I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 34: 0When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into it


after an hour.

The hiking bag prepared by Gu Fan was already stuffed.

"Food, water, tools."

"There are also clean clothes and medical supplies."

Gu Fan counted them one by one.

Food and water supplies were prepared for a week.

A wrench, a hammer, piano wire, a few bear traps, modified special arrows.

"That's almost enough."

"Next I need to disguise myself a little bit."

Gu Fan knew the characteristics of those rotting corpses very well.

The rotting corpse has undergone mutation, and its sense of smell and hearing have been enhanced.

If you can cover up your own smell and keep a certain distance, you can still pass through relatively remote places.

Blah, blah, blah! !

Gu Fan found the remains of several rotting corpses from the corridor.

These monsters were not burned by the flames. They tore up their bloody clothes and put them on themselves, and smeared large amounts of filthy plasma all over their bodies.

This pungent rancid blood can disrupt the monster's sense of smell to a certain extent. Within a certain range, it is impossible to identify Gu Fan as a human being, and instead treats him as one of his own kind.


Gu Fan has become an evolver and has the ability to be immune to viruses, so he dares to do this.

This dirty blood is extremely contagious. If ordinary people apply it all over their body, they may soon be infected and turn into monsters.

Look carefully.

At this time, Gu Fan was covered in blood.

The clothes on his body were in tatters, with black bits of rotten flesh stuck to them, and a pungent smell hit his face.

If a human saw Gu Fan, they would immediately think of him as a monster.


"It's time to go."

Gu Fan was fully armed.

He carries a mountaineering bag on his back, a quiver filled with modified arrows hanging from his waist, and a hunting bow slung over his shoulder.

This outfit is the standard outfit for travelers and hunters in the dark disaster! !

"Ho ho ho!!"

The number of rotting corpses wandering in the streets and alleys is terrifying.

They are all extremely hungry beasts. As long as they smell the slightest smell of bloody meat, they will rush away like a tide.

If ordinary people dare to appear on the street, they will be torn into pieces immediately.

However... there is an exception among the tide of rotting corpses.

A figure was hidden by the wall and moving slowly.

His steps were brisk and as silent as a cat, making it impossible for the carrion to detect him.


This figure is clearly Gu Fan.

His disguise worked as expected. The clothes stained with pungent blood were wrapped around his body, and the rotting corpses regarded him as one of the same kind.

However, this disguise is not completely safe.

"Uh uh uh… "

A rotting corpse close to Gu Fan groaned.

It raised its head in confusion, using its nose like a dog to desperately breathe in the scent molecules emitted by humans in the air.

There are humans! !

There are humans nearby.

The carrion lowered its head and looked in the direction of the smell.

Eyes facing each other.

Gu Fan's eyes collided with the suspicious scarlet eyes of the corpse.

When it discovered Gu Fan, Gu Fan also discovered it.

Don't let it roar and roar to call for its companions, otherwise Gu Fan will be completely exposed.

Tens of thousands of rotting corpses swarmed up. Even if he was an evolved person, he would be torn into pieces. No matter how strong he was, he would not be able to fight against the majestic sea of corpses.

Gu Fan rushed forward with a single stride.

Before the rotten corpse could make a roaring sound, a hand knife slashed hard on the rotten corpse's neck.


There was a muffled sound of bones breaking.

Gu Fan turned his palm into a knife and struck the most vulnerable part of the neck with a force of hundreds of kilograms, crushing the neck of the rotten corpse in an instant.

He quickly supported the rotten corpse that was instantly dead.

Gu Fan gently supported it on the corner and lay down. The dead corpse fell to the ground without making a sound, without disturbing other monsters around it.


Gu Fan's series of movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water.

He had done this kind of thing countless times, and the whole set of movements was done in one go.

After Gu Fan finished doing this, he continued to move quickly like a shadow under the wall.


This is assassination.

Within a certain range, even if they are disguised as covered in blood, the carrion can still tell that humans are nearby.

The first thing a monster does when it finds an enemy is to roar violently.

This roar full of desire and anger will attract a large number of companions, so Gu Fan must have quick eyesight and quick hands to assassinate him with lightning speed.

This good ability to survive in the apocalypse has been honed to the level of proficiency.

Along the way, kill as you go.

Gu Fan didn't know how many rotting corpses blocking the way he killed.

What was regrettable was... he had no chance to remove the abyssal seeds from the backs of these rotting corpses.

Greed has a price.

After cutting open the back of the corpse's head and digging out the abyssal seed, Gu Fan might have been overwhelmed by the tide of corpses.

Ten minutes later.

We are getting closer to the luxury apartments in Mules.

The number of rotting corpses was correspondingly reduced, and there seemed to be a huge abyss crack nearby.

Gu Fan's expression changed slightly.

The cracks stretched for hundreds of miles, and many nearby buildings collapsed.

It crisscrosses the asphalt road like canines, and there are dense traces of spider webs everywhere.

Within the crack is an abyss, pitch black and I don't know where it leads. I can only see caves of different sizes on the cliffs.

The lair of the Night Stalker.

Those caves are all the lairs of night demons.

When night falls, the Night Demon will crawl out of the cave and then go to the city to look for food.

"The number of wights has been greatly reduced."

"Although they have no thinking consciousness, they still have the most basic instincts."

Gu Fan said to himself.

He knew how terrifying the things hidden in the cracks of the abyss were.

The instinct of the rotting corpses keeps them away from the cracks in the abyss. The sense of danger drives the rotting corpses away, and more advanced monsters are hidden under the cracks.

Gu Fan got closer.

He looked down over the edge of the chasm of the abyss.

The strong sense of crisis was also stimulating Gu Fan. Countless eyes were looking at him in the deep darkness. They were pairs of scarlet eyes full of desire, as if they were waiting for something...

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you.

Gu Fan felt his hair standing on end and goosebumps all over his body, as if he was walking on the tightrope of death.

The terrifying and trembling existence at the bottom of the abyss is far more terrifying than the Night Demon.

When night falls, those nightmare-like night demons are just the lowest hunting creatures in the cracks of the abyss.

Gu Fan knew what would happen next.

As time goes by, more and more terrifying creatures will crawl out of the cracks in the abyss! !

"It's still early."

"It will take a long, long time to brew those stronger creatures."

"Now is the time to race against time. I have to collect enough resources to deal with the next disaster before stronger monsters appear."

Gu Fan withdrew his gaze.

Dark disaster has more than one stage! !

At first the doomsday bells paralyzed the technological world.

The rain of disaster turned countless people into corpse monsters, and the whole world fell into disaster and panic.

However... these are just the beginning.

Cataclysm! !

That is the disaster that truly makes mankind completely despair.

Gu Fan knew what would happen next. He felt more and more that he was racing against time, and he had to become stronger next.

(End of chapter)