I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 33: 0 You will not live if you do your own evil


Become a monster.

This is the product of evolutionary failure.

Evolvers are rare.

Even if you have enough seeds of the abyss, if your consciousness is not tough enough, evolution will still fail.

Shao Yaya is a living example.

She imitated Gu Fan and stole 8 Abyss Seeds. After swallowing those mysterious energies, instead of becoming an evolver, she embarked on the path of failure.

It's a pity that Shao Yaya's will is not strong enough.

She couldn't control her body, let alone the virus that grew and mutated wildly.




Shao Yaya's condition began to change violently.

This kind of mutation at the genetic level is almost irreversible, and no medicine can repair the defects that have been mutated in the gene.

"Uh uh uh… "

Shao Yaya's consciousness gradually became blurred.

The kind little girl who was once bullied gradually transformed into a monster.

No one else is to blame.

She can only blame herself for being too greedy.

These seeds of the abyss do not belong to Shao Yaya in the first place.

She didn't even know the true use of the Seed of the Abyss, nor the terrifying side effects.

Ho ho ho ho ho! !

Shao Yaya finally changed completely.

Her limbs, hands and feet turned into arthropods and sharp claws, her face melted completely, exposing her ferocious facial muscles, and a mouth of shark-like sharp teeth and fangs formed a huge mouth. She was completely unconscious and rushed directly towards Gu Fan.

If you do your own evil, you will not live.

Gu Fan's eyes were cold. Shao Yaya, who had mutated after swallowing 8 abyssal seeds, was actually much more powerful than ordinary rotten corpses.

She turned into a monster similar to the Night Devil, but she was not as afraid of the sun as the Night Devil.

"Looks like we need to get a little more serious."

"Shao Yaya, your miserable life ends here."

Gu Fan muttered to himself.

His body sank slightly, his thighs suddenly exerted force, and the muscles under his skin suddenly bulged out, like the strong thighs of a grasshopper, and his whole body shot out like a sharp arrow.

Uh-huh! !

Shao Yaya's sharp claws streaked through the air.

Gu Fan adjusted his posture at great speed, and one side of his body barely escaped the attack.

Then he flipped his palm, and a bloody dagger appeared in his hand. It was the killing blade that turned into a dagger.

Excruciating pain and killing intertwined.

Gu Fan held the dagger transformed from the Slaughter Blade and stabbed downwards, stabbing into the junction between the back of the monster's head and neck with incomparable accuracy.

puff! !

Instant kill! !

An unmistakable instant kill.

The Slaughter Blade penetrated the dead spot on the back of the head, killing him with one blow.

Gu Fan gently dug out an abyssal seed from the dead blood of the monster Shao Yaya had transformed into.

Moreover, the quality of this abyssal seed is very high, surpassing ordinary rotting corpses, and is actually almost the same as the one in the Night Demon's body yesterday.

When humans become monsters, seeds of the abyss will also be produced.

Gu Fan held this abyssal seed in his hand that still had some warmth.

His eyes were fixed on this abyssal seed, and his expression seemed to change slightly, as if he was remembering some past event.

In the apocalypse, human life is the least valuable thing. Later, in order to obtain higher-quality abyssal seeds, some people forced ordinary people to swallow mysterious substances.

Cut off the hand tendons and hamstrings.

Bind the whole body with chains.

Waiting until these ordinary people turn into more terrifying monsters, and then taking out the abyssal seeds from the dead holes in their heads, is far more convenient than going out to hunt dangerous monsters.

"Nothing lasts forever."

"In this cruel apocalypse, darkness is just the norm."

Gu Fan couldn't help but sigh after he killed Shao Yaya and turned into a monster.

He has encountered too many such things. There is no shortage of pitiful people in the dark apocalypse, let alone greedy people.

Shao Yaya is pitiful.

Shao Yaya is greedy.

She has been bullied by her boyfriend Raizan and treated like a slave.

He finally turned over, but because of his greed, he swallowed too many seeds of the abyss and turned into a monster.

Once upon a time... Gu Fan was the same.

"Last life."

"I started too late."

"I am weak and have low self-esteem. I can only hide in Tibet in the Middle East in the last days, lingering and being bullied and deceived by others."

Gu Fan looked at Shao Yaya and muttered to herself, perhaps recalling his past self.

Early apocalypse.

Gu Fan has experienced an unknown amount of darkness.

He searched for preserved cockroaches in the corners of the room, was trampled on the ground and stepped on his cheeks with shoes, and knelt down to beg for mercy for a bag of food.

Everyone has experienced these before.

At that time, he was also cowardly and kind.

But when a kind person is bullied to the extreme, he will resist! !

Gu Fan was bullied for a whole year before finally breaking out in silence.

He started his evolution after swallowing 8 seeds of the abyss, and then embarked on a path of slaughter, and went further and further on this bloody and violent path.

"This life."

"I have evolved to the extreme in killing."

"I will get stronger and stronger and become the king of killing."

"Everything I have missed must be found one by one."

Gu Fan clenched his fists.

Reborn in this life, he is no longer the humble young man.

Three days! !

Gu Fan completed the ultimate sublimation in just three days.

Reborn, reborn, and powerful.

This apocalypse in the dark disaster is nothing more than a huge treasure house to Gu Fan now.

Countless resources are waiting for him to obtain.

Countless terrifying monsters are waiting for Gu Fan to hunt.

Mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

A world filled with countless monsters.

On the contrary, this is the most suitable survival for Gu Fan, a lunatic at the peak of killing.

Return to the safe house.

Gu Fan's eyes circled around.

This room was severely damaged, the steel plates on the windows were smashed, and there were dense cracks on the walls.

I'm afraid that even if a layer of steel plate is nailed to the window, the wall will not be able to withstand a few twists and turns, and it will be smashed or even collapse.

"This is no longer a habitable place."

"I need to build a new safe house."

Gu Fan thought to himself that the current safe house had already exerted all its value.

It would be very dangerous to continue living here, and it was almost time to move away.

"Most of the water and food can be stored here."

"I need to bring a week's worth of food and water to a relatively safe building nearby and build a new safe house."

Gu Fan took out a city map.

The buildings and road planning in nearby areas are clearly displayed on the map.


Gu Fan looked at a mark on the map.

Luxury Apartments in Muls.

It is a luxury apartment building that was built in the past six months.

This building has very high specifications. It was designed by a famous foreign engineering architect and built in a luxurious and luxurious European and American style.

This luxury apartment building is also a symbol of the rich. There are all kinds of luxury suites in various styles. The value of each apartment room is more than one million yuan. It provides the rich with a "gun house" to support their mistresses.

But... Gu Fan didn't want to enjoy it.

For this kind of high-standard building, the building materials generally used are real materials, which are solid and solid.

Moreover, it is located in a relatively sparsely populated location, but a new shopping mall has been built nearby, thus forming a natural "hunting ground".

There are few monsters in the place where you live.

There is a hunting place nearby where monsters gather.

Gu Fan's eyes lit up and he decided to choose this place to build a new safe house.

(End of chapter)