I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 155: Restoring memory (before)


Since their Lotus Village has been developed into a tourist attraction, many tourists from other places come here every year during the flowering period. Among them, several reality TV shows have been filmed here, and they stayed at their homestay at that time.

The proprietress can be considered someone who has seen handsome guys and beauties, but she has never seen such a good-looking person, who looks like she came out of a painting.

The woman stared blankly for a while, until the person in front of her gently knocked on the table and called her several times before she came back to her senses.

"Excuse me sir, do you need any help?"

"We booked rooms online between us."

Before Su Jinyu could speak, Gu Peilang, who was behind him, controlled the wheelchair and stepped forward.

The man raised his head slightly, and his handsome features were exposed to the soft lighting in the hall.

The proprietress heard the voice and looked down, and then she saw Gu Peilang in a wheelchair.

Surprise and regret flashed in the woman's eyes, Su Jinyu looked at her gaze on the man, and the expression on her face became slightly cold.

After taking the room card from the other party, Su Jinyu blocked the eyes of the proprietress behind him with his back, and pushed Gu Peilang into the elevator.

Gu Yin followed behind with the luggage of the two of them.

After they went up, a gray-haired old man suddenly appeared in the room next to the elevator. The other party's back was slightly hunched, and he lived with a log cane, standing outside the elevator thoughtfully.

"Mom? What are you standing here looking at?"

The proprietress saw that her mother had been staring at the direction of the elevator and stepped forward curiously.

"Xiuxiu, are those two guests just now?"

The woman named Xiuxiu nodded her head with excitement: "Yeah, it's the guest I told you this morning who booked the most expensive room in our homestay. I thought he was alone, but I didn't expect to bring him with him. My friend, didn't you see, the two of them are old and handsome, much more handsome than the new young meat before, the only flaw is that Mr. Gu doesn't seem to have good legs." Speaking of this, Xiu Xiu sighed After a sigh of relief, his tone became a little regretful.

The old man nodded indispensably, and didn't know if he heard, Xiuxiu looked at her and continued to ask the question just now.

"It's nothing, I just think the person who went in just now looks familiar."

Xiu Xiuyi was interested: "Which one?"

The old man recalled: "The one in the wheelchair, the person pushing him looks familiar... I feel like I've seen him somewhere..."

Xiuxiu: "Mom, do you know them?"

"I don't know, maybe I remembered it wrong." The old man shook his head, then looked at his immature daughter-in-law, who was already a mother of a three-year-old child. What are you doing? It's getting dark, so why don't you hurry to cook? I'm starving my precious grandson, be careful I'll beat you!"

The old man's voice was loud, Xiuxiu stuck out her tongue, turned around and ran away.

Gu Yin did not stop after sending the luggage to Su Jinyu and Gu Peilang's room, and made an appointment to pick them up for a week before leaving.

The room Gu Peilang booked was on the top floor. It belonged to the room with the best view and the most abundant light. The layout of the room followed the style of the hall. The ancient style and modern equipment collided and merged to form a strange and harmonious picture.

There is a window with beautiful carvings in the south direction. When you look out through the window, you can see the endless green leaves and flowers, but now there is only a dry and bare pond.

Su Jinyu sorted out the two people's things, swept his eyes from the night outside the window, and then returned calmly as usual.

"Today is too late, the weather forecast says it will be a good day tomorrow, then we will go out for a walk."

Su Jinyu nodded, not very interested in this.

"Take a bath first, and I'll give you acupuncture."

Gu Peilang looked at the smile on his face that could be blown away by the wind, his heart tightened inexplicably: "Together?"

The expression on Su Jinyu's face was a little surprised. He stared at the man in front of him with wide eyes slightly. After he couldn't see any joking expression on the other's face, he hesitated for a moment, and then he raised his lips and smiled: "Okay. what."

In the hall downstairs, the proprietress's family is eating steaming meals around the small round dining table. Sitting next to Xiuxiu is a tall and strong man with a simple and honest appearance. After picking the thorny fish, the man looked at his daughter-in-law: "Xiuxiu, didn't you say that there are two guests today?"

Xiuxiu took a mouthful of rice and nodded, "Yes, it's in the Tianzi room."

The man frowned: "There is nothing to see in Lotus Village except for a bunch of lotus flowers. It's still a big New Year's Eve in such a cold day. Big boss... Xiuxiu, go up and invite them to come down for dinner."

Xiuxiu usually has a straight temper and can't think of the twists and turns, but Chen Tong is different. For him, being able to get along with those bosses is beneficial to their homestay.

The woman heard her man put down the dishes and went upstairs.

It's the off-season now, and apart from their family, there are only two people left in the entire homestay who just checked in today.

The empty and bright corridor was a little too quiet. The soft-soled slippers stepped on the carpeted floor without making any sound. Before Xiuxiu came to the Tianzi room, she was about to raise her hand to knock on the door, but she heard intermittent noises coming from inside. The sound, through the thick wooden door, could not be heard vaguely, but it gave people an ambiguous reverie for no reason.

Xiuxiu is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything, just a little listen to know what the two people in the house are doing.

The woman blushed on the spot, listened to the rising voice behind the door, and silently turned around and went downstairs.

Chen Tong, who was downstairs, blushed when he saw that his wife didn't go up for a long time, which was a little strange.

"Why are you alone, Mr. Gu and the others don't come down?"

Xiuxiu gave her man a faint glance: "Mr. Gu, they have a rest."

Chen Tong tilted his head to look at the wall clock on the wall behind the counter. It's only eight o'clock, so have you rested so early

Su Jinyu was completely unaware of what was going on downstairs. Extremely crazy sex could make a person temporarily forget all his troubles.

The two went crazy overnight, and when they opened their eyes the next day, the room was already filled with golden sunlight.

Beside him is the warm embrace of his lover, and his nose is the smell of the other person's body. Su Jinyu squinted his eyes comfortably, and his heart was peaceful and calm.

Gu Peilang was still sleeping, Su Jinyu lay down with him for a while, then carefully lifted the quilt and got up.

In the lobby downstairs, Xiuxiu, who had just woken up, was wearing a large pink padded jacket and pajamas. She opened the door of the homestay sleepily, and saw a man in a black woolen coat behind her.

"Hello, I would like to ask if there is any place that sells food nearby?"

Su Jinyu looked at the woman in front of him and spoke politely, but the other party didn't respond. To be precise, he was staring at the faint bruises on his neck and forgot to speak.