I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 141: wake


Su Li had a long dream. He dreamed of a twenty-year-old Shang Yi. The other's beast-like eyes locked him tightly, with undisguised possessiveness in his eyes.

"You'll never want to leave me." The man trapped him under him domineeringly, and his low, husky voice seemed to be a lover's murmur.

It was obviously a vicious tone, but Su Li saw the unspeakable sadness on his face.

Something fell drop by drop on his face, warm and moist, as if it would burn him.

"Ali, you can't leave me... You can't leave me..." The 20-year-old man suddenly turned into a 30-year-old man, holding him and crying like a child, Su Li was helpless and could only hug the other side Rou back A voice of comfort: "I'm not going, I'm not going..."

However, no matter what he said, the man holding him still just repeated the words "Don't leave him behind", Su Li was very puzzled, but before he spoke, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The man who was holding him disappeared, and he was alone in a white mist and couldn't see the direction.

Su Li heard someone calling him, one after another, his voice full of tenderness.

He looked in the direction of the voice, and suddenly there was a small road under his feet that stretched forward. At the end of the road, stood a gray-haired, petite woman.

Su Jinyu looked at each other in a daze, her eyes warmed: "Mom..."

With a trembling voice, the man called out the name that had been lingering in his heart for many years.

Xu Shilin stood at the end of the path and smiled at him. The old man slowly stretched out his hand and beckoned him, just like when he was a child.

Su Li subconsciously took a step forward, and everything around him suddenly became dark. Only the woman standing under the beam of light still smiled softly at him.

"Ali, come to my mother." Xu Shilin called to him softly.

Su Li walked forward uncontrollably as if being bewitched, the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, and just as he was about to reach out and touch the woman's hand, there was another voice behind him.

Su Li turned around and saw a man standing not far away. The other party was wearing a tall and straight black suit, and his whole body almost blended into the darkness around him. Only that handsome and somewhat sharp face was too pale.

"You still want to leave me, right?" the man asked him.

Su Li's heart suddenly throbbed, as if someone had hammered it heavily with a hammer. He subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but found himself unable to move.

"Ali, come to my mother." The woman who was a meter away was still calling him, her gentle voice was bewitching.

Su Li's feet began to walk towards the other side uncontrollably. Shang Yi's sad face in his field of vision gradually faded away. Su Li only felt that the heart in his chest was hurting more and more. He seemed to have forgotten something, but he couldn't remember anything.

The woman in front of him smiled softly at him, and when he put his hand up, the smile on the corner of his lips was cruel for a moment.

"Good boy." Xu Shilin praised him.

"Su Xiaoli!" The voice behind him called out to him heartbreakingly.

When Su Li turned around, the man's beautiful features began to bleed slowly, but he smiled softly and frantically at him: "Wait for me, okay? I'll be with you soon."

Su Li's eyes widened slightly, and there was a soft "click" sound, as if something suddenly disconnected in her mind.

The darkness faded like a tide, and there was a noise in the ears. At first, it seemed like a vacuum cover was separated, and then it gradually became clear.

Su Li opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was the dazzling white light and light.

"Shang... Yi..." As if the throat blocked by the lead made an out-of-tune note, Su Li blinked, and warm tears slid from the corners of her eyes.

The quarrel in his ears continued, Wang Qi's trembling growl mixed with the child's fearful cry, and there was a accusing voice that Su Li had never heard before.

Feeling a touch of warmth in the cold palms, Su Li turned her head with difficulty and saw the little bell who was blushing from crying.

Su Li had never seen his little princess cry like this before, and she felt so distressed for a while that she subconsciously moved her fingers and clenched the little girl's hand, trying to calm her down.

Little Bell was very scared. Dad was lying on the bed and slept late, and Daddy didn't want her anymore. He wanted to give her to Uncle Gu.

The little girl never thought that one day she would leave with the two fathers. She cried and did not leave. In the past, when she cried, the father who always hugged her to comfort her just looked at her with a cold face, and the father on the hospital bed also Did not wake up to coax myself.

Wang Qi, who received the share transfer letter, rushed to the hospital in a hurry. What he saw was the scene of Shang Yi explaining his funeral to Su Jinyu in the corridor. Then he dragged the man who had lost the desire to survive into Su Li's ward, pointed at the person on the bed and rebuked him, and pointed at the crying bell beside him to question him.

Su Jinyu stood by the side and remained silent all the time. Gu Peilang, who hurried over, held his hand tightly, looking at the expressionless man in the center of the ward, his thin lips pursed into a sharp arc.

The ward was a complete mess. Su Li had just woken up, and his brain was spinning slowly like a rusted machine, but even so, he pieced together the truth of the matter from Wang Qi's intermittent words.

The pain in her heart was extreme, Su Li's eyes widened, tears streamed down the corners of her eyes, and the hand holding the little bell kept tightening.

"Dad... Dad..." Little Bell choked up and looked up, and when he saw the man crying on the hospital bed, he suddenly burst into tears, "Dad, you woke up woo woo... Dad... Daddy... Daddy..."

The cry of the child stopped everything in the ward like a pause button. Shang Yi raised his head abruptly, and his eyes met Su Li's tearful eyes.

In the quiet ward, there was only the cry of a man with a small bell.

When Su Jinyu pushed Gu Peilang to leave the ward, the little bell was still choked by Wang Qi's embrace.

"Uncle Wang Qi... Dad... Dad woke up, Daddy still... Will he still give me away?"

Wang Qi hugged the little girl in her arms: "No, Daddy and Daddy will always accompany the little bell."

The person who was about to be declared brain dead miraculously woke up. Although he had seen too many impossibility, the attending doctor had to sigh that this was truly a miracle in the history of medicine. After confirming that the tumor in the opponent's brain has been completely eradicated and there is no possibility of recurrence, he put down the report in his hand and showed a shallow smile to the man in front of him: "Congratulations"

Su Jinyu and the others knew that the two needed time alone, so they waited for half an hour in the attending doctor's office. When they returned to the ward again, they saw Su Li and Shou who were leaning on the bedside and took off their oxygen masks. Shang Yi, who didn't dare to leave, saw a bright red slap print on the other's left face, destroying that handsome face.