I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 53: 0Two evolvers


evolution! !

Hysterical screams.

Le Zhiqi and Lucky Brother knelt on the ground, roaring in pain.

Dirty plasma penetrates the skin, black impurities are shot out of the body through the pores, and cell genes continue to undergo qualitative changes.

"Almost done."

"It's not bad. The shallow genetic modification is almost completed."

Gu Fan nodded secretly.

These two people withstood the extreme pain.

Five seeds of the abyss are enough to modify the shallow structure of the gene.

This is of course incomparable to Gu Fan. Gu Fan swallowed ten times as much Abyss Seed as they did. The deepest parts of his genetic sequence have been extremely modified, and the pain he endured was ten times as much as theirs.



Le Zhiqi and Little Lucky roared at the same time.

Their bodies change in ways that are visible to the naked eye.

The muscles all over the lucky boy's body became more solid, and the ridges were connected together, making him look more than twice as strong.

Le Zhiqi's curves have become tighter and smoother, and her skin is still fair and tender, but the muscles under her skin have become like a cheetah's, no longer giving people the feeling of thin skin and tender flesh, but a sense of movement.


Le Zhiqi and Lucky Brother have all completed their evolution.

"my body… "

The lucky boy felt very strong, and every part of his body was filled with power.

Gu Fan took out a steel pipe of about 20 centimeters in the room and threw it to the lucky boy: "Try this."

The lucky boy caught the steel pipe, grabbed both sides of the steel pipe with both hands and broke it hard.

Squeak, squeak.

The 20-centimeter steel pipe was actually bent by him and turned into a U shape. The lucky boy didn't expect that his power would become so powerful.

Le Zhiqi felt as light as a swallow.

In the past, this little girl with thin skin and tender flesh would be out of breath if she ran for hundreds of meters, but now she feels that her thighs are full of explosive power, and she can pop out several meters away with a little effort.


"Let me explain a little bit."

"The basic abilities of each evolver are different."

"Little Lucky, the ability you gained is probably physical strength. Your muscle strength has increased several times, and your defense and endurance have also increased accordingly."

Gu Fan patted the lucky boy on the shoulder.

The muscles all over his body have become tougher by more than one level, and the biggest manifestation is the increase in strength.

"Le Zhiqi."

"Your body was originally very fragile, but now your overall quality has improved by more than one level, especially in terms of explosive power and speed."

Gu Fan looked at Le Zhiqi again.

She is no longer the flower in the greenhouse she once was. Her physical fitness has been greatly improved, and the speed generated by her explosive power is most significant. She may be able to run faster than the sprint champion before the end of the world.

This is the benefit of being an evolver! !

Every evolver has his own specialties.

Different sequences of genetic modifications in cells result in different abilities.

Strength, speed, explosive power, durability, defense, willpower, nerve reflex speed, etc.

Le Zhiqi and Little Lucky devoured 5 Abyss Seeds, and the shallow layers of their genetic sequence were greatly strengthened, gaining their current abilities.

As for Gu Fan, it was even more terrifying.

His ultimate killing sublimation, all genetic sequences have been strengthened.

The deepest level of transformation, a complete and complete transformation, achieving a super evolution that is impossible for others to achieve! !

Like being reborn.

Little Lucky and Le Zhiqi have both been transformed.

Dai Jiu was stunned.

I never expected that evolution would bring so many benefits.

Doesn’t this suddenly turn him into a superman?

And there is another thing that worries Dai Jiu the most.

In the past, Dai Jiu could still control the situation in this apartment. Besides Gu Fan, he was the boss.

But now that Lucky Brother and Le Zhiqi have evolved, aren't the two of them firmly on top of him?

Especially that little lucky one.

He used to be Dai Jiu's younger brother, one of the most insignificant types of people who just eat and die and have no sense of existence. Do they have to call him big brother from now on?

"A little luck."

"I remember you used to be the lowest gangster under Brother Li?"

"This Dai Jiu should be more advanced than you. Go and beat him down and try your abilities."

Gu Fan's order shocked everyone.

The lucky boy looked even more embarrassed. He still thought Dai Jiu was his eldest brother before he could figure it out.

"Do it."

Seeing that he was still reluctant to take action, Gu Fan ordered coldly again.

Little Lucky trembled, not daring to disobey Gu Fan's order. He turned around and said awkwardly: "Brother Ninth, I'm offended."

Little Lucky's strong body is like a wall.

The ridged muscles were full of strength. He raised his fist and smashed it directly at Dai Jiu.

There was a trace of anger in Dai Jiu's eyes.

This guy is his little brother, just an errand boy who brings tea and water. Now he is so powerful that he is riding on his neck.

Take the initiative.

Dai Jiu was the first to attack. In terms of fighting skills, he was more than twice as good as the errand boy.

Bang! !

Dai Jiuyi punched Little Lucky in the abdomen.

pain! !

At this moment, Dai Jiu felt as if his fist had hit a rock.

Little Lucky's muscles were so hard that hitting him with a punch would cause pain in his fist, but the opponent's body would only tremble slightly and show no reaction at all.

This is the body of the evolver.

Little Lucky's body has evolved. As his strength has increased, his defense has also increased. The muscles all over his body are as hard as stones.

Little Lucky himself was stunned. Usually when Dai Jiu punched him in the abdomen, he would be so painful that he would convulse and hold his stomach for a long time, unable to get up.

So strong.

His body has become so powerful?

Little Lucky raised his fist and punched Dai Jiuyi.

Tiger and tiger make wind.

Little Lucky's muscles were tense, and the punch was fast and fierce, like a heavy blow from a super heavyweight boxer in the boxing ring.

Bang! !

Dai Jiu was sent flying 2 meters away by this punch.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief. This was beyond the description of the gap. This was simply crushing! !


Dai Jiuchang was almost regretful.

If he had known that becoming an evolver would make him so powerful, how could he refuse?

"Boss Gufan."

"I changed my mind. I also want to evolve. Please give me another chance." Dai Jiu changed his mind and came to Gu Fan to plead.

He only received a cold look in response.

Gu Fan sneered: "Do you regret it now? It's too late."


Some things, if you miss them, you miss them.

Gu Fan needs some help temporarily, and he is not here to be a philanthropist.

The opportunity to evolve is once in a lifetime, how could it be that you just come and leave when you say you want?

(End of chapter)