I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 188: end


"What is she doing here?" This sentence was asked by Butler Zhang on the side.

"She didn't say it, but she should have come to beg Mr. Su to let her son go."

"Heh..." The man looked at the soup bowl on the coffee table with no warmth in his eyes, "she still has a face, what did the police say?"

"The result came out, and it was said to be three years in prison."

The man frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the answer: "Three years is too cheap for him."

Butler Zhang lowered his head wisely and did not speak. Gu Peilang leaned his index finger on the armrest of the sofa lightly: "Didn't Su Jianghai want his son to come out? If that's the case, let them do it, let him get him out, and then , send it to Gu Cangbai."

Butler Zhang was a little puzzled: "Sir?"

Gu Peilang didn't explain much, just got up from the sofa: "Just do as I said."

He didn't know how Su Jinyu and Gu Cangbai hooked up, but if they both knew each other, he wouldn't mind putting them together. After all, sometimes it's fun to watch a dog bite a dog.

Su Jinyu didn't know anything about what Gu Peilang did or the final outcome of the Su family. His biggest task now is to digest all kinds of stewed soups and then sleep soundly. After a few days, he felt that his face was full. circled.

On the day of departure, the bulge on Su Jinyu's head finally subsided, and only a little bruise remained, which could not be seen without a careful look.

After Gu Peilang briefly explained the company's affairs, the two finally embarked on their honeymoon journey together with their luggage.

In the previous life, there was no such thing as a honeymoon trip for the two of them.

Su Jinyu embarrassed Gu Peilang in public at the wedding, and was so angry that Gu Wen slapped him regardless of the guests present at the time. In order to protect him and contradicted his aunt, Gu Peilang lost his popularity that day.

Afterwards, on their wedding night, Gu Peilang and all the servants in Gu's house, hugged the quilt and pillow, and went to the guest room on the side, and the two began their three-year marriage after being unattractive and divorced. life, until it ends in divorce...

"What are you thinking about?"

The plane roared through the clouds, and the low and gentle voice in his ears pulled Su Jinyu out of his past memories. He turned his head and looked at the concerned man beside him, the corners of his lips raised: "It's nothing, just where to go after thinking about M country."

"You can go wherever you want." Gu Peilang looked at the splendor of people's eyes after the haze had faded, and put his heart back slightly, he stretched out his hand to hold the person's hand in his palm, "We have a month. ,Not in a hurry."

Su Jinyu smiled and nodded: "Okay."

It is true that as Gu Peilang said, the air quality in country M is indeed not very good. There are almost twenty days in a month where the original color of the sky cannot be seen. For the remaining ten days, seven days are cloudy and rainy, and only three days are left. The time of day can briefly meet the sun.

When the two were about to get off the plane, they were chilled by the rain, so they could only hurriedly find a hotel to rest for a while.

Su Jinyu came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe after taking a shower, looked at the raindrops crackling outside the window, and sighed helplessly: "Heaven is not beautiful."

Gu Peilang chuckled lightly, stepped forward and hugged the person from behind, resting his chin on the other person's shoulder: "I don't know now?"

Su Jinyu: "Well."

"Don't sigh, I've seen the weather forecast. The weather will be fine for the next few days. Have you decided where to go?"

Su Jinyu relaxed and approached the man's arms: "Let's go to your school for a walk, I haven't seen where you went to college."

The chest behind him vibrated gently: "Just want to see that?"

Su Jinyu: "Well."

His body was pulled over, Gu Peilang looked at him with a smile, and deliberately lowered his voice: "Do you want to see my school in college, or me in college?"

Su Jinyu raised his eyebrows: "Is there a difference?"

Gu Peilang lightly pecked his lips: "Of course there is, the former can only be read tomorrow, the latter..."

The man lengthened his voice, and Su Jinyu followed his unfinished words and asked, "How about the latter?"

Gu Peilang: "If the latter is the case, you can see it now."

"Gudong", Su Jinyu swallowed his saliva without any hope, facing the dark and deep eyes in front of him, he couldn't speak at all: "Really really... Really?"

Gu Peilang laughed softly, his laughter was foul, and half of Su Jinyu's body was numb: "Really, wife, do you want to see it?"

At the moment of beauty, Su Jinyu, who could not resist the temptation, finally gave in. What he did not expect was that Gu Peilang had planned it long ago.

Su Jinyu was dumbfounded when he saw the man standing in front of him wearing a green and energetic school uniform.

"Are you satisfied with what you see now?"

Su Jinyu: "Full... Satisfied..."

The young man in shock missed the slyness that flashed in Gu Peilang's eyes. Su Jinyu only recovered when he was being held down on the bed by someone.

"What do you want to do?" He put his hand on the man's chest, his expression hard to describe.

Gu Peilang raised his eyebrows: "I am a nineteen-year-old me now, don't you want to try?"

Su Jinyu: "..."

try... it's not impossible...

The consequence of half-pushing was that he was fried tossing and turning like a fish all night. The last time Su Jinyu couldn't even make a sound, he just kept shaking his head in tears, and again and again under the man's attack. is brought to the peak of pleasure.

Su Jinyu doesn't know when this madness will end, because he fainted in the middle of the last unpromising time, and the only thought that crossed his mind in the last second before he passed out: As expected, he is nineteen years old, and his physical strength is inhuman. what!

When Su Jinyu woke up the next day, he only had time to see the last glimpse of the sunset outside the window. He was alone in the huge bedroom, and Gu Peilang didn't know where to go.

Su Jinyu lay on the bed and stood up for a while, hearing the sound of the door lock turning, and then controlled the reorganized body to get up from the bed with a grin.

Gu Peilang brought his dinner into the room, and was greeted by a snow-white pillow.

"woke up?"

Su Jinyu's face turned red and white, and finally he just snorted and turned his head to the side.

Gu Peilang curled the corners of his lips: "Are you hungry? I went to buy something to eat. Come and eat."

Fortunately, he still remembered that he hadn't eaten. Su Jinyu remembered the brutal beast-like behavior of the man last night, and glanced at the lively opponent and the half-dead self lying on the bed, and became a puffer fish directly.

Gu Peilang knew that he was angry, so he could only resign himself to coaxing people: "I'm not angry, okay, it's my fault, I'll take it easy next time, eh?"

Su Jinyu: "Is there a next time?!"

Gu Peilang looked at him staring angrily, he couldn't help laughing, he stepped forward and hugged him into his arms and stole a kiss: "My dear Ayu, you promised to see it last night. , why are you angry again now? Huh?"

Su Jinyu: "I promised to see it, but I didn't promise to... um..."

The originally raised voice was lowered, and Gu Peilang laughed even more happily: "Then why didn't you say it at first, I see that you are so comfortable behind you, I thought you liked it..."

"You're not allowed to say it!" Su Jinyu blushed and raised her hand to block the mouth that couldn't say anything nice.

Gu Peilang let him move, his dark and deep eyes filled with a smile from the entire galaxy.

Su Jinyu retracted his hand as if he had been scalded, and said spinelessly, "I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

Gu Peilang: "Okay, let's eat."

Su Jinyu: "I want you to feed!"

Gu Peilang: "Okay, I'll feed it, and my wife will say whatever she wants."

Su Jinyu: "..."

"I want to eat shrimp!"

"Okay, eat shrimp, eat shrimp, open your mouth, ah~~~"

The lights outside the window are just starting to come on, and the lights of thousands of homes illuminate this strange and beautiful city. The house is filled with warm lights and people who love each other.

People say that the years are quiet, and that's probably what it is.