carried Lai San to the stairs and kicked him down hard.

The struggling Laizan rolled on the stairs, with most of his wounds torn apart and large amounts of plasma spurting out, screaming like a slaughtered pig.

"Shao Yaya!"

"You're crazy, crazy bitch!!"

"You fucking dare to touch me again. I have so many brothers outside. Even if I don't kill you, they will kill you!!"

Laisan's threat caused Shao Yaya to pause briefly, and then she became even more hysterical.

Shao Yaya smiled.

She smiled even more ferociously, ran down and grabbed Lai San, dragging him towards the next staircase.

"You have many brothers!!"

"I still remember that day when you were drunk and your brother fell in love with me."

"You said it didn't matter, we all came together if there was a woman, but you and your brothers insulted me together."

"You seemed to be fine the next day, but you know my self-esteem has been crushed by you a long time ago!!"

Shao Yaya almost shouted.

She never thought she would have such an experience.

Laizo's private life is extremely chaotic. There are many idle gangsters around him, and some even force his wives to do some shameful things to make money for them.

The plot in the TV novel happened to Shao Yaya.

Lai San and several brothers fucked Shao Yaya together! !

How close are their brothers, that their wives can even share it?

"It's a pity that there are so many monsters outside now, and those brothers of yours may have died long ago."


Shao Yaya kicked him away again, causing Lai San to roll down the stairs.

But this time it was different. The stairs on this floor were covered with steel nails fixed to the ground.

Steel nails of more than ten centimeters pierced Lai San's body, piercing his arms and thighs that were protecting his body.

Suddenly, the screams became louder, his legs, feet, and arms were all bloody, and large amounts of plasma spurted out from the blood holes in his needles.

If Lai San hadn't protected her body with her hands and feet... I'm afraid these steel nails alone would have been enough to stab her to death.


When a bullied woman becomes cruel, she is simply more terrifying than the devil.

Lai San was afraid.

Lai San was really scared.

He begged in that angry voice: "Honey, I was wrong, please spare me, don't torture me anymore."

"A couple's favor lasts for one night."

"I really want to marry you, and I also love you."

Laizan finally relented.

He begged, and the harsh words on his lips turned into affection.

Those calls of "wife" are so pitiful, but it's a pity that it's already too late now.

Shao Yaya showed no mercy at all.

Because she knew it in her heart, very clearly.



"You are idle, lazy, and fool around with those so-called brothers every day."

"After getting married, I'm still your slave, and I still have to make money for you to spend, right?"

"After you get married and you have no money to spend, are you still going to force me to sell my body to make money for you to spend?!"

Shao Yaya had always understood in her heart, but she had no choice but to endure it.

She grabbed Laisan's body and kicked down the steps hard again, as if all the bad energy she had endured over the years had exploded out.

Layer by layer.

Shao Yaya finally pushed Laisan down the last flight of stairs.

At this time she has completely changed.

Shao Yaya's face was twisted, as if she was an ugly and poisonous woman.

But the tears had already infected the entire face, and the tears were indescribably bitter.

Gu Fan has been watching.

This is the darkness of human nature.

There are many stories hidden under the grassroots. Although we cannot see them, they are actually happening.

It was already so shocking before the end of the world.

After the end of the world, the darkness of human nature will only explode more completely.

Just like Shao Yaya, no matter how cruel she is to Lai San, it is probably natural.

"Push him down and throw him to the door of the apartment."

Gu Fan came to this woman and gave one last order.

Her mission was accomplished, and finally it was time to recycle the waste.


Laizan can be Gufan's best bait.

His screams.

The smell of blood emanating from his wounds.

These are the best baits. It turns out that Gu Fan had already decided Lai San's fate from the moment he went upstairs.

Anyone who offends me will die! !

He just glanced at Shao Yaya's expression and knew what happened.

The hesitating expression, the large bruises on his body, and the new bright red handprints on his face made it easy to deduce what kind of rotten person the so-called boyfriend was.

What good things can such a rotten person do

From the moment he went upstairs, Gu Fan had already decided to use Lai San as a bait. It just so happened that the trap he set still lacked the last link, which was to lure a large number of rotting corpses...

Shao Yaya nodded.

She used the last strength of her body to kick Lai San to the first floor, as if saying goodbye to her past.

Laizo fell at the door of the apartment.

At this moment, a sharp arrow shot from a high place.

It accurately penetrated the most vulnerable part of Laisan's body, piercing the vitality between its legs. The severe pain caused Laisan, who was still out of breath, to let out the most miserable scream.


Laizan roared hysterically, and the sound spread far and wide.

On the streets and alleys.

Those wandering carrion corpses were looking for food everywhere. They stopped at the same time, and their eyes full of desire looked in the same direction.

Surprisingly, it was the direction from which Laizan screamed! !


Gu Fan said this word lightly, but Shao Yaya beside him had not yet reacted.

"I told you to run."

Gu Fan said again. At this time, the first rotten corpse had already rushed into the apartment, threw himself next to Lai San, opened its bloody mouth full of sharp fangs, and bit down hard.

Only then did Shao Yaya wake up from her dream.

She jumped into the car and ran towards her room.

Gu Fan didn't move.

A small smile appeared on his face.

Cruel, violent, bloody, and exciting.

The killing is about to begin again, and this hunt will be even more exciting.

"Next, it's my time."


Thanks to "Chocolate Bling" and "ちゅうごく人" for the 10,000 book coins reward, and thank you to the brothers who have rewarded these days!

Start accumulating new updates, and they will be released together when they are released!

Current number of updates: 2 updates

(End of chapter)