I Was Raised After Being a Mermaid

Chapter 75


An Jin was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, smiled and said, "Elder is working hard."

On the way, he knew that someone would greet him, and he had also seen a man in a purple robe in a video conference discussing the wedding date, so although he was not used to this kind of scene, he was still calm.

The elder stood up straight and looked at Norman: "Your Majesty Norman, welcome to Rabe Star."

Norman nodded politely: "Thank you."

After greeting the guests, the first elder looked at An Jin with a concerned tone: "The king is tired all the way, please go to the palace to rest first."

Jorrence knew that An Jin was very concerned about the mermaid he was with, and he answered at this time, "Please rest assured, Wang, I will arrange the rest of the mermaid."

An Jin nodded: "It's hard work."

Jorrence had already allocated the mermaid's residence on the starship, and An Jin was not worried.


The first elder sat in the second seat and introduced An Jin and Norman in the back seat.

"This is the most common means of transportation in Rabe, and it is very similar to the hover car of the Covenant. There are many buildings in the water in Rabe, and the main traffic tracks are above."

An Jin looked out the window, there were many colored passages in the sky, and there were shuttles passing quickly from time to time.

Below is a city in the water, and the tallest building is only about 20 meters away from the water surface, but it is not necessarily the height of the building.

The buildings on the island can be seen in height at a glance, however, more buildings are built in the water, and the parts in the water cannot be seen.

Leaning over from the air, you can clearly see that the urban architecture is very neatly planned.

There are many mermaids swimming in the street, and the scales of the mermaids reflect the light, which is particularly dazzling.

The Great Elder introduced the landmark building of Rabe Star all the way. When he passed a silver building, Norman's expression changed slightly.

The elder just looked back at Norman and pointed to the huge logo on the building: "There is the Mecha Research Institute of Rabe Star, and the emblem uses the team emblem of the Human Expedition."

He paused and said, "The Ministry of Education is already revising the history books, and all the fish will know the real history."

Norman said solemnly: "Sao will also complete history."


Twenty minutes later, the flying shuttle landed in front of the main palace of the palace, and the two wings of the flying shuttle automatically rose.

An Jin stepped off the shuttle and saw two rows of saxophone mermen in uniform white and blue uniforms standing at the door.

As soon as they saw him, the merman's eyes lit up, and they bowed neatly and saluted: "Welcome back to the king."

An Jin said quickly, "Thank you, you're welcome."

The mermaids stood up and thought at the same time: Wang is so gentle!

The first elder walked up to An Jin and said, "They are the staff of the palace, and they are specially looking after you."

He pointed to the merman who got down from the other eight shuttles and stood behind him: "They are the captains of your Guards, and the best Teck merman in Rabe."

An Jin looked at the great elder with meaningful eyes: "..."

He said seriously: "I don't need a personal guard, I think I will be safe in Rabe Star."

He instinctively knew that the mermaid would not hurt him, and that Rabe Star was full of water. For him with the water ability, it was tantamount to a very safe place.

Great Elder: "Yes, you are very safe in Rabe Star. But if you leave Rabe Star, you must be protected by the Guards, otherwise all the fish will not be at ease."

When An Jin heard this, his expression became serious: "Leaving Rabe Star, I can't even have a personal guard. They all grew up in Rabe Star, and they can't leave their hometown because of me."

All the fishes present looked moved.

The Teck mermaid behind the elder said loudly, "No matter where the king goes, I am willing to follow the king and protect the king!"

"I'm willing too!" The rest of the Teck mermaids echoed.

An Jin was stunned for a moment, but the elder saw that he was embarrassed, and then said: "King, you rest first, and the matter of the personal guards will be discussed later."

An Jin nodded, this is not a good place to speak.

Standing at the forefront of the two rows, the sac Mermaid took a step forward and asked An Jin, "King, I'm Jenny, the housekeeper of the palace, do you want to eat or rest first?"

An Jin: "Dine first."

During the meal, An Jin received news from Xiaoyin, knowing that Xiaoyin had already lived in the palace side palace, and that Zhinao was also connected to Rabe's star network.

Xiaoyin: "I've agreed with Lingling Ruirui and the others. I'll go to school tomorrow, will you go An An?"

An Jin thought for a while: "I have something to do tomorrow, I will go to you when I have time."

After eating, he contacted Jollance and expressed his desire to see the holy tree tomorrow.

He wanted to know the situation of the holy tree earlier, and also wanted to know earlier whether he could handle it.

Jorens was very moved: "Wang, you can rest for a few more days."

An Jin: "No, I'm in good shape."

He rested on the starship for more than ten days and was not tired at all.

Qorance hesitated for a moment and said, "Then for tonight's celebration dinner, you should go back to the palace to rest early."



The sky turned from bright to dark, and the cities of Rabe Star were brightly lit.

An Jin looked out the window. Virtual screens were raised on the top floors of all buildings, and colorful fireworks were played repeatedly on the screens. Every building was decorated with lanterns, which looked extra festive when they flickered.

The underwater buildings are also lit, and the lights on the water and underwater are shining, and the whole Rabe star is very lively.

The palace steward knocked on the door and entered the house, bringing a dress.

An Jin shook it away. It was a dark blue cross-collared robe, with gold thread embroidered on it, and it glowed brightly under the light.

Norman watched An Jin come out of the dressing room, surprise flashed in his eyes, and then frowned slightly.

An Jin looked down and said, "Isn't it good-looking?"

Norman kissed the shiny scales at the end of his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "It's so beautiful."

An Jin met his deep eyes, his heart beat faster, and after a while he asked with a smile, "Jealous?"

Norman lowered his head to touch his forehead: "Well, you are so popular, those Tek Mermaids like you."

He even wanted the little mermaid to look a little uglier.

An Jin explained: "You misunderstood, they are only close to me because of my identity." Seeing Norman's serious expression, he kissed the corner of Norman's lips, "The news of our marriage has already spread on Rabe Star, don't Jealous."

Norman thought the date was okay, but now he couldn't help but say, "The tenth is too long."

It is now mid-September, and there is still nearly a month until October 10th.

The two were talking, and it didn't take long for the housekeeper to remind them that it was time for the dinner party.

The banquet was held in the palace banquet hall and was broadcast live.

When An Jin and Norman appeared, the barrage on the official website of Rabe Star immediately exploded, and they praised An Jin for his good looks and Norman's good luck.

Accompanied by the Great Elder, An Jin met with many important people in Rabe Star, and then left the banquet hall.

He stayed there, all the eyes of the fish fell on him, which really made him uncomfortable, and it was difficult for the banquet to proceed normally.

On this night, celebrations were held all over Rabe Star. The mermaid's singing was ethereal and beautiful, and it was especially good after rehearsal.

The mermaid's singing could be heard everywhere.

The Si Ao people are all very happy, and the smiles on their faces are extraordinarily bright. In one night, their mental strength has recovered a lot!

Some people couldn't help but share it with relatives and friends. Those people listened and wished they could come to Rabe Star.

In their eyes, Rabe Star is simply heaven!

As a result, many people have left a message on the official Rabexing official website, hoping to open the tourist channel soon.


Early the next morning, the three elders came to the palace.

An Jin was wearing a black sports suit, with her hair tied up in her head, looking youthful and energetic.

After saluting, Qorrence said, "King, you need to go into the water today, so it's probably not convenient for you to wear this suit."

Hearing this, An Jin chose a piece of clothing from the wardrobe that was easy to move around.

When I returned to the bedroom after dinner last night, the butler sent a lot of Rabe clothes, all of which were his size, filling the wardrobe.

After he changed it, he twitched it, and he was not used to it.

In his opinion, Rabexing's clothes are a bit like dresses, but the style is more masculine.

The one he is wearing now has a T-shirt style on the upper body and a wider barrel skirt on the bottom. For good activities, he chose a medium style with a hem that is flush with his knees.

This is very convenient whether it is in human form or mermaid form.

Norman's eyes swept across his white calf, and his brows furrowed unconsciously.

Sitting on the shuttle, An Jin awkwardly pulled the hem of his clothes, and moved uncomfortably.

Norman asked in a low voice, "Is it uncomfortable to wear?"

An Jin hummed, leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "I'm not used to being empty."

Considering that he would change his tail, he didn't wear underwear. After all, when he changed his tail, the scene where his underwear collapsed and fell to the ground was too embarrassing.

Norman rolled his Adam's apple, put his hand on his thigh, and pressed against the hem of his skirt: "I asked the research department to study clothing suitable for transformation."

An Jin's eyes lit up: "Can it be done?"

"There will be a way," Norman said.

After more than 20 minutes, An Jin let out a soft cry and looked out the window firmly.

In the distance, an island appeared in the field of vision, with a huge tree growing on the island, and the canopy completely covered the island.

"That's the holy island and the holy tree," Jollens said.

An Jin immediately knew that when he accepted the inheritance, his consciousness was here, and he was so impressed by this tree.

However, after getting closer, he found that it was very different from the inheritance. The holy tree was not green. At this time, the green was yellow, and it seemed lifeless.

Not long after, the shuttle landed on the small island next to the holy island.

An Jin looked out the window, a little puzzled, there was still a long distance between the two islands.

Jollens explained: "The area near the holy island is disturbed by the magnetic field, and the shuttle cannot move forward, so it has to swim over." He added: "The only means of transportation are human-powered boats."

He looked at Norman: "Your Majesty Norman wait here or go together?"

Norman did not hesitate: "Let's go together."

The mermaid swims very fast, and Norman uses his mental power to strengthen his body, and the speed is not inferior.

An Jin originally planned to secretly use his abilities to help, but smiled when he saw this.

Instead, Norman helped him for the last short distance.

He was a little embarrassed, thinking silently in his heart, he must strengthen exercise and practice endurance!

After going to the island, he used his powers to dry everyone's clothes.

Except for Jollens, the other two elders were very surprised and quickly calmed down.

The first elder led the way, and the five of them crossed the path covered with vines, all the way to the middle of the island, where the trunk of the holy tree is located.

An Jin frowned as soon as his eyes fell on the tree trunk.

In his field of vision, the color of the trunk of the holy tree was very abnormal, dark black, which made him very uncomfortable.