I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 44: 0 Gu Fan is scarier than a monster


Let’s get out together!

Gu Fan seemed to have no emotion.

Le Zhiqi suddenly shed tears of grievance.

She thought she might be different from other women, but she never expected that Gu Fan's heart would be so cold.

Dai Jiu understood immediately.

This man is as cold as ice, a killer without emotion.

But think about it.

Gu Fan is so powerful that Lian Li can easily kill him instantly.

Such a strong man is as cold as a sharp edge, and the desires of mortals must be restrained to the greatest extent.

Self-disciplined person!

Take complete control of your body and even control your own desires.

Dai Jiu was even more frightened.

Without desire, there is no weakness.

When Li Ge is around, Dai Jiu can still flatter him and use beautiful women to please him.


He could hardly see any weaknesses in Gu Fan, let alone be able to bring them closer to each other.

It was as if that cold-hearted man had always treated them like cannon fodder.

Can be discarded at any time.

Can be killed at any time.

Thinking of this, Dai Jiu shuddered all over and quickly took several beautiful girls away from Gu Fan's sight.

"You guys, be smart."

"Go back and wait for news from me. This boss Gufan is very thoughtful and unpredictable."

"It's best not to cause trouble for me, otherwise there will be good consequences."

Dai Jiu scolded so hard that the young models and beauties did not dare to speak, and sent them to another room to lock them up.

Turn your head.

Dai Jiu's thoughts also rose slightly.

If Boss Gufan doesn't like these beauties, then wouldn't he be advantaged in the end? ?

the other side.

With these coolies, Gu Fan began to give orders.

"Come here and polish these wood thorns."

"You two, take down the bed board in the other room, find a layer of steel plate to reinforce it later, and then nail the wooden spikes on."

"Dai Jiu, go find something flammable and boil this pot of oil."

Gu Fan does everything without any sloppiness.

He immediately directed several younger brothers to get busy.

The wooden strips were disassembled from various famous brand luxury furniture, and then polished into sharp thorns, which were fixed on the Simmons bed board.

The entire bed board turned into a pierced wall.

At the same time, Dai Jiu also found a lot of combustibles and burned the cooking oil he had scavenged from the apartment to a boil. The temperature was still rising.


What kind of trap is this?

A few hours later.

Everyone in Dai Jiu was so exhausted that they were covered in stinky sweat.

They worked together to transform the bed boards of two large Simmons beds into two pierced walls.

Gu Fan looked at the darkening sky outside and nodded: "Although it's a little rough, it's still okay. You guys can move this thorn wall to the top floor."

Top floor…

The sky has darkened.

Are these traps meant to deal with monsters that only appear in the dark?

Return to the top floor.

Everyone started working again under Gu Fan's instructions.

Two cones with rings were pierced into the roof. The hemp rope was passed through the rings and then fixed on the made thorn wall, forming a simple and practical trap.

The other side of the twine.

As long as the little brother cuts off the fixed rope, the two thorn walls will fall down from different directions, turning the people in the trap into hedgehogs, with bloody holes.

Attack from both sides! !

The final landing points of these two wall thorns were surprisingly exactly where Brother Li was.

He is the bait. As long as Night Demon walks to Li Ge's position and cuts the rope, Night Demon can be stabbed to the core.

Brother Li, who was hanging on the ceiling, was shaking all over. If the two thorn walls fell, they would pierce him.


"You want to hunt those monsters!!"

"You are such a madman, you still don't know how strong those monsters are???"

Brother Li laughed at Gu Fan for not overestimating his abilities.

He, a mortal, actually wanted to hunt those mutated monsters.

The strength of that kind of monster is several times greater than that of a human being. The crazy growth of muscles breaks the skin. Ordinary people are directly torn into pieces by the violent power.

Gu Fan actually wanted to hunt them?

"You guys."

“Can’t you see that this guy is a lunatic??”

"You still want to follow him and hunt those monsters together??"

Brother Li laughed loudly, mocking the younger brothers who betrayed him.

They betrayed Brother Li, but how could the situation be better now? They followed Gu Fan to hunt down the Night Demon.

Isn't this asking for death?

court death.

This is indeed courting death.

Human strength, even with the help of these traps, cannot defeat the Night Stalker.

A younger brother backed down.

He stood up tremblingly and said timidly: "Boss Gufan, I, I, I... I have to go down first. I really can't deal with monsters."

When the other boys saw this, they also wanted to leave.

It would be fine if they were allowed to bully an ordinary honest person, but if they had to follow Gu Fan here to hunt down the Night Demon?

They don't have the guts yet.


Poof! !

But at this moment.

The sound of flesh and blood tearing was heard, and an arrow passed in front of everyone, piercing the back of the heart of the younger brother who left first.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Everyone was stunned. Gu Fan was holding a long bow. It was obvious that he shot the arrow.

Killed with one arrow, Gu Fan's blow penetrated from the back of his heart and penetrated his heart, directly killing him.

Dai Jiu looked back at Gu Fan with panic in his eyes.

Calm, indifferent, indifferent.

Gu Fan killed this little brother as easily as eating and drinking soup.

"Dai Jiu."

"There were a few others."

"You seem to have misunderstood one thing. Letting you ambush here is an order, not a request."

Gu Fan's eyes were extremely cold, and everyone felt a chill. Death was so close to them.

If they had just been closer to the door, they would have died! !

This is a command, not a request.

If you run away from battle, you will die forever.

Gu Fan continued indifferently: "I don't remember allowing you to leave."

Killing intent.

Gu Fan's murderous intent sent chills down everyone's spine, and cold sweat broke out continuously.

This is truly a murderous demon.


Everyone has been busy all afternoon, and they are now familiar with each other.

Gu Fan also personally taught them how to polish the wood thorns to make them sharper.

Dai Jiu thought that his relationship with Gu Fan was a little "closer", but he didn't expect that he didn't play according to common sense at all.

As soon as he took action, he killed one person instantly! !

If you don't obey, you will be killed directly.

That's all.

There is no possibility of argument.

I won't give you a chance to reason.

Gu Fan is the greatest truth. Once his orders are violated, the price paid is life.

"Go back quickly."

"If you don't want to die, go back quickly."

"The monsters will come soon. Boss Gufan may be able to fight them here."

"But if we run away now, everyone will die!"

Dai Jiu scolded in a low voice. Only then did he realize that Gu Fan was a far more terrifying character than a "monster".

The monster is coming, and maybe it still has the strength to fight.

But if Gu Fan wanted to kill them, no one present would be able to escape.

(End of chapter)