I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 71: Kneeling teacher


Princess Yongning's mood at the moment is not very good.

She has been busy with some affairs in the court recently, and the queen mother has been ill for a while, and she is serving in the palace, so the news that is not important from outside has not been dealt with.

It wasn't until I came out yesterday that I found out that General Xue actually spoke and asked Xue Chi to take the examination at the Yuewei Museum!

This surprise is no trivial matter.

What happened this time in Yuewei Pavilion seems to be the signboard of several great scholars, but in fact, there are Gu Juefei's shadow behind it, and I also know that Gu Juefei plays a pivotal role in this matter.

Why did General Xue make such a decision for no reason

After a check, I found out that it was Gu Juefei who came to the door in person and visited Zhuangzi outside the city. I'm afraid that he didn't know what he said to General Xue, which led him to make such a decision.

Others may not think that these two things have anything to do with it, but in Princess Yongning's heart, there is a stormy sea.

In her mansion, Gu Juefei's remarks made her remember it fresh!

It wasn't enough to kill Xue Kuang, he even threatened to marry someone's widow, and now he's reaching out to his son!

This Gu Juefei, God knows what kind of evil is hidden!

Even though they have known each other for so long, there has never been a time when Princess Yongning couldn't see so clearly. She had absolutely no idea how Gu Juefei's brain grew, let alone what he was thinking.

"Niece-niece greets my aunt."

That light voice sounded in front of him.

Princess Yongning was leaning on the chair, resting on the armrest with her left elbow, and pointing at her temple with her finger, when she heard the sound, she raised her head and saw Lu Jinxi.

This niece, I'm afraid she still doesn't know who she is staring at.

She has exquisite makeup on her face, and even more delicate facial features than makeup. She has always been one of the top-ranked people in the capital. Even though the years have passed, she has not left any traces on her body. Instead, she seems to be getting younger and younger. .

Beneath the gentle eyes, there always seems to be kindness hidden.


As soon as Princess Yongning saw it, she sighed in her heart, feeling extremely troublesome, and said, "No need to be more polite, just sit down. I heard that there was a lively scene here, and Gu Juefei was tinkering, so I came over to have a look. It took me a while to remember that you are here too. I heard that Brother Chi also participated, how is it? "

The maid came forward and helped Lu Jinxi open the chair, and Lu Jinxi sat next to Princess Yongning as she said.

She hadn't seen Princess Yongning for a while.

Looking at it today, it is still the same temperament of Huang Guizhou that day, her eyes are majestic, and some fine lines at the corners of her eyes add a bit of charm to her, but there is something wrong with her expression.

But Lu Jinxi couldn't say what was wrong.

She only replied: "I'm afraid you don't believe it when you say it, and he doesn't know where the luck has gone. He came to take the test, and he passed the first round and entered the second round. The gentlemen came to look for it, and they seemed to think that he had a good answer sheet in the second round. But now that everyone else has come out, he is the only one who has not. My niece has already asked someone to go down and ask."

At that moment, Princess Yongning's heart suddenly jumped.

She didn't even pay attention to what Lu Jinxi said about Xue Chi. She frowned slightly and asked, "The gentleman from Yuewei Museum is looking for you? Who?"

This sentence, in Lu Jinxi's remarks just now, was just a single sentence, and it was very vague.

Generally speaking, even Princess Yongning might not notice it.

But she just noticed, and even asked a strange question - who

Lu Jinxi's feeling that something was wrong in her heart became stronger, but she answered the question with a natural look on her face.

"It's the eldest son of Gu from the Grand Master's Mansion. It seems that the first question that Brother Chi answered was written by him. He looked at Brother Chi's answer when he was grading the papers. He seemed to like it and asked me a few questions. I heard that ... My aunt is familiar with him, do you think Brother Chi can be a teacher?"

Speaking of the second half, her eyes were already filled with a little anxiety and a little bit of caution. No matter who sees it, I am afraid that she will not doubt the expectation she has for her child as a mother.

No flaws.

Princess Yongning has always been sympathetic and sympathetic to her, and has never doubted her.

Now that I see it, I only think that it is Gu Juefei who is so abhorrent, that he is trying to abduct her niece! Looking at the answer sheet where you need to see Xue Chi's mother, I'm afraid she is selling dog meat.

As for what kind of abacus he was playing, can the battle-hardened Princess Yongning know

She hated her teeth so much that she couldn't help but press her temple fingers for two minutes, barely able to maintain her composure: "Although Ben Gong is on good terms with Gu Juefei, he doesn't know him the best. But since he seems to like the answer sheet very much, Presumably it won't disappoint your hopes. But how do you feel when you see Gu Juefei this time?"

How does it feel

Lu Jinxi felt that this was a very strange question in her heart. She thought of the friendship between Princess Yongning and Gu Juefei, and of course she also remembered what Princess Yongning had said about Gu Juefei...

After some deliberation, she looked at Princess Yongning and said, "Eldest Young Master Gu didn't say a word to his niece, but he felt that his manner of speaking was the same as what was said in the market. My niece thought that he should be a well-known man. Really talented. As for the others, such as those mentioned by my aunt, my niece... I can't tell."

"Thank you for not forgetting what Ben Gong said at that time. If Gu Juefei can be seen through by you, it is not him; if you can see through Gu Juefei, it is not you."

When Princess Yongning heard her words, she couldn't help laughing and sighed again.

"Bengong remembered that he was acquainted with Xue Kuang back then, so I would like to remind you a few words: Even if Gu Juefei really becomes Brother Chi's husband in the future, you have to beware of him. He is not a good person."

"Watch out for..."

Lu Jinxi's eyes were a little dazed, as if he didn't quite understand what Princess Yongning said.

"what do you mean… "

The eldest Princess Yongning realized that she had said it, but if Lu Jinxi could be wary of Gu Juefei in the future, it would be nothing.

She waved her hand: "In short, you just need to remember, there will be no mistake."

"… Yes."

Since Eldest Princess Yongning said this, Lu Jinxi didn't ask any further questions, and nodded obediently, just thinking deeply in her heart, but it was deeper than the other.

Without two flashes, she understood: Why is Gu Juefei's name not on the blind date book

In the past, at the birthday banquet at the Taishi Mansion, Princess Yongning and Gu Juefei seemed to be on good terms, but who was the Princess Yongning

A woman wandering around in the courtroom.

There is no problem between her and Gu Juefei, but she may not think that Gu Juefei is a good match for the Lu family.

And at the beginning, Gu Juefei even said directly that his name was not on the roster given by Princess Yongning.

This kind of "privacy" that involves the general's wife's remarriage, he is an outsider and a man, and he knows too much.

After thinking about it back and forth, Lu Jinxi actually felt that things were a lot clearer: it turned out that even if they were friendly, Princess Yongning didn't mean to match her and Gu Juefei.

Not to mention, today is to remind her not to be deceived.

It seems that it was Gu Juefei who showed his interest in himself in front of Princess Yongning, which caused Princess Yongning's vigilance

The more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes.

Lu Jinxi pondered in her heart, if Princess Yongning knew that she was the one with the deepest routine, and that she would hit it off with Gu Juefei and have the same odor, how would she feel

"You came from there just now, who is sitting next to you?"

Princess Yongning clicked on Lu Jinxi, then looked around, her eyes naturally fell on the table where Lu Jinxi was before, and she saw a silhouette.

People in dark blue robes sat upright, facing them sideways, looking very quiet.

Lu Jinxi followed her gaze and explained: "If I go back to my aunt, it's the eldest son. He wanted to come over to take a look at the examination at the Weiwei Library today, so I brought it with me. However, his luck is not as good as Brother Chi's. , did not make it to the second round."

eldest son…

That Orchid's concubine

The eldest princess Yongning reacted, but she was a little stunned, and only said: "In the end, there is a bloodline of a foreign race on her body, and her body and physique should be stronger than those of the Central Plains. It looks like a weak crown of eighteen or nineteen. Never thought of him."

Probably because he still has the blood of the other half of Xue Kuang, he faintly gave Princess Yongning a familiar aura.

But when it comes to specifics, it is impossible to say exactly where.

"You seem to be doing well with this concubine recently?" Princess Yongning turned around and asked.

Lu Jinxi didn't know what was in her heart, but said, "He already has leg problems, and he has not healed for many years. He is pitiful. I also accept that he called me 'mother', and recently I found out that the servants below are in violation of yin and yang. I was treated harshly, so I had to serve the dim sum myself. You should know…”

There is no shortage of such things as stepping on the low and holding the high.

Especially in the living environment of Princess Yongning.

Princess Yongning listened, but secretly wanted to sigh: How complicated is it for a woman to raise a child born from a concubine

How many women in this world can be her Yongning

Her eyes fell, she stretched out her hand, patted the back of Lu Jinxi's hand lightly, and said, "I'm sorry for you."

Princess Yongning's palm was a little warm.

The corner of Lu Jinxi's mouth twitched imperceptibly, but then he remembered, if it wasn't for the support of this aunt, how could the former Lu family last so long in the house

It's just a pity that it didn't make it through in the end.

"Thank you aunt for your concern. My niece won't let herself be wronged anymore. Don't worry." She curled her lips and smiled, instead comforting Princess Yongning.

The eldest Princess Yongning also laughed, her eyes turned, but she suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, it has been a long time since the roster arrived at your side, how does it look? Can you choose? eye?"

Name, roster

Lu Jinxi was about to break down in cold sweat. Thinking of this, she was speechless for a while, and after a while, she replied, "Aunt Lao took so much trouble and sent me the roster. My niece saw it, but she couldn't see it. I've been careful, and I haven't thought about it, so I don't have any ideas yet..."

have to.

It must be unattractive, and it is not easy to say it directly.

What kind of poisonous eyes does Princess Yongning have? Just looking at her appearance, she knew seven or eight points, and she immediately remembered the sentence "Is it okay?" when Xiuhan came back, and it was really bitter in her mouth.

It is said that Lu Jinxi has a high vision, but in fact it is not high.

This was no one in the first-class ranks in the capital back then, let alone from a scholarly family. It was a first-class good character. Even though he is now a widow, Lu Jiuling's official position is now higher.

Not to mention Lu Jinxi's arrogance, who was Yayu back then

She is picky, but she does have the qualifications to be picky.

It's a pity that in this world, for some reason, there are always many good women and too few good men - so much so that a person like Gu Juefei dares to speak madly, saying that no one on the roster can beat him!

Really maddening!

Princess Yongning couldn't think of what to say for a while, so she could only say: "Then look back, the capital is also a place where people come and go, and court officials are frequently dispatched, so there is no telling when it will be suitable. It's just you, you always take care of your own affairs. Mr. Lu, you have already mentioned it to Ben Gong. Don't let him down. "

Lu Jiuling has always disliked the General's Mansion, and wished Lu Jinxi would come out of the fire pit earlier.

Lu Jinxi also knew the old man's thoughts. After listening to the words of Princess Yongning, he nodded silently, just thinking of his real "choice", which made him feel a strange sense of guilt.

Fortunately, she can hide it, and Princess Yongning can't see it.

In the next short period of time, Princess Yongning picked up some new things that happened in the DPRK and China recently and came to chat with Lu Jinxi.

These are the deep house women can't hear.

It's not that Princess Yongning deliberately wants to say, but she is in such an environment, and there is nothing to talk about other than these.

Lu Jinxi benefited from this. He listened to the news and gained some understanding of the court.

After chatting for a while, someone suddenly shouted: "It's about to start, it's about to start! Look below!"

Lu Jinxi and Princess Yongning, who were talking, both stopped and looked down.

In the main hall of the Yuewei Pavilion, which was originally quite empty, there was already a red sandalwood incense table with a purple gold copper stove and some melons and fruits on it. There are also a few children holding lacquer trays in their hands, on which are some cultural objects such as jade pendants, bamboo hairpins, and inkstones.

Seven Taishi chairs are lined up on both sides.

The gentlemen who had left the inner hall and went to the back of the Yuewei Hall and the students who were left behind all came over at this moment.

Meng Ji instructed the people, and finally checked whether there were any omissions.

At the end, he stood two feet in front of the incense table, bowed to the people upstairs and downstairs and bowed his hands with a smile on his face.

"Today, several great Confucian scholars have started the examination in the Weiwei Library. It is really appreciated by all of you who have worked hard, and so many people have come. Meng Mou was entrusted by several great Confucian scholars, so I would like to thank them here first. After the second round of examinations, there are a total of five people. The talents of high school are selected for the gentlemen. At this moment, the apprenticeship ceremony is held here - please heaven and earth and all the lords to witness it."

Upstairs and downstairs, it is already a piece of Wuyangyang.

When everyone heard this, whether it was related or unrelated, they all became solemn.

As the so-called "Heaven and Earth King's parents and teachers".

Teachers, so preaching is also a matter of karma and dispelling doubts. Whether it is reading or practicing martial arts, you must talk about a "teaching". The role of a good gentleman and a good master does not have to be low for parents. Therefore, there is a saying that "one day is a teacher, life is a father".

It can be seen how heavy the apprenticeship ceremony is.

There are three paragraphs before and after this ceremony.

The first section is for the gentlemen to offer incense to the sages; the second section is for the students to pay their respects to the teacher and hand them a letter of worship. Give a student a gift or a motto, and from then on the student will perform the teacher's rite to honor the teacher.

Ji Zhiyin and others are familiar with etiquette.

As soon as the hour came, they were already waiting on the side, whether it was hair or clothing, they were all neat and tidy, and they couldn't find anything that was inappropriate.

Gu Juefei also had a purifying attitude.

He was young and had an extraordinary temperament.

Such a clean-up fight before the Xiangxiang case, when bowing down and bowing, the graceful demeanor is not reduced by half, but it makes people feel more mature and stable.

With Meng Ji's "visit to the sages", the eyes of many ladies and maids on the second floor were all glued to Gu Juefei.

Many people remembered the admiration for him when the girl was pregnant with Chun.

Just this figure, was the dream of many ladies in the capital

It's just that most of them are now mothers, married to men they like or dislike, who may or may not be satisfied, but Gu Juefei hasn't married yet.

For a time, many people showed a little nostalgia or loneliness on their faces.

Only Lu Jinxi, because he knew Gu Juefei very late, and he had only "frivolous" this noble son who was rumored to be unfamiliar with women, felt really light in his heart.

What she cares more about at the moment is actually Xue Chi.

Just now when she was chatting with Princess Yongning, Egret Qingque had already returned and found out about the situation. It's just that Xue Chi is still thinking about things in the inner hall, and he hasn't come out yet, and he has nothing to do.

Xue Chi is so young, with a small head, what can he think about

Lu Jinxi was really curious.

It's just that Xue Chi was in the hall, and Yuewei Museum didn't seem to have any intention of forcing him to come out, so she didn't ask anyone to ask Xue Chi to come out.

But now, it is time to start apprenticeship, and there is still no one at the entrance of the inner hall.

Those with sharp eyes have already discovered something wrong now.

After the gentlemen have worshiped the statues of saints and sages, it is the students who have worshipped the gentlemen. Because everyone worships a different gentleman, they all come one by one.

But no matter how they counted, they found that there were only four people standing in that place, all of whom were young talents.

Didn't it say that there were five people recorded in total

How come there are only four

"Who is the fifth?"

"Why haven't you seen anyone?"

These people were all puzzled and asked each other, but no one knew the reason. Only at the end did they say: "No hurry, you should know by then?"

The four people in front were naturally Zhou Chun, Wang Huai, Zhuang Keqin, and Shi Yizhi.

The fourth Shi Yizhi brought the tea with both hands to the serious-faced Elder He. After Elder He took a sip, Meng Ji next to him announced "the ceremony is complete".

So Shi Yizhi stood up in the eyes of everyone's envy, bowed again, and was then led by the book boys to wait below.

"Finally the last one."

"Who will it be?"

"Eldest Master Gu hasn't accepted the students, neither has Mr. Ji. You said, who will accept this student in the end?"

"There must have been Mr. Confiscated."

Some whispers began to sound in the reading room.

Although Meng Ji stood far away, he heard it.

He was in charge of presiding over the apprenticeship ceremony, and now he looked around vaguely. The little ancestor of the Xue family hadn't seen anyone yet, which made him embarrassed for a while.

If it was announced in a while, and no one came to apprentice, wouldn't it be shame for Gu Juefei and Ji Lao

Gu Juefei is nothing to be ashamed of, he is very happy.

But if it was Mr. Ji who was embarrassed, Meng Ji felt that he needed to think about it.

At this moment, he involuntarily looked at Gu Juefei, who was sitting on the rightmost Taishi chair, and gave him a questioning look.

Gu Juefei sat upright, obviously the students hadn't come out yet, and he didn't know whether he thought about it or not, but he was calm, as if he wasn't worried at all.

The curvature of the lips has not changed, and there is a vague sense of confidence, only slightly nodded.

Meng Ji immediately understood, although he felt that Gu Juefei's risk was very likely to smash his signboard, but he had to do it.

Amidst the growing voice of discussion, he spoke calmly and raised his voice slightly.

"The fifth place, Xue Chi. It will be elected by Mr. Ji and Mr. Gu at the same time."

"So, Young Master Xue, please pay respects to the two gentlemen."


"Am I right?"

"Are you talking about the little overlord of the Xue family?"

"The one at the General's Mansion?"

"Where is it, why didn't I see it?"

When Meng Ji's last two sentences came out, a wave suddenly erupted in the Yuewei Pavilion. The high-ranking officials and nobles in Beijing are also these people, how could they have not heard the name of Xue Chi

At this time, I couldn't believe it.

That child is only five or six years old, how can he get the attention of two gentlemen, Gu Juefei and Ji Zhiyin at the same time!

You two!

It's not the white radish from the vegetable market, you can have as many as you want - this is a great scholar who is willing to be his master!

What about Xue Chi

What about people

Everyone spontaneously searched for it.

But the strange thing is that I didn't see anyone coming up. The surroundings are crowded and crowded, and even people can't see clearly, where can I find a five-year-old child


The discussion suddenly grew louder.

Lu Jinxi was sitting beside Princess Yongning, her brows furrowed secretly at this moment.

Others didn't know why Xue Chi didn't show up, but she could guess one or two. This kid didn't want to worship Gu Juefei as a teacher, and he didn't want to be disciplined by multiple teachers, so it was normal not to come out to worship.

Poor Gu Juefei, he was going to be disappointed and miscalculated after all.

As she thought in her heart, Meng Ji, who was standing in the hall, had already raised her voice and shouted twice: "Invite Young Master Xue to do the apprenticeship ceremony!"

But still no one came out.

The situation immediately became embarrassing. Even the other great Confucians on the Grand Master's chair couldn't help but cast doubtful glances at Ji Zhiyin and Gu Juefei.

There was a faint trace of regret on Ji Zhiyin's face, but Gu Juefei still had a smile on his face and didn't speak.

Meng Ji waited for a while, but he had seen the big scene, and then he smiled: "It seems that Xue Xiaogong is not there, or he doesn't want to. Since that's the case, let's do it—"

"Wait a minute!"

A young voice suddenly came from the direction of the inner hall behind, interrupting his words.

The word "stop" jumped to the tip of the tongue, and this time it was finally retracted without any risk.

Meng Ji felt relieved when he heard the voice, and hurriedly looked back.

A low figure had already run out of the inner hall.

Probably because he was running fast, he almost stumbled under his feet, his small chest was heaving, his cheeks were a little red, and his breathing was short, as if he had made an important decision.

It wasn't someone else, it was Xue Chi, who had been thinking hard in the inner hall before.

He ran directly to the hall, but didn't look at anyone else, only came to Gu Juefei. The small body was straight and straight, and the lips were pursed tightly. In the dark eyes, there was a look of extreme seriousness.

It turned out to be unceremoniously asked: "Can you really teach me?"

This sudden change made everyone a little unresponsive.

When Xue Chi appeared and stood in front of Gu Juefei again, someone suddenly realized: This is the legendary son of Xue Kuang!

It's just that the tone of asking Gu Juefei is too simple and direct, right

Everyone couldn't help but look at Gu Juefei's expression.

But Gu Juefei didn't mean to be angry at all. He sat there like a mountain standing by the sea, standing still as the waves beat.

"After thinking about it for a long time, don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

A light and gentle voice, with the same calm and calm, not to mention the bearing of that body. It is easy to make people feel that they have to trust and look up.

Xue Chi's hands were hanging by his side, clenching into fists.

But slowly, it loosened up again.

He stared at Gu Juefei for a long time, and there was a hint of toughness and strength in his eyes. He even lifted his robe and knelt down—

"Student Xue Chi, I would like to worship Mr. Gu as a teacher!"

The clearly immature voice sounded at this moment, there was a sense of determination.

Everyone in the Yuewei Pavilion didn't understand what was going on, but they were all quiet. Lu Jinxi and Princess Yongning on the second floor couldn't help but stood up suddenly and looked down in surprise.

Xue Chi was still young, with a small body.

But when he was kneeling in front of Gu Juefei, he already had a manly spirit, which made many people around him vaguely moved.

Even Meng Ji, was somewhat unexpected.

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened the post that he had prepared for apprenticeship, and read it out loudly: "Student Xue Chi, born in the seventh year of Qing'an..."

What was written in the post was Xue Chi's origin, place of origin, temperament and reason for apprenticeship.

Word by word, very clear.

After Meng Ji read it, he handed the apprenticeship note to Xue Chi. Xue Chi took it, raised his hands above his head, and presented it to Gu Juefei.

This is the post of worship.

If the student submits it and the husband accepts it, the student is accepted.

Everyone's eyes turned towards Gu Juefei involuntarily.

Gu Juefei sat on the Taishi chair, motionless, but his eyes fell on Xue Chi's face: this face suddenly resembled Xue Kuang's. The same eyebrows, the same perseverance, the same manliness...

The boy has gold under his knees.

Kneeling to heaven and earth, not to ghosts and gods; kneeling to parents, not to the powerful.

Now that Xue Chi is kneeling, he sincerely wants to take him as his teacher, and he is eager to learn from him the truth of self-cultivation, balancing the family, governing the country and the world.

At this moment, there was an unspeakable heaviness in Gu Juefei's heart: when he thought about it, it was one thing, but when he really knelt in front of him, he realized that all the grievances and grievances were coming. …

In the silence, Gu Juefei didn't move.

After a long time, he finally reached out his hand, took the apprenticeship post, and stared at Xue Chi.

"It's my father Xue Kuang, who has been in the army for a long time, and his merit is in the future. However, he died in one day, buried his bones in the battlefield, and the battle with the Huns was not completed in one battle. It will be a pity for me for a hundred years in the summer."

"Although I didn't know him very well, I once admired his heroism and regretted his early death."

"I will accept you today. I don't pray for you to fight with iron armor and make achievements, but I pray that the pillars of the society will be in the temple, and the people will be fed in the rivers and lakes..."

At the end of the sentence, it seems like there are thousands of swords in the throat!

The hand holding the apprenticeship post was half wrapped in the sleeve, but no one could see it. On the back of Gu Juefei's hand, the blue veins protruding from the extreme force...

Even Xue Chi could only see the face of this man who used to be as famous as his father, without the slightest emotion.

Only these words were deeply imprinted in his mind.

"Students are taught."

He bowed and bowed, stood up and made three more kowtows, one bowed three times, and performed the heaviest "three bows and nine bows" in the apprenticeship ceremony.

Every bow and kowtow is respectful, and there is no slack.

At this moment, the entire Yuewei Museum was silent. I don't know if it's for the hero who died in the battlefield in the past, or for Gu Juefei's words...

Only Princess Yongning.

Standing next to Lu Jinxi, looking at the scene below from a distance, the "admiration" and "pity" that Gu Juefei said just now echoed in his mind, and he felt that there was a chill in his bones.

The voice, only squeezed out from between the teeth: "Hypocrisy!"