I Was Born In The Underworld

Chapter 91: 0 heart-breaking


the next day.

Click, click, click.

The doors to the room where Gu Fan was sitting cracked and exploded, turning into pieces of ice and debris scattered on the ground.

Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi had been waiting outside the door for a long time. They were like children who had made mistakes waiting for an adult to teach them a lesson. They could tell at a glance that something was wrong.


Gu Fan asked casually: "Tell me, what's going on with you two?"

Wu Ze didn't dare to hide it.

"Boss, this is what happened."

"I've been in this inpatient department for a long time, and there are a few people who take good care of me..." Wu Ze recounted what happened yesterday.

Gu Fan glanced at Wu Ze and sneered: "Do you want to be a bad guy?"

Wu Ze immediately knelt on the ground on one knee and said in a deep voice: "If I make you unhappy, boss, I am willing to accept the punishment."

Gu Fan didn't care.

He patted Wu Ze's shoulder and said coldly: "Get up. As for the punishment, it will come soon."

What does it mean that punishment is coming soon

Gu Fan didn't explain.

He led Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi towards the corridor.

This actually made Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi feel confused. Could it be that they just let it go? When did Boss Gu Fan become so approachable


Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi discovered something was wrong.

The few people still alive on this floor have all disappeared.

At the end of the corridor, towards the stairs of the safe passage, some blood stains gradually spread, and the blood was still fresh.

what happened?

what's going on! !

Wu Ze's expression changed, and his pair of beast-like eyes immediately activated.

It was discovered that all the original survivors on this floor had left, and it seemed that they all fled downstairs.

Everyone walked to the next floor, and there was a human being lying there near the corner. To be precise, there was a cold corpse lying there.

That's a man.

He was holding his abdomen, blood was flowing all over the floor, his face was grim and full of pain and resentment.

If it is killed by a rotten corpse or a monster, the corpse will not be preserved at all. Even if it is not eaten up, it will turn into another monster due to infection.

"He was killed by humans."

Wu Ze squatted down, a bad premonition lingering in his heart.

Gu Fan looked at Wu Ze with a hint of mockery and said contemptuously: "You and Le Zhiqi are too careless. You lingered near my door for a long time last night. When you left to rest, the sounds of those people fighting and killing each other were heard. did not hear it."


Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi looked shocked.

After dealing with these matters yesterday, they went to rest and sleep, but they never expected that this group of people would start fighting in private.

And Gu Fan knows all these details! !

Gu Fan is a person who has experienced the dark apocalypse, and has long been accustomed to an environment full of dangers and the possibility of losing his life at any time.

Even if he rests late at night, he will be in a very light sleep state. Any disturbance will wake him up, and the sounds caused by those people fighting will naturally not escape Gu Fan's ears.

"The common man is not guilty, but the jade is guilty."

"You gave them the Seed of the Abyss yesterday. It was like pie in the sky. Who doesn't want to become an evolver?"

Gu Fan sneered, he knew what happened without guessing.

In this post-apocalyptic world, people's hearts are too sinister. In a world without moral and legal constraints, people may fight for a pack of instant noodles, not to mention these abyssal seeds that can make people evolve?

"Could it be that… "

Wu Ze's face was gloomy, and the bad premonition in his heart was getting deeper and deeper.

He hurriedly ran forward, only to find that there were more and more corpses nearby. Some people were stabbed to death with scalpels, and some had their heads smashed with blunt instruments.

at last.

Wu Ze saw a person.

That was a little nurse who had taken care of him, but now she was covered in bruises and blood, and had been stabbed dozens of times.

Her hands were empty, and her eyes were looking into the distance even more hollowly. The seed of the abyss given by Wu Ze had obviously been taken away, and the little nurse was hacked to death.


Wu Ze clenched his fists, feeling a deep anger in his heart.

At this moment, Wu Ze finally knew what the boss meant by "punishment".

Wu Ze was already prepared to be punished.

No matter whether Boss Gu Fan wants to inflict a few wounds on him with ice blades, or asks him to kill thousands of rotten corpses to pay off his debts, or even chop off an arm... he can accept it!

But nothing could be more severe than the immediate punishment.

Wu Ze watched the little nurse who used to take care of him die tragically, and she died tragically because he kindly gave the seed of the abyss as a gift. Others could not understand that kind of mental torture.

Good intentions lead to bad things.

The seed of the abyss actually killed this little nurse.

Wu Ze gave others hope, but others showed Wu Ze true despair.


Wu Ze clenched his fists and continued to walk forward, following the blood line along the way, and finally reached the next level of stairs.

Crunch! !

Click, click! !

In the corridor on the thirteenth floor, the sound of monster chewing was so clear.

A monster that resembled a night demon lay on the ground, apparently eating human corpses.

Its body was much larger than that of the Night Demon, with six jointed limbs growing out of its body, turning it into a real water spider, and the humans it gnawed on were naturally among the dozen or so people it gnawed on yesterday.

Wu Ze stared blankly at this ugly monster with a diameter of 2 meters.

He was stunned.

Although this monster's face was extremely distorted and its flesh and blood were extremely rotten, Wu Ze had a feeling of déjà vu.

The swollen muscles and bones all over its body tore its clothes to pieces, but fragments of the nurse's uniform remained. A name tag read her name during her lifetime, and it turned out to be another little nurse who took good care of Wu Ze! !

"Serious mutation."

"It has six jointed limbs, and its muscle strength and body shape are far stronger than ordinary night demons."

"This monster may even break through to the second level and become a mutant. The amount of abyssal seeds she took must be very large. It's a pity that her willpower was too weak to survive and turned into a monster."

The footsteps of Gu Fan and Le Zhiqi came from behind, analyzing the monster in front of them sentence by sentence.

She took a lot of abyss seeds to become such a monster?

Could it be that Gu Fan wanted to say that this little nurse killed another companion and took away the seed of the abyss in her hand?

How can it be

This year he was paralyzed in bed.

Two young nurses took turns taking care of this special patient like him. Wu Ze had the impression that these two young nurses were like sisters. How could they fight each other?


"They have a very good relationship, this is absolutely impossible!!"

Wu Ze's eyes were blood red and his eyes were cracked, and he couldn't accept the reality in front of him.


"Brothers can turn against each other for the sake of inheritance."

"Father and son can kill each other for profit."

"You gave them the opportunity to evolve, which is more tempting than profit, wealth, or any beautiful woman."

Gu Fan said indifferently, this is the darkness of people's hearts gradually revealed in the apocalypse.

What’s the point of killing my best friend who’s been with me day and night for these seeds of the abyss

Just small things.

After Wu Ze listened, his fingernails even dug into his palms, and a drop of bright red blood left along his fingers.

No one knew what he was feeling at the moment.

Guilt, regret, pain, anger

"Kill this monster alone."

"This is the punishment for your unauthorized actions."

Gu Fan finally said coldly, it turned out that this was the real punishment.

Wu Ze's kindness killed everyone.

Of the two nurses who took good care of him, one was hacked to death, and the other greedily swallowed all the seeds of the abyss and turned into a monster.

In the end, Wu Ze wanted to kill the monster with his own hands.

The most severe punishment in the world is nothing more than this...

This is simply heartbreaking!


The third update, please vote and reward!

Ahem, ahem, having said that, I’m really not a chapter-breaking dog, but the previous one was too disturbing and easily scolded, so I’ll add an update.


I can't help it, every piece of writing is so beautiful, no matter where I stop it, I feel like it's out of context (I look so narcissistic that I don't deserve a slap...)

Just kidding, I hope brothers will continue to support me.

The quality of this book will be guaranteed, and it will be updated twice a day.

There will be three updates after the word count is enough, and there will be more explosive updates, so please look forward to it.

(End of chapter)