I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 64: Negotiate


The sky was bright, and Fang Shaoxing's facial features were originally handsome and handsome.

But an old scar at the corner of his eye ruined this feeling, and every time he looked at him, it was almost inevitable to see this scar.

Lu Jinxi's eyes swept away from the corner of his eyes, and he was suddenly speechless.

The matter of negotiating peace, the matter of negotiating peace, she had already heard Princess Yongning mention it.

Daxia and the Xiongnu, one side has the god of war Xue Kuang, the other side has the famous general Nayeza, back and forth, fighting fiercely for several years. Until the battle of Hanshan Pass, Xue Kuang died, although Daxia defeated the Xiongnu, but the victory was like a defeat.

The war is temporarily over.

But the people all thought that after the loss of Xue Kuang, the three armies of Daxia would be headless, and Nayezha was bound to lead the Huns to make a comeback. By then, Daxia would be in danger.

Unexpectedly, three months after Xue Kuang left, a shocking news came from the Xiongnu side—

The Xiongnu general Nayeza, after returning to the Xiongnu, died on the belly of a beautiful singer because of his pleasure!

For a time, everyone in Daxia scolded him and felt extremely sorry for Xue Kuang.

How could he be murdered by such a despicable villain who was a famous general of the generation

But in the eyes of the imperial court, there is no more serious trouble.

Xue Kuang was gone in Daxia, and Nayezha was gone from the Xiongnu. After a long war between the two countries, the people and horses were exhausted. Although there were occasional frictions on the border, it was impossible to really fight.

After a few years of such discussions, the power of the Xiongnu royal court was changed in the previous two years. The second prince, Imuda, took over the position of the old Shanyu.

After two years of negotiation, Daxia and the Xiongnu initially reached a peace agreement.

Fang Shaoxing's "mission" is the last step in the peace talks between the two countries.

As long as the mission succeeds in signing an alliance with Daxia, the war on the border will cease from now on, and the two countries may open up a "mutual market".

Lu Jinxi never thought peace was a bad thing.

Even when he told Xue Chi a story recently, he paid attention to the scale in this regard. He did not instill in him the concept of "war is a good thing", but told him faintly that "reconciliation" is a good thing, benefiting the country and the people.


In Fang Shaoxing's view, is that so

On the battlefield, there are thousands of times of life and death.

In the past, the bones were deadly enemies on the yellow battlefield. Today, the wine is happy at the nectar feast, and it is about "writing off" and "national peace and security"...

How can I calm my chest

Watching Fang Shaoxing's eyes, suddenly there was a little more flickering, Lu Jinxi sighed softly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Fang Shaoxing was a little strange: "Does Madam have any ideas?"

Lu Jinxi shook his head: "I'm a woman and a Taoist family, why do I have any ideas? The affairs of the court will be resolved by the adults of the court. Master Fang is embarrassing me by asking such a question."

"Fu Dao people?" Fang Shaoxing couldn't help laughing out loud, "In the past, on Changshun Street, Mrs. Liu made a righteous statement and told us Admiral Liu to withdraw our troops. You are not afraid of such a big scene, why did you come to Fang Mou? In front of you, but speechless?"

"What do you want me to say, Mr. Fang?"

I also know that the court negotiated peace, and the meritorious Fang Shaoxing is now just a Jin Wuwei, how can there be no resentment

Lu Jinxi turned his eyes away, not looking directly at him, but looking at the holly tree not far away, his mind wandered.

"The general's half-life military service is only for the safety of the country and the people. Whether it is war or peace, it is the right thing for the common people to have a happy birthday. My widow and your old army, what you think doesn't matter."

She used the identity of "Mrs. General" as a cover, and her voice was light.

"On the contrary, it is Mr. Fang, who is talented and talented. He was originally a meritorious minister. He should have a smooth path to the sky. I have been entangled in this matter, how can I know that it is not delayed?"

"… "

At that moment, Fang Shaoxing's expression became weird.

He looked at her delicate profile, suddenly curled his lips, and smiled wickedly: "Ah, does Madam care about Fang?"

The blue bird and egret next to him heard this, and his eyes were already rounded.

Lu Jinxi turned around calmly, and saw Fang Shaoxing's deep, but unconcealed ambition and unwillingness buried in his eyes. For some reason, his previous bad impression of this person suddenly improved.

Probably, because he is "real"

With a "dang" sound, there was a long bell ringing from the mountain.

Lu Jinxi turned his head to look, and saw the warmth of peach pink in the early spring, adorned on the mountain road, soothing and pleasing to the eyes, so there was a smile on his lips, and he didn't know if it was a sigh or a joke, but he didn't deny it.


"Master Fang wants to think it is, so that's it."

If you want to be, then it is.

Fang Shaoxing suddenly didn't know what to say.

In the courtyard planted with holly, there was no one to speak, and it suddenly became a little quiet and deserted; at the foot of the mountain, the lobby of the Yuewei Pavilion facing Baiyue Lake suddenly became lively.

"There is me! Look, there is me!"

"I also made it to the second round!"

"Alas, I fell out of the list again..."

The lobby on the first floor is divided into two rooms, the inner room is the place where everyone went to take the test, the outer room is hung with literati calligraphy and paintings, and there are chess tables, tea tables and other elegant furniture.

At this moment, a new list has been posted on the screen outside.

Everyone who came out of the previous exam hurriedly came over to see, some cheered, some mourned, some sad, and some fortunate.

The exam is divided into two rounds.

Earlier, Tao'an scholar Meng Ji said that the first round was very simple, it was just a small question, so I gave everyone two minutes to answer.

Needless to say, the test is a wealth of knowledge and agile talent.

In the eyes of those who are used to taking the imperial examinations for three days, how can this be enough? Many people played poorly, and when they saw that they were not on the list, they stood under the screen and lamented.

Xue Chi and Xue Tingzhi stood by and watched.

Xue Chi had no interest in apprenticeship at all. He had already handed in the blank paper as planned, and his heart flew outside.

Seeing these people groaning in front of him, he secretly laughed and wanted to make a joke, but when he turned his eyes, he saw Xue Tingzhi beside him.

The surroundings were very lively, and he was alone, standing quietly.

Wearing a hidden blue brocade robe, suppressed his youthful and somewhat floating temperament, and appeared to be a lot more calm. When he is tall and standing, he can hardly see the problem of his legs and feet.

To tell the truth, Xue Chi had never seen someone better-looking than his unfamiliar brother.

I wonder if the legendary "Master Gu" can be compared

Such a strange thought suddenly passed through my heart, and Xue Chi didn't know why.

But the next moment, he became strange and couldn't help asking: "The list is out, why don't you go and see it, brother?"

Xue Tingzhi did not reply for the time being.

He glanced at Xue Chi, who was a long way short of him, and then put his eyes on the screen with the list not far in front of him. The list is not long. At first glance, there are only about twenty or thirty names.

But he doesn't actually need to see it, it won't have his name on it.

The scene of the previous exam in the inner court began to flash in my mind again.

Delicate bookcases, polished ink, and rolled out paper, the smell of books fills the house, surrounded by people who answer seriously, but with him, only...

A pen that never falls.

After all, I still can't let go, I can't bear it.

Even if you know that if you can worship the great Confucianism as a teacher now, or even worship Juefei as a teacher, the road in the future will be much easier. But when I picked up the pen, my eyes were filled with the blood that was splattered all over the year, and the icy light of the knife...

The pen that was in his hand was like the sharp knife held in the hand of the one-time prime minister back then.

The pain in the heel has not been forgotten yet. Now, how could he be able to write the apprenticeship at the Reading Micro Museum hosted by his son

A bit of anger slowly floated in the pupils, and finally disappeared.

Xue Tingzhi didn't let himself show any flaws, just smiled lightly, and said casually: "I just saw that there were so many people just now that it was inconvenient for my legs and feet, and it was not easy to squeeze in."

"what… "

Xue Chi suddenly felt a little rash and embarrassed, scratched his head, looked at the sparse crowd, and clapped his hands: "That's okay, I heard from Sister Lang, brother, you are very good at reading! I Go take a look at it for you!"


This title reminded Xue Tingyi: the little boy in front of him is his nominal "mother" and the son of Xue Kuang.

The mind was a little dazed for a while, and when he came back to his senses, there was no one in front of him.

After Xue Chi finished speaking, he didn't care what Xue Tingzhi's reaction was, and ran out and squeezed into the crowd.

There is only one word "play" in his mind now.

After reading the results for Xue Tingzhi, he can go out for boating on the lake or mountain climbing!

He was not very tall, like a nimble little fish, he got in after a while, got under the list, stretched his neck and stared hard.

The list posted is very simple, black and white.

First names are written vertically, so the first character is the last name.

"Xue, Xue, Xue..."

While muttering, Xue Chi's eyes quickly swept across the list.

Zhou, Wu, Feng, Liu, Ma, Ji, Dong…

one, two, three...

After counting to the second half, I was stunned that I didn't see a surname "Xue"!

The list was about to come to an end, Xue Chi murmured in his heart, thinking that maybe there were too many outstanding people today, and this older brother might be close, so he didn't make it.

Unexpectedly, when I continued to look back, my eyes suddenly lit up: "Yeah, Xue!"

Finally found!

Xue Chi was so pleasantly surprised that he almost shouted "I found you" to Xue Tingzhi behind him, but in the next instant, he glanced at the following word—

"Late… "


What are you kidding? !

Xue Chi's open mouth couldn't be closed. He only felt that a thunderbolt came down from the sunny sky, which was even more surprising than when he received the letter from his great-grandfather!

Is this kidding him

He handed in a blank paper that didn't even have his name written on it!

As a result, there is no Xue Tingzhi's name on it, but his...

For a while, he stood there stupidly.

Many people around him looked at the list, sighed and turned to the side, they didn't care when they saw him, they just thought it was a kid who came here to try their luck.

It was Xue Tingzhi who was behind. Seeing that he didn't return for a long time, and seeing that there were fewer people, he walked over slowly and said with a smile: "What's the matter? Is it not my name? That's weird."

"No, no..."

Xue Chi turned around with horror on his face, not knowing how to describe the situation he encountered at the moment.

He could only raise his hand stiffly, pointed to the list, and said with a vague hope: "I... do you recognize those words?"

How many words

Xue Tingzhi was a little puzzled, frowned, looked up, and an unconcealed surprise flashed in his eyes.

Xue Chi's name is actually listed!

This is surprising.

Even if Xue Chi was a prodigy, he wouldn't be able to compare with such an outstanding student, would he

He didn't know about Xue Chi's hand in the blank paper, but when he thought about it, he immediately thought of Lu Jinxi's body, and thought of the letter that the old man had sent from Zhuangzi before, and thought of the gift from Gu Chengqian's eldest son Gu Juefei to Lu Jinxi...

I see.

I was stunned, but it was really complicated.

Xue Tingzhi didn't know Lu Jinxi's true thoughts, he just thought it was Lu Jinxi's plan for this son, so he lowered his eyes, restrained the surprised expression on his face, restored his smile, and said, "It seems that I have to congratulate the young master."

His name for Xue Chi was actually quite awkward.

But at this time, Xue Chi didn't notice this at all. After listening to Xue Tingzhi's answer, he knew that he was not mistaken, and he burst into tears for a while. There was only one thought in his mind: "Yes, they must have made a mistake! This is impossible!"

What are you kidding me, blank papers can also be selected


Must be mistaken!

Xue Chi just wanted to play now, and didn't want to waste time in the second round.

A few bookboys from Yuewei Library who just came out to post the list were standing next to him. Without saying a word, he ran over and asked pitifully, "Who recorded it, you tell me who recorded this list? It's a mistake..."


A few bookboys were dumbfounded when he rushed to the front and asked this question. They didn't know what happened and wanted to ask in detail.

Fortunately, at this time, Meng Ji happened to come down from the second floor.

He was holding a thick roll of rice paper in his hand, and there was a faint trace of ink.

These are the questions for the second round of exams, and he just went to get them from a few gentlemen. At this moment, I want to invite the twenty-eight people who passed the first round to participate in the next game.

The man was still on the stairs, and Xue Chi's words entered his ears.

Meng Ji raised his eyes and happened to see Xue Chi's face full of despair, and felt a little pity for a while: Oh, who made you "favored" by that old fox Gu Juefei

There was a moment of silence in my heart for this young master, but with a sincere smile on his face, he walked down the road and bowed his hands to Xue Chi: "Young Master Xue, you are polite. The exam paper was read by Meng. The list is also recorded by Meng Mou, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"how can that be?"

Xue Chi recognized Meng Ji and knew Meng Ji's identity. But after listening to Meng Ji's words, he refused to believe it at all, his face flushed red, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "I, I clearly..."

Obviously handed in a blank.

But Meng Ji didn't let him finish his sentence, but interrupted him very politely: "I also ask the young master to believe in Meng and you gentlemen. The answer sheet of the young master is the real 'silence is better than sound at this time'. 'No trick wins, no trick' is the key to answering that question."

The silence speaks

No trick to win

So handing in blank papers is the key to answering that question

I didn't even read the question!

Is this also possible

Xue Chi looked at Meng Ji and was completely speechless: "..."

He's not a fool after all.

When it was not confirmed before, he suspected that they made a mistake, but now that Meng Ji has "complimented" himself, I am afraid things are not so simple.

The little brain that had been blown away earlier resumed its rapid operation. Xue Chi stared at Meng Ji like this, and the suspicion in his heart was that the first weight was deeper than the second weight.

He wanted to ask something, but he was surrounded by people, and it was difficult to speak.

Meng Ji smiled and said: "It's almost time. I also invite the young master to join you in the inner hall, and the second round will begin immediately. Meng is here, I wish the young master a victory."


Xue Chi's head was dizzy, and he felt as if he had slipped into a cover. In a trance, he only felt that the "easy life" he was looking forward to waved his wings and flew away.

"I… "

"Let's go." Xue Tingzhi, who didn't speak for a while, suddenly interjected, "I think it was the painstaking efforts of the first-born mother. Don't let it go, little son."

At this moment, Xue Chi was speechless.

His mother did say that he could go or not, but in the capital city, whose mother didn't want Gu Juefei to be her husband

The situation he encountered now, fools know there are ghosts.

As Xue Tingzhi said, how did he know that this was not his mother's painstaking efforts

A pair of sharp brows furrowed, and a bit of hesitation flashed in those beautiful eyes. Xue Chi bit his lip, but finally made up his mind—

If the mother has worked hard, he can't live up to it;

If the mother didn't take any pains, with his ability, it would not have been possible for the gentlemen to fall in love with him.

So, in the end, it's just a waste of time and can't go out and play.

Thinking like this, Xue Chi bit the bullet and responded, "Then, let me go."

The pity and silence in Meng Ji's heart suddenly deepened.

But he also noticed Xue Tingzhi who had just spoken. Because Xue Tingzhi stood a little farther before, he didn't pay attention when he first came down, but when he saw it now, he had a rare "shocked" feeling.

If the temperament is not mature enough, this talent will soon catch up with the original Gu Juefei.

Looking at this standing posture, Meng Ji guessed his identity, and his heart suddenly became a little subtle.

He stepped forward and greeted him: "Eldest son Xue is polite, but I didn't even pay attention to the side. I hope you forgive me for being rude."

"It's okay, sir, you're welcome."

Of course Xue Tingzhi wouldn't mind, but he also knew that Meng Ji, a scholar from Tao'an, was Gu Juefei's person.

This made Meng Jigao take a look.

But at the same time, there is a subtle and deeper layer in my heart: white volume. In addition to the little son Xue Chi, this eldest son, Tingzhi, has paid nothing!

The two sons of the General's Mansion did not know what they were doing.

Meng Ji was a little curious. But after all, he was not familiar with Xue Tingzhi, and Jianzhi still had the second round of exams to discuss, so he didn't talk too much, so he sued for his excuse.

In a short while, the inner hall was properly arranged.

The book boys came out and invited twenty-eight people on the list, including Xue Chi, to enter.

As for those who "failed", some chose to chat with friends in the museum, and some took advantage of this time to go to the mountains and waters, preparing to wait for the results to come out, and then come back to see.

Xue Tingzhi naturally had no reason to stay here and wait.

He took Xiangzhi and didn't go down to find Lu Jinxi, but with a mind that he couldn't figure out, he left the museum and walked along the lake embankment of Baiyue Lake.

The shadow of the Yuewei Pavilion is reflected on the Pinghu Lake, which is a bit stern.

But Xue Chi, who was in the museum at the moment, felt extremely tormented, like a fish being skewered and grilled. It was a torment.

In the inner hall of the Yuewei Museum, there are rows of bookcases, with brush, ink, paper and inkstone spread out on them, which looks neat as a whole.

A total of 28 people passed the first round. Xue Chi was sitting on the fourth book table in the fourth row and looked around—

Those in their twenties, thirties, forties, and an old man... But there is no kid like him!

And these people looked at him from time to time with very strange eyes.

They also thought that it was incredible that a child like him, who was at most as tall as a table, appeared here.

At this moment, Xue Chi only knew what it felt like to be "thorn on the back".

He could not wait to run away.

But what Xue Tingzhi said before made him feel that he can't go now, and that if he leaves, he will fail his mother. So even though he felt sitting on wax, he gritted his teeth abruptly.

Seeing it in front of Meng Ji, he couldn't help but secretly praised it.

He asked someone to post the test questions and said, "This round will take a little longer than the previous one. There are three questions in total, which will be discussed by seven gentlemen, each with its own emphasis. In order to get the results today, so Every half an hour, a question is announced, and the answer sheet of the previous question is taken back and handed over to the gentlemen to read. You are all talented and quick-witted people, Meng will not say much, and please read the first question first. roll."

The book boy who had already prepared, held the paper with the test questions written on it, walked down, and placed one by one in front of everyone's book desk.

Everyone passed the first round. It can be said that, except for Xue Chi, who was eccentric and passed by for some reason, they are indeed as Meng Ji said, and they are rare and quick-witted.

This time, they answered the question for half an hour, and they were all full of confidence.


After getting the test questions and opening them, almost everyone's expression changed, and some even couldn't hold back.

In the inner hall, they suddenly looked at each other, the atmosphere was strange.

The people sitting at the back haven't got the test questions yet, but they are all peeking at the people in front. This change in the situation caught their attention almost immediately.

Of course Xue Chi is also in this list.

He just felt that something was wrong: Strange, these people looked like hell when they saw the test questions

He became hesitant and hesitant, but the thin bamboo-like young man sitting diagonally in front of him was wiping sweat with his sleeves up.

But this is only a few months, where is it so hot

Problem with test questions

Xue Chi was immediately very curious.

It just so happened that the book boy had already come to him and handed over the test questions. He hurriedly took it over and looked through it. There were only two short lines—

"The Huns were devastated by the disaster of war for six years; the peace is now negotiated, and the embassy is coming."

"May I ask you gentlemen, what do you think of it?"

The first time I looked at it, Xue Chi didn't respond.

But after reading it for the second time, seeing the meaning, and seeing the word "reconciliation" above, Xue Chi was stunned, not knowing how to react.

Some time ago, when he heard about this, he was full of anger.

After all, his father was a general of the imperial court. He fought on the battlefield and wrapped his body in horse leather. He and the Huns were a bloody feud. These people, talk about peace and make peace, why

But these days...

In Xue Chi's mind, the warm and soft voice of his mother before, and what he said to him in the study that afternoon came out.

He was actually very distressed.

But this is uncomfortable, and it is no longer the anger it used to be.

Xue Chi couldn't explain the feeling in his heart. He stared blankly at this page of paper. He almost couldn't hold up the little man's spirit.

Everyone in the field looked at each other in dismay because they "don't talk about the country".

In order to negotiate this matter, the government and the opposition have been fighting for several years. On the basis of the civil and military officials group, many factions have been divided, and they have been fighting each other, and the heads have been beaten into dogs.

Although the peace talks are now settled, these factions have remained.

The little officials in the DPRK who were not attached to it did not dare to say much about the matter, for fear of causing misfortune.

Today's group of people in Yueweiguan all hope to show their ambitions in their careers in the future, but they have not yet entered the officialdom, so they should be extra careful and taboo about these things.

All, if you can't say it, don't say it.

But they did all kinds of calculations, and if they didn't come here to apprentice today, the first question asked by the seven gentlemen turned out to be "reconciliation"!

Ask them what they think

For them, this question is simply life-threatening! So they are on pins and needles.

But on Xue Chi's side, it was only because he was the belated "posthumous son" of General Xue Kuang.

There are also many people who can guess Xue Chi's identity. After all, at the age of the capital, the little boy who was still called "Xue Chi" couldn't find a second one at all.

Immediately, many people looked over with different eyes.

Meng Ji stood at the forefront.

He had read all the exam questions, and naturally he knew how shocking the question that Gu Juefei and Ji Lao posed for these students who had been immersed in the imperial examination for several years.

But what he is most concerned about is Xue Chi.

It just surprised him again. Although it was very uneasy, there was no obvious anger on Xue Chi's face. On the contrary, it is more of a silent silence, and a kind of confusion that seems to be incompatible with his age...

So, Meng Ji suddenly remembered Xue Kuang he had seen in the past.

It is on the tower of the outer city.

At that time, he was ordered by Gu Juefei to send a message to Grand Master Gu. But unfortunately, when he went, he was called back: General Xue is here, and he went up to the tower with Taishi and was talking.

So I just led him over and waited for a while not far away.

Because they were not far away, Meng Ji could see this well-known general quite clearly.

His uniform was removed, and he was replaced by a dark, dark suit.

The man stood on the edge of the tower, as straight as an upright spear, more than half a head taller than Taishi Gu beside him.

Covered with sturdy knives, he is iron-blooded and resolute.

It's just that the weather that day was not very good.

The clouds were dense, and the strong wind blew the flags on the city tower. The light was not enough, he only knew that Xue Kuang had spoken to Grand Master Gu for a long time, but he could not see his expression clearly.

Remember, only that pair of frowning eyebrows.

Meng Ji didn't know what happened that day, but now standing in the Yuewei Pavilion, looking at Xue Chi's brows that were a bit like Xue Kuang's, he was rarely in a trance.

He doesn't really care about others on weekdays.

In the end, was Xue Kuang too handsome back then? Even a glimpse is still fresh in the memory. Not to mention that he later died on the battlefield, and he completely became an indelible mark on the hearts of Daxia people.


Gu Juefei still couldn't get used to Xue Kuang, and he couldn't get used to his son. Otherwise, it's not good to have any problems today, so it has to be linked to this matter.

This heart, but the word "bad"!

There were murmurs in his heart, but Meng Ji didn't say anything.

He was right in front, didn't speak, let alone remind, just observed the situation below, and waited for the time to turn around and put away the answer sheet.

In the inner hall, the test questions had already been sent out, and many people felt embarrassed after reading it.

Xue Chi also stared at the blank answer sheet for a long time. The pen rested on the pen mountain, but he didn't touch it until halfway through.

To answer, or not to answer