I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 47: the truth


The man in the dark didn't speak, and after a long time he smiled inexplicably.

"Pity me?"

Su Jinyu shook his head, knowing that the other party could not see. With the courage that the night gave him, his hand slowly groped under the quilt, grabbed the man's hand, and then tentatively clenched it, as if to use this method to Send all your thoughts to each other.

"It's not pitiful, it's distressed."

Gu Peilang's body stiffened and did not move, Su Jinyu gasped slightly with his mouth open, and his voice was a little rough: "I didn't have time to participate in all your pasts, I finally got a chance, but I don't know what to do, Pei Lang , I'm sorry..."

The man's voice was slightly choked under the cover of the night, and Gu Peilang felt a little dazed.

Do you regret it

He pulled his hand away from the opponent's palm.

"Regret meeting me?"

His hand was caught again, and with greater strength than the last time, Gu Peilang heard the voices of the people behind him.

"I regret not meeting you earlier." Su Jinyu clenched the hand in the palm of his hand and clasped his index fingers together.

He curled the corners of his lips slightly, and the smile was finally satisfied.

"Before the age of twelve, I lived with my grandfather and grandma," Su Jinyu said suddenly, with a slightly hoarse voice with memories of the past, he said, "At that time, my surname was not Su, my surname was Chen."

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but smile, as if he had thought of something interesting.

"You can't guess how ugly my name was at that time, Chen Xiaohua, is it ugly enough? I also think it is ugly..."

Gu Peilang didn't know why he suddenly mentioned these things, so he could only keep silent.

Su Jinyu was still talking rambles, his voice was unhurried, the past that he had deliberately dusted up, in this quiet night, he wiped the dust off with his own hands, and then spread it out in front of the man.

"I don't have parents, people in the village keep calling me a wild child..."

It is said that children have a good memory, and Su Jinyu felt the same way, otherwise, how could he remember the words that those people secretly passed into his ears

His biological father is unknown, and his biological mother, Chen Shan, went out to work after dropping out of high school. At the age of 20, he suddenly came back with a big belly.

Pregnancy before marriage was something that was scorned by thousands of people in Hehua Village, which was still a little backward at the time. The Chen family immediately became the laughing stock of the village.

Chen's father was so angry that he was hospitalized. When he woke up, he started arguing to drive Chen Shan out of the house, but was stopped by his wife. Chen's mother asked Chen Shan to abort the child, but Chen Shan was unwilling.

It was not because she was reluctant, but the doctor said that her uterine wall was very thin and her pregnancy rate was low.

Mother Chen has loved her since she was a child. After hearing what she said, she no longer forced her to have an abortion. Instead, she helped her daughter to persuade her husband. The chickens and dogs danced for two or three months, seeing Chen Shan's belly getting bigger day by day. When he got up, Father Chen finally relaxed.

Before ten months of pregnancy, the baby in Chen Shan's womb fell to the ground. The child was born prematurely, coupled with insufficient maternal nutrition during pregnancy, the newborn child was as thin as a kitten, with a small voice and weak breathing, and it seemed that there was not much time left to live. Chen Shan didn't have any love for this child. After she was born, she didn't look at it again, and she didn't even give her breast milk. On the third day she was able to get out of bed and walked around, she packed her luggage and left. Mother Chen tried her best. Snatched the child's life from the king of hell.

It was hard to survive, but it was also a small illness. Until the child's first birthday, Chen's mother heard that there was a famous goddess in the village, and she begged the other party with the mentality of giving it a try, and asked her to count the child's life.

The goddess said that her daughter's baby was supposed to be a daughter, but she was pushed by the people behind her. The yin character couldn't bear the yang energy of a man, so her body became weak and weak. He will be raised as a girl until he is old. After the goddess finished speaking, she accepted the money, and when Mother Chen hugged the child and turned to leave, she gave the child a name, Chen Xiaohua.

"My grandmother said that the goddess is very goddess. Anyway, after doing what she said, my body is really getting better day by day." Su Jinyu put Gu Peilang's hands on his chest with both hands, and smiled after saying that. He got up and said, "I don't know if she's crazy. Anyway, she made me wear women's clothes for twelve years. I always remember this hatred, but I don't have the chance to report it, but it's cheaper for her."

Gu Peilang was dumbfounded. When he first saw those eyes that were exactly the same as in his memory, he asked Liu Qi to investigate the identity of the eldest son of the Su family, and then confirmed that the other party was Chen Xiaohua back then.

The Lotus Village in the past has undergone earth-shaking changes. All the villagers from that year have moved to other places. Therefore, the materials Liu Qi brought are also intermittent. He only knows that Su Jinyu was brought back to the Su family when he was twelve years old. , he didn't know what happened in the middle or even after he left.

"How did they bully you?"

Su Jinyu's body stiffened imperceptibly for a moment, and then returned to normal.

"A group of children, how else can they bully," he shrugged, his voice indifferent, "it's nothing but gangs who isolate me and give me some ugly nicknames..."

The hand that was intertwined with his index finger suddenly tightened, and Su Jinyu's heart felt soft.

"But don't worry, I'm not a vegetarian either. They bullied me, so I went to their lotus pond to pick all the lotus flowers, and the lotus seeds and lotus roots, not a single one..." His tone was a little bit Proud, but the next second, I suddenly remembered that this kind of behavior was stealing, and it was gone immediately.

Gu Peilang didn't notice it, at this moment he was full of heartache.

Su Jinyu hurriedly changed the subject: "Speaking of which, I had a fight with them when I was four years old..."

"What happened..." Gu Peilang said hoarsely, his deep voice seemed to be suppressing something, but Su Jinyu didn't notice it.

"Huh? It seems to be the summer when I was four years old," Su Jinyu thought for a while, "I can't remember exactly why, but my grandmother told me later. They smashed a big hole in my head. Lying naked in a pool of blood, unconscious, a group of children surrounded me and cried, or the proprietress of the B&B heard the news and came out and saw it, and sent me to the hospital…”

Four years old, summer, homestay... These words combined, Gu Peilang had a fearful guess in his heart, his breath trembled slightly, and he grabbed Su Jinyu's hand unconsciously.

The man finally discovered his abnormality and called out to him suspiciously, "Pei Lang?"

Gu Peilang turned to face him, his warm hands gently caressed his head, and then moved a little bit, finally, he finally touched a thumb-long protrusion on the back of the person's head.

The man's breath trembled more and more violently, Su Jinyu raised his head cautiously, but could not see the other's face in the darkness.

Gu Peilang gritted his teeth, unable to restrain his full of pity, and pressed the man's head into his arms gently but forcefully.

"You forgot..." His voice was inaudible, with great sadness and a kind of sudden realization.

Su Jinyu felt a little suffocated, he soured his nose, and slowly hugged the person in front of him, and the voice came out through the clothes: "How do you know that I have lost my memory?"

After he woke up, his mental state was very bad. Later, after a doctor's examination and diagnosis, it was discovered that he had lost his memory for a whole month.

Gu Peilang didn't speak, he just hugged him tighter.

He never thought that in a place he didn't know, the truth of the matter turned out to be like this.