I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 51: 0 two roads


The arrows are exhausted.

The quiver on Gu Fan's waist was empty.

Dozens of corpses lay scattered on the ground, but there were still hundreds of monsters swarming here.

kill! !

Gu Fan took out the dagger from his waist.

He did not retreat but advanced, rushing into a large wave of corpses, like a spray dissipating in the waves.


Gu Fan's figure disappeared among the corpses.

Dai Jiu and the others hid behind the electronic gate, all with their eyes wide open. They could only see layers upon layers of rotting corpses surrounded by Gu Fan.

"These monsters..."

"Isn't Boss Gufan eaten by them?"

The lucky boy swallowed his saliva and saw that Gu Fan could not be seen from here at all.

So many monsters surrounded Gu Fan, and even one person would tear him apart in one bite.


Dai Jiu suddenly pointed towards the center of the monster.

A huge head flew in the air, it looked like the head of a rotting corpse had been violently chopped off.

Blood! !

Large swaths of filthy plasma continued to scatter around.

The rotting corpses were roaring and roaring angrily, and in the center surrounded by hundreds of rotting corpses, a man covered in blood was waving the sharp blade in his hand.



Gu Fan was like a dancing ballet dancer. His sword flashed without any sloppiness, and he cut off the heads and necks of the rotting corpses with an elegant gesture.

Gu Fan is like a filthy butcher in a slaughterhouse. His whole body is covered with dirty and rotten plasma. He allows the monsters' dirty blood to spray on him, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the rotting corpses around him.

Crazy murderous intention.

The ultimate killing.

The hot blood all over Gu Fan's body surged through his meridians and blood vessels with the craziest gesture.

Every move he makes is fatal.

A swing of the punch will smash the cervical vertebrae of the rotten corpse, and when it turns into a hand knife, it can chop the monster's neck. The dagger in the other hand is even more ruthless, taking away the life of a rotten corpse with just a flash of the knife.

The number of wights is decreasing.

The number of hundreds of rotting corpses decreased rapidly, and at least three monsters were killed every second.

10 seconds.

20 seconds.

30 seconds.

In just half a minute, all the layers of rotten corpses fell to the ground.

Gu Fan seemed to be standing in a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

He was like a demon crawling out of the ground, his whole body covered in plasma, steaming up with bursts of heat.

"Boss Gufan..."

"He, he, he, actually killed so many monsters!!"

"How is this possible? Is this still a human being? This is impossible!!"

In the distance, Dai Jiu and Lucky Brother were about to fall to the ground.

This is simply a fantasy. The human body has its limits, but Gu Fan seems to have far exceeded this limit.


"All of you, come here."

"Old rules, first move all these monster corpses over there, and then take out all my arrows."

Gu Fan waved to Dai Jiu and others.

Everyone was stunned for a long time before they realized what was happening and hurriedly ran towards Gu Fan.

"in addition."

"You dig out the pieces of flesh from the backs of the heads of these rotten corpses."

Gu Fan squatted down, cut open the back of a rotting corpse, and took out an abyssal seed.

Several people looked at each other.

How could these monsters have such disgusting things growing on the backs of their heads?

The Seed of the Abyss is like a beating heart, covered with roots and pierced into the nerves behind the brain. It looks chilling.

The three younger brothers started to get busy.

Ten minutes later, all the bodies had been disposed of.

Gu Fan had more than twenty Abyss Seeds in his hand. He looked at the panting three younger brothers and continued to give orders.

"The night demons in this area have been killed."

"You have to follow me to other areas and hunt monsters in other places."

Gu Fan said lightly. After hearing these two sentences, Dai Jiu and others' expressions changed.

What a joke.

Leave this apartment and hunt monsters somewhere else?

"Boss Gufan."

"We'll follow you and barely move the bodies."

"But if we want to leave this apartment, how can we have the ability like you??"

The faces of Dai Jiu and others looked like bitter gourds. If they left the vicinity of the apartment, who knew what accidents would happen outside.

If something happens.

Gu Fan was so powerful, he would definitely be able to escape, but Dai Jiuji and others had to die there.


"You are right. There are too many dangers and accidents in the Dark Disaster. If you go out and try to survive with your little strength, you will only end up dead."

Gu Fan did not force a few people to follow him this time.

With the level of Dai Jiujiu and others, even if they follow Gu Fan, they will be dead ends outside and there is no other possibility.

"Boss Gufan."

"We are willing to work as cows and horses for you, and we are willing to do any hard work. We just ask that you leave a way for us to survive!!"

Dai Jiu knelt down with a pop, and the other two younger brothers also knelt down one after another.

Gu Fan's face became slightly mysterious, and he said in a low voice: "With your current strength, following me will naturally lead to death, but what if I can make you stronger??"

Become stronger?

Dai Jiu suddenly raised his head.

What does this mean? Could it be that...

Gu Fan continued: "I'll give you two ways to go. One is to continue to stay here in a daze. You might be eaten by monsters one day."

"As for the other one, that is to become a new human being."

"I can help you evolve and become the strongest among humans."

Gu Fan's words shocked Dai Jiu and others again.


Become the strongest among humans.

This is something that could only appear in science fiction novels.

But when these words came out of Gu Fan's mouth, they were convincing.

If you think about it carefully, doesn't Gu Fan also have power beyond human beings?


"Is it because you evolved that you became so strong?"

Dai Jiu suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing. Could they also become as powerful as Gu Fan?

Gu Fan nodded: "Yes, I am the new human being, the evolver."

This affirmation shocked several people again.

It turns out that Gu Fan is so powerful because he became a new human and an evolved person!


"I do!!"

"I do too!!"

The three younger brothers didn't hesitate at all. Who would refuse such a good thing? After evolving, they simply became supermen.

Seeing that they agreed so simply, Gu Fan sneered: "Becoming an evolver is not that easy. There is a high chance that you will fail. If you fail, you will not even be alive."

"Say it beforehand."

"If evolution fails, you will die."

"Disobey my orders and you will die."

"If you betray me, you will undoubtedly die an even more ugly death."

Gu Fan's tone became increasingly cold.

Especially the last sentence, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

Death is even more ugly! !

Gu Fan's methods are so cruel. If he betrays him, who knows what kind of miserable attitude he will die in...

(End of chapter)