I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 57: Disillusioned



The chip research, which was going well, suddenly exploded unexpectedly during the experiment. The researchers risked their lives and only rescued the backup data from everyone.

The whole team's hard work was put into flames in an instant. If it is not handled in time, the loss to the company will be immeasurable.

Gu Peilang convened a meeting as soon as he learned of this incident, and the entire company was busy.

Su Jinyu of Gu's house made dinner, but received a call from a man. After learning that the other party might come back late after working overtime, he did not hesitate for a moment and decided to go to the company to deliver meals to him.

In the brightly lit Gu family, the president's office.

On the smooth wall, the hour hand was gradually pointing to seven o'clock. The man in a black suit sat behind the desk, his long and narrow phoenix eyes reflected the light on the computer screen, and his eyebrows were frowning.

Liu Qi pushed open the door of the office and walked in hastily, handing the USB flash drive in his hand to the other party.

"Boss, all the data backups rescued by the doctor are here."

Gu Peilang nodded: "I see."

He raised his head and glanced at the person in front of him. The other party had been busy since the morning, and he didn't even have time to eat a bite. At this moment, his face was abnormally pale, and his eyebrows were full of exhaustion, which was all supported by perseverance.

"Liu Qi, go back and rest, I'll do the rest."

Liu Qi listened to the man's words, looked up at him, and looked a little surprised behind the lens.

"Boss, I'm not tired." This kind of work intensity was nothing compared to the time when the man first took over Gu's rectification.

Gu Peilang looked at him with a tone that could not be refused: "This is an order."

Liu Qi: "..."

A competent starter is to never refuse the boss's orders at any time.

Before leaving with the briefcase, Liu Qi glanced in the direction of the office.

The man behind the window still kept his movements before he left, and his handsome face was pale and almost transparent in the light of the computer.

Liu Qi looked at him, and suddenly felt a little sour in his heart.

In fact, the most tired and most in need of rest is his Boss.

On the other side, Fang Mingzhi, who was handsomely dressed, came out of the barber shop with well-behaved and refreshing black hair. At this time, it was less than half an hour before the time he and Long Aotian agreed on.

Just as the car drove out of the parking lot, Fang Mingzhi received a call from Long Aotian.

"Baby, I'm here, where are you now?"

Fang Mingzhi looked at the long line of traffic in front of him, and his voice was full of apology: "Sorry Aotian, I'm on the road now, and the car is a little blocked. I may have to trouble you to wait for me for a while."

The man on the other side of the phone's voice was full of doting: "Fool, don't say wait for a while, even if you wait a lifetime, I'll be happy. Don't worry, take your time."

Fang Mingzhi was very moved when he heard his words. He glanced sideways at the exquisitely packaged limited edition watch on the co-pilot, and suddenly felt a little unworthy of a man.

The young man was half an hour late.

The place where the two met was booked by Long Aotian, and Fang Mingzhi had never been here before.

On one side of the narrow street, there are some restaurants that no one cares about, and on the other side are hotels and hostels with various lights. The boss, who was over fifty years old, was sitting outside the door with a stool and a black pocket around his waist. He enthusiastically asked every passerby whether they wanted to stay in a hotel.

Fang Mingzhi finally found a parking space and parked the car. As soon as he got out of the car with a bag, he was stared at by several hotel owners.

The other party rushed up, and after determining that he was a fat sheep based on his clothes, he began to use eighteen martial arts to attract business.

Where has the poor young man ever encountered such a situation? He was so frightened that it took a lot of effort to break out of the encirclement of those bosses.

The original meticulous casual suit has been pulled out several folds, and the shiny leather shoes have been stepped on several times in the chaos.

Fang Mingzhi pursed his mouth, and when he saw his messy hairstyle on the glass door beside him, a trace of grievance suddenly rose in his heart, his nose was sour, and he almost cried.

The phone in his pocket rang again, and it was Long Aotian who called to ask if he had arrived.

Listening to the deep and magnetic voice, Fang Mingzhi suppressed his grievance, looked up, and finally saw the name of the restaurant at the intersection ahead.

The young man sniffed, said "coming soon", and hung up the phone.

It was dinner time, and the restaurant was not completely empty, with a few customers sitting in twos and threes in the corners and at the table by the window.

Fang Mingzhi pushed open the door, and the wind chimes on the door made a crisp sound, attracting the attention of the people inside.

A pair of eyes turned towards him, Fang Mingzhi was standing at the door with a bag in his hand, a little helpless.

The air was quiet for a moment.

In the end, the boss behind the counter was the first to react. He came out from behind the counter with a warm smile on his face: "Do you want something to eat, sir?"

Fang Mingzhi shook his head with a cramped look on his face, and he couldn't say anything at all: "No, no... I'm here to find someone..."

The young man shook his mobile phone in a panic, then found Long Aotian's phone number and dialed it.

The opposite side was quickly connected.


The voice on the phone overlapped with the voice in the corner of the restaurant. Fang Mingzhi's heartbeat suddenly lost its frequency. He subconsciously looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and said on the phone, "Aotian, I'm here."

"Baby, I see you."

The voices overlapped again, and this time, Fang Mingzhi finally saw the person he was looking for.

In the twenty-one years of his life, Fang Mingzhi has never been so frightened.

Long Aotian on the Internet is dressed in a black ascetic suit. Under the white shirt is a well-defined eight-pack abs, and a pair of long legs that grow to the sky. Although he didn't show his face, he could guess from his figure alone that he must have an angular and handsome face.

And what about reality

The twenty-six-year-old man turned into an uncle in his forties, with greasy hair, and his scalp gleamed faintly under the light.

The height of 1.88 is less than 1.7 meters, the eight-pack abdominal muscles are replaced by the protruding beer belly, and the long legs have also become short and thick legs.

The gray suit was tightly wrapped around him like a leather case, and it was called without any folds, and people couldn't help but worry that the buttons on his abdomen would be blown away in the next second.

When he saw the man holding his phone and smiling in his direction, Fang Mingzhi still had a trace of luck in his heart.

It wasn't until the other party saw that he didn't move for a long time, came to him in three or two steps, smiled at him with a mouth of yellowish cigarette teeth, and called him "baby" gently with the bubble sound he had heard countless times.

Fang Mingzhi's world is completely disillusioned...