I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 159: Proposal


It is a round and transparent Guanyin jade pendant. The fine jade material exudes a slight coolness in the palm of the hand. A small hole is punched at the top, and a small red rope is passed through it, and then a dead knot is tied at the end.

After going around for more than ten years, the amulet that was originally given to the child as a token of love has returned to his hands again after a lapse of many years.

The words the old man said to him echoed in his ears: "Those children are ignorant and robbed Mr. Su's things. When I heard the voice go out, it was already a step too late. Mr. Su was smashed in the head by them. After being sent to the hospital, I found this thing in the grass at the corner of the hotel's entrance... I guess you gave it to him and wanted to give it to Mr. Su after he woke up, but I forgot it when I was busy."

"This thing has been left here by accident for so many years, and now it can be regarded as returning to its original owner."

Return to original owner…

Gu Peilang sat beside the bed, looking down at the thing in his hand, there was no expression on his handsome face.

The old lady Chen said vaguely, only saying that those people smashed Su Jinyu's head, but did not say that they stripped his clothes off in a bad way, and cursed him with extremely unbearable and vicious laughter...

In his sleep, Su Jinyu vaguely felt that there was a gaze watching him, with an irreversible tenderness.

The body was lifted slightly, and then fell into a warm embrace.

Su Jinyu couldn't help frowning at the sudden cold touch on his neck.

The red and swollen eyelids were glued together up and down, and then laboriously torn apart.

"Pei Lang..." Su Jinyu was startled by himself after a night of confusion and hoarseness.

Gu Peilang leaned over and placed a kiss on his soft lips, and then fed him water while holding him in his arms.

After drinking a cup of warm water, Su Jinyu felt that he was alive again.

He lowered his eyes, and the jade pendant on his chest caught his attention.

"This is… "

Gu Peilang looked at his slightly surprised expression, raised his hand and placed it on the jade pendant in the other's palm.

"Does it look familiar?"

Su Jinyu nodded, more than familiar.

"I thought... I lost it."

Seeing his self-blame, the man raised his hand and gently rubbed his head: "It's not lost, it's back."

Su Jinyu curled her lips and looked up at the person in front of her. Her beautiful eyes were flushed with red, but her eyes were bright and dazzling, just like the morning sun in summer.

Gu Peilang's heart skipped two beats when he saw it, and in order to hide his embarrassment, he could only press the person's head into his arms.

Su Jinyu moved her body when her nose hit her hard chest unexpectedly, and suddenly stopped when she heard the low magnetic voice above her head.

"Now that you have accepted the token of love, you are not allowed to lose it in the future."

The man's voice was laughing, but he said it very seriously, as if he was saying to the person in front of him, don't lose the jade pendant, nor lose him.

Su Jinyu's eyes were hot, and he was about to cry again. He held the jade pendant in his hand and nodded, his voice choked: "I won't... never again..."

Gu Peilang looked at his red nose, helpless and doting, he could only hug him back into his arms and softly coax.

The man's steady and powerful heartbeat came to his ears through the thin cloth. Su Jinyu listened to it, and suddenly felt an urge in his heart.

No, to be precise, not impulsive, but...

"I, I have something to tell you." The man suddenly broke free from his arms, opened a pair of red and swollen eyes and stared at him without blinking. There was anxiety and tension in his eyes, and he didn't even notice it. to expect.

Gu Peilang looked at his serious expression, and followed with a slightly straightened expression.

"you say."

What happened next became one of the most unforgettable scenes in Gu Peilang's life for the next few decades.

His lover picked up the crumpled clothes on the ground naked and put them on, then pulled the suitcase in the corner and rummaged through them, with an eagerness he had never seen before, and he could even see the other's beautiful pair of clothes. The beautiful hand trembled slightly.

"What are you looking for?" Gu Peilang asked aloud as he sat beside the bed and looked at the person who was digging through.

Su Jinyu did not answer him.

After almost rummaging through a box of clothes, the man finally found the small envelope bag in the specially made interlayer of the suitcase.

Gu Peilang looked at the flash of joy on his face, and the next second, the other party looked up straight at him.

Being stared at by those pair of eyes, Gu Peilang subconsciously sat up straight, feeling a little... nervous after a long absence.

Su Jinyu got up and came to him, squatting down on one knee in front of him as he had done countless times before.

"I originally... wanted to choose a good time." The edge of the khaki envelope bag was wrinkled, and Su Jinyu hooked the corner of his lips, trying to ease the tension in his heart.

Gu Peilang lowered his eyes and watched quietly as he didn't speak. The hands and fingers on his knees curled up uncontrollably, and he couldn't see clearly unless he looked carefully.

"But," Su Jinyu licked her dry lips, then paused and said, "I don't think there is a better time than now... So, can you stop talking and let me say everything I want to say? Finished?"

He asked this question a little out of the way, but Gu Peilang still just looked at him quietly.

The white palms were soaked with sweat, Su Jinyu wiped his pants calmly, and took a deep breath before opening his mouth softly.

"I... I know that I am a bad class, and I did a lot of stupid things earlier and caused you a lot of damage... I'm sorry is the most useless apology in the world, because the damage I caused you has already been done. ... But, I still want to say sorry to you... "

"I have hurt you, let you down, and forgot about you... I..." Su Jinyu gritted his teeth and couldn't say anything more. One by one, he was accusing him of the crimes he had committed.

The man kept his mouth shut and did not dare to say any more, for fear that if he talked too much, the person in front of him would recall those unpleasant pasts. What if the other party was unhappy and sentenced him to death directly

"I... made a lot of mistakes, and I said these... not to ask for your forgiveness, but... I just want you to give me a chance."

After Su Jinyu said this, looking at the man's expressionless face, he tore open the envelope with trembling fingers.

The two plain silver rings fell silently into his palm, and Gu Peilang's dark and deep pupils contracted slightly.

Su Jinyu almost hurriedly found the slightly larger one among the two, then raised it with his right hand, and carefully brought it to the man.

"Can you... give me a chance? Let me stay by your side for the rest of my life, a chance at redemption... "