I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 79: The ambition of the son-in-law


"… Yes."

There was a strange pause in the voice.

Xue Tingzhi pinched the flower note and looked up at her. Something flashed in his dark eyes, but he finally stepped forward and handed out the flower note with both hands.

It was a thin sheet with gold sprinkled on top, and it had a soft and warm luster against the light coming in from outside the window.

Lu Jinxi had already reached out to take it, but she didn't care much.

After all, this flower paper was put there to test Xue Tingzhi, and now that the test is over, she casually pressed the flower paper on the table, waved her hand to signal him to go back and sit down, and said with a smile, "Brother Chi is gone. Taishi Mansion, we won't be back in a while. But you came a little early today. Is there something wrong?"

In fact, it can be seen from a while ago that although Xue Tingzhi will come to greet him, he will not arrive too much earlier or later than others.

After all, he was born from a concubine, or was born by Orchid of an alien bloodline before his mother entered the door. His identity was a bit embarrassing. In this way, coming too early appears to be too attentive; coming too late, too indifference.

Therefore, Xue Tingzhi has always been in good control when it comes to greetings.

Today is so abnormal, and he came early. Lu Jinxi knew after a guess that he should have something to tell himself, so that's why he asked.

When Xue Tingzhi heard this, he was secretly shocked by the keenness of this "mother".

He did come with something in mind.

It can even be said that this matter has been lingering in his heart for a long time. It's just that he doesn't know whether Lu Jinxi agrees or not.

In the lower position, he was sitting upright, and the overly upright sitting posture made him seem a little restrained and uneasy.

A pair of eyes also seemed to hide uncertainty.

"Today, Tingzhi, there is indeed something I want to ask my mother-in-law, and I want to ask her for her approval."


Lu Jinxi had said before that if there was anything missing, he would tell him to the steward. Now that I have to find myself, it is not so simple to think about it.

She was a little curious: "Tell me about it."


Xue Tingzhi replied, his face was still calm, but his heart was already tense, and he thought about it a little in his mind before saying things.

"Tingzhi is now seventeen years old. He has read the "Four Books and Five Classics" since he was a child. Yesterday, I went with you to the Yuewei Museum, only to hear people say that this year is the year of the examination, and the world's best Gather together in the capital, and take the exam for fame."


While listening, Lu Jinxi fiddled with his fingers on his knees. Hearing these two words, his eyelids twitched and he looked up at him.

"Could it be that Tingzhi also intends to get involved in the imperial examination?"

The words themselves were very obvious, Xue Tingzhi didn't hide it, just nodded slowly under her gaze.

"My mother also knows that although Tingzhi was born in the Xue family's general gate, he was born with a disability and was unable to learn martial arts. However, he was quite interested in studying."

"I only hope that one day, I can pass the imperial examinations. I don't want to get ahead, but I want to make a living for myself. A seven-foot man can't do nothing."

"I just don't know, what is your mother's intention?"

It's not false to have a disability, it's true that you can't practice martial arts...

But Lu Jinxi was still a little surprised that Xue Tingzhi wanted to take the imperial examination. Because, after she came, although she changed her attitude towards this son-in-law, she didn't really think about the future for him.

Even if he is afraid, he can think of "if one day he is not honest, he will be separated with a marriage".

But I didn't think about it, people have to have a way to make a living.

Like Xue Tingzhi, his appearance is first-class, and his talents are not bad. No matter how you look at it, he is not an ordinary person. How can he be willing to live a mediocre life

But beyond that, what surprised her even more was...

As her thoughts turned, she somehow became silent. He only picked up the tea cup that had just been served next to him and took a sip slowly.

In the house, there was silence for a while.

No one spoke, but Xue Tingzhi felt that his heart slowly hung up in such silence, and he felt that this short silence was a long time torment.


With a finger that was as thin as the root of an onion, when it was released, the tea lid fell back and made a subtle sound.

Lu Jinxi put down the tea cup, looked at him with a calm and unwavering gaze, and finally broke the silence that he had created.

"You have this ambition, and I have no reason to stop it."

"Although I don't know your talent very well, I think that what the general has taught himself is much higher than that of ordinary people."

"It's just that this dynasty has rules..."

At this point, suddenly I don't know why, and some can't go on.

Lu Jinxi clearly saw that Xue Tingzhi lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes. He didn't seem to have any mood swings, but the hands on his knees were slowly clenching.

Obviously, her words were not finished, but Xue Tingzhi understood.

According to the regulations of the imperial court, persons with disabilities are not allowed to enter office.

Just as some scholars can come out on top in the palace exam by virtue of their good handwriting, so in the officialdom, grooming is like a good handwriting in the palace exam, which is very important.

Even the disabled prince of the Tian family has no chance of inheriting the throne, let alone a scholar who wants to become an official

Xue Tingzhi's disease on his legs and feet is not good for a day, it can be said that he is not due to a career for a day.

Such laws are naturally unfair.

But in the world, where can we find absolute fairness? Even in the modern age where Lu Jinxi lives, it may not be possible, let alone today.

Xue Tingzhi himself is familiar with poetry and books, so he shouldn't have known this, but now that he mentions it, this is the second point that Lu Jinxi was surprised at earlier.

Although she was not very happy towards the young man, she had always felt a bit of pity.

Seeing that he understood his words, he didn't say a word, and finally sighed: "You should know what I'm talking about?"

"Tingzhi knows."

Long before he came, he had already made plans and preparations in his heart, and he had warned himself countless times in his heart, thinking that he could remain calm at this moment.

But he underestimated...

He underestimated the long-suppressed injustice in his heart, underestimated the blood-colored shadow left by the palace change thirteen years ago, and underestimated his restless, urgent and restless ambition!


That little bit that flows in the blood and is buried deep in the memory—hate!

The thick and slender eyelashes hang down low like two fans.

At this moment, the turbulent emotions in his eyes were shrouded in the shadows they left behind, making them indistinguishable.

Only a few strands of deep hostility lingered.

Xue Tingzhi closed his eyes, as if he had made up his mind, he slowly got up, lifted the hem of his robe with both hands, and knelt directly in front of Lu Jinxi!

"The court ruled that people with disabilities were not allowed to enter the office. However, the father has made outstanding achievements, and the first mother has the support of Princess Yongning, and the legal principles are nothing more than human feelings. The court is here today, and I want to invite the first mother, and the details of the first mother... "

The previous words are still well said, but at the end, that sentence that has been circling in my heart many times, but it is stuck, and I can't say it.

He pressed his hands on the scarlet blanket on the ground, his slender fingers clasped together unconsciously.

He didn't tremble, but Lu Jinxi could see his trembling.

That trembling from humiliation...

For a teenager who has not yet reached the crown, for one thing, kneeling down and begging for someone, and begging for his mother, a woman who indirectly led to the death of his biological mother, what kind of humiliation

The so-called "man can bend and stretch", put it simply, how many people can do it

One can imagine how determined Xue Ting was and how much pressure he was under to make such a move.

You can also imagine how much he longs for a bright future...

Lu Jinxi should have been a little unbearable.

Just like her previous appreciation for his talent and bearing, and compassion for his illness and forbearance. But at this moment, she stared at his fingers that were curled together due to excessive force, and the slight warmth in her eyes slowly faded away.

At this moment, there seems to be a kind of aloof indifference.

For Xue Tingzhi, her likes and dislikes have always been divided into half.

It is true that Xue Kuang has outstanding meritorious deeds, and it is also true that Princess Yongning has a lot of support for her behind her back. However, how can it be an easy thing to open the first of the court regulations

Lu Jinxi is not an idealist who has never experienced anything.

On the contrary, she has experienced too much "reality". I don't know how many times she lost a smile and pretended to be a grandson for the sake of projects and relationships.


She has it too.

But she is too smart, and she has fallen too many somersaults. Throw this thing when it's time to throw it...

Xue Tingzhi is still too tender.

She just looked at him like that, as if she could penetrate his body and see the trembling heart hidden inside.

"Ah… "

With such a low laugh, he leaned forward, stretched out his slender fingers, and gently pinched his jaw, making him raise his head.

An angular face, unbelievably handsome, pale skin, and a morbid fragility. Especially those thick drooping eyelashes, a pair of narrow peach eyes. How can we keep people from feeling pity


"Do you know that asking for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help?"

A soft sound like water.

Even, because of that little smile, it gave people a slightly sweet illusion.

But the fingers touching his jaw were cold...

At this moment, Xue Tingzhi's entire brain was almost blank.

His head followed her hand and lifted it up, so it slammed into her deep eyes.

Displeased, disagree.

And that slightly hidden mockery with a bit of looking down.

It seems that just one glance has seen through his whole person, and even has an insight into the fragile self-esteem in his heart at this moment.

He could not forget this moment until many, many years later.

Even at that time, he had already got what he wanted and was worth ninety-five. He could look down at her and kneel at his feet like today's Lu Jinxi, but this moment is still deeply in his memory—

I remember her at this moment, her posture, and her eyes...

But at this moment, he is only the concubine born of the Orchid in the General's Mansion. Not only does he have the so-called alien blood, but he is even disabled.

And this woman with a smile on the corner of her mouth is the person he trusts and looks up to.

Her decision will dictate his fate.

Xue Tingzhi just stared at her for a long time, and the face that was so close at hand became more and more perfect and flawless.

But his heart had never been so cold before, and the blood flowing through his body seemed to be frozen.

Ask for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help.

The divine light in his eyes flickered violently, and his blue and white lips trembled, but he finally understood.

The straight back was slowly bent down, and his forehead was placed on the blanket with the faint scent of sandalwood, and he bowed deeply.

"...I also asked my mother-in-law to mediate for the court."