I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 41: 0 overwhelming strength



Is this power possible for humans?

The iron rod in Gu Fan's hand had sunk deeply into the younger brother's shoulder, and the entire shoulder blade was smashed to pieces.

Just this one blow would kill him, and even if he survived, he would become a useless cripple.


Gu Fan casually threw the metal iron rod stained with plasma on the ground.

He fearlessly opened his hands, faced the younger brothers who surrounded him and laughed wildly: "Why don't you continue to attack? Didn't you just clamor to hack me to death?"

joke! !

Gu Fan is simply a monster.

He killed three strong men in an instant, and then smashed the bones of others with an iron rod. The entire shoulder and sternum were almost smashed into pulp.

Who dares to seek death

Who dares to provoke the evil star Gu Fan at this time

Gu Fan took a step forward.

The younger brothers who surrounded him took three steps back, fearing that he would kill them next.

Can two fists defeat four hands

Under the crushing force of absolute power, the number of people is almost meaningless.

Gu Fan's strength shocked everyone.

Even Brother Li, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't believe it.

He had served as a special forces soldier before and knew the limits of human strength.

But the strength Gu Fan showed far exceeded his knowledge. Is this really an ability that humans can possess?

"Brother Li, right?"

"It's your turn now."

Gu Fan said lightly, stretched out his finger and hooked at Brother Li.

Brother Li's eyes flashed, and he finally decided to give it a try. He suddenly picked up the dagger on the table and rushed towards him, wiping the knife towards Gu Fan's neck with a single stroke.

Fast, accurate and ruthless.

This is a fatal blow, leaving no room for negotiation.

No matter from any aspect, Brother Li's hand was so fierce and violent that ordinary people might have their throats slit before they could react.


Gu Fan was unhurried.

He seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll, and he seemed to be dancing like a butterfly.

With a slight flick of his step, he easily dodged Brother Li's blow. It couldn't be easier.

too slow.

In Gu Fan's eyes, Brother Li's speed was too slow.

After evolution, both the speed of neural conditioned reflexes and the acuity of his vision and hearing have improved by more than one level.

Brother Li's sword is as fast as the wind in ordinary people's eyes.

But in Gu Fan's eyes, it was as slow as a snail, and the angle of the piercing and cutting was traceable. It was as slow as grandparents doing Tai Chi in the park.


Swish, swish, swish!

Brother Li's dagger kept making sounds that cut through the air.

Gu Fan dodged left and right in a series of sharp attacks. From a distance, it seemed that he had no room for counterattack.

The younger brothers around him were also stunned. It turned out that Brother Li was so powerful. He was worthy of being a special forces soldier. The speed of swinging the knife was so fast that it was outrageous.

However, the reality is not what people see.

A drop of cold sweat left Brother Li's temples.

I'm afraid only Brother Li himself understands how embarrassing and dangerous his current situation is.

No matter how tricky the angle was, Brother Li couldn't touch the hem of Gu Fan's clothes.

The stormy sword light flashed continuously, but it could not capture the pattern of Gu Fan's movement. The dodge distance of less than one centimeter from the blade was like a natural chasm that could not be crossed no matter how hard he tried.


An imperceptible clear sound came.

Gu Fan pinched his fingers and actually grabbed the back of the dagger in Brother Li's hand.

Brother Li looked at the dagger in his hand in disbelief.

Gu Fan's five fingers were like iron pliers, firmly grasping the back part of the dagger, and then gradually increased the force.


Click, click, click.

The metal dagger made a shattering sound, and Gu Fan used his finger strength to crush the entire dagger into pieces.

Can human fingers crush steel?

Impossible, it's impossible.

Brother Li's world view seemed to be shattered at this moment.

It is impossible for human beings to be physically strong enough to crush steel with their hands. This only happens in novels or movies.

"I do not believe."

"I don't believe you are that strong."

Brother Li's eyes bulged, his face full of disbelief.

He was born in the special forces and had never seen any strong men, but what was going on with the man in front of him

Li Ge let go of the dagger in his hand and put his waist and horse together into a boxing stance.

Those fists were covered with calluses, and the rough palms were filled with a sense of power, and all the strength of the body was concentrated on this punch.


Brother Li shouted loudly.

This punch was fierce, and with all the ferocious force in his body, it hit Gu Fan hard on the heart.

Gu Fan lowered his eyes slightly.

He didn't make any defensive moves, he simply took the punch without dodging or dodging.

Bang! !

bingo! !

Brother Li felt his fist hit! !

The special forces soldier struck with all his strength, and it was at the chest and heart level.

If an ordinary person had been hit by this punch, his bones would have been broken, his heart would have stopped, and he would have died on the spot.


Gu Fan received this heavy blow, but still stood motionless.

This punch didn't seem to hit a human body at all, but a brand-new composite material.

Gu Fan's skin toughness is extremely exaggerated.

It is extremely tensile and elastic, and feels like a bouncy ball, making your fists effortless.

Gu Fan's muscles are extremely tough.

Those muscle fibers will become as strong as steel with a slight exertion, and a human fist will feel like hammering on fine steel.

Brother Li felt this terrible physique.

It feels like a powerful bouncy ball wrapped in forged steel.

The force of the punch on the skin had been absorbed and disintegrated, and the steel muscles blocking the fist remained motionless without any damage.

Is this still a human body?

This punch had no effect. More than 60% of the force was absorbed by the extremely elastic skin, and the rest of the punch on the steel muscle was not even scratching.


"You're a...monster."

Brother Li's eyes widened, fully understanding how big the gap between the two was.

Gu Fan has simply exceeded the limit of human beings. This is the power of the Evolver, so Brother Li is horrified to call it a monster.

"Then you should understand."

"What will happen if you provoke such a monster?"

Gu Fan's voice became colder and colder, and his eyes drooped slightly to look at Brother Li.

This look was like looking at ants and garbage. Just like what Gu Fan said, both Le Zhiqi and Brother Li were garbage in his eyes! !

not good!


An ominous premonition arose in Brother Li's heart.

He quickly pulled away and wanted to leave Gu Fan's surroundings, but it was too late now.

Gu Fan was much faster than him, and before Brother Li could make any move, he had already launched the attack first.

Gu Fan kicked Brother Li's knee, turned his palms into knives and slashed at the same time, hundreds of kilograms of force suddenly burst out.

Click! !

Click, click! !

Brother Li's knees were kicked to pieces in an instant.

The arm bones of his two arms were also chopped into pieces by Gu Fan with his knife, and the well-developed muscles on his arms were deeply dented, which is enough to show the power of these two palms.

Gu Fan's first strike was fatal.

In an instant, he had already defeated Brother Li.

(End of chapter)