I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 85: 0Kill the giant python


Extremely painful infusion.

Gu Fan's eyes were like torches, as sharp as an eagle.

His whole body was boiling, like an erupting volcano.

He swallowed 100 fruits of the abyss at once, and the power that exploded was absolutely terrifying.

Gu Fan's body was even melting, quickly igniting and dissolving like a candle, and his flesh and blood began to twist and deform.

The power of this fire candle was equally terrifying. The bright red color passed through countless debris in an instant and stabbed hard into the head of the extremely cold ice python! !

Infinite pain.

Infinite killing.

Intertwined desires, struggle and despair on the edge of death.

All the emotions were poured into this knife, rushing crazily into the mind of the extremely cold ice python.

Gu Fan was waiting for this moment.

He was waiting for the moment when his emotions were at their most violent.

He was waiting for the moment when the fear of death spread to every part of his body, and the pain contained in the knife he swung was the deepest.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!"

The extremely cold ice python roared with a heart-rending roar.

Its whole body was tumbling up and down, and its tail kept slapping the ground, breaking into cracks.


In an instant, the consciousness of the extremely cold ice python collapsed.

But this special alien species is different from humans. Zhang Ximing's consciousness was too fragile and was completely wiped out. However, this extremely cold ice python became even more violent.

It went berserk! !

The extremely cold ice python destroys everything in sight.

The extremely cold and icy mist kept spraying out from the mouth, and everything in the space of tens of meters was frozen. The body that kept twisting and beating shattered the stone pillars and beams, and even smashed the night demons that had been frozen into sculptures. .

The earth shook.

The entire medical warehouse was shaken by it.

Gu Fan turned his head.

At this time, Le Zhiqi and Wu Ze had already disappeared.

Gu Fan showed a smile. Le Zhiqi and Wu Ze did not betray him. They had completed the tasks assigned by Gu Fan.

There is a lot of dust in the air.

The powder mist they brought was splashed into the air, flour and various medicinal powders were flying all over the sky, and large amounts of gasoline were scattered around on the ground. These two people lived up to Gu Fan's instructions.

This is enough.

Ding! !

Gu Fan took out a lighter from his pocket.

The crisp sound was thrown into the air with a little flame, drawing a beautiful arc and landing on top of the unfrozen gasoline.

The moment of life and death.

With the help of the explosive power of the hundreds of abyss seeds in his body, Gu Fan felt that time was compressed to the extreme, and the time around him seemed to slow down.

He strode forward.

You can clearly hear the sound of the muscles in your thighs breaking.

The power and speed he exploded at that moment were too great, even his nearly perfect body couldn't bear it.

Gu Fan is like a fluttering butterfly.

He flew gracefully in this extremely slow time, stepping on the back of the extremely cold ice python step by step, stepping on those smooth and delicate silver-white scales, and ran to its head step by step.

Take a leap! !

Gu Fan actually fell into the extremely cold ice python's bloody mouth full of sharp teeth! !

You heard that right.

Gu Fan indeed took the initiative to get into the mouth of the extremely cold ice python.

This is too crazy, it is simply courting death. I am afraid that there will never be a lunatic like Gu Fan in the world.

However... this is the safest place in the entire pharmacy.

The extremely dense dust particles in the air came into contact with the flames. When they temporarily reached the ignition point, a few malt grains burned and some sparks bloomed.

One spark leads to another spark, and when these extremely dense particles are connected together, a terrifying and abnormal chain reaction will occur.

Dust explosion.

Boom boom boom! !

The scorching fire and the shock wave of the explosion instantly overwhelmed the extremely cold ice python.

The entire pharmacy warehouse was razed to the ground and blown into ruins, and waves of fire struck farther away.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Le Zhiqi and Wu Ze had already run far away from the warehouse.

However, the residual power generated by the fire wave and shock wave still swept from behind, knocking the two people out in an instant.

The two of them felt burning pain in their backs.

They looked back in shock and saw that the former pharmacy warehouse no longer existed.

"this… "

"Do you think Boss Gu Fan can survive such an explosion??"

Le Zhiqi swallowed her saliva and reached out to touch her back. A large piece of flesh had been rubbed off.

Wu Ze shook his head: "In such an explosion, it would be difficult for humans, even that terrifying python monster, to survive."

Le Zhiqi was shocked.


Did Gu Fan die like this

That madman, that bloodthirsty, murderous madman.

Did he die together with that extremely cold ice python?

"Let's go."

"The aftermath also caused serious injuries to us. It is safe to rush back to the inpatient department before dark."

Wu Ze helped Le Zhiqi up, and the two of them looked at the exploding sea of fire again. Everything in the ruins was destroyed.

Can Gu Fan, the butcher, survive?

the other side.

Among the ruins, a giant python burned into charcoal trembled slightly.

All the silver-white scales on its body had been blown to pieces, and the charred flesh and blood stank.


The extremely cold ice python, which was almost charred, still revealed its snake message.

The vitality of this special alien species is also a bit too tenacious. After such a big explosion, it is not completely dead

However, even if he is not completely dead, he is already at the end of his strength.

At this moment, the sound of flesh and blood being cut came from the body of the extremely cold ice python. It was the sound of Gu Fan wielding the Slaughter Blade with all his strength.

At the most critical moment, he hid in the mouth of the extremely cold ice python, but he escaped the violent explosion as much as possible.

Gu Fan struggled on the verge of death.

He continued to cut a large number of wounds in the body of the extremely cold ice python, and finally found the seven-inch position.

A core of the abyss appeared in front of him.

That is a blue ice-colored abyss core! !

It exudes a faint blue light, like a dream, and reveals the meaning of coldness.

There are also lines on this crystal core. These lines are like the color of steel, developing in another direction.

"Dark iron, orichalcum, fine steel, mithril, divine gold."

Gu Fan thought to himself, this is the grading of the quality of the abyss core produced by special alien species.

If you reach the second form, everyone's abilities will also be different, but they are roughly divided into five rare levels.

The most common one is black iron.

The abilities possessed by most hunters are at the "Black Iron" level.

There are also some hunters who possess some rare special abilities, which often allow their combat power to greatly exceed that of characters of the same level with "Black Iron" quality, reaching the "Orichalcum" level.

In addition, "Refined Steel" is a very rare ability.

The quality is excellent, and it is also very difficult to obtain. Sometimes it is difficult for an entire legion to hunt down special alien species of this grade.

As for mithril... that can only be achieved by quite famous legendary creatures.

If this legendary creature can continue to grow, they will definitely pose a nightmare threat to mankind.

Finally, let’s talk about divine gold.

Special alien species with this quality live in the cracks of the underground abyss, and they are also the kind of terrifying creatures that can only exist within large cracks...

If Gu Fan remembers correctly.

At least a year later, these ultra-rare and terrifying alien species that will destroy the world will descend on the earth.

As for how strong it is?

I'm afraid the only word "disaster" can be used to describe it.

(End of chapter)