I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 140: Wait a minute, okay?


"Wang Qi..." Shang Yi called out his name with trembling lips, and when he spoke again, it was a piercing cough.

Wang Qi's face changed suddenly, she stepped forward to help the man sit on the stool beside her, and hurriedly poured a glass of water for him.

The hand holding the water cup was suddenly grasped by the wrist, and the water in the cup swayed in the tiger's mouth.

"He doesn't want me anymore... What should I do?" The hand clasping the wrist trembled slightly because of the force. Wang Qi couldn't help but reddened her eyes when she heard the sound that was so broken.

Entering the business at the age of six, it can be said that Wang Qi grew up with Shang Yi. He witnessed the glory and downfall of a man, and also witnessed the process of knowing and loving each other and Su Li.

Wang Qi knew how much the two of them loved each other. He had no doubt that if Su Li didn't make it through, the man would go with each other without hesitation.

"Madam will wake up." Wang Qi raised her hand and placed it on Shang Yi's shoulder, then squeezed it slightly, trying to comfort him in this way.

Two days before Su Li was in a coma, Shang Yi had always believed in this, but now, he was afraid...

The man didn't understand that he had already found a way to avoid the risk. The chip he bought from Gu Peilang was put into the experiment without any accident, but when it was used on his Ali, something went wrong.

There is a 10% chance that they will meet them. How unlucky are they

For the whole day, Shang Yi stayed in front of the hospital bed and didn't go anywhere. He kept holding Su Li's cold hand, which had become cold due to the infusion, into his palm, and just quietly watched the person on the hospital bed motionless. , as if immersed in his own world.

The little bell came once in the middle. The little girl who used to cry and act like a spoiled child unexpectedly didn't cry or make trouble this time. She just stood outside the door with red peach eyes and looked at the two fathers in the ward. Tears fell silently.

Wang Qi stood behind her and quietly looked at the two people in the ward with her, with pain and last hope in her eyes.

As the night gradually approached, Shang Yi's heart also sank a little bit.

The man clenched the warm hand in his hand, his face paler than the person on the bed.

Shang Yi never believed in miracles, but this time, he was extremely hopeful that a miracle could happen, just once, once...

When Su Jinyu came to the hospital, he happened to meet Su Li's attending doctor. The other party had seen him in the ward before, and stopped after seeing him.

"To visit Mr. Su?"

Su Jinyu looked at the unsmiling old man in front of him and nodded.

The two walked to Su Li's ward together. On the way, the old man kept looking down at the medical record book in his hand, with an unprecedented serious expression on his face.

Su Jinyu didn't dare to disturb the other party, and for a while the corridor was so silent that only the footsteps of the two of them were left.

"Who are you, Mr. Su?"

When approaching the ward, the old man suddenly spoke, and Su Jinyu didn't react for a while.


The doctor nodded and asked again, "Do you know his condition?"

Su Jinyu frowned slowly: "Know a little."

"That's good. Since you are relatives, I don't need to say more about some things. As for Mr. Shang, please comfort me more."

These words were too cold-blooded and ruthless, without even a trace of sympathy, Su Jinyu only felt a suffocation blowing towards his face, he opened his mouth, and for a while did not know what to say.

The atmosphere in the ward was depressing and sad. When the man with his back to the door heard the sound of the door, his body instantly stiffened and tense, and then he began to tremble imperceptibly.

The doctor stood by the door, his eyes fell on the person on the hospital bed, and his voice was so calm that there was not a trace of ups and downs, like the god of death from hell.

"Mr. Shang, it's time."

"It hasn't arrived... Didn't I say it's only tonight? It's not even eight o'clock... there is still time... there is still time... "

The doctor looked at the man's gray face and frowned slightly, which seemed to have a little human emotion: "Mr. Shang, you should know that persistence at this time is meaningless."

"It makes sense." The man raised his head and looked at him with red eyes, his eyes full of stubbornness, "I won't give up until the last moment."

The doctor looked at him as if he were looking at a vexatious person.

"you… "

He still wanted to speak, but Su Jinyu on the side reached out his hand to stop him: "Doctor, go out first, I'll talk to him."

The doctor closed his mouth and turned to leave after a moment of silence.

The door of the ward was closed again, Su Jinyu turned to look at the silent man in front of the hospital bed, thought about it, and stepped forward.

"Do you also think he can't wake up?" Shang Yi didn't look back at him, his voice was inaudible in the quiet ward.

"Isn't it the last moment?" Su Jinyu sat down on the other side of the bed, looked at the sleeping person on the hospital bed, and said in a soft voice, "I believe that uncle is not the kind of person who gives up easily."

Shang Yi slightly hooked the corner of his lips, and quickly pulled it back.

"He's always been strong."

The time spent waiting for sentencing was too long, the clock on the wall went round and round, and the hour hand quickly pointed to eleven o'clock.

Shang Yi got up from the chair with a pale face, his tall figure staggered for a moment.

The chair behind him tripped to the ground and made a loud noise.

Su Jinyu looked up at him, the man's pale lips trembling uncontrollably: "I'll go out for a while..."

After Shang Yi said this, he turned and left without looking back. Su Jinyu frowned as he looked at his back, which was about to be crushed by grief.

The instrument monitoring Su Li's life characteristics was still beeping. Su Jinyu looked back at the sleeping man on the hospital bed. After a long silence, he finally said softly: "Uncle, wake up soon, Mr. Shang, he, I can't stand it anymore."

The man still closed his eyes, and in a corner that Su Jinyu couldn't see, a warm tear slipped quietly from the corner of his eye, and then disappeared into the white pillow.

On the other side, Wang Qi, who was in the company, suddenly changed her face after receiving an email. Auntie who was in charge of taking care of the little bell at home suddenly received a call from her husband after putting the little girl to sleep. Although she was a little confused, she still According to the other party's instructions, he held the sleeping little bell and asked the driver to take him to the hospital.

Shang Yi left for half an hour, and when he came back again, Su Jinyu keenly noticed some changes in the other party's emotions, as if he was calm and calm after he suddenly let go of everything. This change made him feel shocked. , and a very bad premonition.

"You..." He opened his mouth to say something, but felt that what he said was inappropriate.

"Jin Yu, is it convenient to chat?"

Su Jinyu listened to his words, and his anxiety became more and more intense.

He nodded, Shang Yi hooked the corners of his lips, walked to the hospital bed, bent over and gently placed a kiss on the man's clean forehead, the expression in his eyes was unprecedentedly gentle: "Wait for me, okay?"

The person on the hospital bed did not answer, Shang Yi got up and looked at Su Jinyu.

The two left the ward together, and no one noticed that after they turned to leave, Su Li on the hospital bed moved his eyes slightly under his eyelids for a moment.