I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 158: Nice looking brother


Su Jinyu stared blankly at the person in front of him, the emotions in his eyes were ups and downs, and they were clearly extinguished, and his eyes became red.

The thousands of words in his stomach seemed to be glued to his mouth, he opened his mouth, but nothing came out except the broken breath.

Gu Peilang noticed his abnormality, the man's handsome brows were slightly twisted, and half of the tenderness in his eyes turned to worry.

"What's wrong?"

"I..." Su Jinyu spoke, his voice dry and tense, like a taut string, and it would break with a bang in the next second.

"What's the matter? Is there any discomfort?"

Gu Peilang couldn't care less, raised his hand and touched the man's blushing face, but was caught by the other's hand.

The ball in his arms fell to the ground and rolled to the corner. Su Jinyu tightly clasped Gu Peilang's hand and placed it on his face.

He opened his mouth and breathed heavily, tears falling out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"I..." His voice was intermittent, and there were many words in it mixed with rough breathing that could not be heard clearly, but it still made Gu Peilang, who could hear clearly, change his face.

The mask and moisturizing spray in his hand fell to the ground and made a slight muffled sound, but no one cared.

"When I was four years old... the ball was dirty and torn... bumped into someone, it was a good-looking brother... three years older than me... "

His word order was reversed and his voice trembled, but Gu Peilang was shocked.

Su Jinyu's tears streamed down, he couldn't control the lacrimal glands that opened, nor the mixed emotions, he just clenched the hand in his hand and called out the name that was forgotten years ago in a choked voice. .

"Good-looking brother..."

The organ under the left rib stagnates for a moment, and then beats one after another. The strong force pulls the nearby blood vessels, causing a throbbing pain and soreness.

Gu Peilang looked at the man in front of him with tears streaming down his face. After a long time, the corners of his tensed lips slowly burst into a smile, but he let out a faint sigh, and then leaned over and hugged him into his arms.

He had fantasized that one day his little liar would regain his memory, but he didn't hold out much hope, but... Many times, things always happen so unexpectedly.

"You remembered..." There was a shallow sigh in the deep and magnetic voice, this kind of sudden and relieved feeling that the dust had settled, which made Su Jinyu's tears flow even more fiercely.

It turned out that all fate was doomed from the beginning, but he shouldn't have blatantly forgotten the other party for two lifetimes.

Su Jinyu hugged the man in front of him and gritted his teeth, the pain and remorse in his heart almost drowned him.

He forgot the past of the two, leaving the man alone to keep his childhood promise, and silently accepting tolerance in the face of all his injuries and hostility...

Su Jinyu, you are so fucking not human!

Gu Peilang didn't know what sad things the person in his arms thought about, but felt that the remorse and sadness in him were so suffocating.

The good shirt fabric was soaked through, and the warm wetness was still being passed on.

It was heartbreaking to cry. In the past, men only thought that the exaggerated elements in this sentence accounted for 60-70%, but after seeing Su Jinyu's tears again and again, he realized that this sentence did not express one ten thousandth of his distress.

That night, Su Jinyu ate dinner in the room, or the proprietress made it and brought it up, no reason, just because his eyes were so swollen that he couldn't see anyone.

Gu Peilang was with him in the room, Su Jinyu choked while eating, it was purely a sequelae of crying too much.

The green watermelon rind ball lay quietly in the corner, watching everything in front of him silently.

"I'm full." Su Jinyu sniffed and put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands. Gu Peilang glanced at the more than half of the meal left, and didn't say a word, he took it over and ate it by himself.

Su Jinyu was wearing a bathrobe, and her long body was aggrievedly shrunk on the small single sofa. With red swollen eyes and a red nose, she was a little more beautiful.

"Ayu, if you keep staring at me like this, I will be very stressed."

Su Jinyu: "Good-looking brother..."

The braised pork in the man's hand fell back into the plate at once, Su Jinyu looked at the inexplicable expression on the other's face, and curled his toes uneasy for a moment.

"If you are like this, you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow." Gu Peilang sighed, looking at people with a helpless look.

This little liar doesn't seem to know how much of an impact his memory recovery has on him.

Su Jinyu's toes curled up again. After a brief silence, he stepped barefoot on the cold floor. Before Gu Peilang's rebuke could be said, he squatted in front of him and wrapped his arms around the man's waist.

"Then it won't go away."

The waist of the person being hugged stiffened for a moment, and then the aura of the whole body suddenly became dangerous.

"Ayu, do you know what you are talking about?"

Su Jinyu looked up at the handsome man in front of her, her heart and soul trembled for a moment: "I said... I want to marry you..."

Speaking of the promise of childhood at this time, it makes people feel ashamed inexplicably.

When Su Jinyu was pressed against the bed with his legs folded, his eyes were hazy with tears, and in the blurred vision, only the man who was constantly rising and falling was left.

It was absurd and ups and downs overnight, and the two were still asleep in the morning when they were woken up by the doorbell.

The man in his arms murmured, his red and swollen eyelids stuck together and couldn't be separated, but he still wanted to get up and open the door.

The big hand wrapped around his waist pulled him back with a slight force, the quilt on his shoulders was pulled and covered again, and the man's low and hoarse voice was in his ear: "You sleep, I'll open the door."

Su Jinyu's slightly frowning brows loosened a little, unable to resist the erosion of sleepiness and fell back into sleep.

Gu Peilang looked at his defenseless sleeping face, his eyes fell on the red and swollen lips, his heart was unbelievably soft.

Lifting the quilt and getting out of bed, the man grabbed the nightgown on the side and put it on, covering the marks on his body, and then stepped forward to open the door.

The black wheelchair stood alone by the bed, completely ignored by the owner.

The old lady Chen outside the door rang the doorbell and waited for a while, wondering if the door was suddenly opened when the people in the room were still awake.

The old man looked up at the man with his feet on the ground, more than a shoulder higher than himself, and was stunned.

"Auntie Chen, let's go out and talk."

The man lowered his voice, as if he was afraid to wake up the person on the big bed in the room.

Old lady Chen came back to her senses, suppressed the shock in her heart and nodded.

The door was gently closed from the outside, and the people in the room who were fast asleep knew nothing about it.

The man only went out for a while, and soon came back with something tied with a red rope in his hand.