I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 76: It's illegal to flirt like that


The attitude of this old man is still very strange.

After saying goodbye to Master Gu and coming out, Lu Jinxi followed Chen Fan, but recalled the headless conversation between Gu Chengqian and Gu Chengqian just now, and the look in the eyes of the other party.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong.

She only felt that it had little to do with herself, and was afraid that it had something to do with Gu Juefei.

Yesterday everything was fine in the Yuewei Museum, but today I asked Xue Chi to come to his school...

Lu Jinxi glanced at Chen Fan, who was leading the way, and didn't ask what happened to Xue Chi. After all, the tricks Gu Chengqian can see, she can also see.

He only asked, "Why did your eldest son want Brother Chi to come to the Grand Master's Mansion today?"

"this… "

Chen Fan is actually a clever ghost, and he has learned a lot from Gu Juefei's side, and he rarely makes any mistakes on weekdays. But he couldn't answer Lu Jinxi's question, or he didn't dare to answer.

Thinking of the tragic situation last night, he only felt sorry for the eldest son.

There was silence for a while, and only whispered softly: "This little guy doesn't dare to say it, but when you see the eldest son, you will naturally know."

Do you know when you see it

Gu Juefei is a person who talks about pomp and also likes to make some sense of mystery. Unexpectedly, the same is true of the little followers he trained.

Lu Jinxi couldn't help laughing, and was really interested, so he didn't ask any questions, just followed.

The Gu family is full of glory.

The grand master's mansion, she had already experienced it when she came to celebrate the birthday of Grand Master Gu. But after walking with Chen Fan today, the feeling became even deeper.

After walking for more than half an hour, passing through seven or eight corridors, and even passing through a garden in the mansion, she saw the small building in front of her.

This is in the northwest direction of the Taishi Mansion. There are not many buildings around. There is only a small lake, like a crystal clear gem, lying in this corner.

A winding corridor was built around the small lake, leading to several houses on the other side of the small lake. A few clumps of sparse flowers and trees are shaded, and it is quite a bit of a world away.

A small boat was tied to the shore, and the long pole on the boat was slanted beside it.

Gu Juefei is an elegant person.

When Lu Jinxi saw it, she was a little surprised.

She had long known that this person originally lived in the Yingzhu Building, which is the building where everyone listened to the opera during the birthday banquet of the Taishi Mansion. She said that Gu Juefei used it to collect books, and later moved to another place in the mansion to live.

I didn't expect it to be such a place.

Everything is fine, but the only fly in the ointment is...

too far.

It was almost half an hour away from the main courtyard where Gu Chengqian, the current head of the Grand Master's Mansion, lived.

She pondered the rumored relationship between the father and son in the capital, and her understanding deepened.

Chen Fan said: "It's the opposite side, you come with me."

Lu Jinxi nodded and didn't say much. He followed Chen Fan to the corridor by the lake. It didn't take long before he arrived.

Looking up, there are two words hanging above the door of the Moon Cave: Lonely Window.

It's still Gu Juefei's handwriting, still showing the kind of arrogance that doesn't like to hide, but every stroke is very charming.

After entering, you can see five or six houses here at a glance, and there are a few oleander trees next to them. But looking around, I can't see a few people who are serving, giving people a feeling of deserted.

Chen Fan led Lu Jinxi to turn to the left, and after crossing a quiet path, he saw a small attic built in the back.

Since he moved here, this is one of Gu Juefei's library and study.

Because the place is still spacious, he temporarily served as Xue Chi's "study house" today.

As soon as Lu Jinxi entered, Xue Chi, who was lying on the table writing, saw her, and her eyes lit up: "Mother, why are you here?"

In this whole attic, all you can see are books.

There are book walls on all sides, and there are quite a few bookshelves standing in the middle. Even the partitions use bookshelves, but there are some text games and a few fans.

Lu Jinxi only felt that the amount of books in this collection was really scary, and was a little surprised for a while.

Hearing Brother Chi's voice, she came back to her senses, and saw two carved sandalwood chairs opposite the window, a coffee table in the middle, and a large bookcase on the inside, lined up in a row. Paper, ink and pen.

A complete set of brushes of various sizes hangs on the pen holder.

Xue Chi was sitting behind the desk.

On the teacher's chair by the window, Meng Ji was sitting with a scroll in his hand. He seemed to have not expected Lu Jinxi's appearance. He was stunned for a moment before standing up.

Although Meng Ji, a scholar from Tao'an, helped Gu Juefei with errands and passed on to Lu Jinxi, he had never seen this one of the three beauties in the capital up close.

Looking at it now, I just feel that the makeup is plain, and it makes the facial features more and more delicate.

The corners of the eyes and the brows are condensed with a coldness like a green lotus, and there is a feeling of immortality.

He was stunned for a moment, and only thought of Gu Juefei's unpredictable thoughts, and secretly muttered, "It's strange that Gu Juefei is thinking about it", but he said, "I have seen the general's wife."

"Mr. Meng is very polite."

Meng Ji's reputation, Lu Jinxi had heard of it in the past, only smiled casually, and didn't say much, only turned to Xue Chi and explained to him.

"You, Mr. Gu, came to me to discuss something. You can be obedient here yourself, and you have to be obedient."


It was Mr. Gu who was looking for it.

Xue Chi's eyes rolled around, subconsciously biting the pen he was holding, and he was actually a little worried.

His past experience in a school made him feel a little nervous when he encountered such a thing as his husband looking for his parents.

Who said that in the past, when his husband went to his parents, it would be bad

I don't know what my new gentleman looks like, and what's the matter with looking for a mother.

Xue Chi thought about it with his smart head. He had just started school, and his husband didn't start teaching anything, but just told him to mute everything he had learned.

I didn't get into any trouble myself.

Well, don't worry, don't worry.

Thinking of this, he smiled sweetly: "Go, mother, I must be obedient."

As soon as the boy's eyes rolled, something must have come out of his head.

It's just that Lu Jinxi has been in contact with him for a while, and he can probably guess it. He giggled in his heart, but he didn't care. He waved his hand and followed Chen Fan around for a while, followed the stairs, and went upstairs.

"Eldest son, Madam is here."

Chen Fan snorted outside.

Gu Juefei's voice came from inside: "Go down."


Chen Fan didn't say much, and backed away. After the first time at Yuewei Museum, he was not surprised this time, and left lightly.

Lu Jinxi looked at it with a smile, and only said to the inside: "The eldest son has been doing this day by day, and he doesn't know what the mystery is..."

Saying that, he stepped forward and pushed the door open.

At that moment, the bitter medicinal smell, accompanied by a little bloody smell, rushed over.

Lu Jinxi was stunned for a moment.

Above this attic, the windows are closed, and the light is a little dim.

The light cyan bead curtain hanging down in the middle divides the space into two rooms: inside and outside. It can be seen that, even if this is not the place where Gu Jue lives, it should be the place where he occasionally spends the night.

There are tables and chairs outside, but inside is a small painting screen with a brocade robe embroidered with crab shells and bamboo patterns.

Through the gap, I could vaguely see that there was a copper basin on the other side. There was water in it, but a snow-white square scarf stained with blood was soaked in the water, and the water was dyed red.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jinxi frowned.

It smells like medicine again, and it smells like blood again. Thinking about Taishi Gu who I went to see just now, how can she not count the skin in her heart

"I said why did you ask Xue Chi to come to class here. Yesterday was fine, what happened?"

Gu Juefei hadn't shown up yet, he was in the back room, behind the screen.

Lu Jinxi only saw that the robe that was placed on the screen was taken down, and heard a few rustling noises, and then saw the figure walking out.

He was wearing a robe of crab shell green.

The whole person still looks as tall and straight as he has seen several times before, but his face is frighteningly pale, and his steps are a little vain, as if he has suffered a serious illness.

Even those lacquered eyes were different from usual.

Gu Juefei, who was called by others, was always only eight buckets tall and learned five cars rich, as if there was nothing in the world that could stumped him.

His eyes were just like hers, at least on the surface, it gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

But at this moment, it was a deep silence, as if something was missing and something was more.

"Nothing happened, but I just told our old fool that I wanted to marry you, and I almost broke a few ribs."

He had a soft voice and a smile.

But Lu Jinxi believed that even a pawn in the market could hear the irony in this remark.

A person who wears a perfectly painted skin every day, what is the stimulus for him today

She was puzzled, but smiled.

Yesterday, the two of them almost all took off their own paintings in the Yuewei Museum, and they "candidly meet". Now she is not hiding it, with a little teasing eyes, from Gu Juefei's head to her feet.

This guy is still stepping on the ground with his bare feet.

"I don't believe that there are a few truths in your mouth, Mr. Gu."

"Everyone in the capital knows that your Gu family has a very high lintel. Even though you are very old, many famous ladies want to marry you. And I, with my fingers full, are the mother of four children. Or the widow of the General's Mansion."

"You vowed to marry me yesterday, shouldn't you have expected the situation now?"

Lu Jinxi is not a fool.

This head of hers has done a lot of great things. At this moment, she only had her hands behind her back and walked two steps around Gu Juefei with great interest, as if she was extremely satisfied with his particularly embarrassed appearance.

"The eldest son's footprints are all over the world, he is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, and is well versed in the world.

"However, you are both father and son, so you won't fight for such an unresolved matter."

"Not to mention, Master Taishi is afraid to point at you to support the Gu family..."

She was walking and talking.

Gu Juefei didn't care, he just walked to the table on the side, took the cold soup, and drank it slowly.

At the end, he said, "Ma'am, why haven't I heard of it before, do you think things are so thorough?"

Well, of course this is because she is not the Lu family.

But this cannot be said.

Lu Jinxi guessed that Gu Juefei was puzzled, but deliberately did not answer him, only stopped, stood beside Gu Juefei, raised his two white palms and folded them on his shoulders, and then gently leaned his head over, That delicate jaw rests just right on the back of the hand.

The distance is getting closer in an instant.

She could see Gu Juefei's profile more clearly. It was so pure and beautiful that she couldn't find any flaws. Because of the coldness and pallor that were rarely seen at the moment, she felt even more unattainable.

But in her opinion, the more it is, the more fascinating it is.

At that moment, Lu Jinxi didn't even understand what he was thinking. Seeing that the distance was just right, he leaned in and bit his left ear lightly.

Just bite on the earlobe.

The teeth left a slight trace on it, as well as the faint cherry blossom powder mark of her mouth fat today.

Gu Juefei turned his head.

Lu Jinxi, who was close at hand, lowered his eyebrows and pleaded with his eyes because of the gesture of placing his chin on his shoulders with his hands folded, and he had a rare feeling of being obedient. But when she raised those black and white eyes and looked at him from a slightly upward angle, she gave birth to a bit of seductive beauty in the plain light.

At this moment, he felt his heartbeat stop.

Lu Jinxi didn't seem to notice, just blinked his eyes like this, with a smile, his voice was low and soft: "I'm just curious, are you really not going to talk about it?"

"… "

Gu Juefei just looked at her like this, her Adam's apple suddenly rolled up and down, but she didn't speak for a long time.

The medicine he just drank left a bitter taste in his mouth, but it made his memory flow back to yesterday in an instant.

How dare he tell Lu Jinxi about the dispute between him and Gu Chengqian, or the dead knot that cannot be solved

Tell her that the death of your late husband was caused by me

Gu Juefei is not that stupid.

He endured two homework last night, and just now he was laying down on the couch to recover. Unexpectedly, I heard that Lu Jinxi was here and was invited by Gu Chengqian to speak.

At that time, he really didn't even think about it, and immediately asked Chen Fan to use Xue Chi as an excuse to deceive Lu Jinxi.

She was afraid that Gu Chengqian would say something in front of her.

It was only after Chen Fan left that he suddenly woke up: Gu Chengqian didn't dare to say anything.

He sent Chen Fan out, but he showed some traces.

Gu Juefei was originally an extremely intelligent person, and his wisdom was even more unparalleled in the world. Such improper consideration and improper decision-making should not have appeared on him.

At least, not in the past.

is upset.

His gaze fell on Lu Jinxi's face and at the bottom of hers.

After the "frank meeting" yesterday, he knew a little about the "virtue" of the woman in front of him, but for a while he thought she was really hateful.

Gu Juefei thought about it, and finally slowly hooked the corner of his lips to three points, showing a perfect smile: "Madam, respect yourself."

self weight...

Lu Jinxi's eyelids jumped, and there was a slight crack in her seemingly obedient demeanor.

What sounded in my mind was Gu Juefei's sentence at that time, "You can sleep until I lose."


This is not to tease.

Her unpainted Yuanshan eyebrows raised a little, and she only laughed, she didn't care much, she withdrew it very naturally, and withdrew her hand that was folded on his shoulder.

Well, it's a long time coming.

Although she actually has a hundred and a thousand kinds of bad tricks that can sleep Gu Juefei, but—sleep is too easy, success is too easy, what's the point

It is rare to encounter such a master Gu Juefei, and slowly, let him be willing to do so.

The thousand-year-old fox playing Liaozhai is compared to Taoism and patience.

After only a little aftertaste, Lu Jinxi still pretended to sigh: "Hey, really, I don't understand the style..."