I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 131: rage


The thin body slammed hard against the cold and hard wall, and fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner.

Su Jinyu lowered his eyes, looked at the young man on the ground indifferently, and slowly retracted his feet.

"Cough! Cough..." Su Jinyu clutched her abdomen, which had been kicked to the point where her internal organs were almost replaced, curled up on the ground and shivered. After a long time, she raised her head and looked fiercely at the man in front of her.

"Su Jinyu! What the hell are you doing?!! Cough..."

The young man roared angrily, his eyes eager to poke the person in front of him into a sieve.

"The epilepsy is crazy." Su Jinyu looked at him, the corners of his lips raised coldly.

The man raised his foot and stepped forward, his black high-top combat boots stomping on the ground with a thud.

Su Jinyu looked at his approaching body, and put one hand on the ground with difficulty, trying to move back.

"What do you want... what do you want to do?!" The young man looked flustered.

Su Jinyu squatted down in front of him, leaned one hand on his knee, stared blankly at the person in front of him, and after a while, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the other person's neck.

Su Jinyu: "Uh! You... Su Jinyu, let go..."

The young man's eyes widened in horror, and his face suddenly flushed red. He climbed on the man's hand with both hands and tried to break free from the other, but in vain.

Su Jinyu looked at people like he was looking at a dead person: "Did I warn you not to covet things that don't belong to you?"

The strength in his hand increased little by little, the arc of the young man's struggle gradually became smaller, and his face had already turned blue-purple.

"Do you really think that I dare not touch you, eh?"

Su Jinyu slapped the hands around her neck weakly with both hands, a "hoho" sound came out of her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

"Answer me." The strength of the man's hand continued to increase, and the young man's eyes gradually turned white.

As time passed by, the air in Su Jinyu's lungs disappeared little by little, and just when he thought he would be strangled to death, the hand on his neck suddenly loosened.

Fresh air rushed into the stinging lungs, and the young man coughed piercingly while holding his neck.

Su Jinyu didn't give the other party a chance to breathe, grabbed the person's collar and lifted the person from the ground and slammed him against the wall.

"You're doing this... it's against the law..." Su Jinyu gasped for breath, looking at the man's eyes with fear.

The corners of Su Jinyu's lips twitched: "Breaching the law? Brother taught younger brother, what law did you break?"

"If you have the ability, go and sue me. Let's see if the police listen to you or believe me."

The man was slightly taller than the young man by half a head. The hand holding the man was white and slender, his wrist was slender and delicate, but his strength was so strong that he couldn't even move.

"Are you, like your mother, especially fond of robbing other people's men?" Su Jinyu half-squinted her eyes, her slightly long hair was messed up by the cold wind.

Su Jinyu looked at him, her neck was already red, he gritted his teeth and tried to be brave: "Shouldn't I say this to you?"

"Hmm!" Su Jinyu tasted the sweetness in her throat when she was punched again in the abdomen.

"I said, there are some things you say, you have to pay the price." Su Jin stared at the young man in front of him with dark eyes, there was no warmth in his eyes.

Su Jinyu raised the corners of her lips and laughed twice, but she accidentally pulled on her injured abdomen, so she gasped in pain.

"Why, are you angry when I say it?" he asked.

Su Jinyu squinted his eyes and did not speak, only to hear the young man say again: "Your mother is a shameless alcoholic who tries to turn a pheasant into a phoenix, and you are not much better than her, saying that I rob someone else's man, Su Jinyu, you say this Don't you feel ashamed when you talk?"

Every word of Su Jinyu jumped out of her teeth like bullets, her eyes full of resentment and jealousy.

"Finished?" The man looked at him blankly.

Su Jinyu gasped and opened her mouth before she could speak, and slapped her face heavily.

The crisp sound resounded through the entire rooftop, and the young man turned his head to the side, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Su Jinyu held the person's collar with one hand, and the palm of his hand that had just hit him went numb, and he shook it carelessly.

"You dare to hit me?!!" There was a buzzing in his ears, and it took a long time for Su Jinyu to find her voice. He tilted his head to look at the person in front of him, and immediately lost his mind and raised his hand to fight back.

"Snapped"! Another slap in the face.

The young man's cheeks were completely swollen, and a trace of red blood ran down the corners of his lips.

Su Jinyu was completely stunned.

"It was you who hit."

Su Jinyu's voice did not fluctuate in the slightest. He looked at the young man in front of him with a heavy gaze: "I don't know if my mother is a shameless Phoenix girl, or you can go down and ask her old man in person?"

Su Jinyu shook her head in horror.

"As for robbing a man..." Su Jinyu looked at the young man and lengthened his voice, "Who is it? Gu Peilang?"

Su Jinyu: "...cough...isn't it?"

"It's me that he likes, it's me who marry him, and it's me who shares the bed with him in the cloud and rain," the man tilted his head slightly, his eyes sharp, "My husband, when did you become your man, eh? ?"

my husband…

Su Jinyu's natural appearance deeply hurt Su Jinyu's eyes.

The young man clenched his fists and sank his nails into his palms: "I knew him first, and I fell in love with him first!"

Su Jinyu growled and growled at the man in front of her, her eyes were scarlet.

Su Jinyu looked at him as if he was watching a joke: "So what? Just because you liked him first, he became yours?"

"If it wasn't for your sudden appearance, we would have been together long ago, all because of you!" Su Jinyu gritted her teeth and looked at the person in front of her, "Su Jinyu, it's all because of you!"

"I'm not capable, so I have to blame others," Su Jinyu sneered and retracted her hand in disgust, "Su Jinyu, you are so stupid."

"Oh! I'm stupid?" The emotional young man had no reason to speak, his face was swollen and he looked at Su Jinyu viciously, "Where do you think you can be better than me?"

"Su Jinyu, do you think Gu Peilang really likes you? He's just getting revenge on you! Have you forgotten how you treated him in the past three years?"

"Do you need me to remember for you? You scolded him for being disabled countless times, trampled his dignity under your feet at the wedding, and messed around with other women behind his back... One after another, do you think, Will he forgive you?"

Murder is heartbreaking, but that's it. Every sentence of Su Jinyu's words precisely stepped on the man's minefield.

Su Jinyu's face sank completely, and the dark eyes were about to come.