I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 56: Meet


Gu Peilang didn't know why Su Jinyu was so persistent about taking a bath with him all the time, and he would ask anyone who saw a needle at every opportunity.

Unexpectedly, being rejected again, Su Jinyu no longer had the kind of loss he had last time, but instead became more and more courageous.

It doesn't matter, if there is a will, things will come true! He silently encouraged himself in his heart, then stood outside the door and watched the man enter the bathroom, before turning around and returning to his room.

The days passed like this. After an autumn rain, the temperature in City A dropped significantly, and even the wind brought a bit of coolness.

After returning from Fang's house, life returned to its former calm. Su Jinyu started her own home cook in Gu's house with peace of mind. Every day, she followed behind the cook to ask for cooking lessons, and then prepared dinner and waited for Gu Peilang to come back. Of course, in addition to this, he is always concerned about the progress of Fang Mingzhi and his online dating boyfriend.

After returning, Su Jinyu thought about what the young man said, and the sweet expression on the other side's face when he mentioned that person, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. He always felt that Fang Mingzhi's online dating partner was a liar.

The man originally wanted to find a time to talk about the youth, ask the company the other party was in, and then ask someone to check if there really is such a person. It's a pity that something happened to Fang Mingzhi before he had time to act.

Since his online dating was broken by Su Jinyu, Fang Mingzhi has become more cautious. The mobile phone has not left his body, and it has been turned to silent. Even when he takes a shower, he has to find a bag and take it into the bathroom.

On weekdays, he either went to Fang's branch in City A to practice with the manager, or stayed at home to play games and watch anime. But recently, he often locked himself in his room, sometimes he didn't even eat food, he was in a daze every day while holding his hand, looked at his mobile phone from time to time, and then giggled, as if he had fallen into evil.

The abnormality of the young man caught the attention of the two elderly people in the family.

This morning, Sun Ma looked at the young man who had hurried upstairs after looking at his phone more than once, and hadn't even finished breakfast. She sighed with a wrinkled face, and was hesitating whether she should report her young master's recent performance. Tell Mr and Mrs.

On the other side, Fang Mingzhi hurriedly ran back to the bedroom and locked the door. Then he looked at the caller ID on his phone and took a deep breath.

"Hello, Aotian?"

The man on the other side of the phone said in a low voice, "Good morning, baby."

Fang Mingzhi listened to his voice, and his fair cheeks were stained with two thin reds.

"Good morning to you too."

Long Aotian laughed twice, Fang Mingzhi took the phone away unconsciously, he felt his ears were a little itchy.

The young man went to the bed and lay on the bed, chatting with the person on the phone, until the other party said that he had arrived at the company, and he was ready to hang up.

However, just a second before he was about to hang up, Long Aotian's voice came from the phone again.

"Baby, let's meet."

Fang Mingzhi froze for a while and did not regain his senses. The man on the other side of the phone saw that he had not answered, and spoke anxiously.

"What's the matter? We've been together for so long, doesn't the baby want to see me?"

Fang Mingzhi hurriedly shook his head when he heard his words, and thought that the other party couldn't see him, so he quickly said, "No... I am, I was a little scared..."

The man said that they had been together for a long time, but it was only less than a month. Suddenly hearing the other party say that, he was nervous, scared, and had vague expectations.

"Why... suddenly want to meet," he said softly to the person on the phone unconsciously, "It's fine for us to be like this now..."

Long Aotian: "Because I want to see you, don't you want to see me?"

Fang Mingzhi buttoned the blue sheet under his body: "I think... I think... but I don't look good..."

"No, my baby is the most beautiful person in the world. Besides, what I like is you, not the way you look. If I really only like good looks, then there are good-looking people around me. So much, why should I like you, right?" Long Aotian coaxed him on the phone, "Baby, you have to believe me, I, Long Aotian, are not that kind of superficial person."

Fang Mingzhi listened to his words and felt that his heart was as sweet as drinking a jar of honey.

He blushed and nodded, his voice shy: "I believe you..."

Long Aotian: "Then let's meet, okay? Just this Sunday, at seven o'clock in the evening, let's have a meal together and let me see you... OK?"

The man's tone was urgent, but at the end he carefully asked for his opinion.

A gentle "Okay" instantly defeated Fang Mingzhi's last line of defense. He forgot all the words Su Jinyu had told him, and shyly agreed.

"Okay," he said.

Today is only Thursday, and there are still two full days until Sunday. Fang Mingzhi has never felt that time is so capricious. Sometimes it seems like he is riding a rocket, and in the blink of an eye, one minute has passed, and sometimes it is like riding a snail and stepping on the brakes. past.

The clothes in the closet have been turned over by him for several rounds. They are obviously the most fashionable styles at the moment, but he feels that none of them can be worn. Fang Mingzhi has begun to regret in his heart why he refused when Fang's mother asked him if he wanted to customize clothes, and now he can't find any clothes he can wear.

It's hard to find a set that can barely be worn, and the time has come to the date agreed by the two.

Fang Mingzhi woke up before six in the morning.

The sky outside the window was dark, and he was no longer sleepy when he lay on the bed, so he could only hide under the covers and flip through the chat records between Long Aotian and him, laughing while watching.

After finally waiting until seven o'clock, the young man quickly got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to wash up.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Fang Mingzhi even found the razor that had accumulated dust in the drawer, and carefully shaved the not lush beard.

The young man in the mirror had an immature baby face, fair skin, round puppy eyes under his beautiful eyebrows, and his black and white eyes looked at people with extreme innocence. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lips are well-defined, the lips are full, and the corners of the lips are slightly raised, as if they were born with a smile.

Fang Mingzhi looked at himself in the mirror and tried to make a serious expression, but no matter how he looked at it, he was just a child pretending to be mature.

The young man was discouraged at once, grabbed the dark green bangs on his head in a fit of anger, and decided to go to the barber shop to dye it black.

When meeting her boyfriend for the first time, he wanted to give Aotian a good impression.