I Was Raised After Being a Mermaid

Chapter 67


An Jin didn't know that the masses of Xingwang were calling on the mermaid to open a hospital. After reading the information, he turned off his brain and continued to entertain guests.

After playing in the mermaid room for a while, the mermaids went outside again, the sky was getting dark, but the back garden turned on the night light, and the vision was completely unaffected.

The mermaids ate and chatted in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

When they left, several mermaids didn't want to leave, they wanted to stay and eat delicious food every day.

The merman breeders also had the same idea, but they were embarrassed to say it, and secretly thought about what name they would visit next time.

Your Majesty is getting married! Will it be more abundant

After the guests left, the housekeeping robot cleaned up the barbecue mess, and the housekeeper began to clean the pool.

Tonight, the mermaids are eating in the water, and the barbecue is heavy and oily, and the water is inevitably stained with oil.

After seeing off the guests, An Jin and Norman walked back to the living room, and he told Norman the result of the mermaid's test of the animal nucleus.

Norman was not surprised: "The animal core looks good, and some toys and decorations will use the animal core to embellish it, which is both beautiful and provides energy. The mermaid has been in contact with the animal core before, if you can use the energy inside, you should have discovered it long ago. "

He took the boy to the mermaid room, lowered his head and asked, "Are you tired?"

An Jin shook his head.

He stayed in the water all night, and when he saw the guests away, he drained his clothes and changed his legs.

Norman: "The pool is still being cleaned, you go to my room to rest in the bathtub first?"

An Jin: "No, no need," he pointed to Norman's barbecue-stained shirt, "You should wash up too, my room has a bathroom."

Norman asked, "Are you going to install a bathtub?"

An Jin shook his head: "No need, just soak in the pool if you want."

At the mermaid room, Norman stood at the door: "An An."

An Jin raised his head later, waiting for the words behind him.

Norman opened his brain: "This is the price of pure seeds calculated by the finance department. How many pure seeds do you want to sell to me?"

An Jin was stunned. He didn't expect him to be so formal. He thought about the price of the Siao City villa he had seen before: "One hundred million will do."

That's the price of a small villa, enough for two people.

Norman turned 100 million decisively, and then asked seriously, "So, can you prepare to get married now?"

An Jin was a little confused by his straight ball, but after a while he wanted to laugh a little: "Yes."

Norman's heart was suddenly filled with joy, and he couldn't help holding the boy in his arms. After a while, he released it and kissed the boy's forehead: "I'll have someone prepare, and you also have Jollens prepare."

An Jin hummed.

Norman rubbed the top of his head: "Rest early, good night."

After washing up, An Jin put on a flax-colored bathrobe, walked out of the bathroom wearing slippers, and looked at Zhinao by the big crab.

He originally planned to contact Jorens to ask about Rabexing's wedding customs, but seeing that it was late, he decided to ask again tomorrow.

The hottest real-time news on Xingwang is related to the Rabe star mermaid. He clicked in and browsed it to know what happened.

After the Second Hospital heard that the mermaid was robbing business in the hospital, it was very happy and provided an office for free, so that the only two mermaids who did not follow Qiao Ya to the military department attended the clinic.

There were a lot of people who went to the treatment, and the mermaid's mental strength was limited. During the break, these people still insisted on queuing up, and the line was lined up on the road, attracting more people.

Even if the hospital came forward and told the people behind it that it was not their turn, these people would not be willing to leave.

An Jin looked at the picture of the queue, and inexplicably thought of the scene of queuing up for food in the base in the apocalypse.

In the most difficult times, food is very limited. It is not bad to have one meal a day. Getting one meal is equivalent to extending your life.

He didn't have the ability to change the situation before, but now it's different, he thought to himself, he must purify some more seeds tomorrow, and he must hoard some more animal cores!

There may be discounts for bulk purchases.

Just as he was thinking, a message sound came from Zhinao, he checked, and he received a large amount of transfer!

He counted it carefully. There were almost 600 million, from Jollens.

They make money tonight to give him money to spend

He hurriedly transferred the money back, then contacted Jollens and said solemnly, "I can't take your money." He paused, "I'm not short of money either."

"King, you don't have to comfort us, you are still under someone's guard!" Jollens said sincerely, "As soon as we see you, we should present you with gifts. It's just that we came in a hurry and were not prepared."

"This money is for you to buy a house. You can buy whatever you like, whatever you like."

He said again: "Of course, this is temporary at this time. When the follow-up troops arrive and there are enough assets, we will build a palace for you in Siao, and we will never lose to Siao Palace."

An Jin: "...No need!"

He was not used to getting the benefits of others for nothing, even Norman, when he was raised by Norman before, he felt comfortable because he could provide Norman with mental power.

He hadn't done anything for Rabexing yet, and he felt a lot of pressure when he suddenly got so much.

Seeing his firm tone, Jollens said after hesitation: "King, we will talk about the palace later, you should take this money first, and originally wanted to buy a place for you, but we don't have a Star Alliance ID card, and we don't know your preferences. , so I can only trouble you to buy it yourself."

An Jin thought about it and agreed, "Thank you."

He thought about it, the money can be kept, and when he goes to Rabe Star, he can buy some food or equipment that Rabe Star does not have.

As for the money for the house... Norman's money for the seeds is enough.

Since Jollens hasn't rested, he can't wait for tomorrow. He asked Jollens, "Do you have any information about mermaid marriage in your mind?"

"King!" Jollens said excitedly, "Are you going to marry His Majesty Norman?"

An Jin hummed.

Jollens sighed: "Tek warriors are not lucky, Norman is so lucky."

An Jin: "… "

He always felt that Jollens had an old father mentality.

Jorens said solemnly: "King, you must be careful about your wedding, but you don't need to worry about it. I will contact the temple affairs officer to prepare for your wedding."

An Jin: "What am I going to do?"

Jollens: "When you arrive at Bella Star, there will be a saxophone merman who will explain to you the precautions for the wedding. You just need to remember those."

He added: "It may be necessary to supplement the basic physiology course of mermaid, but you don't have to worry, even if you haven't studied in Rabe Star, it's not difficult to learn."

When An Jin heard the 'physiology class', he was embarrassed to ask in detail, but he guessed that the things he was worried about would be answered.

"okay, thank you."

"You're too kind, good night."

Jorrence looked at the other mermaids who looked at him expectantly, and said with a smile, "The king accepted it and expressed his gratitude."

"that is really good!"

Qiao Ya asked, "Is Wang ready to get married?"

Jollens nodded, and then conveyed the news to Rabe Star with a cautious expression, so that Rabe Star began to prepare.

Rabe Xing, who got the news, immediately boiled.

After learning that the king is a sark mermaid, many Tek mermaids are looking forward to being favored by the king, hoping that the king can return to Rabe Star soon.

But I didn't expect that Wang would decide to get married so soon!

Tonight, a lot of Tek merfolk are brokenhearted at the same time.


Nine o'clock, Siao Palace meeting room

The secretary general of the Star Alliance and the four employees, Norman, An Jin and Rabexing sat at the conference table in turn.

The panoramic live broadcast ball floating in the sky made a beep, and after the green light on the top flashed, the live broadcast officially started.

With a decent smile, the secretary-general said, "It is a great honor to witness a new intelligent species entered into the history of the Covenant."

The barrage swiped one after another: "Witness history."

Before, the Secretary-General had already confirmed the process with An Jin. After he finished saying this, he looked at Jollens: "Elder Rabe Star, please introduce Rabe Star to the people of the Star Alliance and show the life of a mermaid."

Jollens turned on his brain, the virtual screen expanded, and the star Rabe in aerial photography appeared on the screen.

At first glance, it is almost all shades of blue-green, the other most colors are white, and the rest are very few.

Zooming in on the camera, you will find that Rabe Star is almost all water. There are many small islands on the water. There are various buildings on the small islands, and there are various cross-island passages, which are exquisite and beautiful.

In the water, the clothed mermaid swung its tail and swam to the destination. On the shore, the two-legged mermaid walked into the tall building and greeted colleagues when they met.

They look like humans, but they have scales on their cheeks.

After the city and streets are displayed, all walks of life of Rabe Star are displayed behind, including the daily life of employees of mecha manufacturing factories, clothing factories, electronics factories, food processing factories and other companies.

Immediately afterwards, there are various buildings of Mermaid Star, hospitals, schools, companies, etc.

This is a short video that briefly and comprehensively introduces Rabe Star. Anyone who sees it will know that this is a country created by intelligent creatures.

The Secretary-General praised: "What a beautiful planet."

Jollens agrees very much: "Yes, Rabe is very beautiful."

The barrage was also very lively at this time.

"Ah, so many mermaids!"

"It's just heaven. If I go on a trip, I can live at least 100 years longer!"

After the interstellar, medical methods and genetic technology developed rapidly, and the average human lifespan reached 300 years old. However, more than a thousand years ago, dark galaxies in the universe collided with each other, and the alpha matter was dispersed to the stars in the universe, bringing huge disasters to all living things. Human lifespans are getting shorter and shorter.

"Please open the interstellar channel, I want to travel." The barrage appealed.

The secretary-general and Star Alliance staff neatly determined that the mermaid was an intelligent creature. The secretary-general looked at the live ball with a serious tone.

"Mermaids are intelligent creatures. From now on, any institution or private cultivation of mermaids will be a serious illegal act."

An Jin's expression was slightly relaxed. This was because he had deliberately checked the laws of the Star Alliance and asked the Secretary-General to issue a warning during the live broadcast.

Artificial cultivation of intelligent creatures, involving ethics and other aspects, is prohibited.

After announcing the verdict, the secretary-general looked at the barrage, did not respond, and turned off the live broadcast.

He looked at An Jin: "On behalf of the Star Alliance, I sincerely invite Rabe Star to join the Star Alliance, and hope that Rabe Star can have good trade exchanges with the Star Alliance stars and be open to each other."

An Jin did not respond, but said, "Government affairs are decided by the elders."

Jollens answered and said solemnly: "This matter still needs to be discussed, the mermaid knows too little about the Star Alliance."

The Secretary-General expressed his understanding: "When you have a decision, please notify me in time."

He paused: "According to the process, the next step is to apply for an ID card for the mermaid. Rabexing's identity information can be entered into the Star Alliance system. As for the ID cards of the rest of the mermaids, what do you think?"

An Jin looked at Jollens, Jollens said, "Can you answer later?"

"Of course." The secretary-general led the staff away.

Jollens immediately held a meeting with the two elders who stayed at Rabe Star to discuss whether to join the Star Alliance.

In the end, considering various conveniences, the elders unanimously decided to join the Star Alliance.

However, in the first ten years, no tourists were received, and each star needed to apply for a visit. Any organization or individual who arrived at Rabe Star without permission would not be released by Rabe Star.

This is for the safety of Rabe Star, and it is also in line with the regulations of the Covenant, giving new members time to familiarize themselves with the Covenant.

Soon, news of Rabe's joining the Covenant spread.

After the identification of the mermaid, An Jin returned to the villa, while Norman went to the military headquarters.

An Jin came to the room where the seeds were placed. The seeds that had been received before had been taken out by the robot and piled up in the room like a hill.

An Jin ran the water ability to start purifying, and when the ability was insufficient, he absorbed the beast core. After about an hour, all the seeds were processed.

The robot received his message and returned the seed to the space button.

He took the juice from the chef and sat on the sofa in the living room drinking, feeling very happy.

Everything is going in a good direction, and soon, he will be able to live the life he wants.

Before he finished drinking the juice, he received a communication from the Secretary-General asking for help: "The mermaid doesn't cooperate with the production of ID cards. If you have time, can you help me persuade me?"

An Jin thought that the ID card needed to take a blood sample, and immediately agreed: "Okay," he confirmed, "Is the Mermaid Center?"


An Jin changed into a black sports suit, tied his hair behind his head, and drove his small hover car to the Mermaid Center.

As soon as he entered the entertainment area, he heard the roars of the mermaids: "Hmph, I don't want to bleed."

"Damn two-legged beast, you must be trying to harm me!"

The staff said nothing, and also showed the screen recording of An Jin's judgment of intelligent creatures to the merman, but the merman was even more angry and felt that they had hurt An An.

Upon seeing An Jin, the staff quickly breathed a sigh of relief: "Excuse me."

When An Jin was assisting the staff, a piece of news spread on the Star Network.

#strongest marriage# His Majesty Norman Si Ao Xing is going to marry the Mermaid King of Star Rabe!