I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 101: Drunk talking


Pretending to be sweet.

In other words, it is a little sweet, a little sour, and a little bitter, but all kinds of tastes are mixed together, and they merge into a taste that makes people feel heartbroken.

How many women in the world could not be touched by Gu Juefei at this moment

For a moment, Lu Jinxi really felt that he shouldn't.

Although it is true that I saw him passing by by chance, so I have the heart of seduction, if I force it, it can be regarded as a fate given by God. But after all, fate depends on God, and it depends on man.

After all, she is no better than others, has her own bottom line of principles, and has more powerful logic.

So thinking about it, what's the big deal

not to mention…

After just a moment of trance, Lu Jinxi's vigilance was born: because at this moment, she couldn't tell whether the Gu Juefei in front of her was true or false.

What do you think, so what is the "routine"

It is easy to believe, but it will also output itself.

She is not cold-blooded.

But the only word in the world that she didn't like was about "lose".

Turning his eyes lightly, Lu Jinxi smiled slowly, then tilted his head slightly, and said to Gu Juefei innocently: "There is a sentence, I wonder if the eldest son has heard of it?"


When he heard her laugh, Gu Juefei actually knew that she did not easily fall into his "trap" - if this half-truth and half-false emotion could also be regarded as a trap.

But he didn't show the slightest disappointment on his face, just a look of curiosity about what she said next.

So Lu Jinxi also came up, took down the wine cup he was holding, and said, "This sentence was originally called 'you and I have no luck, and it all depends on me to spend money'. I think, in exchange for Jinxi Between Xi and the eldest son, it is probably called 'you and I have no fate, and there is a line of calculation'."

You and I have no chance, it is all my money.

This sentence was originally raised in Lu Jinxi's live broadcast circle. It is about the relationship between the anchor and the local tycoon. Of course, it is also suitable for other occasions.

Now that Lu Jinxi has made such a change, it is also a matter of course.

Gu Juefei felt something.

He saw that she put the wine cup aside, took a new wine cup, poured the wine liquid into it, and then moved the wine cup to put it in front of him.

So he laughed: "According to Madam's words, are you and I destined or not?"

To be honest, Lu Jinxi wanted to tell him at this moment: We had better have only a little dewy marriage between us.

But she didn't need to say anything, she knew that, if she really said it, the painted skin demon in front of her would tear up the painting skin in minutes and show her. How dare she

After all, he has a bright future ahead, and now he is still in charge of the damned Lifan Hall.

She cursed inwardly, and she said perfunctorily, "I didn't have a chance at first. If you don't have to struggle, will you have a fate?"

Can there be such a statement

Gu Juefei could hear that she was perfunctory, didn't want to offend him to death, and wanted to sleep with his thief's heart to not die, so she just changed the "no fate" she thought to "a fate".

He was also convinced about this.

In fact, during the banquet just now, he had already drank a lot of wine.

But this private room is also full of alcohol, and I know that Song Zhiyan must have drank a lot here. It's just the look on the other side's face when he left, but he was in a daze, and he didn't know what he said to Lu Jinxi.

But because of the smell of alcohol in the room, Lu Jinxi, who had always been careful, couldn't smell the alcohol on his body.

Gu Juefei's alcohol intake is very good, but it doesn't mean that he can drink uncontrollably.

After drinking it, it hurts the body.

He has always been self-made, and he wanted to put the wine she poured for him, but she has already brought up her glass of remnant wine to respect him, and her clear eyes seem to be affectionate and ruthless, and it seems that to his heart.

So at this moment, he suddenly lost his mind.

Gu Juefei actually picked up the glass of wine in front of him, touched her shallow cup lightly, and then drank the wine in it.

The sweet smell of alcohol slid from the mouthpiece all the way into the stomach, burning panic.

"Yesterday I heard that the eldest son finally found a mission in the Ministry of Rites, and now he is the head of the Lifan Hall. I have had a relationship with the eldest son, although the relationship is not good, but I should borrow a little wine to express it, and I hope the eldest son will not dislike it. ."

Seeing him drinking without a word, Lu Jinxi was stunned for a moment, and drank the remaining wine.

Although Mingyuelou is a theater, there is no shortage of wine in the private room.

At this moment, she looked at it, and only called Qingque, who had the table just now removed, and a few new dishes were brought up, and then she raised the jug again, pouring wine for Gu Juefei and herself.

She didn't drink it before, she just watched Song Zhiyan drink it.

Now that I meet Gu Juefei, it's good or bad, but it's just the time to drink.

Gu Juefei actually knew that if he had two more drinks, he would almost be drunk. But seeing her making these things, she surprisingly didn't stop her, she didn't make a sound, and she didn't show the slightest bit of drunkenness.

A pair of eyes, as if dipped in the nectar and jade liquid, are very beautiful.

He only slightly hooked his lips and asked, "Don't Madam think that this is not a good job for the head of the Lifan Hall?"

Isn't this a good job

Lu Jinxi's hand pouring wine for him paused, and in an instant, he smelled the strong aroma of wine, and only looked up at his clear eyes, and said, "Negotiating with Fang Cheng, everything is undecided, it's the one who is showing his strength. A good place, a good time. Is it a good mission, the eldest son has no idea in his heart?"

When the words came out, the wine was refilled.

The smile on Gu Juefei's lips deepened a little, and even added a bit of indescribable beauty: "Few people in the civil and military affairs of the whole dynasty think this is a good job, and they all feel that it is a thankless task. If it is done, it may not be. What kind of achievements, the generals will still be unhappy; if it is not done well, the war between the two countries will resume, and if it is wrong, it will become an unforgivable sinner. Why do you think that this is a good thing?"

"I invited you to drink, and you made things difficult for me."

Lu Jinxi stabbed him in a cool tone.

It was probably because she had revealed too clearly in front of Song Zhiyan before, and she had finished talking, so at this time, she subconsciously relaxed and revealed the side of her body that did not belong to the Lu family at all.

"Others think it's thankless, that's why they think it's hard work. But the same errand is a piece of cake here for the eldest son? Not to mention, you have the emperor's appreciation, and the emperor is reconciling. What about the generals? Look? You don't seem to care about them, let alone they can't make a difference."

As soon as Xue Kuang left, the military officers and generals in Daxia, no matter how strong they were, still lacked the backbone.

It's all sand.

Now that this matter is negotiated, it is possible for him to oppose it back then, and maybe it will make a splash, and even decide the direction of the whole situation.


The highest official position of the military general in Beijing is Liu Jin, and the most thorny Fang Shaoxing.

The former is big and rough, although there are rough and fine, he is also a shrewd person, but he is far from Gu Juefei; the latter is often involved in trouble, but his temperament is eccentric, and he seldom associates with others. Couldn't find a few people to agree with.

So, looking at the wind on the face, what can actually happen

Lu Jinxi didn't say any of this.

She is a theater watcher, and someone who doesn't know much about the court can see these things; Gu Juefei, who has been immersed in it for many years, can definitely see it more deeply and thoroughly.

"I should first congratulate the eldest son, I have taken the lead, and from now on, I will be on the rise."

"Ha ha… "

Gu Juefei couldn't help but laugh.

Between him and Lu Jinxi, it should be the first time to talk about things in the courtroom, but there is no great feeling about it, only to find out that she has revealed a new side to herself.

It is said that "the mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way, and the willows are dark and flowers are bright."

One was recommended by Lu Jiuling, Minister of Rites;

Second, there is no other person in the government and the public to do this except him.

Without any of these two points, nothing can be accomplished.

The old father and grandmother in his family, the current head of the Gu family, not only did not provide him with any help in this matter, but spared no effort and dutifully played the role of a stumbling block.

In retrospect, ironic!

The wine was in the cup, Gu Juefei lowered his eyes, picked it up again, and drank it himself: "The current situation on the Xiongnu side is just right for Daxia. It is on women; Lao Shanyu is getting older, and his energy is gradually not as good as before; several sons below his knees, the perfect ones are already dead, and those who are not perfect are fighting for power and profits all day long; the only thing that can be seen may be that Princess Lanqu, but in the end It's a woman with a bit of a pickled elder brother. When Lao Shanyu is here, she can still be a bit majestic, waiting for someone to go... "

What is the use of a weak woman, no matter how powerful she is

Strong as Princess Yongning, who can control the government, isn't she also an emperor? Thirteen years ago, the palace changed. Although he made great efforts, he could only support Xiao Che, the third prince, together with two auxiliary ministers.

It's not that Gu Juefei looks down on women, but that's how the world is today.

Especially in the Huns.

Sons, stepfathers and wives, brothers and stepbrothers, women are the bargaining chips. Even if they are as noble as Princess Lanqu, what can they do under the general trend

Unless there were some unexpected variables.

"Daxia and all the tribes in the Western Regions have been fighting for a long time, for decades. Xiao Che even ordered Xue Kuang as the main general. He spent five years, fighting hard, winning countless battles, and achieving the reputation of God of War. The people were caught in water and fire. Respect him and look up to him!"

Putting down the wine cup, Gu Juefei smiled.

"But why, don't you give me five years? I don't even want five years, just three years, two years..."

he's drunk.

Lu Jinxi was a little surprised.

Otherwise, why would you call the emperor by the name of the emperor in front of others? He also opened his mouth and closed his mouth to say "Xue Kuang" instead of "Great General", and the meaning of this...

She felt a little scared, and her two thin eyebrows suddenly frowned, and she looked at him carefully. At this time, I can only smell the strong smell of alcohol in the air...

Heavier than when Song Zhiyan was there.

It's just that she has been surrounded by the smell of alcohol this afternoon, and she didn't notice it before—

When Gu Juefei came in, he looked normal, but in fact he had definitely drank a lot.

This man is really strange.

It was obvious that he was already drunk, but the whole person looked sober. The smile on his face is not at all flawed, his eyes are also very clear, his words are clear, and his tongue is not curled at all.

She didn't pour him any more wine, but he picked up the jug himself and poured himself a glass.

"Peace cross, open mutual markets, open border trade, and pass letters. Heaven ascends to the country, subtly. Give me three years, and I can wipe out the Xiongnu without a single soldier!"

The spirits entered his throat, turning into a rare arrogance.

But Gu Juefei's voice was so calm and desolate: "Fighting? Is it great to be able to fight? Is it great to throw your head and shed blood? If he really dies, Gu Juefei will respect him as an upright man. But it's not him who throws his head away. It's not him who sheds his blood. Buried in a foreign land and scattered in the frontier, he is a big Xia Erlang with a bloody heart."

Every word, Lu Jinxi's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't seem to know what he said, or he didn't want to worry so much when he was drunk. Seeing that there was no wine in her glass, he raised it and poured her a glass.

But the hand was unsteady, and it was a little crooked.

The wine spilled a little on the table.

Gu Juefei saw it, and immediately knew that he was drunk. He slowly put down the jug and sat quietly with his eyes down, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, he looked up at her: "So, you are so good, you shouldn't marry Xue Kuang, you should marry me."

"… "

Lu Jinxi was speechless.

After Gu Juefei finished speaking, he laughed out loud. Those clear eyes were a little blurry for the first time, and they had a particularly moving brilliance.

"Lu Jinxi, do you understand what I'm saying?"

The feeling in my heart is hard to describe. But she still responded to him slowly in the end, her voice soft and low: "I know."

she knows.

Of course she knew.

Otherwise, how could he teach Xue Chi to write the sentence "A true general does not wear a sword"

At this moment, the singing on the stage suddenly became a little lingering.

Gu Juefei was already a little groggy, and only felt that the person in front of him had both the beauty of spring flowers and autumn moon, and the quality of white snow and green lotus.

In the vagueness, I only heard the sentence "No matter how dry the sea and the rocks are, my heart will never change", and I felt that my whole heart softened for her.

Nothing is needed, just this "I know" is enough.

He was a little sleepy, leaned on the desk, and accidentally pushed the empty wine glass, collided with the cup and plate in front, and his voice was broken and blurred: "That's why I like you so much..."

Then fell asleep.

There was a lot of noise outside, but there was silence in the private room.

Lu Jinxi looked at him silently. At this moment, he didn't dare to say a word, for fear of disturbing his drunken dream, and for fear of revealing his subtle feelings at the moment...