I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 111: Past events (1)


After Xu Shilin dropped out of school, she returned to her hometown without even packing her luggage. The roommate in the dormitory threw all her belongings in the dormitory corridor as if to avoid some germs.

The girl dragged her newly miscarried body back home, but she couldn't even enter the house.

Xu's father and Xu's mother were innocent all their lives, but because of her, they were pointed at by neighbors behind their backs. Xu's mother even went into the hospital in a fit of anger. The doctor said that the patient was old, and even if he woke up, he could only spend the excess in bed. down time.

Father Xu blamed all the faults on his unruly daughter. When the girl returned home, he slammed the door hard and locked her out.

Xu Shilin knelt outside the door for a whole day and night, but in exchange for her father Xu's cruel words, you are not my daughter.

The neighbors were watching the excitement silently, and there were many "good-hearted people" who came forward to comfort her, between the lines, all accusing her of being frivolous and unloving as a girl.

Those unbearable words, Xu Shilin has heard numbness.

Day and night, she knew that her parents really didn't want her anymore.

It was like a big hole had been ripped open in the chest, the bloody nerves were connected to the fragile heart, and the wind blew in pain.

Xu Shilin never thought that this place where she had lived since she was a child, thought it would be a safe haven for her whole life, would have such great malice towards her.

In the early morning of the third day, the girl dragged her thin body and stepped into the heavy fog. From beginning to end, never looked back.

Alone and penniless, Xu Shilin didn't even know where she should go. When she fainted beside the trash can, she even thought to herself: It would be great if she just died like this.

But God did not hear her voice.

When she opened her eyes, Xu Shilin looked at the blackened and peeling wall covering on the ceiling, her eyes empty.

"Yo, are you awake?"

A voice that could not tell the difference between male and female sounded from the side, it was the sequelae caused by smoking cigarettes for many years.

Xu Shilin turned her head to look, only to see a scantily clad woman leaning against the door. The other party's hands were wrapped around his chest, and a slender lady's cigarette was sandwiched between his fingers with bright red nails.

After seeing her wake up, the woman raised her slender eyebrows: "When you wake up, get up and eat quickly. After eating, get out."

The other party's words were rude, and the face with exaggerated makeup was unstoppable disgust.

Xu Shilin didn't move, but turned her head slowly, like a puppet that lost her soul.

The woman is a young lady who works in a bar in the red and light district of the city. She never thought that just because of a momentary soft-hearted, she would find herself a trouble that she couldn't get rid of.

From midsummer to late autumn, the girl she picked up from the trash has been living in her house for two full months.

"Sister Fang, introduce me to a job."

When I returned home in the early morning with the smell of alcohol and tired sister Fang, I saw a girl in a plaid suit standing under the lamp, looking at her quietly with a pair of dark eyes.

"Didn't you work well in the cake shop?" The woman took off the black coat on her body, revealing the red low-cut long dress inside, and the white neck was bruised.

Xu Shilin looked away unnaturally, her soft voice could not hear any emotion: "I quit."

Sister Fang frowned and didn't ask any further questions. She just said, "I have a job in hand, but it's not something that a good girl like you can do. Do you want it?"

Xu Shilin raised the corner of her lips slightly, but the girl in her twenties seemed to have experienced half a lifetime of vicissitudes.

"As long as I can make money, I can do anything."

Sister Fang looked at her, Liu Mei twisted into a ball.

After a long silence, the woman said, "Okay, I'll go to work tomorrow, you go with me."


The next day, Xu Shilin really followed Sister Fang to her work place.

After living for 24 years, Xu Shilin set foot in this place that she had only seen on TV for the first time. She was so nervous that she didn't know where to put her hands and feet. behind my sister.

Sister Fang took her to the manager of the bar, and after flirting with the man in his forties for a long time, she entrusted her to him.

The job that Sister Fang said is to let Xu Shilin sell wine in a bar. The basic salary is very small, but there is a commission. For every bottle she sells, she can take 20% of the commission from it. The more expensive the wine sold, the higher the commission. many.

Anyone can sell wine. What Sister Fang said is not suitable for Xu Shilin, not because she can't sell it, but because of her beautiful appearance, she is destined to not work too smoothly.

Sister Fang thought that the girl would not be able to hold on for a week at most, but she did not expect that the other party really persevered. This sale will be thirteen years.

The people in the bar left group after group, and the manager changed twice. With more than ten years of experience, Xu Shilin has grown from a little girl who can only sell wine to a well-rounded lobby manager. Innocent, in such a chaotic big dye vat disappeared.

Sister Fang met a man who was kind to her when she was thirty-five years old. She left the bar neatly and followed him back to her hometown. Before leaving, she gave the bracelet she had been wearing for many years to her three years ago. The ten-year-old woman told the other party earnestly that the bar was not a good place after all, so it would be better for her to leave early.

Xu Shilin looked at the only woman in front of her who was kind to her, her eyes were red, and she nodded choked.

On the day that Sister Fang left, she sent the two to the train station, and when the woman was not paying attention, she secretly put an envelope full of money in the other's bag.

Except for a little living expenses, all the money she has earned over the years is sent to her family.

Obviously living in the same city, Xu Shilin never went home to see it once, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't dare.

I heard that my mother is now able to walk a few steps in the yard with a cane, and my father's body is still strong... To hear this news, it is enough for Xu Shilin.

After Sister Fang left, the woman's life without any turbulence became more like a pool of stagnant water.

If there was no accident later, she would quit her job at the age of forty, find a quiet and peaceful place to open a cake shop, do something she likes to do, and maybe find someone to work with for the rest of her life. If The other party does not despise his own words.

Xu Shilin thought very well, and even made plans for the future, but the unexpected always came so people were caught off guard.

She didn't expect that at the age of her milfs, she would still be targeted.

The moment she noticed something was wrong with her body, Xu Shilin panicked.

She resisted the tumultuous feeling and arranged the work at hand, and then she hurriedly left with her bag. She wanted to return to the small house that gave her a sense of security, but when she opened the door, she fell into A pair of familiar eyes.