I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 111: Bye Mr


"Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji?"

Lu Jinxi shouted several times.

It took a long while for Ji Heng to come back to his senses, and when he looked at Shang Lu Jinxi's doubtful eyes, he realized that he was being rude: "Just now you mentioned Mr. Gu, which reminded Ji of some things from the old days, So I've been in a trance for a long time, and I hope Madam is not surprised."

His face looked pale.

Of course, Lu Jinxi is not someone who will be grumpy because of these little things, but he is inevitably a little worried: mentioning Gu Juefei and reminding him of some old things, shouldn't it be an old grudge with Gu Juefei

She was a little curious, but after all, she was not familiar with Ji Heng and didn't ask much.

Seeing Ji Heng's return to her senses, she also took advantage of the situation to bring the topic back to today's matter itself: "It just so happens that Mr. Ji is here today, so I think Pan Quan'er has already told you about the situation at the General's Mansion. I don’t know if you have any dissatisfaction with the treatment you should receive? If so, you can bring it up now, just to discuss it.”

"It's a blessing to be able to contribute to my wife. How dare I say anything about the treatment? What's more, the treatment given by my wife is really generous, and Ji has no opinion at all. It's just... "

He paused, and there was a rare hesitation in his expression.

Lu Jinxi's brows could not help but lift slightly, but a relieved smile appeared on her face: "If you have any difficulties, it's okay to say it directly."

"It's not a problem, but, although I would like to be the teacher of the two young ladies, the two young ladies may not be willing to ask me to be the teacher. The lady is often in the capital, so she must not know where Ji Mou is in Jiangnan all these years. How to live. Even if Ji has the heart to teach, he is afraid to smear the reputation of the two young ladies, so he does not dare to sue his wife without telling the truth."

Ji Heng sighed, but he had a wry smile on his face.

This time, Lu Jinxi vaguely guessed a few points.

It's just that she saw Ji Heng's sincerity, so she didn't interrupt him, and continued to listen to him.

"After his parents died in that fire, Ji Mou also missed the imperial examination and wandered all the way back to Jiangnan. In order to make a living, he stayed in the Qinlou and Chu Pavilion, writing lyrics and music for the dusty women. This stigma has already It's serious, there have been many criticisms from others, I'm afraid that not only did the two young ladies fail to be brought up to be sensible, but they also missed their future."

Ji Heng didn't hide it at all, and told the truth.

"That's why Ji is unwilling to do this, and he really needs his wife to think twice."

Indeed this is the reason.

Lu Jinxi didn't feel anything at all.

At a glance, you can see that Ji Heng is a very upright person, and he has a lot of demeanor and insight in his conversation. Even those gentlemen in the academy went to the brothel to recruit prostitutes.

Compared with these sanctimonious people, Ji Heng is already rare.

It just has a bad reputation.

She immediately wanted to say "it's okay", but when she was about to say it, she hesitated again: what she thought was one thing, and what the environment of this dynasty was like today was another.

If she made a decision on her own, how could she know if those two little girls would hate her

At this time, his brows were already wrinkled.

Ji Heng guessed that she was thinking about it, so she just sat on the side, but didn't make a sound.

After a while, Lu Jinxi laughed: "This matter is difficult to say, and simple to simple. It seems that a person of high talent like Mr. Ji, even if he is invited to be a Western seat in a noble family, is a queer talent, and he is willing to agree. Come and teach the two little girls how lucky they are. Although I am a mother, it doesn't matter if I say anything about it. Why don't I call the two little girls here, first greet the gentleman, and then ask their wishes. If they are willing to keep their husbands, then ask them to show their respect, and teach them to read wisely from now on.”

"...that's fine."

The way she solved it was beyond Ji Heng's expectations, and felt that it was too unusual. But on second thought, what's wrong

This is a woman who dares to speak to the emperor.

So Lu Jinxi called the egret next to her and asked her to go to the backyard to bring the two little girls Xue Mingli and Xue Minglang over, while she still sat in the hall and talked to Ji Heng.

During the waiting period, Ji Heng pondered for a moment, and then asked another matter: "Speaking of which, the reform of the imperial examination system originated from the eldest son of your house. Ji was bold and did not know the eldest son of Xue, but now he can worship Mr. ?"

Lu Jinxi's eyelids jumped, and the hand holding the tea paused.

How could she not understand such simple lines

"Our eldest son is going to be sent to Jingzhong Jixia Academy, but he is still one gentleman away. Mr. Ji was Jie Yuan back then, and his talents were amazing. If you are willing to accept him as a student, it would be better. More Needless to say, you will be able to make a name for yourself in the palace exam in the future. So, if you are interested, I will ask him to come out, come to worship Mr., please take a look?"

"Madam's words are serious, and Ji does have this intention. If your son doesn't dislike it, it's okay to worship Ji as a gentleman together."

Ji Heng was really interested in this Xue Tingzhi.

In other words, this is a fate in the dark.

Lu Jinxi thought about it for a while and then understood the reason. It's just that Xue Tingzhi's temperament is quite unpredictable, and she doesn't dare to say whether he is willing or not.

So at this moment, I only called someone to invite Xue Tingzhi.

After a while, sisters Xue Mingli and Xue Minglang came.

Egret had told them that he was going to see Mr., and he had told them the reason for inviting them to come. But neither of them cared much, and they were all excited along the way. Xue Mingli was relatively quiet, but Xue Minglang was eager to jump up, his smiling face flushed with excitement.

It's just that when I get to the hall, I can't help but be cautious.

Together, the two met Lu Jinxi first.

Lu Jinxi called them up and introduced Mr. Ji to them.

The two little girls were very polite, so they saluted Ji Heng again, and then looked at Ji Heng curiously with those two black eyes.

"I heard that Mr. is Jie Yuan in the Jiangnan Imperial Examination, is it true?"


"Wow, that gentleman has also been to many places?"

"It's not too much, let's go from Jiangnan to the capital."

"I've never even been out of the capital. Can you tell me about the outside world? I read that the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is very beautiful. Whether it's Qinhuai or West Lake, it's famous all over the world. I want to go."

"The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is naturally excellent, especially in spring and autumn..."

It was Xue Minglang who asked the question and Ji Heng who answered.

One jumped up and down with excitement like a small fish, while the other was calm and patient like a rock on the riverbank.

On the ground of Weiyang, there are thousands of styles and thousands of beauties, all in Ji Heng's word-for-word description. In terms of rhetoric, talent, and wisdom, they are all amazing.

Even Lu Jinxi, who had seen the world, was longing for it, let alone two little girls who had never traveled far

After Ji Heng finished speaking, Xue Mingli was stunned, and Xue Minglang almost flew away. After a while, she came back to her senses.

Without asking any more questions, he ran directly to Lu Jinxi's side, pulled her sleeves, put on a pitiful look, and blinked, as if trying to squeeze out a few nonexistent tears.

"Mother, Mr. Ji is so good, let him teach us, okay?"

This girl, I'm afraid she has misunderstood something.

I think it was because Egret didn't make it clear when she said it in the past, which made them mistakenly think that she was a little dissatisfied with Ji Heng who had been in the Qinlou Chu Pavilion, so she behaved like this.

Lu Jinxi couldn't help laughing, and poked Xue Minglang's forehead.

"Pretend! It doesn't look like it at all!"

"Mr. was originally invited for the two of you. I asked you to come to show you. If you don't mind, Mr. Ji is also willing to teach you."

"It's just that the husband has chosen, and he will study hard in the future, and he can't go back. You have to think about it."

As soon as Xue Minglang heard it, he immediately stopped pretending.

She turned around and pulled Sister Li to her side, snorted, with a bright look: "Mother, don't worry, my eldest sister and I will study hard, and we will never lose to my brother!"

After he finished speaking, he asked Xue Mingli, "Is that so, eldest sister?"

What can Xue Mingli do

She is an elder sister, but Xue Minglang is more determined in these matters. Besides, she also thinks that this gentleman is very good, and she has no objection at the moment.

Xue Minglang asked, and she nodded.

Ji Heng was watching from the side, only to think that the two girls in the General's Mansion, one was quiet and virtuous, the other was eccentric, but none of them looked at his crippled arm very offensively and strangely.

In my heart, it is inevitable that there are some touches.

Where does he know

Xue Mingli and Xue Minglang both grew up in the General's Mansion.

Even though they were all in the back house, when Xue Kuang had not passed away in the early years, there were many soldiers in the general's mansion, and it was common for them to be injured. They didn't see much, but they didn't feel particularly scared or surprised by it.

What's more, the two sisters are not bad-hearted, and Lu Jinxi said in advance that they both know the importance in their hearts, so they won't be disrespectful at this moment.

In this way, the teacher is satisfied, the students are happy, and the matter is settled.

Lu Jinxi asked Egret to take them back as usual.

At this time, when she looked up, she saw Xue Tingzhi who had been waiting in front of the hall for a while.

The weather is getting warmer, but today's Xue Tingzhi is not too thin.

The dark blue round-neck brocade robe, with a circle of ferret hair piping, gives a bit of warmth. It's just that the more so, the paler his slightly angular face is.

There is still a bit of sickness on his face, but it looks not as good as the previous two days.

Lu Jinxi's brows suddenly wrinkled: "The eldest son has been here for a long time, but no one has communicated it? It's very windy outside, come in quickly. You look at it, what's wrong?"

"Tingzhi greets mother."

Xue Tingzhi walked in, and without looking sideways or looking at Ji Heng, he bowed to Lu Jinxi to say hello.

Lu Jinxi called him up.

Then he lowered his eyebrows and answered her question just now: "Last night Wen Shu, fell asleep on the kang without paying attention, so I caught a little cold. But Tingzhi's body has improved a lot, and it is not very bad. It's in the way. Dorao's mother is worried."

Is there no maid to take care of you when you fall asleep

Lu Jinxi's brows tightened a little. It's just that Ji Heng is present at the moment, so it's not easy to talk about things in these inner houses, so I just nodded, indicating that I know it, and then I talk about business.

"You should know why you came here, right? This is Mr. Ji Hengji. Xie Yuan, who was in the Jiangnan Imperial Examination in the past, was originally invited to be Mrs. Li and Lang, but Mr. Ji is quite It's because of you. Although you are going to go to Kaoji Academy soon, it's not bad to have a gentleman, not to mention a talented person like Mr. Ji. I just don't know, what do you think?"

The matter of the reform of the imperial examination system is known to every literati.

Xue Tingzhi had never heard of this Mr. Ji Hengji before, but he had already inquired about it on the way.

Xie Yuan, who was on the Jiangnan Imperial Examination Field six years ago, could not have been on the list in the general and palace examinations.

He previously thought that only Xue Chi could meet a good gentleman, and he was not actually from the general's residence, and Lu Jinxi would not bother to plan for him.

But now...

As his eyes flickered, Xue Tingzhi opened his eyes gently, but hid the countless floating thoughts in his heart.

He will not forget his plan.

I once thought of directly controlling this "mother", but then I suddenly discovered that Xue Kuang, the widowed wife who was rumored to be extremely cowardly, had completely changed into a person.

It's not that he controls her, it's that she controls him.

In the inner house, everything he does depends on her existence, and he does not dare to disobey, and even has to bow his head to her; in the courtroom, it is the only place where, although dangerous, he can take it easy.

No one knows when the opportunity will come.

But a very talented gentleman who is about to step into the court is a help that can be seen in the future.

At this moment, Xue Tingzhi suddenly could not feel what he was feeling in his heart, nor could he guess what Lu Jinxi was thinking.

He blinked, only bent his head.

His voice was hoarse, but his posture was rarely lowered: "The matter of the court, but the mother is the master."