I Was Raised After Being a Mermaid

Chapter 74


main ship

An Jin sat on the sofa chair by the window in the room, with his hands against the edge of the window, his head facing the window, his blue eyes full of amazement.

Planets of different colors, dazzling nebulae, and strange space scenery are close at hand, and it feels very dreamy.

Norman looked at the boy intently, because of his amazement, the boy's eyes were slightly opened, and the clear blue eyes reflected various colors of light, which was very charming.

An Jin's excited mood calmed down for a while. She turned her head to share her mood with Norman, and met Norman's deep eyes.

He blinked his eyes quickly as if being burned: "Is this kind of voyage boring for you?" He smiled, "You don't have to accompany me, I have seen the distribution map, there is a training ground on the starship ."

Norman was not like him, Norman had seen these sights too many times, and he knew that Norman liked to fight.

Norman kissed the shiny scales at the end of his eyes and said seriously: "It's not boring, this will definitely be the most impressive interstellar voyage I've ever had."

He held the boy's hand: "The scenery of space in different periods and regions is different. Let's see it together later."

An Jin's eyes lit up, and his heart was full of anticipation: "Okay." He turned his head to look out the window, and asked curiously, "Will we pass through the planets of the Star Alliance member countries?"

"Of course." Norman embraced the boy and explained the passing planets one by one.

Whether it was a habitation star or a resource star, Norman explained it carefully and told the boy what he knew.

His voice was calm, and he pointed to a green-yellow planet in front of the left: "It's Xihuixing. Their intelligent creatures are similar in appearance to humans, but their skin is green. Xihuixing has very dense vegetation and is an outlet for nutrient solution. Great country."

An Jin was attracted by the content and listened carefully. Looking at the green planet again, the feeling was completely different from when he glanced at it not long ago.

Suddenly, he felt the rapid rise of mental power, he was stunned, turned his head to look out the door, but because he was sitting on the inside, his lips brushed against Norman's side face.

He quickly tilted his head, a little embarrassed.

Norman looked down at him, pinched his reddish ears, and asked, "What's wrong?"

An Jin told his feelings and guessed: "Maybe a mermaid sings."

Norman asked the starship guards, and got a quick reply: "Yes, most of the merfolk are excited and singing."

Norman rubbed the top of the boy's head: "Don't worry, the starship is equipped with an energy isolation system, and their singing will not attract star beasts."

An Jin was stunned: "Singing will attract star beasts?" What did he think of, "The star beast appeared in the backyard because I was singing?"

Norman nodded: "Haru beasts can easily feel energy fluctuations, and are the most difficult to deal with among all star beasts that feed on mental power. They can jump through space."

An Jin was stunned, and then immediately understood: "The energy isolation system was also installed in the garden later?"

Norman hummed and continued to explain the planet to the boy.

The guards and staff on the main ship all had glowing eyes and excited expressions on their faces.

In order to ensure the safety of the mermaid and help the mermaid solve difficulties in time, the soundproof system was not turned on in all the mermaid's rooms.

And so, when the mermaid sings because of the excitement of interstellar travel and seeing the beauty of space, the song spreads.

There were mermaid songs everywhere, and the energy scattered and poured into the spiritual sea of the creatures on the starship.

This must be heaven!

The guards who were not on duty were too excited and shared the good news in the group, and the rest of the starship soldiers were very envious.

The atmosphere of Starfleet is relaxed, like a group tour, which is actually similar.


After An Jin's excitement dissipated, he felt uncomfortable, similar to motion sickness, and pressed his forehead.

Norman was immediately worried and asked, and when he learned that he was not feeling well, he quickly picked up the man and called him Hornard.

An Jin noticed that Norman's body was tense, and patted his arm: "Don't be nervous, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy."

Norman carried him to the sofa outside to meet guests, his expression was very serious, and he did not relax.

An Jin was helpless, guessing if he was usually healthy and he was rarely uncomfortable, that's why Norman was so nervous.

Hornard was next door to them, coming soon.

Seeing that Norman was so serious, his expression became serious. After the examination, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's a normal symptom of the first interstellar voyage."

Norman's body was still tense: "No other reason? Not because of pregnancy?"

An Jin's heart jumped, and he glanced at his stomach subconsciously.

Hornard was stunned for a moment, and did another check: "Not pregnant. Just use supplemental energy and rest more, and it will recover in two days."

Norman finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his body relaxed: "It's hard work."

An Jin also sighed softly. He didn't think that the discomfort might be because of pregnancy. Norman suddenly said, and he was startled.

Norman picked him up again and put him in the inner bedroom: "You rest first. According to Jorrence's estimated time, you will stay on the starship for more than ten days. After you are healthy, you can enjoy the scenery."

An Jin slept for two hours, got up and drank a dose of A, not so dizzy.

It didn't take long for Jollens to look for An Jin.

Jollens sat down on the sofa in the outside reception room: "Wang, this is the place to live for you, which one do you like?"

He sends a document to An Jin.

An Jin opened it, which contained pictures and text. The first picture was the Rabe Star Palace. The palace is divided into water and underwater parts. The building is very stylish.

The latter two are underwater and water villas, which are luxurious, but more lifelike than the palace.

An Jin thought for a while and asked, "How do you arrange the mermaid?"

Jorens sent him another document: "I'm looking for you today for this matter. This is a plan we made, and I want to hear Wang's opinion."

An Jin read it carefully, the juvenile fish was sent to the Cub Care Association, and the adult fish was temporarily assigned to a specially prepared school to study the courses of junior high school and senior grades.

Each merman is assigned a place to live, and merpeople born on the same planet live closer together.

In addition, each mermaid enjoys free tuition and a lifetime subsidy of 10,000 per month.

Although 10,000 yuan is far from the salary that the mermaid signed in the Star Alliance, it belongs to the middle salary level in Rabe Star.

Jorrence saw An Jin looked away from the virtual screen and knew that he had finished reading: "The purpose of entering a special school is to familiarize them with Rabe Star and understand the world. If they want to go to other schools, they only need to pass the school's enrollment. Just take the test."

He paused: "But for some majors in the university department, you must pass baptism before you can apply for the exam."

An Jin thought for a while and said, "Why don't I ask the merman's opinions for you?"

Jollens smiled and said, "The trouble king."

An Jin sent the file to the group and turned on the group voice: "If you have any opinions, you can put forward them."

The first ten minutes were very quiet. The mermaids were able to use their brains proficiently. When they were not speaking, they would not turn on their voices. Unlike the previous voices that were always on, they seemed noisy.

A familiar avatar appeared on the virtual screen, and Xiaoyin's voice came, with some doubts in his tone: "Why do you treat us so favorably? Do mermaids also need our mental power?"

The next moment, there were several more avatars on the screen, and several voices sounded at the same time: "Yes, yes, it's so strange."

"Don't you say you can make money by working part-time? Why are we willing to give us money without doing anything?"

"Didn't the teaching video say it? You can't be cheap! It's dangerous to get something for nothing."

"Lingling is right, Amon also said, you can't just take other people's money, or you may sell yourself!"

An Jin's eyes flashed with surprise, the corners of his mouth curved up unconsciously, and the mermaids grew faster than he thought.

In fact, he also had the same doubts, but he could feel the kindness of Jollens, so he didn't doubt Jollens.

Jollens was also surprised, and the surprise soon turned to relief. After a moment of silence, he spoke in a deep tone.

"It's not for nothing, this is the compensation from Rabexing to you."

Jorrenston paused and explained the reason: "Many years ago, the life of Rabe Star was very backward. There was no mecha or spaceship, and he didn't even know the existence of aliens."

"It wasn't until one day that the human expedition came to Rabe Star, which brought great shock to Rabe Star. The senior Rabe Star knew that there are not only other intelligent creatures in this world, but also ferocious star beasts. "

"Humans have discovered that the mermaid's singing can help them heal their spiritual power, and Rabexing also suspects that the weakening of the sacred tree's ability is related to what they say is the alpha substance."

"In the end, Rabe Star made a deal with humans and exchanged mermaid genes for technology. When humans left with genes, they promised that they would treat mermaids as guests, and would help mermaids find another way of baptism, and then let us know."

"But after the expedition left, there was no news. The predecessors of Rabe Star kept developing technology. With starships and mechas, they could conduct interstellar voyages. Unfortunately, they encountered new difficulties."

Jollens paused for a while and said, "You are a continuation of your genes. Rabe Star is developing very well, but you... I'm sorry, we found you too late."

An Jin did not expect such a history.

Norman, who had been sitting quietly beside him, spoke at this time with a low tone: "The expedition encountered a planetary explosion on its return trip, and the entire army was destroyed. At that time, their communication was disturbed, and there was very little information left."

"They ejected the rescue capsule at a critical moment, and the rescue capsule was destroyed. There was only one space button in it. After the repair of the space button, the scientific research institute obtained the mermaid gene, and it was not long before the mermaid was cultivated. Humans did not even know the particularity of the mermaid at first."

Jollens sighed deeply: "I found the queen and was very angry when I learned about the situation of the mermaid. Later, I checked the history and found out what happened next."

He looked at the virtual screen: "You don't have to worry, the treatment you are given is what you deserve."

The group was silent for a while and became lively again.

"I don't remember the past, but in my memory, human beings are very good to me, and I don't need compensation."

"Me too, I feel... I feel like I have done nothing, and I need compensation. It's weird."

"Great! It's great to have real estate and salary!"

Jorens listened to the discussion of the mermaids, and his expression gradually relaxed.

Of course, not all mermaids have a good life. A few mermaids who were secretly hidden or born in the black market have had bad experiences, but they had forgotten them before the operation.

The memory of most mermaids starts from a few days before the operation, and there are no bad memories.

The history of Rabe Star, to them, is more like a story.

Jollens discussed with them for a while, made only a few changes, and then settled on the arrangement for the merman.

The mermaids unanimously decided to live closer to An Jin before going to school.

An Jin guessed that they were nervous at the new place, so he finally decided that he and the mermaids would live in the palace.

Of the three options given by Jorens, only the palace can accommodate all the mermaids and the staff.

As for the army brought by Norman, other than the SS, other arrangements had to be made.


Ten days later, the starship broadcasted a notice in the whole area: it will arrive at Rabe in two hours.

Starship viewing area, many people and mermaids soon came.

An Jin sat at the front with Norman and Jorence, and the view of the outer space of the starship was displayed in real time on the wall directly opposite.

An Jin looked at the two large planets in front of him, and asked Jorrence curiously, "Which one is the Rabe star?"

Jollens shook his head: "Neither."

Half an hour later, the Star Fleet passed through the planet, and the scenery in front of everyone changed. The space seemed to have become an ocean, and the waves and huge vortexes looked magnificent.

Norman frowned slightly: "Magnetic storm zone."

Johansson nodded and his face became serious.

On the starship at the forefront of the Star Fleet, Admiral Rabe looked serious: "All starship pilots, please pay attention and drive strictly according to the route!"

At this time, the starship broadcast reminded: "It is about to pass through the magnetic storm area, the signal will be interfered, please don't be nervous."

Jollens pointed to a large ocean-like scene, and said with emotion: "Because they are not disturbed, Rabe Star also prevents us from contacting the outside world. Later, we found a way, but we couldn't find the location."

He looked at An Jin: "Fortunately, when Wang Chengcheng accepted the inheritance, he gave us a sense, otherwise it might take us a long time to find you."

"This is a temporary channel. We will establish a transition point connecting Siao as soon as possible. In the future, it will be very convenient for Wang to travel between the two planets."

After more than an hour, the Star Fleet arrived at Rabe Star

Jollens led An Jin and Norman off the starship.

The warm and moist breath rushing towards him made An Jin feel a sense of intimacy in his heart, and his eyes narrowed slightly in comfort.

The terrain of the airport is very high. An Jin looked into the distance, and his vision was occupied by the blue sky, water, and green islands.

As he descended the last stair, there were brisk and cheerful singing all around him.

In the sky, two teams of warships came from afar. Colorful smoke was dragging on the tails of the warships. At the same time, gorgeous fireworks rose on both sides. Although it was daytime, colorful colors could be seen.

A tall man in a dark blue robe and beautiful hair accessories stood at the front of the greeting line, followed by two lines of excited men.

The man in the purple robe walked up to An Jin, put his right hand on his left chest, and bent over: "Wang, you are welcome."

The people behind him were doing the same thing as him, and their voices were extraordinarily loud.