I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 1: It was her


The beginning of spring has just passed, and the sky has not warmed up yet.

It snowed last night, covering the mountains with silver.

On the mountainside is the famous Jokhang Temple in the capital.

The golden glazed roof was piled with thick snow, and after noon, the snow was dripping and dripping down the eaves.

The sky was lead-grey, a little gloomy and depressing, and it didn't mean to clear up.

The abbot felt that Yuanyuan was very old, and his face was full of wrinkles.

Walking on the mountain road, he looked down, then glanced at the figure in front of him, and said, "In ten days, it will be his fiftieth birthday... Should you go back?"

Gu Juefei did not speak.

He is a scholar, but not that weak.

The back is as straight as green bamboo, bright and clear.

He was tall and long, wearing a dark blue satin robe with dark bamboo leaves, and although he was wearing a large cloak with a dark blue cloud and crane pattern, it couldn't hide his broad shoulders and narrow waist.

The eyebrows are like ink paintings, and the temples are like knife cuts.

The bottom of his eyes was silent and deep, and he was born with a good appearance.

Six years ago, the madness that became famous at a young age was washed away, and under the trials and tribulations of the years, he has become a calm and mature person who is as deep as an abyss and as stable as Mount Tai.

If you don't witness his changes with your own eyes, even if you feel far away, it will be difficult to connect those past with this person today.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Jueyuan sighed.

"Although I don't know why you went up the mountain, how can there be an overnight feud between father and son? Besides, it has been six years. In a few years, he will be approaching the age of becoming an official."

"I heard that the second son of the mansion is in high spirits. Last year, he took the Juren examination. This year, the imperial examination is held again. It is time to participate in the Spring Festival."

"You are the head of the family, if you go back and give him some pointers..."

"Who did you hear about it?"

Gu Juefei heard the word "Dichang", and finally got impatient to listen again, lifted his eyelids, glanced at Jueyuan, and interrupted him with a half-smile.

If you look closely, you will find that the bottom of his eyes is covered with a layer of ice, and there is no smile at all.

Jueyuan knew that he could hide it from him: "It's your father. He came here yesterday afternoon and talked with me for a long time in the meditation room. He didn't go down the mountain until Hai Shi. At that time, the snow was heavy..."

When the imperial master Gu Chengqian, the official worship a first-class, is the first among the civil officials.

Thirteen years ago, when the palace changed, he was shot in the leg by a stray arrow in order to protect the third prince at that time.

Later, when the third prince ascended the throne, he was named Taishi, but the root cause of the disease fell. Every time the weather is cloudy, wet and cold, it is always like a needle piercing an axe, and the pain is unbearable.

The new emperor was grateful to him for his great success in escorting him at the beginning, and sympathetic to his hard work for the country now, and he specifically approved that there would be no rain or snow.

But last night it was freezing cold and snowing down the mountain, what should it be like

Abbot Jueyuan still remembers that when this important court official who held the power in his hand opened the door to leave, the white hair on his head looked the same color as the snowflakes flying in the cold night.

Sometimes, words don't need to be said, especially when it comes to smart people.

Jueyuan glanced at Gu Juefei, and he fell silent as expected.

There was not a single pedestrian on the long mountain road, and on the snow that had begun to melt, there was only a series of footprints left by the abbot Jueyuan when he came up to him.

In the temple on the mountainside, the voice of chanting "Buddha Said Amitabha Sutra" was faintly heard.

The wind, I don't know when it was in a hurry, and the face was cold.

Gu Juefei only felt that his feet were a little stiff, and then he remembered that he was going down the mountain.

He started walking again, but still didn't speak.

The abbot Jueyuan didn't bother, and let him think about it slowly, but he couldn't help but think of those old events in his heart.

Gu Juefei, who used to be known as "Master Gu".

Born in the famous Gu family in the capital, he is the first son of the eldest house, and he has read poetry and books since childhood.

He studied under Mr. Youyang at the age of eleven, went on a study tour at the age of fifteen, and returned to Beijing at the age of nineteen. He was already a well-known young talent.

On the day of his crowning ceremony, he visited as many famous houses in the capital as there were.

Gu Taishi looked solemn and took the word "Rang Xian" for this eldest son.

Soon after, Gu Juefei participated in the imperial examination.

All the way to the first in the township test, and the first in the aptitude test, Caixue amazed the government and the public. It was not until the palace test that he was pressed down by the emperor because he was still young, and only ordered a third flower.

Rao is so, he is also the youngest Tanhua Lang in Daxia.

At that time, the ladies in the capital, Xiaojiabiyu, who would not want to marry him

Iceman, who went to talk about matchmaking, almost missed the threshold of the Gu family.

But no one could have imagined that in that year, the old man of the Gu family drove a crane to the west. Gu Juefei fell out with his family for no reason, came to the Jokhang Temple on a rainy night, and never returned home.

How many people do not understand

A twenty-three-year-old Tanhualang, whose father was also the imperial master, and Wanli Pengcheng, who was in front of him, even said that he would give up, and went to live in the temple, becoming a laity disciple of Lao Shizi!

People pondered and pondered, but in the end they still gave him a reason—

hurt by love.

Rumor has it that Wei Yi, the third girl of the Taifu family, whom Gu Da Gongzi greatly admired, was called to the palace at the age of nineteen and became the emperor's favorite concubine.

Coincidentally, it was just before Gu Juefei moved into the Jokhang Temple.

As for Gu Juefei, is he an infatuated kind

No one knows that.

Even Jue Yuan, who has seen his changes in the past six years, can't explain it clearly.

Jueyuan walked all the way and thought all the way.

No matter how deep these thoughts are, they are like a breeze in the end, and there is no trace in the end.

After a while, the two of them were already one after the other, and they went down the mountainside along the mountain road, and the Jokhang Temple was in front of them.

Going around along the root of the wall is the gate of the temple.

At this time, a group of people came down the mountain.

There were men and women, all dressed neatly and silently, surrounded by a small sedan chair with green curtains, and stopped in front of the mountain gate.

As soon as the sedan chair dropped, a girl in a green jacket with a double bun took two steps, and when she got to the sedan chair, she hurriedly greeted the bearer.

"Press the car".

The sound is soft.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Gu Juefei stopped.

The sedan chair was used by a female servant, so he didn't want to rush forward.

At first glance, there is nothing special about this group of people, but he can keenly sense that this is a cleanup that only exists in the big family.

Also, it's kind of weird.

In such weather, and it is not a festival, there should not be any pilgrims in the temple.

The abbot Jueyuan also looked at it from a distance, but a pair of old eyes showed a bit of pity and a sigh: "It's the sedan chair of the General's Mansion. There was a serious illness a while ago, otherwise it should have come half a month ago. "

He didn't mention who "had a serious illness", but after Gu Juefei heard the words "General's Mansion", the doubts in his heart were immediately resolved.

So, there was a moment of trance.

"It was her..."

The one sitting in the sedan chair is probably the Lu family, right

The wife of the general's mansion, and the widow of General Xue Kuang.

This year, I should be twenty-seven, the mother of four children.

Eleven years ago, she, Wei Yi and Sun Xuedai were called the three beauties in the capital.

At that time, because of Wei Yi, Gu Juefei also vaguely knew about this Miss Lu family.

Different from Wei Yi's begonia-like peaches and plums, and different from Sun Xuedai's icy and elegant appearance, Lu Jinxi is light and graceful, with a soft temperament.

Even if her complexion is equally outstanding, she really has no sense of existence against the light of the other two.

In the following year after she was married, she was granted a marriage by the new emperor and married Xue Kuang, the second son of the general's residence.

Xue Kuang was born in the general door, and he has gone on several expeditions with his father at a young age.

When the marriage decree went down, the others were still at the border. After receiving the decree, they rushed back to get married.

However, there was an enchanting woman and a child with a leg problem who came back to Beijing with him.

When I heard about this, the whole capital was blown up.

No one expected that Xue Kuang, guarding the border, had already taken in a concubine and gave birth to a five-year-old child!

Thinking that Xue Kuang was twenty-two this year, his blood and energy were just old, and it was normal to have an open room.

It's just that even the son has been found out, and the family members don't know or say it, and they are still being married, and they are returning to Beijing with their concubine. Isn't this a slap in the face of the Lu family

Lord Lu loved his daughter so much that he knelt down in front of the palace gate in anger that night, scolding the warrior for being rude and ignorant, breaking the etiquette and not giving people a way to live. Crying and grabbing the ground, begging the new emperor to take back his life.

But the emperor opened his mouth, the golden rule, how can it be changed at will

In the end, Mr. Lu was still persuaded by his colleagues to go back.

Within two days, the concubine that Xue Kuang brought back became unaccustomed to the conditions and became acutely ill, but unfortunately passed away. He was carried out of the house, wrapped in straw mats, and thrown to the mass grave.

Probably the people in the General's Mansion also knew that it was their Xue Mansion's fault for this matter.

However, the five-year-old child was not dealt with and was raised in the house.

The Lu family has a family of poetry and books, and a house of scholars. He never thought of driving people to a dead end, and he was not so vicious that he would even take the life of a lame child. Then again, it was the blood of the Xue family, so when I turned back, I had to call my young lady "mother".

On the day they got married, the family swallowed all kinds of resentment, and reluctantly married a precious girl who was as distressed as eyeballs into the Xue Mansion.

Xue's family chief, Fang Changdi, participated in the war a few years ago and was buried in the battlefield. The second son, Xue Kuang, became the inheritor of the family business.

Although Lu Jinxi has a gentle temperament and is cowardly, he has no means. But because of Xue Kuang's identity, she also became the wife of the general's mansion without any risk, barely handling the affairs of the mansion.

When she got married, she became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

The following year, Xue Kuang was transferred to the frontier and began to lead troops to fight.

He defeated the enemy bandits in three years, recovered Yumen in five years, took charge of the tiger talisman, dispatched one million troops, and made him a general.

For Daxia, it was undoubtedly a rare period of scenery.

It's just that during this time, Xue Kuang rarely returned to his home.

Young couples, get together less and leave more.

Lu Jinxi gave birth to a first-class official, gave birth to two daughters for him one after another, and finally conceived his third child in the sixth year.

That is, in this year, the Xiongnu in the west attacked aggressively.

Xue Kuang had been victorious and unbeaten in a hundred battles, and he was already the brightest flag in Daxia.

In January, at the battle of Hanshan Pass, the Xia army defeated the Xiongnu and completely repelled the enemy.

But at the same time as the good news came from the border, a shocking news also came, which shook the court and the opposition—

The 27-year-old general Xue Kuang died in battle and sacrificed his life for the country.

Xue Kuang fought against the Xiongnu for a long time and killed countless enemies.

In the battle of Hanshan Pass, the Xiongnu army was given an order, and if Xue Kuang died, the 300,000-strong army of Daxia would be vulnerable to a single blow, and it was nothing to worry about.

Therefore, in this battle, at all costs, behead Xue Kuang first!

The surviving soldiers said that it was an extremely brutal siege.

In the end, they didn't even find Xue Kuang's corpse. They only pieced together the broken sword and silver spear, and brought back the dark cloud and the snow that had blinded his left eye...

After hearing the news, Lu Jinxi, who was in the General's Mansion in Beijing, was so frightened that he fainted in the dark.

During her pregnancy, she was frightened and gave birth prematurely.

At that time, the situation was extremely dangerous, and the emperor gave his life to the hospital: one was Xue Kuang's widow's wife, the other was his posthumous son, and neither adults or children were allowed to have an accident!

As a result, most of the imperial hospitals were crowded into the general's mansion, making a mess.

Fortunately, God took pity, Lu Jinxi took a risk and returned from the gate of hell, and gave birth to Lin Er, the only son of Xue Kuang.

She wiped her tears and named her son "Chi".


Gu Juefei is not very clear.

Because soon after that, he became disheartened, went to the Jokhang Temple in a rage, and never returned to the capital.

Guess also knew that Lu Jinxi was too soft-tempered, and looked cowardly and bullied at home.

There is a large general's mansion, with the wife, wife and eldest princess on the head, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law on the left and right, and four children below, one of which is not his own, where can life go smoothly

The monks in the temple seemed to have sighed, saying that the general's wife was pitiful.

The Xue family offered a tablet for Xue Kuang at the Jokhang Temple, and the wife would come to see it once a month on the twentieth of a month, adding some sesame oil money to the temple along the way.

If Gu Juefei is the youngest Tanhua Lang, Xue Kuang is the youngest general.

It's just that they are definitely not the same kind, so Gu Juefei has never had a deep conversation with this person.

In the end, he despised Xue Kuang, and brought his concubine and son back from the border gate, leaving his wife ashamed.

Unexpectedly, there was little interaction in the past, but today one is enshrined in the Buddhist hall, and the other is living in seclusion in the meditation room.

Eyes like ancient wells, no waves.

Gu Juefei looked at the sedan chair quietly, without even the slightest hint of firework in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

In front of the mountain gate, the sedan chair has already been pressed down.

"Ma'am, here we are."

The green-clothed maid, called an egret, stepped forward and opened the sedan curtain.

Inside the sedan chair, a woman's obedient moon-white skirt is faintly exposed, and a few gold flowers are hooked on the top with a dark silver thread.

She moved, bowed her head slightly, and bowed out of the sedan chair.

Both hands are cradled in the rabbit fur hand cage embroidered with lotus tangled branches, which is dignified with warmth.

From Gu Juefei's direction, she could not see her face, only a silhouette.

The sober Yuebai Bijia was covered with a mink cloak to block the cold wind outside.

She is slender and graceful, her skin is whiter than ice and snow, and her head is full of blue silk that is comparable to a crow's feather. There was nothing on the white jade-like earlobes, and the sandalwood lips were slightly pursed, light pink.

There was some unspeakable change in the eyes of Danfeng, who only slowly raised his head and looked towards the high mountain gate.

When the mountain wind blows, her back is straight, and she doesn't move, which is a bit out of the ordinary.

There are only a few pieces of clothes, and they fly gently.

Such a gesture...

Gu Juefei looked at it, and suddenly frowned, feeling a little strange and unfamiliar.

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