I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 187: The eve of the finale


The ambulance came whining and whimpering away, dragging Su Jinyu and Su Jinyu.

Most of Su Jinyu's body has skin trauma, but it looks serious, but in fact, as long as he goes home and recovers for two days, he will be fine. The more serious thing was that he hit his head on his own. After the doctor's examination, he found that he had a slight concussion.

Compared to him, Su Jinyu's injuries were more serious. When the police took the record, the other party insisted that Su Jinyu had beaten him, and he insisted on asking for an explanation. In order to verify the truth of the matter, the little policeman who was sent to look for Su Jinyu said something. Without saying a word, Gu Peilang responded with a word.

"Isn't self-defense against the law?"

Little policeman: "..." It's really not breaking the law, but... Thinking of the young man with bruised nose and swollen face in the ward next door, the little policeman couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Su Jinyu stayed in the hospital for two days, Fang Mingzhi was waiting for Liu Qi to deal with the rest, Pidianer followed him to the hospital, stayed by his side, and didn't even go home.

When Su Li, who was far away in City B, heard about his kidnapping, he threw the fruit in his hand and wanted to fly over to avenge him. In the end, Shang Yi, who was beside him, persuaded him to stop him.

Su Jinyu was half-leaning on the hospital bed, watching the video of the man whose facial features became vivid because of his anger, and his heart was moved.

"Uncle, I'm really fine, don't be angry." He eased his voice to comfort him.

Su Li looked at the swollen bulge on his forehead that had not yet subsided, and became angry, and transferred his anger to Gu Peilang.

"I handed him over to you, and that's how you take care of him?"

Gu Peilang: "There won't be another time."

Su Li snorted coldly, losing the gentleness and kindness when facing Su Jinyu: "Take good care of him, I don't want this to happen a second time, otherwise I don't mind taking him over."

As soon as his voice fell, the man in the video turned cold: "He won't go with you."

Su Jinyu looked at the two who were about to quarrel, feeling helpless: "Uncle, this time is really just an accident, not Pei Lang's business."

Su Li: "Humph! Just turn your elbows out."

Su Jinyu looked at the man who was obviously more childish, and smiled helplessly and indulgently. Such a young uncle is a little more angry than the cold appearance before, which is good.

The uncle and nephew chatted for a while, and Su Li said that he would come to see him after he was busy with city B, and told him to take care of himself and call him if he had anything to do, so he ended the call.

Gu Peilang sat beside him, quietly peeling apples for others, the rosy and plump apple rolled around between his beautiful fingers, and there was a long fruit peel.

Su Jinyu was fascinated by the movements in his hands, and when he came back to his senses, the man had inserted the pulp with a toothpick and handed it to his mouth.

"When did you learn it?" Su Jinyu opened his mouth and bit the apple into his mouth, speaking indistinctly.

Gu Peilang knew what he was asking, and smiled softly with the corners of his lips hooked: "Just now."

Su Jinyu: "You are amazing!"

He sincerely praised and pleased the man, and the haze in Gu Peilang's eyes disappeared a lot.

Su Jinyu opened his mouth to take it: "Don't take what my uncle said, he is just worried about me."

The smile on Gu Peilang's face faded: "I know."

"Besides, I'm not turning my elbows out. You and I are married, and we are a family." Su Jinyu swallowed the pulp and looked at him seriously, "So, don't be unhappy."

"I'm not unhappy, really," The emotional fluctuations were keenly detected, and the last smile on Gu Peilang's lips couldn't be maintained, he sighed and put down his things and hugged the person in his arms, his voice was low, "I am , just a little sad."

After he finished this sentence, he said without waiting for Su Jinyu to speak: "But now it's better, I'm not sad at all."

Su Jinyu: "That's good."

Gu Peilang: "Get well soon, let's go on our honeymoon together."

Su Jinyu: "Okay~~~"

On the third day, Su Jinyu went through the discharge procedures, and Gu Peilang returned home with him.

In Gu's house, Gu Wen, who had returned from the airport, was waiting for them in the living room.

Gu Peilang has been accompanying Su Jinyu in the hospital for the past two days, and she is helping with the company's affairs.

Now seeing the two come back, her tense nerves finally have time to catch their breath.

"I haven't had time to go to the hospital to see you these two days. Are you feeling better?"

Su Jinyu was still a little unaccustomed to women's pleasant appearance, and nodded unnaturally: "It's much better, thank you auntie."

"Then I'm relieved." Gu Wen turned her head to look at Gu Peilang, as if not noticing Su Jinyu's unnaturalness, "Since you're back, I'll leave the company's affairs to you, my flight this afternoon. ."

Gu Peilang: "In such a hurry?"

Gu Wen: "I was already there at this time. I can't live without people there. There are still things waiting for me to go back. If I'm not busy, I'll see you again."

Having already said that, Gu Peilang didn't say anything else, and waited until the afternoon to personally send the person to the airport, and then left after watching the person get on the plane.

Su Jinyu rested at home for a few more days. Su Jinyu was arrested and jailed for kidnapping and intentional injury. Zhang Lei, who learned that her son was in prison, fainted on the spot. Without letting people in, the woman could only stand outside the door and shout at the door regardless of her image.

Su Jinyu was being forced by Gu Peilang to drink fish soup. He seemed to hear someone calling his name. He raised his head and looked at the door: "I heard someone calling me."

Gu Peilang glanced at Butler Zhang who was beside him. The other party understood and quietly turned and left.

He looked back without changing his face, and wiped the soup stain on the corner of his lips: "You heard it wrong, drink slowly, there is not enough in the kitchen."

The tone was full of admiration.

Su Jinyu: "..." I can't drink anymore.

"Let the kitchen cook pork ribs soup for you tonight, it's good for your health."

Su Jinyu: "Oh."

Gu Peilang: "Take care of your body early, I have booked a ticket to go to Country M next week."

Su Jinyu: "Okay!"

Zhang Lei still couldn't see Su Jinyu's face in the end. She was chased away by the security guard called by the housekeeper Zhang. All kinds of unpleasant words in her mouth were packed and thrown into the car, so Su Jinyu didn't know the people of the Su family. came to him.

After drinking three bowls of soup in a row, Su Jinyu felt that the soup in his stomach was shaking while walking. Holding his stomach, he retracted into the bedroom like a snail under Gu Peilang's smiling eyes and went to sleep.

Gu Peilang's eyes followed him closely until the slender figure disappeared at the corner of the stairs, and the smile on the man's face disappeared.