I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 99: Huyanqi


The Mingyue Building in the afternoon is at a lively time.

A chorus of "Tianxian Match" was being sung on the stage, and at the beginning was a chorus that stunned the audience: "The clouds and waves are rolling and the fog is thick, and the rules of the sky are strict and cold. Everyone says that the gods are good, and the years of the gods are too sad..."

The singing stopped for a moment, and there was an applause from all around.

After all, it is the most famous place to listen to operas in Beijing. Although the opera troupe on stage is not as powerful as the one who went to the Taishifu to celebrate his birthday, it is not far behind.

In the largest private room in the south, everyone's taste for wine has fully come up.

Gu Juefei took another sip of the strong wine, and gradually felt a little unbearable. After a glance, the people around were not much better.

In this private room, there are no simple characters.

The officials from the Ministry of Rites were all in the top ranks, except for Lu Jiuling, who was too old for this kind of occasion, basically all came. On the other side are the Xiongnu envoys who had appeared at the peace ceremony.

Led by Holden and the skinny guy with the two-way moustache, it's all there.

Although the peace ceremony has ended, it is a guest from afar. As the host here, Daxia should stay with them for two days and give warm hospitality.

Not to mention, there are so many trivialities to deal with.

After the two countries negotiated peace, everything in the past will have to change. The negotiation involving many terms is not a problem that can be solved in three or two sentences, and requires consultation.

Today, it is these officials of the Ministry of Rites who are deliberately doing the best of the landlord's friendship.

Of course, Gu Juefei was the most important person who facilitated this gathering.

He not only understands the characters of the Xiongnu, but can even speak the language of the Xiongnu, which has virtually gained the upper hand in communication. In addition to his reputation, he is now a new member of the Ministry of Rites, and in the name of entertaining the Hun envoys, everyone came out to have a banquet, but they complimented him a lot.

There are many people in the court who see the wind and make the rudder.

Although they can't figure out the mysterious relationship between Gu Juefei and his father, it doesn't prevent them from being optimistic about Gu Juefei's future, not to mention that there is still a minister of ceremonies, Lu Jiuling, who wants to lift him up.

Not sure, who is the next Minister of Rites

No one knew about Gu Juefei's ambitions, and his short-sighted eyes could only see in front of him. He just thought that Lu Jiuling wanted to promote this young man, and he didn't think about what purpose Gu Juefei would achieve in this matter.

Therefore, even if they compliment, they are not complimented.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Juefei's heart was light.

But no matter who he was dealing with, his attitude could not be faulted, and even the Hun envoys on the opposite side had a good impression of him.

Holden couldn't understand what was being sung outside. He was drunk, and he spoke a little loudly. He only put down the wine cup and shouted: "You Zhongyuan, you Daxia, everything is good, but the singing is boring! This is neither male nor female, what are you singing on stage? Let me tell you, we Xiongnu, both men and women can sing. Our princess, Princess Lanqu, knows? The best singing—"


Before he could finish speaking, someone beside him with a gloomy face pressed the wine cup onto the table. The mellow wine swayed violently in the cup, and a lot of it splashed out.

Everyone was stunned.

Holden's tongue was curled up a bit, and he was puzzled in his heart, only to know who was so ignorant of flattery and did not give face. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw that it was the thin man with a mustache, and he became impatient.

"Huyanqi, what do you mean?"

Huyanqi looked a little old, and his small eyes were full of shrewdness, but his face looked extremely ugly at this time. In other words, since the beginning of today's banquet, his face has not been better.

The happier the crowd drank, the uglier his face became.

It's clear that I have an opinion on the officials in Daxia, or the reaction of the envoys on the Xiongnu side.

At this moment, it suddenly occurred, and everyone was a little unexpected.

Although Holden drank a bit too much, he knew exactly what kind of person Huyanqi was.

In my heart, I don't really appreciate it.

Seeing the other party's incredible appearance, he sneered: "Why, can't tell? This time, Shanyu appointed me as the ambassador of the peace. You are only qualified to follow me because of the princess's favor, and you dare to bet against me? But together with that Lan Ye, use some Central Plains tricks and tricks to make the princess happy, when I really take you in my eyes, won't I?!"


Huyan Qi knew that Holden had drunk too much, but he never expected that he would not give himself face in front of so many people, and he would say such excessive words!

"How dare you criticize the princess!"


Relying on the strength of the wine, Holden was too lazy to give face to anyone. I lost to Fang Shaoxing a while ago, and I felt aggrieved in my heart, but now I think of the situation on the Xiongnu side, and the evil fire bursts one after another.

"If she dares to do it, other people can't say it? It's enough to learn from the Han people, but also dare to ask the Han people to be teachers. Isn't it all because of your lackey?!"

"you you… "

Huyanqi was too angry to speak.

It's really not good to have such a fuss at the wine table.

Several people from the Ministry of Rites looked at each other and looked at each other in dismay.

Gu Juefei's eyes were filled with a little more doubt, and moved from Holden's body to Huyanqi's body—

Shanyu refers to the old Shanyu of the Xiongnu.

The princess refers to Princess Lanqu, the daughter of Maozhi Chanyu;

Colan industry

Gu Juefei has never heard of this name, and according to Holden, is Lanye still a Han

For some reason, I felt a little strange in my heart, but at this special time, it was of course inconvenient to ask more questions, so I was instantly suppressed by Gu Juefei.

He took up the wine cup and came to be the peacemaker.

"General Holden, please calm down, it's not a big deal, come, come, drink, drink."

The rest of the people also reacted and came up to persuade them.

After all, they were all envoys of the Xiongnu, and it was really ugly to make trouble in front of Daxia and these outsiders. Although Holden drank a bit too much, he was actually not drunk. He was just embarrassing Huyanqi with his alcohol.

Seeing someone coming to give the steps, of course he followed it down.

After a while, the table returned to the excitement of pushing and changing cups.

This meal started at noon. At this time, everyone could not hold it very much, and there was obviously something wrong with their Huns.

So I didn't drink for a while, and the double convenience was about to dissipate.

At this time, Gu Juefei went out to blow the hair.

The man was standing on the corner of the corridor outside, but accidentally bumped into Huyanqi, who had come back from changing clothes, so he stopped and looked at the other side.

Huyanqi's eyes were somewhat dodged.

He was forty years younger, but his hair was already a little white, and his moustache was curled up. It was a little funny, and he really didn't look like a big man.

Just seeing Gu Juefei and dodging, it's a little confusing.

But there is no one else here, and no one else knows about it, so there is no way to doubt it.

Gu Juefei laughed: "I didn't expect that Lord Huyan is now with Princess Lanqu. Gu thought that you were still following those princes. It seems that you have found another suitable place to live, congratulations. ."

If there is any outsider here, I am afraid that I will break a cold sweat when I hear this.

How could Gu Juefei be so familiar with an envoy from the Huns

Not to mention that there is a faint sense of superiority in these words, it is clear that Huyanqi is not placed on an equal position with himself.

Surprisingly, Huyanqi, who had dared to express his dissatisfaction with Holden before, didn't dare to say anything at this moment, and even showed a look of horror. It seemed that the person standing in front of him was not the gentle and jade-like Young Master Gu, but a man-eating beast.

He raised his sleeves involuntarily and wiped his forehead.

Then he replied with a trembling voice: "No, I don't dare, the villain was also a coincidence and got the princess's blue eyes. The villain has no great ability, and several princes did not leave the villain, so they went to the princess."

The sons of the Xiongnu Maozhi Shanyu were not good, so the Prince Yikun of that year was very powerful. But eleven years ago, Xue Kuang, who had just entered the battlefield, had his head cut off with a knife, and was forced to use his own life and blood to pave the way for Xue Kuang to make great achievements.

Today, yin is prosperous and yang is declining, but Princess Lanqu, the pearl in the palm of your hand, is quite courageous.

Gu Juefei had heard of this princess.

It's just that after all these years, he has been on the top of Xue Cui, and he has rarely even asked about matters in the capital.

Fortunately, six years ago, when he plotted to kill Xue Kuang, and also plotted to get rid of Nayeza, this Princess Lanqu was not yet in the spotlight.

Otherwise, it would have to be said twice whether the chain plan could succeed.

God's help, self-help;

Time, fate!

Gu Juefei's gaze fell on Huyanqi's face warmly, and stopped for a moment on the faint cold sweat on his forehead, still smiling: "It's early spring, and the north is still cold, so Lord Huyan came out. Khan. It seems that the Xiongnu side is suffering from cold all year round, and it is true."

"Yes, yes, not false."

Huyanqi listened to his ordinary words, only to feel that three souls and seven souls were about to be scared out.

If it weren't for Daxia's territory now, and it was still at the feet of the emperor, on the opponent's territory, he would be afraid of running away now!

In the battle of Hanshan Pass six years ago, how the great general Xue Kuang, who was like a god of war in Daxia, died tragically; afterwards, how the general Nayezha on the Xiongnu side died on the belly of a woman in a confused way...

Others don't know, can he still not know

Standing in front of him, where is the smiling Ruyu son? It is clearly a beast of a flood that will die if it touches it!

You must know that this series of things at the beginning were all planned by the person in front of you. And he, Huyanqi, is just a small piece in this huge chessboard that he holds in his hand and manipulates at will!

I would rather provoke Lord Yama than provoke this person!

Huyanqi was flustered and his legs were weak, and he was already complaining in his heart that he couldn't think of it, so he chose to come out to change his clothes just now. But looking back, how could Gu Juefei be so lucky to be standing at this corner

Others are soft-spoken, but their brains are not bad.

Just thinking about this moment, I was already in a cold sweat.

Gu Juefei didn't seem to notice it at all, and still had that kind of spring-like smile on his face: "You're staying with Princess Lanqu now, haven't you been doing well?"

"Princess treats villains very well."

His mind was in a mess, and Huyanqi didn't know why Gu Juefei asked this.

The smile on Gu Juefei's lips softened a little.

But this little bit, Huyanqi couldn't see it.

He walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder, like an old friend, and there was a hint of relief in his words: "It's good, it's good, Lord Huyan can be considered to be able to keep the clouds open and see the moon. The banquet is about to end, you Go back quickly."

Hearing the word "you" made Huyanqi tremble and almost knelt down to him.

At the moment, he didn't dare to refute a half sentence, but he agreed, and hurriedly returned to the room. Others saw that his face was not good, and they only thought that he was still worried about Holden just now, so they didn't think much about it.

After a while, Gu Juefei also came back.

A group of people drank the last round again, and then dispersed one after another.

When he was about to leave, he went downstairs from the corridor with everyone, but with a flick of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a rather lean man standing near a private room on the east side.

Some kind of face.

After changing into a strong suit, the temperament of the original gangster was washed away a lot, and there was actually a bit of heroic spirit. It's just that the deep market taste in his eyes is still hard to dissipate.

Gu Juefei recognized it immediately.

It was Han Moxuan who came out to meet him when Lu Jinxi fell on his body with a pipe of a pen, Han Moxuan, who seemed to be named...

Yin Liuer